提交 6f2cb0d1 编写于 作者: S Steffen Forkmann 提交者: Kevin Ransom (msft)

We only need to check for mangledGenericTypeNameSym once (#5633)

* We only need to check for mangledGenericTypeNameSym once

* ShortCut name checking

* Reduce number of LastIndexOf calls

* Reduce number of LastIndexOf calls

* Reduce number of LastIndexOf calls

* Incorporate feedback

* Use PrettyNaming.DemangleGenericTypeName instead of ungenericizeTypeName

* Remove couple of double checks

* Update illib.fs
上级 7f7ef16c
......@@ -154,12 +154,11 @@ let unsplitTypeName (ns, n) =
| [] -> String.concat "." ns + "." + n
| _ -> n
let splitTypeNameRightAux nm =
if String.contains nm '.' then
let idx = String.rindex nm '.'
let s1, s2 = splitNameAt nm idx
Some s1, s2
else None, nm
let splitTypeNameRightAux (nm:string) =
let idx = nm.LastIndexOf '.'
if idx = -1 then None, nm else
let s1, s2 = splitNameAt nm idx
Some s1, s2
let splitTypeNameRight nm =
memoizeNamespaceRightTable.GetOrAdd(nm, splitTypeNameRightAux)
......@@ -4189,23 +4188,6 @@ let resolveILMethodRef td mref = resolveILMethodRefWithRescope id td mref
let mkRefToILModule m =
ILModuleRef.Create(m.Name, true, None)
let ungenericizeTypeName n =
let sym = '`'
String.contains n sym &&
(* check what comes after the symbol is a number *)
(let m = String.rindex n sym
let res = ref (m < n.Length - 1)
for i = m + 1 to n.Length - 1 do
res := !res && n.[i] >= '0' && n.[i] <= '9'
let pos = String.rindex n sym
String.sub n 0 pos
else n
type ILEventRef =
{ erA: ILTypeRef; erB: string }
static member Create(a, b) = {erA=a;erB=b}
......@@ -1540,9 +1540,6 @@ val typeNameForGlobalFunctions: string
val isTypeNameForGlobalFunctions: string -> bool
val ungenericizeTypeName: string -> string (* e.g. List`1 --> List *)
// ====================================================================
// PART 2
......@@ -452,23 +452,13 @@ type String with
member inline x.EndsWithOrdinal(value) =
x.EndsWith(value, StringComparison.Ordinal)
module String =
let indexNotFound() = raise (new KeyNotFoundException("An index for the character was not found in the string"))
module String =
let make (n: int) (c: char) : string = new String(c, n)
let get (str:string) i = str.[i]
let sub (s:string) (start:int) (len:int) = s.Substring(start,len)
let index (s:string) (c:char) =
let r = s.IndexOf(c)
if r = -1 then indexNotFound() else r
let rindex (s:string) (c:char) =
let r = s.LastIndexOf(c)
if r = -1 then indexNotFound() else r
let contains (s:string) (c:char) = s.IndexOf(c) <> -1
let order = LanguagePrimitives.FastGenericComparer<string>
......@@ -2609,13 +2609,13 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
member tcConfigB.RemoveReferencedAssemblyByPath (m, path) =
tcConfigB.referencedDLLs <- tcConfigB.referencedDLLs |> List.filter (fun ar-> ar.Range <> m || ar.Text <> path)
static member SplitCommandLineResourceInfo ri =
if String.contains ri ',' then
let p = String.index ri ','
static member SplitCommandLineResourceInfo (ri:string) =
let p = ri.IndexOf ','
if p <> -1 then
let file = String.sub ri 0 p
let rest = String.sub ri (p+1) (String.length ri - p - 1)
if String.contains rest ',' then
let p = String.index rest ','
let p = rest.IndexOf ','
if p <> -1 then
let name = String.sub rest 0 p+".resources"
let pubpri = String.sub rest (p+1) (rest.Length - p - 1)
if pubpri = "public" then file, name, ILResourceAccess.Public
......@@ -985,10 +985,8 @@ type TypeNameResolutionStaticArgsInfo =
// Get the first possible mangled name of the type, assuming the args are generic args
member x.MangledNameForType nm =
if IsMangledGenericName nm || x.NumStaticArgs = 0 then nm
else nm+"`"+string x.NumStaticArgs
if x.NumStaticArgs = 0 || TryDemangleGenericNameAndPos nm <> ValueNone then nm
else nm + "`" + string x.NumStaticArgs
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
/// Represents information which guides name resolution of types.
......@@ -1018,7 +1016,11 @@ let LookupTypeNameInEntityHaveArity nm (staticResInfo: TypeNameResolutionStaticA
/// Unqualified lookups of type names where the number of generic arguments is known
/// from context, e.g. List<arg>. Rebindings due to 'open' may have rebound identifiers.
let LookupTypeNameInEnvHaveArity fq nm numTyArgs (nenv:NameResolutionEnv) =
let key = if IsMangledGenericName nm then DecodeGenericTypeName nm else NameArityPair(nm,numTyArgs)
let key =
match TryDemangleGenericNameAndPos nm with
| ValueSome pos -> DecodeGenericTypeName pos nm
| _ -> NameArityPair(nm,numTyArgs)
match nenv.TyconsByDemangledNameAndArity(fq).TryFind(key) with
| Some res -> Some res
| None -> nenv.TyconsByAccessNames(fq).TryFind nm |> Option.map List.head
......@@ -1041,15 +1043,17 @@ let LookupTypeNameInEnvHaveArity fq nm numTyArgs (nenv:NameResolutionEnv) =
// also be used to qualify access if needed, though this is almost never needed.
let LookupTypeNameNoArity nm (byDemangledNameAndArity: LayeredMap<NameArityPair,_>) (byAccessNames: LayeredMultiMap<string,_>) =
if IsMangledGenericName nm then
match byDemangledNameAndArity.TryFind (DecodeGenericTypeName nm) with
| Some res -> [res]
| None ->
match byAccessNames.TryFind nm with
| Some res -> res
| None -> []
match TryDemangleGenericNameAndPos nm with
| ValueSome pos ->
let demangled = DecodeGenericTypeName pos nm
match byDemangledNameAndArity.TryFind demangled with
| Some res -> [res]
| None ->
match byAccessNames.TryFind nm with
| Some res -> res
| None -> []
| _ ->
/// Qualified lookup of type names in the environment
let LookupTypeNameInEnvNoArity fq nm (nenv: NameResolutionEnv) =
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ module private PrintIL =
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
let fullySplitILTypeRef (tref:ILTypeRef) =
(List.collect IL.splitNamespace (tref.Enclosing @ [IL.ungenericizeTypeName tref.Name]))
(List.collect IL.splitNamespace (tref.Enclosing @ [PrettyNaming.DemangleGenericTypeName tref.Name]))
let layoutILTypeRefName denv path =
let path =
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ module private PrintIL =
let args = signatur.ArgTypes |> List.map (layoutILType denv ilTyparSubst)
let res =
match cons with
| Some className -> layoutILTypeRefName denv (SplitNamesForILPath (ungenericizeTypeName className)) ^^ (pruneParms className ilTyparSubst |> paramsL) // special case for constructor return-type (viz., the class itself)
| Some className -> layoutILTypeRefName denv (SplitNamesForILPath (PrettyNaming.DemangleGenericTypeName className)) ^^ (pruneParms className ilTyparSubst |> paramsL) // special case for constructor return-type (viz., the class itself)
| None -> signatur.ReturnType |> layoutILType denv ilTyparSubst
match args with
| [] -> WordL.structUnit ^^ WordL.arrow ^^ res
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ module private PrintIL =
// return type be passed along as the `cons` parameter.)
let res =
match cons with
| Some className -> layoutILTypeRefName denv (SplitNamesForILPath (ungenericizeTypeName className)) ^^ (pruneParms className ilTyparSubst |> paramsL) // special case for constructor return-type (viz., the class itself)
| Some className -> layoutILTypeRefName denv (SplitNamesForILPath (PrettyNaming.DemangleGenericTypeName className)) ^^ (pruneParms className ilTyparSubst |> paramsL) // special case for constructor return-type (viz., the class itself)
| None -> retType |> layoutILType denv ilTyparSubst
match parameters with
| [] -> WordL.structUnit ^^ WordL.arrow ^^ res
......@@ -484,30 +484,36 @@ module public Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.PrettyNaming
let [<Literal>] private mangledGenericTypeNameSym = '`'
let IsMangledGenericName (n:string) =
n.IndexOf mangledGenericTypeNameSym <> -1 &&
let TryDemangleGenericNameAndPos (n:string) =
(* check what comes after the symbol is a number *)
let m = n.LastIndexOf mangledGenericTypeNameSym
let mutable res = m < n.Length - 1
for i = m + 1 to n.Length - 1 do
res <- res && n.[i] >= '0' && n.[i] <= '9'
let pos = n.LastIndexOf mangledGenericTypeNameSym
if pos = -1 then ValueNone else
let mutable res = pos < n.Length - 1
let mutable i = pos + 1
while res && i < n.Length do
let char = n.[i]
if not (char >= '0' && char <= '9') then
res <- false
i <- i + 1
if res then
ValueSome pos
type NameArityPair = NameArityPair of string * int
let DecodeGenericTypeName n =
if IsMangledGenericName n then
let pos = n.LastIndexOf mangledGenericTypeNameSym
let res = n.Substring(0,pos)
let num = n.Substring(pos+1,n.Length - pos - 1)
NameArityPair(res, int32 num)
else NameArityPair(n,0)
let DemangleGenericTypeName n =
if IsMangledGenericName n then
let pos = n.LastIndexOf mangledGenericTypeNameSym
else n
let DecodeGenericTypeName pos (mangledName:string) =
let res = mangledName.Substring(0,pos)
let num = mangledName.Substring(pos+1,mangledName.Length - pos - 1)
NameArityPair(res, int32 num)
let DemangleGenericTypeNameWithPos pos (mangledName:string) =
let DemangleGenericTypeName (mangledName:string) =
match TryDemangleGenericNameAndPos mangledName with
| ValueSome pos -> DemangleGenericTypeNameWithPos pos mangledName
| _ -> mangledName
let private chopStringTo (s:string) (c:char) =
match s.IndexOf c with
......@@ -480,10 +480,11 @@ let KeyTyconByDemangledNameAndArity nm (typars: _ list) x =
/// Generic types can be accessed either by 'List' or 'List`1'. This lists both keys. The second form should really be deprecated.
let KeyTyconByAccessNames nm x =
if IsMangledGenericName nm then
let dnm = DemangleGenericTypeName nm
match TryDemangleGenericNameAndPos nm with
| ValueSome pos ->
let dnm = DemangleGenericTypeNameWithPos pos nm
[| KeyValuePair(nm,x); KeyValuePair(dnm,x) |]
| _ ->
[| KeyValuePair(nm,x) |]
type ModuleOrNamespaceKind =
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