未验证 提交 62dfce60 编写于 作者: D dawe 提交者: GitHub

Fix range for ModuleAbbrev by unionRanging with the SynLongIdent.Range of the...

Fix range for ModuleAbbrev by unionRanging with the SynLongIdent.Range of the namedModuleAbbrevBlock (#14915)
上级 bae1ccd3
......@@ -643,14 +643,17 @@ moduleSpfn:
| opt_attributes opt_access moduleIntro colonOrEquals namedModuleAbbrevBlock
{ if Option.isSome $2 then errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.parsVisibilityDeclarationsShouldComePriorToIdentifier(), rhs parseState 2))
let _mModule, isRec, path, vis, attribs2 = $3
let mModule, isRec, path, vis, attribs2 = $3
if isRec then raiseParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 3) (FSComp.SR.parsInvalidUseOfRec())
if not (isSingleton path) then raiseParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 3) (FSComp.SR.parsModuleAbbreviationMustBeSimpleName())
if not (isNil $1) then raiseParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 1) (FSComp.SR.parsIgnoreAttributesOnModuleAbbreviation())
if not (isNil attribs2) then raiseParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 3) (FSComp.SR.parsIgnoreAttributesOnModuleAbbreviation())
match vis with
| Some vis -> raiseParseErrorAt (rhs parseState 1) (FSComp.SR.parsIgnoreVisibilityOnModuleAbbreviationAlwaysPrivate(vis.ToString()))
| _ -> SynModuleSigDecl.ModuleAbbrev(List.head path, $5, rhs2 parseState 1 5) }
| _ ->
let lid: SynLongIdent = $5
let m = unionRanges mModule lid.Range
SynModuleSigDecl.ModuleAbbrev(List.head path, lid.LongIdent, m) }
| opt_attributes opt_access moduleIntro colonOrEquals moduleSpecBlock
{ let mModule, isRec, path, vis, attribs2 = $3
......@@ -1327,10 +1330,10 @@ openDecl:
/* We don't use it in signature files */
| OBLOCKBEGIN path oblockend
{ $2.LongIdent }
{ $2 }
| path
{ $1.LongIdent }
{ $1 }
/* The right-hand-side of a module definition */
module Foo
open System
open System.Text
module A = B
module Bar =
type a =
| Ex
| Why
| Zed
QualifiedNameOfFile Foo, [], [],
([Foo], false, NamedModule,
(SynLongIdent ([System], [], [None]), (3,5--3,11)), (3,0--3,11));
(SynLongIdent ([System; Text], [(4,11--4,12)], [None; None]),
(4,5--4,16)), (4,0--4,16)); ModuleAbbrev (A, [B], (6,0--6,12));
([], None, [], [Bar],
PreXmlDoc ((8,0), FSharp.Compiler.Xml.XmlDocCollector), false,
None, (8,0--8,10)), false,
([], None, [], [a],
PreXmlDoc ((9,4), FSharp.Compiler.Xml.XmlDocCollector),
false, None, (9,9--9,10)),
([], SynIdent (Ex, None), Fields [],
PreXmlDoc ((10,8), FSharp.Compiler.Xml.XmlDocCollector),
None, (10,10--10,12),
{ BarRange = Some (10,8--10,9) });
([], SynIdent (Why, None), Fields [],
PreXmlDoc ((11,8), FSharp.Compiler.Xml.XmlDocCollector),
None, (11,10--11,13),
{ BarRange = Some (11,8--11,9) });
([], SynIdent (Zed, None), Fields [],
PreXmlDoc ((12,8), FSharp.Compiler.Xml.XmlDocCollector),
None, (12,10--12,13),
{ BarRange = Some (12,8--12,9) })],
(10,8--12,13)), (10,8--12,13)), [], (9,9--12,13),
{ LeadingKeyword = Type (9,4--9,8)
EqualsRange = Some (9,11--9,12)
WithKeyword = None })], (9,4--12,13))], (8,0--12,13),
{ ModuleKeyword = Some (8,0--8,6)
EqualsRange = Some (8,11--8,12) })],
PreXmlDoc ((1,0), FSharp.Compiler.Xml.XmlDocCollector), [], None,
(1,0--12,13), { LeadingKeyword = Module (1,0--1,6) })],
{ ConditionalDirectives = []
CodeComments = [] }, set []))
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