未验证 提交 5f6600cd 编写于 作者: T Tomas Grosup 提交者: GitHub

Change --times console reporting to be based on Activity (#14470)

### Changing --times reporting of compiler timing to be based on the Activity module

* Console table layout for --times

* Supporting proper finish of statistic measurement, to enable multiple runs in the same process
  This is especially needed for:
  - Test suites
  - Hosted scenarios

* Making console table markdown friendly (to be directly copy-pastable)
上级 1821ffc8
......@@ -502,9 +502,7 @@ type cenv =
emitTailcalls: bool
deterministic: bool
showTimes: bool
deterministic: bool
desiredMetadataVersion: ILVersionInfo
......@@ -3020,14 +3018,14 @@ let GenModule (cenv : cenv) (modul: ILModuleDef) =
let midx = AddUnsharedRow cenv TableNames.Module (GetModuleAsRow cenv modul)
List.iter (GenResourcePass3 cenv) (modul.Resources.AsList())
let tdefs = destTypeDefsWithGlobalFunctionsFirst cenv.ilg modul.TypeDefs
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Module Generation Preparation"
reportTime "Module Generation Preparation"
GenTypeDefsPass1 [] cenv tdefs
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Module Generation Pass 1"
reportTime "Module Generation Pass 1"
GenTypeDefsPass2 0 [] cenv tdefs
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Module Generation Pass 2"
reportTime "Module Generation Pass 2"
(match modul.Manifest with None -> () | Some m -> GenManifestPass3 cenv m)
GenTypeDefsPass3 [] cenv tdefs
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Module Generation Pass 3"
reportTime "Module Generation Pass 3"
GenCustomAttrsPass3Or4 cenv (hca_Module, midx) modul.CustomAttrs
// GenericParam is the only sorted table indexed by Columns in other tables (GenericParamConstraint\CustomAttributes).
// Hence we need to sort it before we emit any entries in GenericParamConstraint\CustomAttributes that are attached to generic params.
......@@ -3035,7 +3033,7 @@ let GenModule (cenv : cenv) (modul: ILModuleDef) =
// the key --> index map since it is no longer valid
cenv.GetTable(TableNames.GenericParam).SetRowsOfSharedTable (SortTableRows TableNames.GenericParam (cenv.GetTable(TableNames.GenericParam).GenericRowsOfTable))
GenTypeDefsPass4 [] cenv tdefs
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Module Generation Pass 4"
reportTime "Module Generation Pass 4"
/// Arbitrary value
......@@ -3053,8 +3051,7 @@ let generateIL (
ilg: ILGlobals,
referenceAssemblyAttribOpt: ILAttribute option,
......@@ -3095,8 +3092,7 @@ let generateIL (
MetadataTable.Unshared (MetadataTable<UnsharedRow>.New ("row table "+string i, EqualityComparer.Default)))
use cenv =
{ emitTailcalls=emitTailcalls
deterministic = deterministic
deterministic = deterministic
ilg = ilg
requiredDataFixups= requiredDataFixups
......@@ -3180,7 +3176,7 @@ let generateIL (
EventTokenMap = (fun t edef ->
let tidx = idxForNextedTypeDef t
getUncodedToken TableNames.Event (cenv.eventDefs.GetTableEntry (EventKey (tidx, edef.Name)))) }
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Finalize Module Generation Results"
reportTime "Finalize Module Generation Results"
// New return the results
let data = cenv.data.AsMemory().ToArray()
let resources = cenv.resources.AsMemory().ToArray()
......@@ -3214,8 +3210,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
......@@ -3237,8 +3232,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
......@@ -3246,7 +3240,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
reportTime showTimes "Generated Tables and Code"
reportTime "Generated Tables and Code"
let tableSize (tab: TableName) = tables[tab.Index].Count
// Now place the code
......@@ -3318,7 +3312,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
(if tableSize TableNames.GenericParamConstraint > 0 then 0x00001000 else 0x00000000) |||
reportTime showTimes "Layout Header of Tables"
reportTime "Layout Header of Tables"
let guidAddress n = (if n = 0 then 0 else (n - 1) * 0x10 + 0x01)
......@@ -3362,7 +3356,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
if n >= blobAddressTable.Length then failwith "blob index out of range"
reportTime showTimes "Build String/Blob Address Tables"
reportTime "Build String/Blob Address Tables"
let sortedTables =
Array.init 64 (fun i ->
......@@ -3371,7 +3365,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
let rows = tab.GenericRowsOfTable
if TableRequiresSorting tabName then SortTableRows tabName rows else rows)
reportTime showTimes "Sort Tables"
reportTime "Sort Tables"
let codedTables =
......@@ -3486,7 +3480,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
tablesBuf.EmitInt32 rows.Length
reportTime showTimes "Write Header of tablebuf"
reportTime "Write Header of tablebuf"
// The tables themselves
for rows in sortedTables do
......@@ -3521,7 +3515,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
reportTime showTimes "Write Tables to tablebuf"
reportTime "Write Tables to tablebuf"
let tablesStreamUnpaddedSize = codedTables.Length
// QUERY: extra 4 empty bytes in array.exe - why? Include some extra padding after
......@@ -3538,7 +3532,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
let blobsChunk, _next = chunk blobsStreamPaddedSize next
let blobsStreamPadding = blobsChunk.size - blobsStreamUnpaddedSize
reportTime showTimes "Layout Metadata"
reportTime "Layout Metadata"
let metadata, guidStart =
use mdbuf = ByteBuffer.Create(MetadataCapacity, useArrayPool = true)
......@@ -3573,12 +3567,12 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
mdbuf.EmitInt32 blobsChunk.size
mdbuf.EmitIntsAsBytes [| 0x23; 0x42; 0x6c; 0x6f; 0x62; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; (* #Blob000 *)|]
reportTime showTimes "Write Metadata Header"
reportTime "Write Metadata Header"
// Now the coded tables themselves
mdbuf.EmitBytes codedTables
for i = 1 to tablesStreamPadding do
mdbuf.EmitIntAsByte 0x00
reportTime showTimes "Write Metadata Tables"
reportTime "Write Metadata Tables"
// The string stream
mdbuf.EmitByte 0x00uy
......@@ -3586,7 +3580,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
mdbuf.EmitBytes s
for i = 1 to stringsStreamPadding do
mdbuf.EmitIntAsByte 0x00
reportTime showTimes "Write Metadata Strings"
reportTime "Write Metadata Strings"
// The user string stream
mdbuf.EmitByte 0x00uy
for s in userStrings do
......@@ -3596,7 +3590,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
for i = 1 to userStringsStreamPadding do
mdbuf.EmitIntAsByte 0x00
reportTime showTimes "Write Metadata User Strings"
reportTime "Write Metadata User Strings"
// The GUID stream
let guidStart = mdbuf.Position
Array.iter mdbuf.EmitBytes guids
......@@ -3608,7 +3602,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
mdbuf.EmitBytes s
for i = 1 to blobsStreamPadding do
mdbuf.EmitIntAsByte 0x00
reportTime showTimes "Write Blob Stream"
reportTime "Write Blob Stream"
// Done - close the buffer and return the result.
mdbuf.AsMemory().ToArray(), guidStart
......@@ -3624,7 +3618,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (
let token = getUncodedToken TableNames.UserStrings (userStringAddress userStringIndex)
if (Bytes.get code (locInCode-1) <> i_ldstr) then failwith "strings-in-code fixup: not at ldstr instruction!"
applyFixup32 code locInCode token
reportTime showTimes "Fixup Metadata"
reportTime "Fixup Metadata"
entryPointToken, code, codePadding, metadata, data, resources, requiredDataFixups.Value, pdbData, mappings, guidStart
......@@ -3687,8 +3681,7 @@ let writeDirectory os dict =
let writeBytes (os: BinaryWriter) (chunk: byte[]) = os.Write(chunk, 0, chunk.Length)
let writePdb (
......@@ -3721,7 +3714,7 @@ let writePdb (
s.SignStream fs
with exn ->
failwith ($"Warning: A call to SignFile failed ({exn.Message})")
reportTime showTimes "Signing Image"
reportTime "Signing Image"
// Now we've done the bulk of the binary, do the PDB file and fixup the binary.
match pdbfile with
......@@ -3751,7 +3744,7 @@ let writePdb (
stream.WriteTo fs
getInfoForPortablePdb contentId pdbfile pathMap debugDataChunk debugDeterministicPdbChunk debugChecksumPdbChunk algorithmName checkSum embeddedPDB deterministic
| None -> [| |]
reportTime showTimes "Generate PDB Info"
reportTime "Generate PDB Info"
// Now we have the debug data we can go back and fill in the debug directory in the image
use fs2 = reopenOutput()
......@@ -3776,14 +3769,15 @@ let writePdb (
os2.BaseStream.Seek (int64 (textV2P i.iddChunk.addr), SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
if i.iddChunk.size < i.iddData.Length then failwith "Debug data area is not big enough. Debug info may not be usable"
writeBytes os2 i.iddData
reportTime showTimes "Finalize PDB"
reportTime "Finalize PDB"
signImage ()
with exn ->
failwith ("Error while writing debug directory entry: " + exn.Message)
(try os2.Dispose(); FileSystem.FileDeleteShim outfile with _ -> ())
reportTime "Finish"
type options =
......@@ -3799,8 +3793,7 @@ type options =
checksumAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm
signer: ILStrongNameSigner option
emitTailcalls: bool
deterministic: bool
showTimes: bool
deterministic: bool
dumpDebugInfo: bool
referenceAssemblyOnly: bool
referenceAssemblyAttribOpt: ILAttribute option
......@@ -3811,7 +3804,7 @@ let writeBinaryAux (stream: Stream, options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRe
// Store the public key from the signer into the manifest. This means it will be written
// to the binary and also acts as an indicator to leave space for delay sign
reportTime options.showTimes "Write Started"
reportTime "Write Started"
let isDll = modul.IsDLL
let ilg = options.ilg
......@@ -3925,8 +3918,7 @@ let writeBinaryAux (stream: Stream, options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRe
......@@ -3935,7 +3927,7 @@ let writeBinaryAux (stream: Stream, options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRe
reportTime options.showTimes "Generated IL and metadata"
reportTime "Generated IL and metadata"
let _codeChunk, next = chunk code.Length next
let _codePaddingChunk, next = chunk codePadding.Length next
......@@ -3968,7 +3960,7 @@ let writeBinaryAux (stream: Stream, options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRe
match options.pdbfile, options.portablePDB with
| Some _, true ->
let pdbInfo =
generatePortablePdb options.embedAllSource options.embedSourceList options.sourceLink options.checksumAlgorithm options.showTimes pdbData options.pathMap
generatePortablePdb options.embedAllSource options.embedSourceList options.sourceLink options.checksumAlgorithm pdbData options.pathMap
if options.embeddedPDB then
let (uncompressedLength, contentId, stream, algorithmName, checkSum) = pdbInfo
......@@ -4094,7 +4086,7 @@ let writeBinaryAux (stream: Stream, options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRe
let imageEndSectionPhysLoc = nextPhys
let imageEndAddr = next
reportTime options.showTimes "Layout image"
reportTime "Layout image"
let write p (os: BinaryWriter) chunkName chunk =
match p with
......@@ -4501,7 +4493,7 @@ let writeBinaryAux (stream: Stream, options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRe
pdbData, pdbInfoOpt, debugDirectoryChunk, debugDataChunk, debugChecksumPdbChunk, debugEmbeddedPdbChunk, debugDeterministicPdbChunk, textV2P, mappings
reportTime options.showTimes "Writing Image"
reportTime "Writing Image"
pdbData, pdbInfoOpt, debugDirectoryChunk, debugDataChunk, debugChecksumPdbChunk, debugEmbeddedPdbChunk, debugDeterministicPdbChunk, textV2P, mappings
let writeBinaryFiles (options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRefs) =
......@@ -4529,8 +4521,7 @@ let writeBinaryFiles (options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRefs) =
let reopenOutput () =
FileSystem.OpenFileForWriteShim(options.outfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)
writePdb (options.dumpDebugInfo,
writePdb (options.dumpDebugInfo,
......@@ -4562,8 +4553,7 @@ let writeBinaryInMemory (options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRefs) =
let pdbBytes =
writePdb (options.dumpDebugInfo,
writePdb (options.dumpDebugInfo,
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ type options =
signer: ILStrongNameSigner option
emitTailcalls: bool
deterministic: bool
showTimes: bool
dumpDebugInfo: bool
referenceAssemblyOnly: bool
referenceAssemblyAttribOpt: ILAttribute option
......@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ let pdbGetDebugInfo
let getDebugFileName outfile =
(FileSystemUtils.chopExtension outfile) + ".pdb"
let sortMethods showTimes info =
reportTime showTimes (sprintf "PDB: Defined %d documents" info.Documents.Length)
let sortMethods info =
reportTime (sprintf "PDB: Defined %d documents" info.Documents.Length)
Array.sortInPlaceBy (fun x -> x.MethToken) info.Methods
reportTime showTimes (sprintf "PDB: Sorted %d methods" info.Methods.Length)
reportTime (sprintf "PDB: Sorted %d methods" info.Methods.Length)
let getRowCounts tableRowCounts =
......@@ -345,7 +345,6 @@ type PortablePdbGenerator
embedSourceList: string list,
sourceLink: string,
info: PdbData,
pathMap: PathMap
) =
......@@ -784,7 +783,7 @@ type PortablePdbGenerator
| Some scope -> writeMethodScopes minfo.MethToken scope
member _.Emit() =
sortMethods showTimes info
sortMethods info
metadata.SetCapacity(TableIndex.MethodDebugInformation, info.Methods.Length)
defineModuleImportScope ()
......@@ -823,7 +822,7 @@ type PortablePdbGenerator
let contentId = serializer.Serialize blobBuilder
let portablePdbStream = new MemoryStream()
blobBuilder.WriteContentTo portablePdbStream
reportTime showTimes "PDB: Created"
reportTime "PDB: Created"
(portablePdbStream.Length, contentId, portablePdbStream, algorithmName, contentHash)
let generatePortablePdb
......@@ -831,12 +830,11 @@ let generatePortablePdb
(embedSourceList: string list)
(sourceLink: string)
(info: PdbData)
(pathMap: PathMap)
let generator =
PortablePdbGenerator(embedAllSource, embedSourceList, sourceLink, checksumAlgorithm, showTimes, info, pathMap)
PortablePdbGenerator(embedAllSource, embedSourceList, sourceLink, checksumAlgorithm, info, pathMap)
......@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ val generatePortablePdb:
embedSourceList: string list ->
sourceLink: string ->
checksumAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm ->
showTimes: bool ->
info: PdbData ->
pathMap: PathMap ->
int64 * BlobContentId * MemoryStream * string * byte[]
......@@ -2362,9 +2362,6 @@ let PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation (tcConfig: TcConfig) outfile header expr =
// ReportTime
let mutable tPrev: (DateTime * DateTime * float * int[]) option = None
let mutable nPrev: (string * IDisposable) option = None
let private SimulateException simulateConfig =
match simulateConfig with
| Some ("fsc-oom") -> raise (OutOfMemoryException())
......@@ -2388,79 +2385,24 @@ let private SimulateException simulateConfig =
| Some ("fsc-fail") -> failwith "simulated"
| _ -> ()
let ReportTime (tcConfig: TcConfig) descr =
match nPrev with
| None -> ()
| Some (prevDescr, _) ->
if tcConfig.pause then
dprintf "[done '%s', entering '%s'] press <enter> to continue... " prevDescr descr
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
// Intentionally putting this right after the pause so a debugger can be attached.
SimulateException tcConfig.simulateException
if (tcConfig.showTimes || verbose || tcConfig.writeTimesToFile.IsSome) then
// Note that timing calls are relatively expensive on the startup path so we don't
// make this call unless showTimes has been turned on.
let p = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
let utNow = p.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds
let tNow = DateTime.Now
let maxGen = GC.MaxGeneration
let gcNow = [| for i in 0..maxGen -> GC.CollectionCount i |]
let wsNow = p.WorkingSet64 / 1000000L
let tStart =
match tPrev, nPrev with
| Some (tStart, tPrev, utPrev, gcPrev), Some (prevDescr, prevActivity) ->
let spanGC = [| for i in 0..maxGen -> GC.CollectionCount i - gcPrev[i] |]
let t = tNow - tStart
let tDelta = tNow - tPrev
let utDelta = utNow - utPrev
match prevActivity with
| :? System.Diagnostics.Activity as a when isNotNull a ->
// Yes, there is duplicity of code between the console reporting and Activity collection right now.
// If current --times behaviour can be changed (=breaking change to the layout etc.), the GC and CPU time collecting logic can move to Activity
// (if a special Tag is set for an activity, the listener itself could evaluate CPU and GC info and set it
a.AddTag(Activity.Tags.gc0, spanGC[Operators.min 0 maxGen]) |> ignore
a.AddTag(Activity.Tags.gc1, spanGC[Operators.min 1 maxGen]) |> ignore
a.AddTag(Activity.Tags.gc2, spanGC[Operators.min 2 maxGen]) |> ignore
a.AddTag(Activity.Tags.outputDllFile, tcConfig.outputFile |> Option.defaultValue String.Empty)
|> ignore
a.AddTag(Activity.Tags.cpuDelta, utDelta.ToString("000.000")) |> ignore
a.AddTag(Activity.Tags.realDelta, tDelta.TotalSeconds.ToString("000.000"))
|> ignore
| _ -> ()
"Real: %4.1f Realdelta: %4.1f Cpu: %4.1f Cpudelta: %4.1f Mem: %3d"
" G0: %3d G1: %2d G2: %2d [%s]"
spanGC[Operators.min 0 maxGen]
spanGC[Operators.min 1 maxGen]
spanGC[Operators.min 2 maxGen]
| _ -> DateTime.Now
tPrev <- Some(tStart, tNow, utNow, gcNow)
|> Option.iter (fun (_, act) ->
if isNotNull act then
nPrev <- Some(descr, Activity.startNoTags descr)
let ReportTime =
let mutable nPrev = None
fun (tcConfig: TcConfig) descr ->
|> Option.iter (fun (prevDescr, prevAct) ->
use _ = prevAct
if tcConfig.pause then
dprintf "[done '%s', entering '%s'] press <enter> to continue... " prevDescr descr
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
// Intentionally putting this right after the pause so a debugger can be attached.
SimulateException tcConfig.simulateException)
if descr <> "Exiting" then
nPrev <- Some(descr, Activity.Profiling.startAndMeasureEnvironmentStats descr)
nPrev <- None
let ignoreFailureOnMono1_1_16 f =
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ val DoWithColor: ConsoleColor -> (unit -> 'T) -> 'T
val DoWithDiagnosticColor: FSharpDiagnosticSeverity -> (unit -> 'T) -> 'T
val ReportTime: TcConfig -> string -> unit
val ReportTime: (TcConfig -> string -> unit)
val GetAbbrevFlagSet: TcConfigBuilder -> bool -> Set<string>
......@@ -577,14 +577,17 @@ let main1
delayForFlagsLogger.CommitDelayedDiagnostics(diagnosticsLoggerProvider, tcConfigB, exiter)
exiter.Exit 1
if tcConfig.showTimes then
Activity.Profiling.addConsoleListener () |> disposables.Register
|> Option.iter (fun f ->
Activity.addCsvFileListener f |> disposables.Register
Activity.CsvExport.addCsvFileListener f |> disposables.Register
"FSC compilation"
Activity.Tags.outputDllFile, tcConfig.outputFile |> Option.defaultValue String.Empty
Activity.Tags.project, tcConfig.outputFile |> Option.defaultValue String.Empty
|> disposables.Register)
......@@ -600,7 +603,7 @@ let main1
AbortOnError(diagnosticsLogger, exiter)
// Resolve assemblies
ReportTime tcConfig "Import mscorlib and FSharp.Core.dll"
ReportTime tcConfig "Import mscorlib+FSharp.Core"
let foundationalTcConfigP = TcConfigProvider.Constant tcConfig
let sysRes, otherRes, knownUnresolved =
......@@ -774,7 +777,7 @@ let main2
if tcConfig.printSignature || tcConfig.printAllSignatureFiles then
InterfaceFileWriter.WriteInterfaceFile(tcGlobals, tcConfig, InfoReader(tcGlobals, tcImports.GetImportMap()), typedImplFiles)
ReportTime tcConfig "Write XML document signatures"
ReportTime tcConfig "Write XML doc signatures"
if tcConfig.xmlDocOutputFile.IsSome then
XmlDocWriter.ComputeXmlDocSigs(tcGlobals, generatedCcu)
......@@ -1099,7 +1102,6 @@ let main6
pdbfile = None
emitTailcalls = tcConfig.emitTailcalls
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
showTimes = tcConfig.showTimes
portablePDB = false
embeddedPDB = false
embedAllSource = tcConfig.embedAllSource
......@@ -1130,7 +1132,6 @@ let main6
pdbfile = pdbfile
emitTailcalls = tcConfig.emitTailcalls
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
showTimes = tcConfig.showTimes
portablePDB = tcConfig.portablePDB
embeddedPDB = tcConfig.embeddedPDB
embedAllSource = tcConfig.embedAllSource
......@@ -1457,8 +1457,7 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler(
// but needs to be set for some logic of ilwrite to function.
pdbfile = (if tcConfig.debuginfo then Some (multiAssemblyName + ".pdb") else None)
emitTailcalls = tcConfig.emitTailcalls
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
showTimes = tcConfig.showTimes
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
// we always use portable for F# Interactive debug emit
portablePDB = true
// we don't use embedded for F# Interactive debug emit
......@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ module IncrementalBuilderStateHelpers =
let rec createFinalizeBoundModelGraphNode (initialState: IncrementalBuilderInitialState) (boundModels: ImmutableArray<GraphNode<BoundModel>>.Builder) =
GraphNode(node {
use _ = Activity.start "GetCheckResultsAndImplementationsForProject" [|Activity.Tags.outputDllFile, initialState.outfile|]
use _ = Activity.start "GetCheckResultsAndImplementationsForProject" [|Activity.Tags.project, initialState.outfile|]
// Compute last bound model then get all the evaluated models.
let! _ = boundModels[boundModels.Count - 1].GetOrComputeValue()
let boundModels =
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ open System.IO
open System.Text
module Activity =
module internal Activity =
module Tags =
let fileName = "fileName"
......@@ -41,6 +41,25 @@ module Activity =
let private activitySourceName = "fsc"
let private profiledSourceName = "fsc_with_env_stats"
type System.Diagnostics.Activity with
member this.RootId =
let rec rootID (act: Activity) =
if isNull act.ParentId then act.Id else rootID act.Parent
rootID this
member this.Depth =
let rec depth (act: Activity) acc =
if isNull act.ParentId then
depth act.Parent (acc + 1)
depth this 0
let private activitySource = new ActivitySource(activitySourceName)
let start (name: string) (tags: (string * string) seq) : IDisposable =
......@@ -56,80 +75,167 @@ module Activity =
let startNoTags (name: string) : IDisposable = activitySource.StartActivity(name)
let private escapeStringForCsv (o: obj) =
if isNull o then
let mutable txtVal = o.ToString()
let hasComma = txtVal.IndexOf(',') > -1
let hasQuote = txtVal.IndexOf('"') > -1
module Profiling =
module Tags =
let workingSetMB = "workingSet(MB)"
let gc0 = "gc0"
let gc1 = "gc1"
let gc2 = "gc2"
let handles = "handles"
let threads = "threads"
let profilingTags = [| workingSetMB; gc0; gc1; gc2; handles; threads |]
let private profiledSource = new ActivitySource(profiledSourceName)
let startAndMeasureEnvironmentStats (name: string) : IDisposable = profiledSource.StartActivity(name)
type private GCStats = int[]
let private collectGCStats () : GCStats =
[| for i in 0 .. GC.MaxGeneration -> GC.CollectionCount i |]
let private addStatsMeasurementListener () =
let gcStatsInnerTag = "#gc_stats_internal"
let l =
new ActivityListener(
ShouldListenTo = (fun a -> a.Name = profiledSourceName),
Sample = (fun _ -> ActivitySamplingResult.AllData),
ActivityStarted = (fun a -> a.AddTag(gcStatsInnerTag, collectGCStats ()) |> ignore),
ActivityStopped =
(fun a ->
let statsBefore = a.GetTagItem(gcStatsInnerTag) :?> GCStats
let statsAfter = collectGCStats ()
let p = Process.GetCurrentProcess()
a.AddTag(Tags.workingSetMB, p.WorkingSet64 / 1_000_000L) |> ignore
a.AddTag(Tags.handles, p.HandleCount) |> ignore
a.AddTag(Tags.threads, p.Threads.Count) |> ignore
for i = 0 to statsAfter.Length - 1 do
a.AddTag($"gc{i}", statsAfter[i] - statsBefore[i]) |> ignore)
let addConsoleListener () =
let statsMeasurementListener = addStatsMeasurementListener ()
let reportingStart = DateTime.UtcNow
let nameColumnWidth = 36
let header =
+ "Phase name".PadRight(nameColumnWidth)
+ "|Elapsed |Duration| WS(MB)| GC0 | GC1 | GC2 |Handles|Threads|"
let consoleWriterListener =
new ActivityListener(
ShouldListenTo = (fun a -> a.Name = profiledSourceName),
Sample = (fun _ -> ActivitySamplingResult.AllData),
ActivityStopped =
(fun a ->
let indentedName = new String('>', a.Depth) + a.DisplayName
let elapsed = (a.StartTimeUtc + a.Duration - reportingStart).TotalSeconds
Console.Write("|{0,8:N4}|{1,8:N4}|", elapsed, a.Duration.TotalSeconds)
for t in Tags.profilingTags do
Console.Write("{0,7}|", a.GetTagItem(t))
Console.WriteLine(new String('-', header.Length))
Console.WriteLine(header |> String.map (fun c -> if c = '|' then c else '-'))
{ new IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
Console.WriteLine(new String('-', header.Length))
if hasQuote then
txtVal <- txtVal.Replace("\"", "\\\"")
module CsvExport =
if hasQuote || hasComma then
"\"" + txtVal + "\""
let private escapeStringForCsv (o: obj) =
if isNull o then
let private createCsvRow (a: Activity) =
let sb = new StringBuilder(128)
let appendWithLeadingComma (s: string) =
sb.Append(',') |> ignore
sb.Append(s) |> ignore
// "Name,StartTime,EndTime,Duration,Id,ParentId"
sb.Append(a.DisplayName) |> ignore
appendWithLeadingComma (a.StartTimeUtc.ToString("HH-mm-ss.ffff"))
appendWithLeadingComma ((a.StartTimeUtc + a.Duration).ToString("HH-mm-ss.ffff"))
appendWithLeadingComma (a.Duration.TotalSeconds.ToString("000.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
appendWithLeadingComma (a.Id)
appendWithLeadingComma (a.ParentId)
let rec rootID (act: Activity) =
if isNull act.ParentId then act.Id else rootID act.Parent
appendWithLeadingComma (rootID a)
|> Array.iter (fun t -> a.GetTagItem(t) |> escapeStringForCsv |> appendWithLeadingComma)
let addCsvFileListener pathToFile =
if pathToFile |> File.Exists |> not then
+ String.concat "," Tags.AllKnownTags
let sw = new StreamWriter(path = pathToFile, append = true)
let msgQueue =
(fun inbox ->
async {
while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
do! sw.WriteLineAsync(msg) |> Async.AwaitTask
let l =
new ActivityListener(
ShouldListenTo = (fun a -> a.Name = activitySourceName),
Sample = (fun _ -> ActivitySamplingResult.AllData),
ActivityStopped = (fun a -> msgQueue.Post(createCsvRow a))
{ new IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
l.Dispose() // Unregister from listening new activities first
(msgQueue :> IDisposable).Dispose() // Wait for the msg queue to be written out
sw.Dispose() // Only then flush the messages and close the file
let mutable txtVal = o.ToString()
let hasComma = txtVal.IndexOf(',') > -1
let hasQuote = txtVal.IndexOf('"') > -1
if hasQuote then
txtVal <- txtVal.Replace("\"", "\\\"")
if hasQuote || hasComma then
"\"" + txtVal + "\""
let private createCsvRow (a: Activity) =
let sb = new StringBuilder(128)
let appendWithLeadingComma (s: string) =
sb.Append(',') |> ignore
sb.Append(s) |> ignore
// "Name,StartTime,EndTime,Duration,Id,ParentId"
sb.Append(a.DisplayName) |> ignore
appendWithLeadingComma (a.StartTimeUtc.ToString("HH-mm-ss.ffff"))
appendWithLeadingComma ((a.StartTimeUtc + a.Duration).ToString("HH-mm-ss.ffff"))
appendWithLeadingComma (a.Duration.TotalSeconds.ToString("000.0000", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
appendWithLeadingComma (a.Id)
appendWithLeadingComma (a.ParentId)
appendWithLeadingComma (a.RootId)
|> Array.iter (fun t -> a.GetTagItem(t) |> escapeStringForCsv |> appendWithLeadingComma)
let addCsvFileListener pathToFile =
if pathToFile |> File.Exists |> not then
+ String.concat "," Tags.AllKnownTags
let sw = new StreamWriter(path = pathToFile, append = true)
let msgQueue =
(fun inbox ->
async {
while true do
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
do! sw.WriteLineAsync(msg) |> Async.AwaitTask
let l =
new ActivityListener(
ShouldListenTo = (fun a -> a.Name = activitySourceName || a.Name = profiledSourceName),
Sample = (fun _ -> ActivitySamplingResult.AllData),
ActivityStopped = (fun a -> msgQueue.Post(createCsvRow a))
{ new IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
l.Dispose() // Unregister from listening new activities first
(msgQueue :> IDisposable).Dispose() // Wait for the msg queue to be written out
sw.Dispose() // Only then flush the messages and close the file
......@@ -16,17 +16,14 @@ module internal Activity =
val userOpName: string
val length: string
val cache: string
val cpuDelta: string
val realDelta: string
val gc0: string
val gc1: string
val gc2: string
val outputDllFile: string
val AllKnownTags: string[]
val startNoTags: name: string -> IDisposable
val start: name: string -> tags: (string * string) seq -> IDisposable
val addCsvFileListener: pathToFile: string -> IDisposable
module Profiling =
val startAndMeasureEnvironmentStats: name: string -> IDisposable
val addConsoleListener: unit -> IDisposable
module CsvExport =
val addCsvFileListener: pathToFile: string -> IDisposable
......@@ -85,27 +85,17 @@ module internal PervasiveAutoOpens =
| Some x -> x
let reportTime =
let mutable tFirst = None
let mutable tPrev = None
fun showTimes descr ->
if showTimes then
let t = Process.GetCurrentProcess().UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds
let prev =
match tPrev with
| None -> 0.0
| Some t -> t
let first =
match tFirst with
| None ->
(tFirst <- Some t
| Some t -> t
printf " ilwrite: Cpu %4.1f (total) %4.1f (delta) - %s\n" (t - first) (t - prev) descr
tPrev <- Some t
let mutable tPrev: IDisposable = null
fun descr ->
if isNotNull tPrev then
tPrev <-
if descr <> "Finish" then
FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics.Activity.Profiling.startAndMeasureEnvironmentStats descr
let foldOn p f z x = f z (p x)
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module internal PervasiveAutoOpens =
/// We set the limit to be 80k to account for larger pointer sizes for when F# is running 64-bit.
val reportTime: (bool -> string -> unit)
val reportTime: (string -> unit)
/// Get an initialization hole
val getHole: r: 'a option ref -> 'a
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module times =
let consoleContents = sw.ToString()
Assert.Contains("Parse inputs",consoleContents)
[<Theory; Directory(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, Includes=[|"error_01.fs"|])>]
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