提交 5b3688a9 编写于 作者: D Don Syme 提交者: Kevin Ransom (msft)

Fix bug in assembly resolution in FSI (#2887)

* fix resolution to always prefer unification once an assembly has been referenced

* improve diagnostics

* fix proto

* fix unintended change
上级 c69d5d11
......@@ -261,23 +261,31 @@ type ILGenericVariance =
/// Type refs, i.e. references to types in some .NET assembly
type ILTypeRef =
/// Create a ILTypeRef.
static member Create : scope: ILScopeRef * enclosing: string list * name: string -> ILTypeRef
/// Where is the type, i.e. is it in this module, in another module in this assembly or in another assembly?
member Scope: ILScopeRef
/// The list of enclosing type names for a nested type. If non-nil then the first of these also contains the namespace.
member Enclosing: string list
/// The name of the type. This also contains the namespace if Enclosing is empty.
member Name: string
/// The name of the type in the assembly using the '.' notation for nested types.
member FullName: string
/// The name of the type in the assembly using the '+' notation for nested types.
member BasicQualifiedName : string
member QualifiedName: string
member QualifiedNameWithNoShortPrimaryAssembly: string
interface System.IComparable
/// Type specs and types.
......@@ -295,6 +303,7 @@ type ILTypeSpec =
/// Which type is being referred to?
member TypeRef: ILTypeRef
/// The type instantiation if the type is generic, otherwise empty
member GenericArgs: ILGenericArgs
member Scope: ILScopeRef
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Extensions
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Extensions.ILX
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Extensions.ILX.Types
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Range
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Printf
......@@ -359,11 +361,15 @@ let convTypeRefAux (cenv:cenv) (tref:ILTypeRef) =
let asmName = convAssemblyRef asmref
let typT = assembly.GetType(qualifiedName)
typT |> nonNull "convTypeRefAux"
match typT with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundDuringDynamicCodeGen ("type", qualifiedName, asmref.QualifiedName), range0))
| res -> res
| ILScopeRef.Module _
| ILScopeRef.Local _ ->
let typT = Type.GetType(qualifiedName)
typT |> nonNull "convTypeRefAux"
match typT with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundDuringDynamicCodeGen ("type", qualifiedName, "<emitted>"), range0))
| res -> res
......@@ -431,11 +437,15 @@ let envUpdateCreatedTypeRef emEnv (tref:ILTypeRef) =
let convTypeRef cenv emEnv preferCreated (tref:ILTypeRef) =
match Zmap.tryFind tref emEnv.emTypMap with
| Some (_typT,_typB,_typeDef,Some createdTyp) when preferCreated -> createdTyp |> nonNull "convTypeRef: null create type table?"
| Some (typT,_typB,_typeDef,_) -> typT |> nonNull "convTypeRef: null type table?"
| None -> convTypeRefAux cenv tref
let res =
match Zmap.tryFind tref emEnv.emTypMap with
| Some (_typT,_typB,_typeDef,Some createdTyp) when preferCreated -> createdTyp
| Some (typT,_typB,_typeDef,_) -> typT
| None -> convTypeRefAux cenv tref
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundDuringDynamicCodeGen ("type", tref.QualifiedName, tref.Scope.QualifiedName), range0))
| _ -> res
let envBindConsRef emEnv (mref:ILMethodRef) consB =
{emEnv with emConsMap = Zmap.add mref consB emEnv.emConsMap}
......@@ -484,11 +494,12 @@ let envPopTyvars emEnv = {emEnv with emTyvars = List.tail emEnv.emTyvars}
let envGetTyvar emEnv u16 =
match emEnv.emTyvars with
| [] -> failwith "envGetTyvar: not scope of type vars"
| tvs::_ -> let i = int32 u16
if i<0 || i>= Array.length tvs then
failwith (sprintf "want tyvar #%d, but only had %d tyvars" i (Array.length tvs))
| tvs::_ ->
let i = int32 u16
if i<0 || i>= Array.length tvs then
failwith (sprintf "want tyvar #%d, but only had %d tyvars" i (Array.length tvs))
let isEmittedTypeRef emEnv tref = Zmap.mem tref emEnv.emTypMap
......@@ -519,16 +530,20 @@ let convCallConv (Callconv (hasThis,basic)) =
let rec convTypeSpec cenv emEnv preferCreated (tspec:ILTypeSpec) =
let typT = convTypeRef cenv emEnv preferCreated tspec.TypeRef
let tyargs = List.map (convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated) tspec.GenericArgs
match isNil tyargs,typT.IsGenericType with
| _ ,true -> typT.MakeGenericType(List.toArray tyargs) |> nonNull "convTypeSpec: generic"
| true,false -> typT |> nonNull "convTypeSpec: non generic"
| _ ,false -> failwithf "- convTypeSpec: non-generic type '%O' has type instance of length %d?" typT tyargs.Length
let res =
match isNil tyargs,typT.IsGenericType with
| _ ,true -> typT.MakeGenericType(List.toArray tyargs)
| true,false -> typT
| _ ,false -> null
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundDuringDynamicCodeGen ("type", tspec.TypeRef.QualifiedName, tspec.Scope.QualifiedName), range0))
| _ -> res
and convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated typ =
match typ with
| ILType.Void -> Type.GetType("System.Void")
| ILType.Array (shape,eltType) ->
let baseT = convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated eltType |> nonNull "convType: array base"
let baseT = convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated eltType
let nDims = shape.Rank
// MakeArrayType() returns "eltType[]"
// MakeArrayType(1) returns "eltType[*]"
......@@ -538,15 +553,18 @@ and convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated typ =
if nDims=1
then baseT.MakeArrayType()
else baseT.MakeArrayType shape.Rank
| ILType.Value tspec -> convTypeSpec cenv emEnv preferCreated tspec |> nonNull "convType: value"
| ILType.Boxed tspec -> convTypeSpec cenv emEnv preferCreated tspec |> nonNull "convType: boxed"
| ILType.Ptr eltType -> let baseT = convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated eltType |> nonNull "convType: ptr eltType"
baseT.MakePointerType() |> nonNull "convType: ptr"
| ILType.Byref eltType -> let baseT = convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated eltType |> nonNull "convType: byref eltType"
baseT.MakeByRefType() |> nonNull "convType: byref"
| ILType.TypeVar tv -> envGetTyvar emEnv tv |> nonNull "convType: tyvar"
| ILType.Value tspec -> convTypeSpec cenv emEnv preferCreated tspec
| ILType.Boxed tspec -> convTypeSpec cenv emEnv preferCreated tspec
| ILType.Ptr eltType ->
let baseT = convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated eltType
| ILType.Byref eltType ->
let baseT = convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated eltType
| ILType.TypeVar tv -> envGetTyvar emEnv tv
// Consider completing the following cases:
| ILType.Modified (false, _, modifiedTy) -> convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated modifiedTy
| ILType.Modified (false, _, modifiedTy) ->
convTypeAux cenv emEnv preferCreated modifiedTy
| ILType.Modified (true, _, _) -> failwith "convType: modreq"
| ILType.FunctionPointer _callsig -> failwith "convType: fptr"
......@@ -639,11 +657,18 @@ let typeIsNotQueryable (typ : Type) =
let queryableTypeGetField _emEnv (parentT:Type) (fref: ILFieldRef) =
parentT.GetField(fref.Name, BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Static )
|> nonNull "queryableTypeGetField"
let res = parentT.GetField(fref.Name, BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Static )
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundInTypeDuringDynamicCodeGen ("field", fref.Name, fref.EnclosingTypeRef.FullName, fref.EnclosingTypeRef.Scope.QualifiedName), range0))
| _ -> res
let nonQueryableTypeGetField (parentTI:Type) (fieldInfo : FieldInfo) : FieldInfo =
if parentTI.IsGenericType then TypeBuilder.GetField(parentTI,fieldInfo) else fieldInfo
let res =
if parentTI.IsGenericType then TypeBuilder.GetField(parentTI,fieldInfo)
else fieldInfo
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundInTypeDuringDynamicCodeGen ("field", fieldInfo.Name, parentTI.AssemblyQualifiedName, parentTI.Assembly.FullName), range0))
| _ -> res
let convFieldSpec cenv emEnv fspec =
......@@ -735,10 +760,9 @@ let queryableTypeGetMethodBySearch cenv emEnv parentT (mref:ILMethodRef) =
match List.tryFind select methInfos with
| None -> failwith "convMethodRef: could not bind to method"
| Some methInfo -> methInfo (* return MethodInfo for (generic) type's (generic) method *)
|> nonNull "convMethodRef"
let queryableTypeGetMethod cenv emEnv parentT (mref:ILMethodRef) =
assert(not (typeIsNotQueryable(parentT)));
assert(not (typeIsNotQueryable(parentT)))
if mref.GenericArity = 0 then
let tyargTs = getGenericArgumentsOfType parentT
let argTs,resT =
......@@ -775,20 +799,23 @@ let nonQueryableTypeGetMethod (parentTI:Type) (methInfo : MethodInfo) : MethodIn
let convMethodRef cenv emEnv (parentTI:Type) (mref:ILMethodRef) =
let parent = mref.EnclosingTypeRef
if isEmittedTypeRef emEnv parent then
// NOTE: if "convType becomes convCreatedType", then handle queryable types here too. [bug 4063]
// Emitted type, can get fully generic MethodBuilder from env.
let methB = envGetMethB emEnv mref
nonQueryableTypeGetMethod parentTI methB
|> nonNull "convMethodRef (emitted)"
// Prior type.
if typeIsNotQueryable parentTI then
let parentT = getTypeConstructor parentTI
let methInfo = queryableTypeGetMethod cenv emEnv parentT mref
nonQueryableTypeGetMethod parentTI methInfo
queryableTypeGetMethod cenv emEnv parentTI mref
let res =
if isEmittedTypeRef emEnv parent then
// NOTE: if "convType becomes convCreatedType", then handle queryable types here too. [bug 4063]
// Emitted type, can get fully generic MethodBuilder from env.
let methB = envGetMethB emEnv mref
nonQueryableTypeGetMethod parentTI methB
// Prior type.
if typeIsNotQueryable parentTI then
let parentT = getTypeConstructor parentTI
let methInfo = queryableTypeGetMethod cenv emEnv parentT mref
nonQueryableTypeGetMethod parentTI methInfo
queryableTypeGetMethod cenv emEnv parentTI mref
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundInTypeDuringDynamicCodeGen ("method", mref.Name, parentTI.FullName, parentTI.Assembly.FullName), range0))
| _ -> res
// convMethodSpec
......@@ -804,7 +831,7 @@ let convMethodSpec cenv emEnv (mspec:ILMethodSpec) =
let minstTs = convTypesToArray cenv emEnv mspec.GenericArgs
let methInfo = methInfo.MakeGenericMethod minstTs // instantiate method
methInfo |> nonNull "convMethodSpec"
// - QueryableTypeGetConstructors: get a constructor on a non-TypeBuilder type
......@@ -815,7 +842,11 @@ let queryableTypeGetConstructor cenv emEnv (parentT:Type) (mref:ILMethodRef) =
let reqArgTs =
let emEnv = envPushTyvars emEnv tyargTs
convTypesToArray cenv emEnv mref.ArgTypes
parentT.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance,null, reqArgTs,null)
let res = parentT.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance,null, reqArgTs,null)
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundInTypeDuringDynamicCodeGen ("constructor", mref.Name, parentT.FullName, parentT.Assembly.FullName), range0))
| _ -> res
let nonQueryableTypeGetConstructor (parentTI:Type) (consInfo : ConstructorInfo) : ConstructorInfo =
if parentTI.IsGenericType then TypeBuilder.GetConstructor(parentTI,consInfo) else consInfo
......@@ -827,18 +858,21 @@ let nonQueryableTypeGetConstructor (parentTI:Type) (consInfo : ConstructorInfo)
let convConstructorSpec cenv emEnv (mspec:ILMethodSpec) =
let mref = mspec.MethodRef
let parentTI = convType cenv emEnv mspec.EnclosingType
if isEmittedTypeRef emEnv mref.EnclosingTypeRef then
// NOTE: if "convType becomes convCreatedType", then handle queryable types here too. [bug 4063]
let consB = envGetConsB emEnv mref
nonQueryableTypeGetConstructor parentTI consB |> nonNull "convConstructorSpec: (emitted)"
// Prior type.
if typeIsNotQueryable parentTI then
let parentT = getTypeConstructor parentTI
let ctorG = queryableTypeGetConstructor cenv emEnv parentT mref
nonQueryableTypeGetConstructor parentTI ctorG
let res =
if isEmittedTypeRef emEnv mref.EnclosingTypeRef then
let consB = envGetConsB emEnv mref
nonQueryableTypeGetConstructor parentTI consB
queryableTypeGetConstructor cenv emEnv parentTI mref
// Prior type.
if typeIsNotQueryable parentTI then
let parentT = getTypeConstructor parentTI
let ctorG = queryableTypeGetConstructor cenv emEnv parentT mref
nonQueryableTypeGetConstructor parentTI ctorG
queryableTypeGetConstructor cenv emEnv parentTI mref
match res with
| null -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.itemNotFoundInTypeDuringDynamicCodeGen ("constructor", "", parentTI.FullName, parentTI.Assembly.FullName), range0))
| _ -> res
// emitLabelMark
......@@ -1746,7 +1780,6 @@ let rec buildTypeDefPass1 cenv emEnv (modB:ModuleBuilder) rootTypeBuilder nestin
// TypeBuilder from TypeAttributes.
let typB : TypeBuilder = rootTypeBuilder (tdef.Name,attrsType)
let typB = typB |> nonNull "buildTypeDefPass1 cenv: typB is null!"
cattrsLayout |> Option.iter typB.SetCustomAttributeAndLog;
buildGenParamsPass1 emEnv typB.DefineGenericParametersAndLog tdef.GenericParams;
......@@ -3499,6 +3499,12 @@ type TcAssemblyResolutions(results : AssemblyResolution list, unresolved : Unres
let r = ar.GetILAssemblyRef(ctok) |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
r = assref)
/// This doesn't need to be cancellable, it is only used by F# Interactive
member tcResolution.TryFindBySimpleAssemblyName (ctok, simpleAssemName) =
results |> List.tryFind (fun ar->
let r = ar.GetILAssemblyRef(ctok) |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
r.Name = simpleAssemName)
member tcResolutions.TryFindByResolvedPath nm = resolvedPathToResolution.TryFind nm
member tcResolutions.TryFindByOriginalReferenceText nm = originalReferenceToResolution.TryFind nm
......@@ -4467,10 +4473,12 @@ type TcImports(tcConfigP:TcConfigProvider, initialResolutions:TcAssemblyResoluti
/// This doesn't need to be cancellable, it is only used by F# Interactive
member tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathFromAssemblyRef(ctok, assref:ILAssemblyRef) : string option =
match resolutions.TryFindByExactILAssemblyRef (ctok, assref) with
| Some r -> Some r.resolvedPath
| None -> None
member tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathBySimpleAssemblyName (ctok, simpleAssemName) : string option =
resolutions.TryFindBySimpleAssemblyName (ctok, simpleAssemName) |> Option.map (fun r -> r.resolvedPath)
/// This doesn't need to be cancellable, it is only used by F# Interactive
member tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathByExactAssemblyRef(ctok, assref:ILAssemblyRef) : string option =
resolutions.TryFindByExactILAssemblyRef (ctok, assref) |> Option.map (fun r -> r.resolvedPath)
member tcImports.TryResolveAssemblyReference(ctok, assemblyReference:AssemblyReference, mode:ResolveAssemblyReferenceMode) : OperationResult<AssemblyResolution list> =
let tcConfig = tcConfigP.Get(ctok)
......@@ -621,8 +621,14 @@ type TcImports =
/// Resolve a referenced assembly and report an error if the resolution fails.
member ResolveAssemblyReference : CompilationThreadToken * AssemblyReference * ResolveAssemblyReferenceMode -> AssemblyResolution list
/// Try to find the given assembly reference by simple name. Used in magic assembly resolution. Effectively does implicit
/// unification of assemblies by simple assembly name.
member TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathBySimpleAssemblyName : CompilationThreadToken * string -> string option
/// Try to find the given assembly reference.
member TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathFromAssemblyRef : CompilationThreadToken * ILAssemblyRef -> string option
member TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathByExactAssemblyRef : CompilationThreadToken * ILAssemblyRef -> string option
/// Try to find a provider-generated assembly
member TryFindProviderGeneratedAssemblyByName : CompilationThreadToken * assemblyName:string -> System.Reflection.Assembly option
......@@ -1404,3 +1404,5 @@ keywordDescriptionCast,"Converts a type to type that is higher in the hierarchy.
keywordDescriptionDynamicCast,"Converts a type to a type that is lower in the hierarchy."
keywordDescriptionTypedQuotation,"Delimits a typed code quotation."
keywordDescriptionUntypedQuotation,"Delimits a untyped code quotation."
3216,itemNotFoundDuringDynamicCodeGen,"%s '%s' not found in assembly '%s'. A possible cause may be a version incompatibility. You may need to explicitly reference the correct version of this assembly to allow all referenced components to use the correct version."
3216,itemNotFoundInTypeDuringDynamicCodeGen,"%s '%s' not found in type '%s' from assembly '%s'. A possible cause may be a version incompatibility. You may need to explicitly reference the correct version of this assembly to allow all referenced components to use the correct version."
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1609,6 +1609,15 @@ module internal MagicAssemblyResolution =
let assemblyReferenceTextDll = (simpleAssemName + ".dll")
let assemblyReferenceTextExe = (simpleAssemName + ".exe")
let overallSearchResult =
// OK, try to resolve as an existing DLL in the resolved reference set. This does unification by assembly name
// once an assembly has been referenced.
let searchResult = tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathBySimpleAssemblyName (ctok, simpleAssemName)
match searchResult with
| Some r -> OkResult ([], Choice1Of2 r)
| _ ->
// OK, try to resolve as a .dll
let searchResult = tcImports.TryResolveAssemblyReference (ctok, AssemblyReference (m, assemblyReferenceTextDll, None), ResolveAssemblyReferenceMode.Speculative)
......@@ -1645,7 +1654,7 @@ module internal MagicAssemblyResolution =
// As a last resort, try to find the reference without an extension
match tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathFromAssemblyRef(ctok, ILAssemblyRef.Create(simpleAssemName,None,None,false,None,None)) with
match tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathByExactAssemblyRef(ctok, ILAssemblyRef.Create(simpleAssemName,None,None,false,None,None)) with
| Some(resolvedPath) ->
OkResult([],Choice1Of2 resolvedPath)
| None ->
......@@ -2609,7 +2618,7 @@ type internal FsiEvaluationSession (fsi: FsiEvaluationSessionHostConfig, argv:st
| Some assembly -> Some (Choice2Of2 assembly)
| None ->
match tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathFromAssemblyRef (ctok, aref) with
match tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathByExactAssemblyRef (ctok, aref) with
| Some resolvedPath -> Some (Choice1Of2 resolvedPath)
| None -> None
......@@ -499,6 +499,10 @@ module CoreTests =
// Debug with
// ..\..\..\..\debug\net40\bin\fsi.exe --nologo < test.fsx >a.out 2>a.err
// then
/// windiff z.output.test.default.stdout.bsl a.out
let printing flag diffFileOut expectedFileOut diffFileErr expectedFileErr =
let cfg = testConfig "core/printing"
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