未验证 提交 5a5a5f6c 编写于 作者: F Florian Verdonck 提交者: GitHub

Add arrow to SynType.Fun trivia. (#13375)

上级 900a0c58
......@@ -5091,7 +5091,7 @@ module TcDeclarations =
memberFlags.MemberKind=SynMemberKind.Constructor &&
// REVIEW: This is a syntactic approximation
(match synValSig.SynType, synValSig.SynInfo.CurriedArgInfos with
| StripParenTypes (SynType.Fun (StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent (SynLongIdent([id], _, _))), _, _)), [[_]] when id.idText = "unit" -> true
| StripParenTypes (SynType.Fun (argType = StripParenTypes (SynType.LongIdent (SynLongIdent([id], _, _))))), [[_]] when id.idText = "unit" -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)
......@@ -4537,7 +4537,7 @@ and TcTypeOrMeasure kindOpt cenv newOk checkConstraints occ env (tpenv: Unscoped
| SynType.AnonRecd(isStruct, args, m) ->
TcAnonRecdType cenv newOk checkConstraints occ env tpenv isStruct args m
| SynType.Fun(domainTy, resultTy, _) ->
| SynType.Fun(argType = domainTy; returnType = resultTy) ->
TcFunctionType cenv newOk checkConstraints occ env tpenv domainTy resultTy
| SynType.Array (rank , elemTy, m) ->
......@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ module SyntaxTraversal =
| SynType.App (typeName, _, typeArgs, _, _, _, _)
| SynType.LongIdentApp (typeName, _, _, typeArgs, _, _, _) ->
[ yield typeName; yield! typeArgs ] |> List.tryPick (traverseSynType path)
| SynType.Fun (ty1, ty2, _) -> [ ty1; ty2 ] |> List.tryPick (traverseSynType path)
| SynType.Fun (argType = ty1; returnType = ty2) -> [ ty1; ty2 ] |> List.tryPick (traverseSynType path)
| SynType.MeasurePower (ty, _, _)
| SynType.HashConstraint (ty, _)
| SynType.WithGlobalConstraints (ty, _, _)
......@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ module ParsedInput =
| SynType.LongIdentApp (_, _, _, types, _, _, _) -> List.tryPick walkType types
| SynType.Tuple (_, ts, _) -> ts |> List.tryPick (fun (_, t) -> walkType t)
| SynType.Array (_, t, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.Fun (t1, t2, _) -> walkType t1 |> Option.orElseWith (fun () -> walkType t2)
| SynType.Fun (argType = t1; returnType = t2) -> walkType t1 |> Option.orElseWith (fun () -> walkType t2)
| SynType.WithGlobalConstraints (t, _, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.HashConstraint (t, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.MeasureDivide (t1, t2, _) -> walkType t1 |> Option.orElseWith (fun () -> walkType t2)
......@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ module ParsedInput =
| SynType.HashConstraint (t, _)
| SynType.MeasurePower (t, _, _)
| SynType.Paren (t, _) -> walkType t
| SynType.Fun (t1, t2, _)
| SynType.Fun (argType = t1; returnType = t2)
| SynType.MeasureDivide (t1, t2, _) ->
walkType t1
walkType t2
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ type SynType =
| Array of rank: int * elementType: SynType * range: range
| Fun of argType: SynType * returnType: SynType * range: range
| Fun of argType: SynType * returnType: SynType * range: range * trivia: SynTypeFunTrivia
| Var of typar: SynTypar * range: range
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ type SynType =
| Array of rank: int * elementType: SynType * range: range
/// F# syntax: type -> type
| Fun of argType: SynType * returnType: SynType * range: range
| Fun of argType: SynType * returnType: SynType * range: range * trivia: SynTypeFunTrivia
/// F# syntax: 'Var
| Var of typar: SynTypar * range: range
......@@ -230,3 +230,6 @@ type SynValSigTrivia =
WithKeyword = None
EqualsRange = None
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
type SynTypeFunTrivia = { ArrowRange: range }
......@@ -324,3 +324,11 @@ type SynValSigTrivia =
static member Zero: SynValSigTrivia
/// Represents additional information for SynType.Fun
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
type SynTypeFunTrivia =
/// The syntax range of the `->` token.
ArrowRange: range
......@@ -4993,8 +4993,9 @@ opt_topReturnTypeWithTypeConstraints:
| topTupleType RARROW topType
{ let dty, dmdata= $1
let rty, (SynValInfo(dmdatas, rmdata)) = $3
SynType.Fun(dty, rty, lhs parseState), (SynValInfo(dmdata :: dmdatas, rmdata)) }
let rty, (SynValInfo(dmdatas, rmdata)) = $3
let mArrow = rhs parseState 2
SynType.Fun(dty, rty, lhs parseState, { ArrowRange = mArrow }), (SynValInfo(dmdata :: dmdatas, rmdata)) }
| topTupleType
{ let ty, rmdata = $1 in ty, (SynValInfo([], (match rmdata with [md] -> md | _ -> SynInfo.unnamedRetVal))) }
......@@ -5040,7 +5041,8 @@ topAppType:
/* See the F# specification "Lexical analysis of type applications and type parameter definitions" */
| tupleType RARROW typ
{ SynType.Fun($1, $3, lhs parseState) }
{ let mArrow = rhs parseState 2
SynType.Fun($1, $3, lhs parseState, { ArrowRange = mArrow }) }
| tupleType %prec prec_typ_prefix
{ $1 }
......@@ -8408,6 +8408,8 @@ FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType argType
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType get_argType()
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType get_returnType()
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType returnType
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia get_trivia()
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia trivia
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range get_range()
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+Fun: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range range
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType+HashConstraint: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType get_innerType()
......@@ -8531,7 +8533,7 @@ FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewAnon(FSharp.Co
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewAnonRecd(Boolean, Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.Tuple`2[FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.Ident,FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType]], FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewApp(FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType], Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Boolean, FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewArray(Int32, FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewFun(FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewFun(FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range, FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewHashConstraint(FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewLongIdent(FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynLongIdent)
FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType: FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType NewLongIdentApp(FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType, FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynLongIdent, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[FSharp.Compiler.Syntax.SynType], Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
......@@ -9463,6 +9465,11 @@ FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeDefnTrivia: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOpti
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeDefnTrivia: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range] get_WithKeyword()
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeDefnTrivia: System.String ToString()
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeDefnTrivia: Void .ctor(Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range], Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range])
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range ArrowRange
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range get_ArrowRange()
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia: System.String ToString()
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynTypeFunTrivia: Void .ctor(FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range)
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynUnionCaseTrivia: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range] BarRange
FSharp.Compiler.SyntaxTrivia.SynUnionCaseTrivia: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range] get_BarRange()
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ let rec getParenTypes (synType: SynType): SynType list =
yield synType
yield! getParenTypes innerType
| SynType.Fun (argType, returnType, _) ->
| SynType.Fun (argType = argType; returnType = returnType) ->
yield! getParenTypes argType
yield! getParenTypes returnType
......@@ -4699,3 +4699,26 @@ module Measures =
Assert.AreEqual("weeks", weeksIdent.idText)
assertRange (2, 9) (2, 22) mParen
| _ -> Assert.Fail $"Could not get valid AST, got {parseResults}"
module SyntaxTypes =
let ``SynType.Fun has range of arrow`` () =
let parseResults =
type X = string -> // after a tuple, mixed needs an indent
match parseResults with
| ParsedInput.ImplFile (ParsedImplFileInput(modules = [
SynModuleOrNamespace.SynModuleOrNamespace(decls = [
SynModuleDecl.Types(typeDefns = [
SynTypeDefn(typeRepr = SynTypeDefnRepr.Simple(simpleRepr =
SynTypeDefnSimpleRepr.TypeAbbrev(rhsType =
SynType.Fun(trivia = { ArrowRange = mArrow }))))
])) ->
assertRange (2, 21) (2, 23) mArrow
| _ -> Assert.Fail $"Could not get valid AST, got {parseResults}"
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