未验证 提交 5728b68d 编写于 作者: K Kevin Ransom (msft) 提交者: GitHub

Improve compiler designtime probing (#4250)

上级 e2af0fa0
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module internal ExtensionTyping =
// Specify the tooling-compatible fragments of a path such as:
// typeproviders/fsharp41/net461/MyProvider.DesignTime.dll
// tools/fsharp41/net461/MyProvider.DesignTime.dll
// See https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/issues/3736
// Represents the FF#-compiler <-> type provider protocol.
......@@ -55,16 +56,12 @@ module internal ExtensionTyping =
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Couldn't determine runtime tooling context, assuming it supports at least .NET Standard 2.0")
[ "netstandard2.0"]
// When significant new processor types appear add a new moniker here. Note that use of this qualifier will be very rare
// and we don't expect different design-time assemblies will be needed for different architectures very often. Some
// exceptions may be design-time components for type providers for systems such as Python or R.
let toolingCompatibleArch() = if sizeof<nativeint> = 8 then "x64" else "x86"
let toolingCompatiblePaths() =
[ for protocol in toolingCompatibleTypeProviderProtocolMonikers() do
for netRuntime in toolingCompatibleVersions() do
let dir = Path.Combine("typeproviders", protocol, netRuntime)
yield Path.Combine(dir, toolingCompatibleArch())
yield dir
for netRuntime in toolingCompatibleVersions() do
yield Path.Combine("typeproviders", protocol, netRuntime)
yield Path.Combine("tools", protocol, netRuntime)
/// Load a the design-time part of a type-provider into the host process, and look for types
......@@ -111,18 +111,16 @@ module TypeProviderDesignTimeComponentLoading =
let ``check tooling paths for type provider design time component loading`` () =
let arch = if sizeof<nativeint> = 8 then "x64" else "x86"
let expected =
[ @"typeproviders\fsharp41\net461\" + arch
@"typeproviders\fsharp41\net452\" + arch
let expected =
[ @"typeproviders\fsharp41\net461"
@"typeproviders\fsharp41\net451\" + arch
@"typeproviders\fsharp41\net45\" + arch
@"typeproviders\fsharp41\netstandard2.0\" + arch
@"tools\fsharp41\netstandard2.0" ]
let actual = Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.ExtensionTyping.toolingCompatiblePaths()
Assert.areEqual expected actual
......@@ -248,15 +248,16 @@ let ``negative type provider tests`` (name:string) =
SingleTest.singleNegTest cfg name
let splitAssembly () =
let splitAssembly subdir project =
let cfg = testConfig "typeProviders/splitAssembly"
let cfg = testConfig project
let clean() =
rm cfg "providerDesigner.dll"
rmdir cfg "typeproviders"
rmdir cfg "tools"
rmdir cfg (".." ++ "typeproviders")
rmdir cfg (".." ++ "tools")
......@@ -276,20 +277,11 @@ let splitAssembly () =
// check a few load locations
let someLoadPaths =
[ "typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net461" ++ "x86"
"typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net461"
"typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net45"
[ subdir ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net461"
subdir ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net45"
// include up one directory
".." ++ "typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net45"
"typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "netstandard2.0" ]
let someLoadPaths64 =
[ "typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net461" ++ "x64"
"typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net461" ]
let someNegativeLoadPaths64 =
[ "typeproviders" ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net461" ++ "x86" ]
".." ++ subdir ++ "fsharp41" ++ "net45"
subdir ++ "fsharp41" ++ "netstandard2.0" ]
for dir in someLoadPaths do
......@@ -311,31 +303,13 @@ let splitAssembly () =
SingleTest.singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg FSI_BASIC
for dir in someLoadPaths64 do
// put providerDesigner.dll into a different place
mkdir cfg dir
fsc cfg "--out:%s/providerDesigner.dll -a" dir ["providerDesigner.fsx"]
SingleTest.singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg FSIANYCPU_BASIC
for dir in someNegativeLoadPaths64 do
// put providerDesigner.dll into a different place
mkdir cfg dir
fsc cfg "--out:%s/providerDesigner.dll -a" dir ["providerDesigner.fsx"]
// We expect a failure here - an error correctly gets printed on the console
SingleTest.singleTestBuildAndRunAux cfg FSIANYCPU_BASIC |> ignore
failwith "expected an AssertionException"
with :? NUnit.Framework.AssertionException -> ()
let splitAssemblyTools () = splitAssembly "tools" "typeProviders/splitAssemblyTools"
let splitAssemblyTypeProviders () = splitAssembly "typeproviders" "typeProviders/splitAssemblyTypeproviders"
let wedgeAssembly () =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
type TypeProviderAssemblyAttribute(assemblyName) =
inherit System.Attribute()
new() = TypeProviderAssemblyAttribute(null)
member this.AssemblyName
with get () = assemblyName
namespace My
type Runtime =
static member Id x = x
namespace Provider
#load @"..\helloWorld\TypeMagic.fs"
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System
open System.Reflection
open System.Linq.Expressions
open FSharp.TypeMagic
type public Provider(config : TypeProviderConfig) =
let runtimeAssembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(config.RuntimeAssembly)
let modul = runtimeAssembly.GetModules().[0]
let ``My.Runtime`` = runtimeAssembly.GetType("My.Runtime")
let rootNamespace = "FSharp.SplitAssembly"
let invalidation = new Event<System.EventHandler,_>()
let theType =
let rec members =
[| let p = TypeBuilder.CreateSyntheticProperty(theType,"Foo",typeof<int>,isStatic=true)
yield! TypeBuilder.JoinPropertiesIntoMemberInfos [p]
and theType =
TypeBuilder.CreateSimpleType(TypeContainer.Namespace(modul,rootNamespace),"TheType", members = members)
interface IProvidedNamespace with
member this.NamespaceName = rootNamespace
member this.GetNestedNamespaces() = [||]
member this.ResolveTypeName typeName =
match typeName with
| "TheType" -> theType
| _ -> null
member this.GetTypes() = [| theType |]
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() = ()
interface ITypeProvider with
member this.ApplyStaticArguments (st,_,_) = st
member this.GetInvokerExpression(mb,p) =
let mi = ``My.Runtime``.GetMethod("Id").MakeGenericMethod([|typeof<int>|])
Quotations.Expr.Call(mi, [ Quotations.Expr.Value(42) ])
member this.GetNamespaces() = [| this |]
member this.GetStaticParameters st = [||]
member this.Invalidate = invalidation.Publish
member this.GetGeneratedAssemblyContents(assembly) = failwith "GetGeneratedAssemblyContents - only erased types were provided!!"
#r "provider.dll"
let mutable failures = []
let reportFailure s =
stdout.WriteLine "\n................TEST FAILED...............\n"; failures <- failures @ [s]
let check s e r =
if r = e then stdout.WriteLine (s+": YES")
else (stdout.WriteLine ("\n***** "+s+": FAIL\n"); reportFailure s)
let test s b =
if b then ( (* stdout.WriteLine ("passed: " + s) *) )
else (stderr.WriteLine ("failure: " + s);
reportFailure s)
check "fgdjkwefg"
!* wrap up
*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let _ =
if not failures.IsEmpty then (printfn "Test Failed, failures = %A" failures; exit 1)
do (stdout.WriteLine "Test Passed";
exit 0)
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