未验证 提交 4ac92954 编写于 作者: D Don Syme 提交者: GitHub

fix for net7 regression for UMX (#12892)

* fix net7 regression

* fix test
上级 9e7790ce
......@@ -103,16 +103,13 @@ let mkSystemCollectionsGenericIListTy (g: TcGlobals) ty =
type SkipUnrefInterfaces = Yes | No
/// Collect the set of immediate declared interface types for an F# type, but do not
/// traverse the type hierarchy to collect further interfaces.
let rec GetImmediateInterfacesOfType skipUnref g amap m ty =
let getInterfaces ty (tcref:TyconRef) tinst =
let GetImmediateInterfacesOfMetadataType g amap m skipUnref ty (tcref: TyconRef) tinst =
match metadataOfTy g ty with
| ProvidedTypeMetadata info ->
[ for ity in info.ProvidedType.PApplyArray((fun st -> st.GetInterfaces()), "GetInterfaces", m) do
yield Import.ImportProvidedType amap m ity ]
for ity in info.ProvidedType.PApplyArray((fun st -> st.GetInterfaces()), "GetInterfaces", m) do
Import.ImportProvidedType amap m ity
| ILTypeMetadata (TILObjectReprData(scoref, _, tdef)) ->
// ImportILType may fail for an interface if the assembly load set is incomplete and the interface
......@@ -122,58 +119,95 @@ let rec GetImmediateInterfacesOfType skipUnref g amap m ty =
// succeeded with more reported. There are pathological corner cases where this
// doesn't apply: e.g. for mscorlib interfaces like IComparable, but we can always
// assume those are present.
tdef.Implements |> List.choose (fun ity ->
for ity in tdef.Implements do
if skipUnref = SkipUnrefInterfaces.No || CanImportILType scoref amap m ity then
Some (ImportILType scoref amap m tinst ity)
ImportILType scoref amap m tinst ity
| FSharpOrArrayOrByrefOrTupleOrExnTypeMetadata ->
tcref.ImmediateInterfaceTypesOfFSharpTycon |> List.map (instType (mkInstForAppTy g ty))
for ity in tcref.ImmediateInterfaceTypesOfFSharpTycon do
instType (mkInstForAppTy g ty) ity ]
let itys =
/// Collect the set of immediate declared interface types for an F# type, but do not
/// traverse the type hierarchy to collect further interfaces.
// NOTE: Anonymous record types are not directly considered to implement IComparable,
// IComparable<T> or IEquatable<T>. This is because whether they support these interfaces depend on their
// consitutent types, which may not yet be known in type inference.
let rec GetImmediateInterfacesOfType skipUnref g amap m ty =
match tryAppTy g ty with
| ValueSome(tcref, tinst) ->
if tcref.IsMeasureableReprTycon then
[ match tcref.TypeReprInfo with
| TMeasureableRepr reprTy ->
for ity in GetImmediateInterfacesOfType skipUnref g amap m reprTy do
match tryTcrefOfAppTy g ity with
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome itcref ->
if not (tyconRefEq g itcref g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref) &&
not (tyconRefEq g itcref g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref) then
yield ity
| _ -> ()
yield mkAppTy g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref [ty]
yield mkAppTy g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref [ty]]
getInterfaces ty tcref tinst
| _ ->
// Check if this is a measure-annotated type
match tcref.TypeReprInfo with
| TMeasureableRepr reprTy ->
yield! GetImmediateInterfacesOfMeasureAnnotatedType skipUnref g amap m ty reprTy
| _ ->
yield! GetImmediateInterfacesOfMetadataType g amap m skipUnref ty tcref tinst
| ValueNone ->
// For tuple types, func types, check if we can eliminate to a type with metadata.
let tyWithMetadata = convertToTypeWithMetadataIfPossible g ty
match tryAppTy g tyWithMetadata with
| ValueSome (tcref, tinst) ->
if isAnyTupleTy g ty then
getInterfaces tyWithMetadata tcref tinst
| _ -> []
// NOTE: Anonymous record types are not directly considered to implement IComparable,
// IComparable<T> or IEquatable<T>. This is because whether they support these interfaces depend on their
// consitutent types, which may not yet be known in type inference.
// NOTE: Tuples could in theory always support IComparable etc. because this
// is in the .NET metadata for System.Tuple etc. However from the F# perspective tuple types don't
// always support the 'comparable' and 'equality' constraints (again, it depends on their constitutent types).
yield! GetImmediateInterfacesOfMetadataType g amap m skipUnref tyWithMetadata tcref tinst
| _ -> ()
// .NET array types are considered to implement IList<T>
let itys =
// .NET array types are considered to implement IList<T>
if isArray1DTy g ty then
mkSystemCollectionsGenericIListTy g (destArrayTy g ty) :: itys
mkSystemCollectionsGenericIListTy g (destArrayTy g ty)
// Report the interfaces supported by a measure-annotated type.
// For example, consider:
// [<MeasureAnnotatedAbbreviation>]
// type A<[<Measure>] 'm> = A
// This measure-annotated type is considered to support the interfaces on its representation type A,
// with the exception that
// 1. we rewrite the IComparable and IEquatable interfaces, so that
// IComparable<A> --> IComparable<A<'m>>
// IEquatable<A> --> IEquatable<A<'m>>
// 2. we emit any other interfaces that derive from IComparable and IEquatable interfaces
// This rule is conservative and only applies to IComparable and IEquatable interfaces.
// This rule may in future be extended to rewrite the "trait" interfaces associated with .NET 7.
and GetImmediateInterfacesOfMeasureAnnotatedType skipUnref g amap m ty reprTy =
// Report any interfaces that don't derive from IComparable<_> or IEquatable<_>
for ity in GetImmediateInterfacesOfType skipUnref g amap m reprTy do
if not (ExistsHeadTypeInInterfaceHierarchy g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref skipUnref g amap m ity) &&
not (ExistsHeadTypeInInterfaceHierarchy g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref skipUnref g amap m ity) then
// NOTE: we should really only report the IComparable<A<'m>> interface for measure-annotated types
// if the original type supports IComparable<A> somewhere in the hierarchy, likeiwse IEquatable<A<'m>>.
// However since F# 2.0 we have always reported these interfaces for all measure-annotated types.
//if ExistsInInterfaceHierarchy (typeEquiv g (mkAppTy g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref [reprTy])) skipUnref g amap m ty then
mkAppTy g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref [ty]
//if ExistsInInterfaceHierarchy (typeEquiv g (mkAppTy g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref [reprTy])) skipUnref g amap m ty then
mkAppTy g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref [ty]
// Check for IComparable<A>, IEquatable<A> and interfaces that derive from these
and ExistsHeadTypeInInterfaceHierarchy target skipUnref g amap m ity =
ExistsInInterfaceHierarchy (function AppTy g (tcref,_) -> tyconRefEq g tcref target | _ -> false) skipUnref g amap m ity
// Check for IComparable<A>, IEquatable<A> and interfaces that derive from these
and ExistsInInterfaceHierarchy p skipUnref g amap m ity =
match ity with
| AppTy g (tcref, tinst) ->
p ity ||
(GetImmediateInterfacesOfMetadataType g amap m skipUnref ity tcref tinst
|> List.exists (ExistsInInterfaceHierarchy p skipUnref g amap m))
| _ -> false
/// Indicates whether we should visit multiple instantiations of the same generic interface or not
......@@ -128,6 +128,39 @@ module TestLibrary =
printfn "test 7: %i" (test7 1000)
printfn "test 8: %i" (test8 1000)
module InterfacesOfMeasureAnnotatedTypes =
open System
type IDerivedComparable<'T> =
inherit IComparable<'T>
type IRandomOtherInterface<'T> =
abstract M: 'T -> 'T
type IDerivedEquatable<'T> =
inherit IEquatable<'T>
type Prim() =
interface IComparable with
member x.CompareTo(y) = 0
interface IDerivedComparable<Prim> with
member x.CompareTo(y) = 0
interface IDerivedEquatable<Prim> with
member x.Equals(y) = true
interface IRandomOtherInterface<Prim> with
member x.M(y) = y
override x.Equals(y) = true
override x.GetHashCode() = 0
type Prim<[<Measure>] 'm> = Prim
// Check that Prim<'m> supports the unit-annotated IComparable interface
let f1 (x: Prim<'m>) = (x :> IComparable<Prim<'m>>)
let f3 (x: Prim<'m>) = (x :> IEquatable<Prim<'m>>)
let f5 (x: Prim<'m>) = (x :> IComparable)
// Does not apply to other interfaces
let f6 (x: Prim<'m>) = (x :> IRandomOtherInterface<Prim>)
let main argv =
......@@ -377,3 +377,15 @@ neg20.fs(448,30,448,33): typecheck error FS0001: This expression was expected to
'string option'
but here has type
neg20.fs(477,29,477,62): typecheck error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type
is not compatible with type
neg20.fs(478,29,478,61): typecheck error FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type
is not compatible with type
......@@ -447,3 +447,32 @@ module OptionTypeOpImplicitsIgnored =
let x1 : int option = 3
let x2 : string option = "a"
module InterfacesOfMeasureAnnotatedTypes =
open System
type IDerivedComparable<'T> =
inherit IComparable<'T>
type IRandomOtherInterface<'T> =
abstract M: 'T -> 'T
type IDerivedEquatable<'T> =
inherit IEquatable<'T>
type Prim() =
interface IComparable with
member x.CompareTo(y) = 0
interface IDerivedComparable<Prim> with
member x.CompareTo(y) = 0
interface IDerivedEquatable<Prim> with
member x.Equals(y) = true
interface IRandomOtherInterface<Prim> with
member x.M(y) = y
override x.Equals(y) = true
override x.GetHashCode() = 0
type Prim<[<Measure>] 'm> = Prim
// Check that Prim<'m> does not suppor interfaces in any way derived from IComparable and IEquatable
let f2 (x: Prim<'m>) = (x :> IDerivedComparable<Prim<'m>>)
let f4 (x: Prim<'m>) = (x :> IDerivedEquatable<Prim<'m>>)
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