提交 4267370b 编写于 作者: K KevinRansom

Fixes #9, Internal error in FSI: FS0192: binding null type in envBindTypeRef #9

Fixes #10, internal error: binding null type in envBindTypeRef

Both issues were caused by the same underlying issue.  RefEmit automagically applies escaping to names that contain a ','  So ``,`` becomes ``\,``.  When we tried to create a ref to a nested type we didn't add the ',' escaping so we couldnot bind to the created type.

The fix is very straightforward, change BasicQualifiedName to correctly escape names with comma's.
上级 c6516903
......@@ -678,8 +678,8 @@ type ILTypeRef =
member tref.FullName = String.concat "." (tref.Enclosing @ [tref.Name])
member tref.BasicQualifiedName =
String.concat "+" (tref.Enclosing @ [ tref.Name ])
member tref.BasicQualifiedName =
(String.concat "+" (tref.Enclosing @ [ tref.Name ] )).Replace(",", @"\,")
member tref.AddQualifiedNameExtensionWithNoShortPrimaryAssembly(basic) =
let sco = tref.Scope.QualifiedNameWithNoShortPrimaryAssembly
//<Expects status=success></Expects>
open System
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
let failures = ref false
let report_failure () =
stderr.WriteLine " NO"; failures := true
let test s b = stderr.Write(s:string); if b then stderr.WriteLine " OK" else report_failure()
// Test cases for Github Issue # 10 module cannot contain ,
// Comma in module name
module ``,`` =
let x = 3
// Lots of comma's in module name
module ``,,,,,,,,,,,`` =
let x = 5
// Lots of comma's and other characters in module name
module ``One, 2, Three, 4, Five`` =
let x = 7
// Nested modules with commas
module ``Nested modules with commas`` =
module ``One, `` =
module ``Two, `` =
module ``Three, `` =
let x = 9
module ``Comma in type name`` =
type ``,`` =
static member x = 13
// Lots of comma's in type name
module ``Lots of comma's in type name`` =
type ``,,,,,,,`` =
static member x = 15
// Lots of comma's and other characters in type name
module ``Lots of comma's and other characters in type name`` =
type ``One, 2, Three, 4, Five`` =
static member x = 17
let eval expr value = if (expr) = value then true else false
test "Comma in module name" (eval ``,``.x 3)
test "Lots of comma's in module name" (eval ``,,,,,,,,,,,``.x 5)
test "Lots of comma's and other characters in module name" (eval ``One, 2, Three, 4, Five``.x 7)
test "Nested modules with commas" (eval ``Nested modules with commas``.``One, ``.``Two, ``.``Three, ``.x 9)
test "Comma in type name" (eval ``Comma in type name``.``,``.x 13)
test "Lots of comma's in type name" (eval ``Lots of comma's in type name``.``,,,,,,,``.x 15)
test "Lots of comma's and other characters in type name" (eval ``Lots of comma's and other characters in type name``.``One, 2, Three, 4, Five``.x 17)
let eval expr value = (match expr with | PropertyGet (a, b, c) -> (if (b.GetGetMethod(true) :> MethodBase).Invoke(null, null) :?>int = value then true else false) | _ -> false)
test "Comma in module name from quotation" (eval <@@ ``,``.x @@> 3)
test "Lots of comma's in module name from quotation" (eval <@@ ``,,,,,,,,,,,``.x @@> 5)
test "Lots of comma's and other characters in module name from quotation" (eval <@@ ``One, 2, Three, 4, Five``.x @@> 7)
test "Nested modules with commas from quotation" (eval <@@ ``Nested modules with commas``.``One, ``.``Two, ``.``Three, ``.x @@> 9)
test "Comma in type name from quotation" (eval <@@ ``Comma in type name``.``,``.x @@> 13)
test "Lots of comma's in type name from quotation" (eval <@@ ``Lots of comma's in type name``.``,,,,,,,``.x @@> 15)
test "Lots of comma's and other characters in type name from quotation" (eval <@@ ``Lots of comma's and other characters in type name``.``One, 2, Three, 4, Five``.x @@> 17)
let aa =
if !failures then (stdout.WriteLine "Test Failed"; exit 1)
do (stdout.WriteLine "Test Passed";
exit 0)
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
SOURCE=E_KeywordIdent01.fs # E_KeywordIdent01.fs
SOURCE=E_ValidIdentifier03.fs SCFLAGS="--test:ErrorRanges" # E_ValidIdentifier03.fs
SOURCE=E_ValidIdentifier04.fs # E_ValidIdentifier04.fs
SOURCE=backtickmoduleandtypenames.fsx # backtickmoduleandtypenames.fsx
SOURCE=backtickmoduleandtypenames.fsx FSIMODE=EXEC COMPILE_ONLY=1 # backtickmoduleandtypenames.fsx FSIMODE=EXEC COMPILE_ONLY=1
SOURCE=StructNotAllowDoKeyword.fs # StructNotAllowDoKeyword.fs
SOURCE=E_MissingQualification.fs SCFLAGS="--test:ErrorRanges" # E_MissingQualification.fs
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