未验证 提交 4185ee3e 编写于 作者: P Petr Pokorny 提交者: GitHub

Fix finding internal symbols in internals-visible-to projects (#15902)

上级 28cb3a30
......@@ -124,6 +124,36 @@ let ``Finding references in project`` (fastCheck, captureIdentifiersWhenParsing)
findAllReferencesToModuleFromFile "File000" fastCheck (expectNumberOfResults 5)
let ``Find references to internal symbols in other projects`` () =
let library = {
{ sourceFile "Library" [] with Source = """
namespace Lib
module internal Library =
let foo x = x + 5
[<assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("FileFirst")>]
do () """ })
with AutoAddModules = false }
let project =
{ SyntheticProject.Create("App",
{ sourceFile "First" [] with Source = """
open Lib
let bar x = Library.foo x""" })
with DependsOn = [library] }
project.Workflow {
placeCursor "Library" "foo"
findAllReferences (expectToFind [
"FileFirst.fs", 4, 12, 23
"FileLibrary.fs", 5, 8, 11
let ``We find back-ticked identifiers`` () =
......@@ -441,6 +441,9 @@ let private renderFsProj (p: SyntheticProject) =
let version = reference.Version |> Option.map (fun v -> $" Version=\"{v}\"") |> Option.defaultValue ""
$"<PackageReference Include=\"{reference.Name}\"{version}/>"
for project in p.DependsOn do
$"<ProjectReference Include=\"{project.ProjectFileName}\" />"
for f in p.SourceFiles do
if f.HasSignatureFile then
$"<Compile Include=\"{f.SignatureFileName}\" />"
......@@ -1019,10 +1022,10 @@ type ProjectWorkflowBuilder
member this.FindSymbolUse(ctx: WorkflowContext, fileId, symbolName: string) =
async {
let file = ctx.Project.Find fileId
let fileName = ctx.Project.ProjectDir ++ file.FileName
let source = renderSourceFile ctx.Project file
let options= ctx.Project.GetProjectOptions checker
let project, file = ctx.Project.FindInAllProjects fileId
let fileName = project.ProjectDir ++ file.FileName
let source = renderSourceFile project file
let options= project.GetProjectOptions checker
return! getSymbolUse fileName source symbolName options checker
......@@ -1072,7 +1075,6 @@ type ProjectWorkflowBuilder
member this.FindAllReferences(workflow: Async<WorkflowContext>, processResults) =
async {
let! ctx = workflow
let options = ctx.Project.GetProjectOptions checker
let symbolUse =
......@@ -1080,8 +1082,10 @@ type ProjectWorkflowBuilder
failwith $"Please place cursor at a valid location via placeCursor first")
let! results =
[ for f in options.SourceFiles do
checker.FindBackgroundReferencesInFile(f, options, symbolUse.Symbol, fastCheck = true) ]
[ for p, f in ctx.Project.GetAllFiles() do
let options = p.GetProjectOptions checker
for fileName in [getFilePath p f; if f.SignatureFile <> No then getSignatureFilePath p f] do
checker.FindBackgroundReferencesInFile(fileName, options, symbolUse.Symbol, fastCheck = true) ]
|> Async.Parallel
results |> Seq.collect id |> Seq.toList |> processResults
......@@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ type SymbolUse =
type FSharpSymbol with
member this.IsInternalToProject =
let publicOrInternal = this.Accessibility.IsPublic || this.Accessibility.IsInternal
match this with
| :? FSharpParameter -> true
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as m -> not m.IsModuleValueOrMember || not m.Accessibility.IsPublic
| :? FSharpEntity as m -> not m.Accessibility.IsPublic
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as m -> not m.IsModuleValueOrMember || not publicOrInternal
| :? FSharpEntity -> not publicOrInternal
| :? FSharpGenericParameter -> true
| :? FSharpUnionCase as m -> not m.Accessibility.IsPublic
| :? FSharpField as m -> not m.Accessibility.IsPublic
| :? FSharpUnionCase -> not publicOrInternal
| :? FSharpField -> not publicOrInternal
| _ -> false
type FSharpSymbolUse with
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