未验证 提交 32ea7df8 编写于 作者: K Kevin Ransom (msft) 提交者: GitHub

Fix 10882 -- Add WarnOn support to build (#10885)

* fixes #10882

* Fix tests

* fix warnon

* Feedback + tests
上级 d77ffaec
......@@ -77,12 +77,23 @@ type public Fsc () as this =
let mutable warningsNotAsErrors : string = null
let mutable versionFile : string = null
let mutable warningLevel : string = null
let mutable warnOn : string = null
let mutable win32res : string = null
let mutable win32manifest : string = null
let mutable vserrors : bool = false
let mutable vslcid : string = null
let mutable utf8output : bool = false
/// Trim whitespace ... spaces, tabs, newlines,returns, Double quotes and single quotes
let wsCharsToTrim = [| ' '; '\t'; '\"'; '\'' |]
let splitAndWsTrim (s:string) =
match s with
| null -> [||]
| _ ->
let array = s.Split([| ';'; ','; '\r'; '\n' |], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
array |> Array.map(fun item -> item.Trim(wsCharsToTrim)) |> Array.filter(fun s -> not (String.IsNullOrEmpty s))
// See bug 6483; this makes parallel build faster, and is fine to set unconditionally
do this.YieldDuringToolExecution <- true
......@@ -173,13 +184,11 @@ type public Fsc () as this =
if references <> null then
for item in references do
builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("-r:", item.ItemSpec)
// ReferencePath
let referencePathArray = // create a array of strings
match referencePath with
| null -> null
| _ -> referencePath.Split([|';'; ','|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--lib:", referencePathArray, ",")
match referencePath with
| null -> ()
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--lib:", referencePath |> splitAndWsTrim, ",")
// TargetType
if targetType = null then null else
......@@ -193,29 +202,28 @@ type public Fsc () as this =
// NoWarn
match disabledWarnings with
| null -> ()
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--nowarn:", disabledWarnings.Split([|' '; ';'; ','; '\r'; '\n'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), ",")
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--nowarn:", disabledWarnings |> splitAndWsTrim, ",")
// WarningLevel
builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--warn:", warningLevel)
match warnOn with
| null -> ()
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--warnon:", warnOn |> splitAndWsTrim, ",")
// TreatWarningsAsErrors
if treatWarningsAsErrors then
// WarningsAsErrors
// Change warning 76, HashReferenceNotAllowedInNonScript/HashDirectiveNotAllowedInNonScript/HashIncludeNotAllowedInNonScript, into an error
// REVIEW: why is this logic here? In any case these are errors already by default!
let warningsAsErrorsArray =
match warningsAsErrors with
| null -> [|"76"|]
| _ -> (warningsAsErrors + " 76 ").Split([|' '; ';'; ','|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--warnaserror:", warningsAsErrorsArray, ",")
// WarnAsErrors
match warningsAsErrors with
| null -> ()
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--warnaserror:", warningsAsErrors |> splitAndWsTrim, ",")
// WarningsNotAsErrors
match warningsNotAsErrors with
| null -> ()
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--warnaserror-:", warningsNotAsErrors.Split([|' '; ';'; ','|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), ",")
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--warnaserror-:", warningsNotAsErrors |> splitAndWsTrim, ",")
// Win32ResourceFile
builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--win32res:", win32res)
......@@ -253,7 +261,7 @@ type public Fsc () as this =
match pathMap with
| null -> ()
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--pathmap:", pathMap.Split([|';'; ','|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), ",")
| _ -> builder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("--pathmap:", pathMap |> splitAndWsTrim, ",")
if deterministic then
......@@ -505,6 +513,10 @@ type public Fsc () as this =
with get() = warningsNotAsErrors
and set(s) = warningsNotAsErrors <- s
member fsc.WarnOn
with get() = warnOn
and set(s) = warnOn <- s
member fsc.VisualStudioStyleErrors
with get() = vserrors
and set(p) = vserrors <- p
......@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ this file.
<Output TaskParameter="CommandLineArgs" ItemName="FscCommandLineArgs" />
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.5) <TargetFramework>net45</TargetFramework>$endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6) <TargetFramework>net46</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6.1) <TargetFramework>net461</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6.2) <TargetFramework>net462</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7) <TargetFramework>net47</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7.1) <TargetFramework>net471</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7.2) <TargetFramework>net472</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.8) <TargetFramework>net48</TargetFramework> $endif$
$if$ ($safeprojectname$ != $projectname$) <RootNamespace>$safeprojectname$</RootNamespace> $endif$
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.5) <TargetFramework>net45</TargetFramework>$endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6) <TargetFramework>net46</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6.1) <TargetFramework>net461</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6.2) <TargetFramework>net462</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7) <TargetFramework>net47</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7.1) <TargetFramework>net471</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7.2) <TargetFramework>net472</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.8) <TargetFramework>net48</TargetFramework> $endif$
$if$ ($safeprojectname$ != $projectname$) <RootNamespace>$safeprojectname$</RootNamespace> $endif$
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.5) <TargetFramework>net45</TargetFramework>$endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6) <TargetFramework>net46</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6.1) <TargetFramework>net461</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.6.2) <TargetFramework>net462</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7) <TargetFramework>net47</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7.1) <TargetFramework>net471</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.7.2) <TargetFramework>net472</TargetFramework> $endif$$if$ ($targetframeworkversion$ == 4.8) <TargetFramework>net48</TargetFramework> $endif$
$if$ ($safeprojectname$ != $projectname$) <RootNamespace>$safeprojectname$</RootNamespace> $endif$
......@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--codepage:65001" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("-g" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -111,7 +109,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--debug:pdbonly" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -129,7 +126,6 @@ type Build() =
AssertEqual ("--define:FOO=3" + Environment.NewLine +
"--define:BAR=4" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -145,7 +141,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--nowarn:52,109" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -160,7 +155,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -175,7 +169,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror-:52,109" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -192,7 +185,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--versionfile:src/version" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -208,7 +200,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--doc:foo.xml" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -224,7 +215,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--sig:foo.fsi" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -240,7 +230,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--keyfile:key.txt" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -256,7 +245,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--noframework" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -271,7 +259,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize-" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -287,7 +274,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
// REVIEW we don't put the default, is that desired?
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -302,7 +288,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -320,7 +305,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("-o:oUt.dll" + Environment.NewLine +
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -336,7 +320,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--pdb:out.pdb" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -352,7 +335,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--platform:x64" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -368,7 +350,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--platform:x86" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -385,7 +366,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"-r:" + dll + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -402,7 +382,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--lib:c:\\sd\\staging\\tools\\nunit\\,c:\\Foo" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -419,7 +398,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--lib:c:\\program files,c:\\sd\\staging\\tools\\nunit,c:\\Foo" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -435,7 +413,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--resource:Foo.resources" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -452,7 +429,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -471,7 +447,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--target:library" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -487,7 +462,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--target:winexe" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -503,7 +477,6 @@ type Build() =
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--target:module" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -517,7 +490,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--utf8output" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -532,7 +504,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--win32res:foo.res" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -547,7 +518,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--win32manifest:foo.manifest" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -562,7 +532,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva+" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -576,7 +545,6 @@ type Build() =
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
AssertEqual ("--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--subsystemversion:6.02" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -592,7 +560,7 @@ type Build() =
tool.DebugType <- "full"
tool.DefineConstants <- [| MakeTaskItem "FOO=3"
MakeTaskItem "BAR=4" |]
tool.DisabledWarnings <- "52 109"
tool.DisabledWarnings <- "52,109"
tool.VersionFile <- "src/version"
tool.DocumentationFile <- "foo.xml"
tool.GenerateInterfaceFile <- "foo.fsi"
......@@ -643,7 +611,6 @@ type Build() =
"--nowarn:52,109" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warn:4" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror" + Environment.NewLine +
"--warnaserror:76" + Environment.NewLine +
"--vserrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--utf8output" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
......@@ -687,7 +654,6 @@ type Build() =
......@@ -701,3 +667,29 @@ type Build() =
AssertEqual expectedFlags hostObject.Flags
let expectedSources = [| "foo.fs"; "C:\\Program Files\\spaces.fs" |]
AssertEqual expectedSources hostObject.Sources
member public this.``DisabledWarnings build property``() =
let tool = new FSharp.Build.Fsc()
tool.DisabledWarnings <- "
let cmd = tool.InternalGenerateResponseFileCommands()
printfn "cmd=\"%s\"" cmd
let expected =
"--optimize+" + Environment.NewLine +
"--nowarn:52,109,110,73,85" + Environment.NewLine +
"--fullpaths" + Environment.NewLine +
"--flaterrors" + Environment.NewLine +
"--highentropyva-" + Environment.NewLine +
AssertEqual expected cmd
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