提交 2dcdb466 编写于 作者: D David Glassborow 提交者: Kevin Ransom (msft)

Determinism of the F# Compiler #1042 (#2954)

* Add IL output option for deterministic output

Thread a new option through the options to the code writing the IL.
For the moment just use a constant for deterministic timestamp, and use 0 as the timestamp in the MVID

* Basic check to prevent wildcard version + deterministic at the same time

* Hash the code, data and metadata, and use for mvid + timestamp

* Fix fsc & fsci help tests by adding in new command line option for deterministic

* tests for command line, wildcard versions, normal non-deterministic behaviour

* Attempt to get CI to support timeout

* Allow PRECMD to call FSI more than once, and use this for copying files and pausing to prevent race-condition

* PortablePdbBuilder use consistent id 

If compiling deterministically, use deterministic id provider support in 
making a pdb builder. see https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/src/Compilers/Core/Portable/PEWriter/PeWriter.cs#L132

* Portable and Embedded pdb now deterministic

* wip: fix up timestamp in pdb, but mvids still out of sequence

* Fix breaking change from rebasing on master

* Add notes about determinism with non portable pdbs
Make the checks for finding embedded guids more
strict and unique

* Throw error if determinsitc build and non-portable pdb specified
上级 c4a8ff2e
......@@ -551,6 +551,7 @@ type MetadataTable =
type cenv =
{ ilg: ILGlobals
emitTailcalls: bool
deterministic: bool
showTimes: bool
desiredMetadataVersion: ILVersionInfo
requiredDataFixups: (int32 * (int * bool)) list ref
......@@ -2903,9 +2904,15 @@ and newGuid (modul: ILModuleDef) =
let m2 = hash modul.Name
[| b0 m; b1 m; b2 m; b3 m; b0 m2; b1 m2; b2 m2; b3 m2; 0xa7uy; 0x45uy; 0x03uy; 0x83uy; b0 n; b1 n; b2 n; b3 n |]
and GetModuleAsRow cenv (modul: ILModuleDef) =
and deterministicGuid (modul: ILModuleDef) =
let n = 16909060
let m = hash n
let m2 = hash modul.Name
[| b0 m; b1 m; b2 m; b3 m; b0 m2; b1 m2; b2 m2; b3 m2; 0xa7uy; 0x45uy; 0x03uy; 0x83uy; b0 n; b1 n; b2 n; b3 n |]
and GetModuleAsRow (cenv:cenv) (modul: ILModuleDef) =
// Store the generated MVID in the environment (needed for generating debug information)
let modulGuid = newGuid modul
let modulGuid = if cenv.deterministic then deterministicGuid modul else newGuid modul
cenv.moduleGuid <- modulGuid
[| UShort (uint16 0x0)
......@@ -2954,11 +2961,12 @@ let GenModule (cenv : cenv) (modul: ILModuleDef) =
GenTypeDefsPass4 [] cenv tds
reportTime cenv.showTimes "Module Generation Pass 4"
let generateIL requiredDataFixups (desiredMetadataVersion,generatePdb, ilg : ILGlobals, emitTailcalls,showTimes) (m : ILModuleDef) cilStartAddress =
let generateIL requiredDataFixups (desiredMetadataVersion,generatePdb, ilg : ILGlobals, emitTailcalls, deterministic, showTimes) (m : ILModuleDef) cilStartAddress =
let isDll = m.IsDLL
let cenv =
{ emitTailcalls=emitTailcalls
deterministic = deterministic
ilg = ilg
......@@ -3098,7 +3106,7 @@ module FileSystemUtilites =
let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls,showTimes) modul cilStartAddress =
let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls,deterministic,showTimes) modul cilStartAddress =
// When we know the real RVAs of the data section we fixup the references for the FieldRVA table.
// These references are stored as offsets into the metadata we return from this function
......@@ -3107,7 +3115,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls
let next = cilStartAddress
let strings,userStrings,blobs,guids,tables,entryPointToken,code,requiredStringFixups,data,resources,pdbData,mappings =
generateIL requiredDataFixups (desiredMetadataVersion,generatePdb,ilg,emitTailcalls,showTimes) modul cilStartAddress
generateIL requiredDataFixups (desiredMetadataVersion,generatePdb,ilg,emitTailcalls,deterministic,showTimes) modul cilStartAddress
reportTime showTimes "Generated Tables and Code"
let tableSize (tab: TableName) = tables.[tab.Index].Count
......@@ -3404,7 +3412,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls
reportTime showTimes "Layout Metadata"
let metadata =
let metadata, guidStart =
let mdbuf = ByteBuffer.Create 500000
[| 0x42; 0x53; 0x4a; 0x42; // Magic signature
......@@ -3462,6 +3470,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls
reportTime showTimes "Write Metadata User Strings";
// The GUID stream
let guidStart = mdbuf.Position
Array.iter mdbuf.EmitBytes guids;
// The blob stream
......@@ -3473,7 +3482,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls
mdbuf.EmitIntAsByte 0x00;
reportTime showTimes "Write Blob Stream";
// Done - close the buffer and return the result.
mdbuf.Close(), guidStart
// Now we know the user string tables etc. we can fixup the
......@@ -3488,7 +3497,7 @@ let writeILMetadataAndCode (generatePdb,desiredMetadataVersion,ilg,emitTailcalls
applyFixup32 code locInCode token
reportTime showTimes "Fixup Metadata";
entryPointToken,code, codePadding,metadata,data,resources,!requiredDataFixups,pdbData,mappings
entryPointToken,code, codePadding,metadata,data,resources,!requiredDataFixups,pdbData,mappings,guidStart
......@@ -3550,7 +3559,7 @@ let writeBytes (os: BinaryWriter) (chunk:byte[]) = os.Write(chunk,0,chunk.Length
let writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
ilg: ILGlobals, pdbfile: string option, signer: ILStrongNameSigner option, portablePDB, embeddedPDB,
embedAllSource, embedSourceList, sourceLink, emitTailcalls, showTimes, dumpDebugInfo) modul =
embedAllSource, embedSourceList, sourceLink, emitTailcalls, deterministic, showTimes, dumpDebugInfo ) modul =
// Store the public key from the signer into the manifest. This means it will be written
// to the binary and also acts as an indicator to leave space for delay sign
......@@ -3666,8 +3675,8 @@ let writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
| Some v -> v
| None -> failwith "Expected msorlib to have a version number"
let entryPointToken,code,codePadding,metadata,data,resources,requiredDataFixups,pdbData,mappings =
writeILMetadataAndCode ((pdbfile <> None), desiredMetadataVersion, ilg,emitTailcalls,showTimes) modul next
let entryPointToken,code,codePadding,metadata,data,resources,requiredDataFixups,pdbData,mappings,guidStart =
writeILMetadataAndCode ((pdbfile <> None), desiredMetadataVersion, ilg,emitTailcalls, deterministic, showTimes) modul next
reportTime showTimes "Generated IL and metadata";
let _codeChunk,next = chunk code.Length next
......@@ -3703,7 +3712,7 @@ let writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
let pdbOpt =
match portablePDB with
| true ->
let (uncompressedLength, contentId, stream) as pdbStream = generatePortablePdb embedAllSource embedSourceList sourceLink showTimes pdbData
let (uncompressedLength, contentId, stream) as pdbStream = generatePortablePdb embedAllSource embedSourceList sourceLink showTimes pdbData deterministic
if embeddedPDB then Some (compressPortablePdbStream uncompressedLength contentId stream)
else Some (pdbStream)
| _ -> None
......@@ -3849,7 +3858,33 @@ let writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
writeInt32AsUInt16 os 0x014c; // Machine - IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
writeInt32AsUInt16 os numSections;
writeInt32 os timestamp // date since 1970
let pdbData =
if deterministic then
// Hash code, data and metadata
use sha = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create() // IncrementalHash is core only
let hCode = sha.ComputeHash code
let hData = sha.ComputeHash data
let hMeta = sha.ComputeHash metadata
let final = [| hCode; hData; hMeta |] |> Array.collect id |> sha.ComputeHash
// Confirm we have found the correct data and aren't corrupting the metadata
if metadata.[ guidStart..guidStart+3] <> [| 4uy; 3uy; 2uy; 1uy |] then failwith "Failed to find MVID"
if metadata.[ guidStart+12..guidStart+15] <> [| 4uy; 3uy; 2uy; 1uy |] then failwith "Failed to find MVID"
// Update MVID guid in metadata
Array.blit final 0 metadata guidStart 16
// Use last 4 bytes for timestamp - High bit set, to stop tool chains becoming confused
let timestamp = int final.[16] ||| (int final.[17] <<< 8) ||| (int final.[18] <<< 16) ||| (int (final.[19] ||| 128uy) <<< 24)
writeInt32 os timestamp
// Update pdbData with new guid and timestamp. Portable and embedded PDBs don't need the ModuleID
// Full and PdbOnly aren't supported under deterministic builds currently, they rely on non-determinsitic Windows native code
{ pdbData with ModuleID = final.[0..15] ; Timestamp = timestamp }
writeInt32 os timestamp // date since 1970
writeInt32 os 0x00; // Pointer to Symbol Table Always 0
// 00000090
writeInt32 os 0x00; // Number of Symbols Always 0
......@@ -4277,12 +4312,13 @@ type options =
sourceLink: string
signer: ILStrongNameSigner option
emitTailcalls : bool
deterministic : bool
showTimes: bool
dumpDebugInfo:bool }
let WriteILBinary (outfile, (args: options), modul) =
writeBinaryAndReportMappings (outfile,
args.ilg, args.pdbfile, args.signer, args.portablePDB, args.embeddedPDB, args.embedAllSource,
args.embedSourceList, args.sourceLink, args.emitTailcalls, args.showTimes, args.dumpDebugInfo) modul
args.embedSourceList, args.sourceLink, args.emitTailcalls, args.deterministic, args.showTimes, args.dumpDebugInfo) modul
|> ignore
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ type options =
sourceLink: string
signer : ILStrongNameSigner option
emitTailcalls: bool
deterministic: bool
showTimes : bool
dumpDebugInfo : bool }
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ let getRowCounts tableRowCounts =
tableRowCounts |> Seq.iter(fun x -> builder.Add(x))
let generatePortablePdb (embedAllSource:bool) (embedSourceList:string list) (sourceLink:string) showTimes (info:PdbData) =
let generatePortablePdb (embedAllSource:bool) (embedSourceList:string list) (sourceLink:string) showTimes (info:PdbData) isDeterministic =
sortMethods showTimes info
let externalRowCounts = getRowCounts info.TableRowCounts
let docs =
......@@ -445,7 +445,19 @@ let generatePortablePdb (embedAllSource:bool) (embedSourceList:string list) (sou
| None -> MetadataTokens.MethodDefinitionHandle(0)
| Some x -> MetadataTokens.MethodDefinitionHandle(x)
let serializer = PortablePdbBuilder(metadata, externalRowCounts, entryPoint, null)
let deterministicIdProvider isDeterministic : System.Func<IEnumerable<Blob>, BlobContentId> =
match isDeterministic with
| false -> null
| true ->
let convert (content:IEnumerable<Blob>) =
use sha = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create() // IncrementalHash is core only
let hash = content
|> Seq.map ( fun c -> c.GetBytes().Array |> sha.ComputeHash )
|> Seq.collect id |> Array.ofSeq |> sha.ComputeHash
System.Func<IEnumerable<Blob>, BlobContentId>( convert )
let serializer = PortablePdbBuilder(metadata, externalRowCounts, entryPoint, deterministicIdProvider isDeterministic)
let blobBuilder = new BlobBuilder()
let contentId= serializer.Serialize(blobBuilder)
let portablePdbStream = new MemoryStream()
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ type idd =
iddData: byte[];
iddChunk: BinaryChunk }
val generatePortablePdb : embedAllSource:bool -> embedSourceList:string list -> sourceLink: string -> showTimes:bool -> info:PdbData -> (int64 * BlobContentId * MemoryStream)
val generatePortablePdb : embedAllSource:bool -> embedSourceList:string list -> sourceLink: string -> showTimes:bool -> info:PdbData -> isDeterministic:bool -> (int64 * BlobContentId * MemoryStream)
val compressPortablePdbStream : uncompressedLength:int64 -> contentId:BlobContentId -> stream:MemoryStream -> (int64 * BlobContentId * MemoryStream)
val embedPortablePdbInfo : uncompressedLength:int64 -> contentId:BlobContentId -> stream:MemoryStream -> showTimes:bool -> fpdb:string -> cvChunk:BinaryChunk -> pdbChunk:BinaryChunk -> idd[]
val writePortablePdbInfo : contentId:BlobContentId -> stream:MemoryStream -> showTimes:bool -> fpdb:string -> cvChunk:BinaryChunk -> idd[]
......@@ -2133,6 +2133,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
mutable optsOn : bool (* optimizations are turned on *)
mutable optSettings : Optimizer.OptimizationSettings
mutable emitTailcalls : bool
mutable deterministic : bool
mutable preferredUiLang: string option
......@@ -2301,6 +2302,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
optsOn = false
optSettings = Optimizer.OptimizationSettings.Defaults
emitTailcalls = true
deterministic = false
preferredUiLang = None
......@@ -2791,6 +2793,7 @@ type TcConfig private (data : TcConfigBuilder,validate:bool) =
member x.doFinalSimplify = data.doFinalSimplify
member x.optSettings = data.optSettings
member x.emitTailcalls = data.emitTailcalls
member x.deterministic = data.deterministic
member x.preferredUiLang = data.preferredUiLang
......@@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
mutable optsOn : bool
mutable optSettings : Optimizer.OptimizationSettings
mutable emitTailcalls : bool
mutable deterministic : bool
mutable preferredUiLang: string option
......@@ -494,6 +495,7 @@ type TcConfig =
member doFinalSimplify : bool
member optSettings : Optimizer.OptimizationSettings
member emitTailcalls : bool
member deterministic : bool
member preferredUiLang: string option
......@@ -420,7 +420,10 @@ let SetOptimizeSwitch (tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder) switch =
let SetTailcallSwitch (tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder) switch =
tcConfigB.emitTailcalls <- (switch = OptionSwitch.On)
let SetDeterministicSwitch (tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder) switch =
tcConfigB.deterministic <- (switch = OptionSwitch.On)
let jitoptimizeSwitch (tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder) switch =
tcConfigB.optSettings <- { tcConfigB.optSettings with jitOptUser = Some (switch = OptionSwitch.On) }
......@@ -676,6 +679,8 @@ let codeGenerationFlags isFsi (tcConfigB : TcConfigBuilder) =
Some (FSComp.SR.optsOptimize()))
CompilerOption("tailcalls", tagNone, OptionSwitch (SetTailcallSwitch tcConfigB), None,
Some (FSComp.SR.optsTailcalls()))
CompilerOption("deterministic", tagNone, OptionSwitch (SetDeterministicSwitch tcConfigB), None,
Some (FSComp.SR.optsDeterministic()))
CompilerOption("crossoptimize", tagNone, OptionSwitch (crossOptimizeSwitch tcConfigB), None,
Some (FSComp.SR.optsCrossoptimize()))
......@@ -859,6 +859,7 @@ optsDebugPM,"Emit debug information (Short form: -g)"
optsDebug,"Specify debugging type: full, portable, embedded, pdbonly. ('%s' is the default if no debuggging type specified and enables attaching a debugger to a running program, 'portable' is a cross-platform format, 'embedded' is a cross-platform format embedded into the output file)."
optsOptimize,"Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)"
optsTailcalls,"Enable or disable tailcalls"
optsDeterministic,"Produce a deterministic assembly (including module version GUID and timestamp)"
optsCrossoptimize,"Enable or disable cross-module optimizations"
optsWarnaserrorPM,"Report all warnings as errors"
optsWarnaserror,"Report specific warnings as errors"
......@@ -1137,6 +1138,8 @@ fscTooManyErrors,"Exiting - too many errors"
2022,pathIsInvalid,"Problem with filename '%s': Illegal characters in path."
2023,fscResxSourceFileDeprecated,"Passing a .resx file (%s) as a source file to the compiler is deprecated. Use resgen.exe to transform the .resx file into a .resources file to pass as a --resource option. If you are using MSBuild, this can be done via an <EmbeddedResource> item in the .fsproj project file."
2024,fscStaticLinkingNoProfileMismatches,"Static linking may not be used on an assembly referencing mscorlib (e.g. a .NET Framework assembly) when generating an assembly that references System.Runtime (e.g. a .NET Core or Portable assembly)."
2025,fscAssemblyWildcardAndDeterminism,"An %s specified version '%s', but this value is a wildcard, and you have requested a deterministic build, these are in conflict."
2026,fscDeterministicDebugRequiresPortablePdb,"Determinstic builds only support portable PDBs (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded)"
3000,etIllegalCharactersInNamespaceName,"Character '%s' is not allowed in provided namespace name '%s'"
3001,etNullOrEmptyMemberName,"The provided type '%s' returned a member with a null or empty member name"
3002,etNullMember,"The provided type '%s' returned a null member"
......@@ -249,6 +249,9 @@ let ProcessCommandLineFlags (tcConfigB: TcConfigBuilder, setProcessThreadLocals,
if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tcConfigB.sourceLink)) then
error(Error(FSComp.SR.optsSourceLinkRequirePortablePDBs(), rangeCmdArgs))
if tcConfigB.deterministic && tcConfigB.debuginfo && (tcConfigB.portablePDB = false) then
error(Error(FSComp.SR.fscDeterministicDebugRequiresPortablePdb(), rangeCmdArgs))
let inputFiles = List.rev !inputFilesRef
// Check if we have a codepage from the console
......@@ -704,9 +707,11 @@ module AttributeHelpers =
// Try to find an AssemblyVersion attribute
let TryFindVersionAttribute g attrib attribName attribs =
let TryFindVersionAttribute g attrib attribName attribs deterministic =
match TryFindStringAttribute g attrib attribs with
| Some versionString ->
if deterministic && versionString.Contains("*") then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.fscAssemblyWildcardAndDeterminism(attribName, versionString), Range.rangeStartup))
try Some (IL.parseILVersion versionString)
with e ->
warning(Error(FSComp.SR.fscBadAssemblyVersion(attribName, versionString), Range.rangeStartup))
......@@ -1810,7 +1815,7 @@ let main1(Args (ctok, tcGlobals, tcImports: TcImports, frameworkTcImports, gener
// Try to find an AssemblyVersion attribute
let assemVerFromAttrib =
match AttributeHelpers.TryFindVersionAttribute tcGlobals "System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute" "AssemblyVersionAttribute" topAttrs.assemblyAttrs with
match AttributeHelpers.TryFindVersionAttribute tcGlobals "System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute" "AssemblyVersionAttribute" topAttrs.assemblyAttrs tcConfig.deterministic with
| Some v ->
match tcConfig.version with
| VersionNone -> Some v
......@@ -1896,7 +1901,7 @@ let main1OfAst (ctok, legacyReferenceResolver, openBinariesInMemory, assemblyNam
// Try to find an AssemblyVersion attribute
let assemVerFromAttrib =
match AttributeHelpers.TryFindVersionAttribute tcGlobals "System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute" "AssemblyVersionAttribute" topAttrs.assemblyAttrs with
match AttributeHelpers.TryFindVersionAttribute tcGlobals "System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute" "AssemblyVersionAttribute" topAttrs.assemblyAttrs tcConfig.deterministic with
| Some v ->
match tcConfig.version with
| VersionNone -> Some v
......@@ -2016,6 +2021,7 @@ let main4 dynamicAssemblyCreator (Args (ctok, tcConfig, errorLogger: ErrorLogger
{ ilg = tcGlobals.ilg
emitTailcalls = tcConfig.emitTailcalls
deterministic = tcConfig.deterministic
showTimes = tcConfig.showTimes
portablePDB = tcConfig.portablePDB
embeddedPDB = tcConfig.embeddedPDB
// sgiven 'dummy' and 'dummy2', and 'dummy.exe' and 'dummy.pdb' exist in the current directory
// this will check 'dummy.exe' and 'dummy2.exe are exactly the same, and the same for the 'pdb' files
// expects 1 arg: whether files should be exactly the same
let shouldBeSame = bool.Parse fsi.CommandLineArgs.[1]
let areSame (first,second) =
let load = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes
(load first) = (load second)
let filePairsToCheck =
System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "dummy.*")
|> Seq.filter (fun s -> s.EndsWith(".fs") |> not ) // Don't check the source code
|> Seq.map (fun f -> f, f.Replace("dummy","dummy2"))
let compareFiles pair =
let correct = areSame pair = shouldBeSame
if not correct then
printfn "Expected %s and %s to be %s" (fst pair) (snd pair) (if shouldBeSame then "same" else "different")
// Check all pairs of files are exactly the same
exit (if filePairsToCheck |> Seq.forall compareFiles then 0 else 1)
// Copy all dummy files (except the source) to a dummy2 version so we can compare them
System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "dummy.*")
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.EndsWith(".fs") |> not)
|> Seq.iter (fun filename -> System.IO.File.Copy(filename, filename.Replace("dummy", "dummy2"), true))
// pause a second at the end to deal with the potential race condiction of
// too quick compiles back to back ending up in same exe, even when non-deterministic
// #NoMT #CompilerOptions #Deterministic
module TestDeterminsticCompilation
exit 0
# Sanity check - simply check that the option is valid
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic+"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic-"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic+" FSIMODE=EXEC COMPILE_ONLY=1
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic-" FSIMODE=EXEC COMPILE_ONLY=1
# Confirm wildcard versions are not allowed
SOURCE=wildcardVersionSpecifed.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic"
# Confirm specific versions are allowed
SOURCE=specificVersionSpecifed.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic"
# Confirm in normal not-determinstic mode, the same file compiled twice leads to different exes & pdbs
# NOTE: we need to use the timeout because non-determinism in fsc is due to datetime, so we need to guarentee at least 1 sec difference
SOURCE=dummy.fs PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx false"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--debug:full" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --debug:full dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx false"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--debug:pdbonly" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --debug:pdbonly dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx false"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--debug:portable" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --debug:portable dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx false"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--debug:embedded" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --debug:embedded dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx false"
# Confirm in determinstic mode, the same file compiled twice leads to exactly the same exe & pdbs
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --deterministic dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx true"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic --debug:portable" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --deterministic --debug:portable dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx true"
SOURCE=dummy.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic --debug:embedded" PRECMD="\$FSC_PIPE --deterministic --debug:embedded dummy.fs && \$FSI_PIPE copyArtifacts.fsx" POSTCMD="\$FSI_PIPE --nologo --quiet --exec binaryCompare.fsx true"
# Confirm only portable and embeded debug PDBs are supported under determinstic build, not full or pdbonly
SOURCE=portablePdbOnly.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic --debug:full"
SOURCE=portablePdbOnly.fs SCFLAGS="--deterministic --debug:pdbonly"
// #NoMT #CompilerOptions #Determinism
//<Expects id="FS2026" status="error">Determinstic builds only support portable PDBs</Expects>
exit 0
// #NoMT #CompilerOptions #Determinism
//<Expects status="success"></Expects>
[<assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")>]
exit 0
// #NoMT #CompilerOptions #Determinism
//<Expects id="FS2025" status="error">this value is a wildcard, and you have requested a deterministic build, these are in conflict.</Expects>
[<assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("2.3.4.*")>]
exit 0
......@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
portable PDB file
--optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)
--tailcalls[+|-] Enable or disable tailcalls
--deterministic[+|-] Produce a deterministic assembly (including
module version GUID and timestamp)
--crossoptimize[+|-] Enable or disable cross-module optimizations
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Usage: fsharpi <options> [script.fsx [<arguments>]]
into the output file).
--optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)
--tailcalls[+|-] Enable or disable tailcalls
--deterministic[+|-] Produce a deterministic assembly (including
module version GUID and timestamp)
--crossoptimize[+|-] Enable or disable cross-module optimizations
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ Usage: fsi.exe <options> [script.fsx [<arguments>]]
--optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)
--tailcalls[+|-] Enable or disable tailcalls
--deterministic[+|-] Produce a deterministic assembly (including
module version GUID and timestamp)
--crossoptimize[+|-] Enable or disable cross-module optimizations
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Usage: fsi.exe <options> [script.fsx [<arguments>]]
into the output file).
--optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)
--tailcalls[+|-] Enable or disable tailcalls
--deterministic[+|-] Produce a deterministic assembly (including
module version GUID and timestamp)
--crossoptimize[+|-] Enable or disable cross-module optimizations
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Usage: fsi.exe <options> [script.fsx [<arguments>]]
into the output file).
--optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)
--tailcalls[+|-] Enable or disable tailcalls
--deterministic[+|-] Produce a deterministic assembly (including
module version GUID and timestamp)
--crossoptimize[+|-] Enable or disable cross-module optimizations
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ if (exists($ENV{PRECMD})) {
# and it will expanded into $FSC_PIPE before invoking it
$_ = $ENV{PRECMD};
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ CompilerOptions01,NoMT CompilerOptions\fsi\nologo
CompilerOptions01,NoMT CompilerOptions\fsi\subsystemversion
CompilerOptions01,NoMT CompilerOptions\fsi\times
CompilerOptions02,NoMT CompilerOptions\fsi\exename
CompilerOptions01,NoMT,Determinism CompilerOptions\fsc\determinism
Conformance01 Conformance\BasicGrammarElements\Constants
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