未验证 提交 1ed9727c 编写于 作者: P Petr Pokorny 提交者: GitHub

`Symbol.IsPrivateToFile` when symbol is not in signature file (#14274)

* Try fix Symbol.PrivateToFile

* fantomas

* More tests
上级 d3fafb8c
......@@ -261,11 +261,25 @@ type FSharpSymbolUse(denv: DisplayEnv, symbol: FSharpSymbol, inst: TyparInstanti
member this.IsPrivateToFile =
let isPrivate =
match this.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as m -> not m.IsModuleValueOrMember || m.Accessibility.IsPrivate
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as m ->
let fileSignatureLocation =
m.DeclaringEntity |> Option.bind (fun e -> e.SignatureLocation)
let fileDeclarationLocation =
m.DeclaringEntity |> Option.map (fun e -> e.DeclarationLocation)
let fileHasSignatureFile = fileSignatureLocation <> fileDeclarationLocation
let symbolIsNotInSignatureFile = m.SignatureLocation = Some m.DeclarationLocation
fileHasSignatureFile && symbolIsNotInSignatureFile
|| not m.IsModuleValueOrMember
|| m.Accessibility.IsPrivate
| :? FSharpEntity as m -> m.Accessibility.IsPrivate
| :? FSharpGenericParameter -> true
| :? FSharpUnionCase as m -> m.Accessibility.IsPrivate
| :? FSharpField as m -> m.Accessibility.IsPrivate
| :? FSharpActivePatternCase as m -> m.Accessibility.IsPrivate
| _ -> false
let declarationLocation =
......@@ -207,12 +207,13 @@
<Compile Include="Signatures\ArrayTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Signatures\TypeTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="FSharpChecker\CommonWorkflows.fs" />
<Compile Include="FSharpChecker\SymbolUse.fs" />
<None Include="**\*.cs;**\*.fs;**\*.fsx;**\*.fsi" Exclude="@(Compile)">
<None Include="**\*.cs;**\*.fs;**\*.fsx;**\*.fsi" Exclude="@(Compile)">
<None Include="**\*.bsl">
......@@ -7,26 +7,16 @@ open Xunit
open FSharp.Test.ProjectGeneration
let projectDir = "test-projects"
let makeTestProject () =
let name = $"testProject{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()[..7]}"
let dir = Path.GetFullPath projectDir
Name = name
ProjectDir = dir ++ name
SourceFiles = [
sourceFile "First" []
sourceFile "Second" ["First"]
sourceFile "Third" ["First"]
{ sourceFile "Last" ["Second"; "Third"] with EntryPoint = true }
DependsOn = []
sourceFile "First" [],
sourceFile "Second" ["First"],
sourceFile "Third" ["First"],
{ sourceFile "Last" ["Second"; "Third"] with EntryPoint = true })
let ``Edit file, check it, then check dependent file`` () =
projectWorkflow (makeTestProject()) {
makeTestProject().Workflow {
updateFile "First" breakDependentFiles
checkFile "First" expectSignatureChanged
saveFile "First"
......@@ -35,7 +25,7 @@ let ``Edit file, check it, then check dependent file`` () =
let ``Edit file, don't check it, check dependent file`` () =
projectWorkflow (makeTestProject()) {
makeTestProject().Workflow {
updateFile "First" breakDependentFiles
saveFile "First"
checkFile "Second" expectErrors
......@@ -43,7 +33,7 @@ let ``Edit file, don't check it, check dependent file`` () =
let ``Check transitive dependency`` () =
projectWorkflow (makeTestProject()) {
makeTestProject().Workflow {
updateFile "First" breakDependentFiles
saveFile "First"
checkFile "Last" expectSignatureChanged
......@@ -51,7 +41,7 @@ let ``Check transitive dependency`` () =
let ``Change multiple files at once`` () =
projectWorkflow (makeTestProject()) {
makeTestProject().Workflow {
updateFile "First" (setPublicVersion 2)
updateFile "Second" (setPublicVersion 2)
updateFile "Third" (setPublicVersion 2)
......@@ -62,7 +52,7 @@ let ``Change multiple files at once`` () =
let ``Files depend on signature file if present`` () =
|> updateFile "First" (fun f -> { f with HasSignatureFile = true })
|> updateFile "First" addSignatureFile
|> projectWorkflow) {
updateFile "First" breakDependentFiles
saveFile "First"
......@@ -71,7 +61,7 @@ let ``Files depend on signature file if present`` () =
let ``Adding a file`` () =
projectWorkflow (makeTestProject()) {
makeTestProject().Workflow {
addFileAbove "Second" (sourceFile "New" [])
updateFile "Second" (addDependency "New")
......@@ -80,7 +70,7 @@ let ``Adding a file`` () =
let ``Removing a file`` () =
projectWorkflow (makeTestProject()) {
makeTestProject().Workflow {
removeFile "Second"
checkFile "Last" expectErrors
......@@ -88,20 +78,13 @@ let ``Removing a file`` () =
let ``Changes in a referenced project`` () =
let name = $"library{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()[..7]}"
let dir = Path.GetFullPath projectDir
let library = {
Name = name
ProjectDir = dir ++ name
SourceFiles = [ sourceFile "Library" [] ]
DependsOn = []
let library = SyntheticProject.Create("library", sourceFile "Library" [])
let project =
{ makeTestProject() with DependsOn = [library] }
|> updateFile "First" (addDependency "Library")
projectWorkflow project {
project.Workflow {
updateFile "Library" updatePublicSurface
saveFile "Library"
checkFile "Last" expectSignatureChanged
module FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests.FSharpChecker.SymbolUse
open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
open Xunit
open FSharp.Test.ProjectGeneration
module IsPrivateToFile =
let ``Function definition in signature file`` () =
let project = SyntheticProject.Create(
sourceFile "First" [] |> addSignatureFile,
sourceFile "Second" ["First"])
project.Workflow {
checkFile "First" (fun (typeCheckResult: FSharpCheckFileResults) ->
let symbolUse = typeCheckResult.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(5, 6, "let f2 x = x + 1", ["f2"]) |> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "no symbol use found")
let ``Function definition, no signature file`` () =
let project = SyntheticProject.Create(
sourceFile "First" [],
sourceFile "Second" ["First"])
project.Workflow {
checkFile "First" (fun (typeCheckResult: FSharpCheckFileResults) ->
let symbolUse = typeCheckResult.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(5, 6, "let f2 x = x + 1", ["f2"]) |> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "no symbol use found")
let ``Function definition not in signature file`` () =
let projectName = "IsPrivateToFileTest1"
let signature = $"""
module {projectName}.ModuleFirst
type TFirstV_1<'a> = | TFirst of 'a
val f: x: 'a -> TFirstV_1<'a>
// no f2 here
let project = SyntheticProject.Create(projectName,
{ sourceFile "First" [] with SignatureFile = Custom signature },
sourceFile "Second" ["First"])
project.Workflow {
checkFile "First" (fun (typeCheckResult: FSharpCheckFileResults) ->
let symbolUse = typeCheckResult.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(5, 6, "let f2 x = x + 1", ["f2"]) |> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "no symbol use found")
let ``Function parameter, no signature file`` () =
SyntheticProject.Create(sourceFile "First" []).Workflow {
checkFile "First" (fun (typeCheckResult: FSharpCheckFileResults) ->
let symbolUse = typeCheckResult.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(5, 8, "let f2 x = x + 1", ["x"]) |> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "no symbol use found")
/// This is a bug: https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/14277
let ``Function parameter, with signature file`` () =
SyntheticProject.Create(sourceFile "First" [] |> addSignatureFile).Workflow {
checkFile "First" (fun (typeCheckResult: FSharpCheckFileResults) ->
let symbolUse = typeCheckResult.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(5, 8, "let f2 x = x + 1", ["x"]) |> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "no symbol use found")
// This should be false, because it's also in the signature file
let ``Private function, with signature file`` () =
{ sourceFile "First" [] with ExtraSource = "let private f3 x = x + 1" }
|> addSignatureFile).Workflow {
checkFile "First" (fun (typeCheckResult: FSharpCheckFileResults) ->
let symbolUse = typeCheckResult.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(6, 14, "let private f3 x = x + 1", ["f3"]) |> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "no symbol use found")
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Text
open Xunit
let private projectRoot = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
let private projectRoot = "test-projects"
let private defaultFunctionName = "f"
type SignatureFile = No | AutoGenerated | Custom of string
type SyntheticSourceFile =
Id: string
......@@ -37,29 +40,55 @@ type SyntheticSourceFile =
DependsOn: string list
/// Changing this makes dependent files' code invalid
FunctionName: string
HasSignatureFile: bool
SignatureFile: SignatureFile
HasErrors: bool
ExtraSource: string
EntryPoint: bool
member this.FileName = $"File{this.Id}.fs"
member this.SignatureFileName = $"{this.FileName}i"
member this.HasSignatureFile =
match this.SignatureFile with
| No -> false
| _ -> true
let sourceFile fileId deps =
{ Id = fileId
PublicVersion = 1
InternalVersion = 1
DependsOn = deps
FunctionName = defaultFunctionName
HasSignatureFile = false
SignatureFile = No
HasErrors = false
ExtraSource = ""
EntryPoint = false }
type SyntheticProject =
{ Name: string
ProjectDir: string
SourceFiles: SyntheticSourceFile list
DependsOn: SyntheticProject list }
DependsOn: SyntheticProject list
RecursiveNamespace: bool }
static member Create(?name: string) =
let name = defaultArg name $"TestProject_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()[..7]}"
let dir = Path.GetFullPath projectRoot
Name = name
ProjectDir = dir ++ name
SourceFiles = []
DependsOn = []
RecursiveNamespace = false
static member Create([<ParamArray>] sourceFiles: SyntheticSourceFile[]) =
{ SyntheticProject.Create() with SourceFiles = sourceFiles |> List.ofArray }
static member Create(name: string, [<ParamArray>] sourceFiles: SyntheticSourceFile[]) =
{ SyntheticProject.Create(name) with SourceFiles = sourceFiles |> List.ofArray }
member this.Find fileId =
......@@ -120,7 +149,11 @@ module Internal =
let renderSourceFile (project: SyntheticProject) (f: SyntheticSourceFile) =
seq {
$"module %s{project.Name}.Module{f.Id}"
if project.RecursiveNamespace then
$"namespace rec {project.Name}"
$"module Module{f.Id}"
$"module %s{project.Name}.Module{f.Id}"
for p in project.DependsOn do
$"open {p.Name}"
......@@ -136,6 +169,8 @@ module Internal =
$"let f2 x = x + {f.InternalVersion}"
if f.HasErrors then
"let wrong = 1 + 'a'"
......@@ -239,6 +274,8 @@ module ProjectOperations =
let addDependency fileId f : SyntheticSourceFile =
{ f with DependsOn = fileId :: f.DependsOn }
let addSignatureFile f = { f with SignatureFile = AutoGenerated }
let checkFile fileId (project: SyntheticProject) (checker: FSharpChecker) =
let file = project.Find fileId
let contents = renderSourceFile project file
......@@ -302,12 +339,17 @@ module ProjectOperations =
let file = p.SourceFiles[i]
writeFile p file
if file.HasSignatureFile && generateSignatureFiles then
let signatureFileName = p.ProjectDir ++ file.SignatureFileName
match file.SignatureFile with
| AutoGenerated when generateSignatureFiles ->
let project = { p with SourceFiles = p.SourceFiles[0..i] }
let! results = checkFile file.Id project checker
let signature = getSignature results
let signatureFileName = p.ProjectDir ++ file.SignatureFileName
writeFileIfChanged signatureFileName signature
| Custom signature ->
writeFileIfChanged signatureFileName signature
| _ -> ()
writeFileIfChanged (p.ProjectDir ++ $"{p.Name}.fsproj") (renderFsProj p)
......@@ -400,6 +442,20 @@ type ProjectWorkflowBuilder(initialProject: SyntheticProject, ?checker: FSharpCh
return { ctx with Signatures = ctx.Signatures.Add(fileId, newSignature) }
/// Parse and type check given file and process the results using `processResults` function.
[<CustomOperation "checkFile">]
member this.CheckFile(workflow: Async<WorkflowContext>, fileId: string, processResults) =
async {
let! ctx = workflow
let! results = checkFile fileId ctx.Project checker
let typeCheckResults = getTypeCheckResult results
let newSignature = getSignature results
processResults typeCheckResults
return { ctx with Signatures = ctx.Signatures.Add(fileId, newSignature) }
/// Save given file to disk.
[<CustomOperation "saveFile">]
member this.SaveFile(workflow: Async<WorkflowContext>, fileId: string) =
......@@ -422,3 +478,9 @@ type ProjectWorkflowBuilder(initialProject: SyntheticProject, ?checker: FSharpCh
/// Execute a set of operations on a given synthetic project.
/// The project is saved to disk and type checked at the start.
let projectWorkflow project = ProjectWorkflowBuilder project
type SyntheticProject with
/// Execute a set of operations on this project.
/// The project is saved to disk and type checked at the start.
member this.Workflow = projectWorkflow this
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