未验证 提交 1ac6d136 编写于 作者: E Eugene Auduchinok 提交者: GitHub

Completion: empty record fixes (#12872)

Co-authored-by: NVlad Zarytovskii <vzaritovsky@hotmail.com>
上级 665f675f
......@@ -4484,22 +4484,31 @@ let rec ResolvePartialLongIdentInModuleOrNamespaceForRecordFields (ncenv: NameRe
| _ -> []
let getRecordFieldsInScope nenv =
|> Seq.collect (fun (KeyValue(_, v)) -> v)
|> Seq.map (fun fref ->
let typeInsts = fref.TyconRef.TyparsNoRange |> List.map mkTyparTy
Item.RecdField(RecdFieldInfo(typeInsts, fref)))
|> List.ofSeq
/// allowObsolete - specifies whether we should return obsolete types & modules
/// as (no other obsolete items are returned)
let rec ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFields (ncenv: NameResolver) (nenv: NameResolutionEnv) m ad plid (allowObsolete: bool) =
ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl ncenv nenv OpenQualified m ad plid allowObsolete
let rec ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFields (ncenv: NameResolver) (nenv: NameResolutionEnv) m ad plid (allowObsolete: bool) (fieldsOnly: bool) =
ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl ncenv nenv OpenQualified m ad plid allowObsolete fieldsOnly
and ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl (ncenv: NameResolver) (nenv: NameResolutionEnv) fullyQualified m ad plid allowObsolete =
and ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl (ncenv: NameResolver) (nenv: NameResolutionEnv) fullyQualified m ad plid allowObsolete fieldsOnly =
let g = ncenv.g
match plid with
| id :: plid when id = "global" -> // this is deliberately not the mangled name
// dive deeper
ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl ncenv nenv FullyQualified m ad plid allowObsolete
ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl ncenv nenv FullyQualified m ad plid allowObsolete fieldsOnly
| [] ->
// empty plid - return namespaces\modules\record types\accessible fields
if fieldsOnly then getRecordFieldsInScope nenv else
let mods =
let moduleOrNamespaceRefs =
......@@ -4528,12 +4537,7 @@ and ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl (ncenv: NameResolver) (nenv:
|> Seq.toList
let recdFields =
|> Seq.collect (fun (KeyValue(_, v)) -> v)
|> Seq.map (fun fref ->
let typeInsts = fref.TyconRef.TyparsNoRange |> List.map mkTyparTy
Item.RecdField(RecdFieldInfo(typeInsts, fref)))
|> List.ofSeq
getRecordFieldsInScope nenv
mods @ recdTyCons @ recdFields
......@@ -4549,7 +4553,7 @@ and ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFieldsImpl (ncenv: NameResolver) (nenv:
let qualifiedFields =
match rest with
| [] ->
| [] when not fieldsOnly ->
// get record types accessible in given nenv
let tycons = LookupTypeNameInEnvNoArity OpenQualified id nenv
......@@ -557,8 +557,10 @@ val internal ResolveField : TcResultsSink -> NameResolver -
/// Resolve a long identifier occurring in an expression position
val internal ResolveExprLongIdent : TcResultsSink -> NameResolver -> range -> AccessorDomain -> NameResolutionEnv -> TypeNameResolutionInfo -> Ident list -> ResultOrException<EnclosingTypeInst * Item * Ident list>
val internal getRecordFieldsInScope: NameResolutionEnv -> Item list
/// Resolve a (possibly incomplete) long identifier to a loist of possible class or record fields
val internal ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFields: NameResolver -> NameResolutionEnv -> range -> AccessorDomain -> string list -> bool -> Item list
val internal ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFields: NameResolver -> NameResolutionEnv -> range -> AccessorDomain -> string list -> bool -> bool -> Item list
/// Return the fields for the given class or record
val internal ResolveRecordOrClassFieldsOfType : NameResolver -> range -> AccessorDomain -> TType -> bool -> Item list
......@@ -638,9 +638,9 @@ type internal TypeCheckInfo
GetEnvironmentLookupResolutions(nenv, ad, m, plid, filterCtors, showObsolete)
/// Find record fields in the best naming environment.
let GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(cursorPos, plid) =
let GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(cursorPos, plid, fieldsOnly) =
let (nenv, ad),m = GetBestEnvForPos cursorPos
let items = ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFields ncenv nenv m ad plid false
let items = ResolvePartialLongIdentToClassOrRecdFields ncenv nenv m ad plid false fieldsOnly
let items = items |> List.map ItemWithNoInst
let items = items |> RemoveDuplicateItems g
let items = items |> RemoveExplicitlySuppressed g
......@@ -913,6 +913,21 @@ type internal TypeCheckInfo
let toCompletionItems (items: ItemWithInst list, denv: DisplayEnv, m: range ) =
items |> List.map DefaultCompletionItem, denv, m
/// Find record fields in the best naming environment.
let GetEnvironmentLookupResolutionsIncludingRecordFieldsAtPosition cursorPos plid envItems =
// An empty record expression may be completed into something like these:
// { XXX = ... }
// { xxx with XXX ... }
// Provide both expression items in scope and available record fields.
let (nenv, _), m = GetBestEnvForPos cursorPos
let fieldItems, _, _ = GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(cursorPos, plid, true)
let fieldCompletionItems, _, _ as fieldsResult = (fieldItems, nenv.DisplayEnv, m) |> toCompletionItems
match envItems with
| Some(items, denv, m) -> Some(fieldCompletionItems @ items, denv, m)
| _ -> Some(fieldsResult)
/// Get the auto-complete items at a particular location.
let GetDeclItemsForNamesAtPosition(parseResultsOpt: FSharpParseFileResults option, origLongIdentOpt: string list option,
residueOpt:string option, lastDotPos: int option, line:int, lineStr:string, colAtEndOfNamesAndResidue, filterCtors, resolveOverloads,
......@@ -963,19 +978,30 @@ type internal TypeCheckInfo
|> Option.map toCompletionItems
// Completion at ' { XXX = ... } "
| Some(CompletionContext.RecordField(RecordContext.New(plid, _))) ->
// { x. } can be either record construction or computation expression. Try to get all visible record fields first
match GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(mkPos line loc, plid) |> toCompletionItems with
| [],_,_ ->
// no record fields found, return completion list as if we were outside any computation expression
GetDeclaredItems (parseResultsOpt, lineStr, origLongIdentOpt, colAtEndOfNamesAndResidue, residueOpt, lastDotPos, line, loc, filterCtors,resolveOverloads, false, fun() -> [])
| result -> Some(result)
| Some(CompletionContext.RecordField(RecordContext.New((plid, _), isFirstField))) ->
if isFirstField then
let cursorPos = mkPos line loc
let envItems = GetDeclaredItems (parseResultsOpt, lineStr, origLongIdentOpt, colAtEndOfNamesAndResidue, residueOpt, lastDotPos, line, loc, filterCtors,resolveOverloads, false, fun () -> [])
GetEnvironmentLookupResolutionsIncludingRecordFieldsAtPosition cursorPos plid envItems
// { x. } can be either record construction or computation expression. Try to get all visible record fields first
match GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(mkPos line loc, plid, false) |> toCompletionItems with
| [],_,_ ->
// no record fields found, return completion list as if we were outside any computation expression
GetDeclaredItems (parseResultsOpt, lineStr, origLongIdentOpt, colAtEndOfNamesAndResidue, residueOpt, lastDotPos, line, loc, filterCtors,resolveOverloads, false, fun() -> [])
| result -> Some(result)
// Completion at '{ ... }'
| Some(CompletionContext.RecordField RecordContext.Empty) ->
let cursorPos = mkPos line loc
let envItems = GetDeclaredItems (parseResultsOpt, lineStr, origLongIdentOpt, colAtEndOfNamesAndResidue, residueOpt, lastDotPos, line, loc, filterCtors,resolveOverloads, false, fun () -> [])
GetEnvironmentLookupResolutionsIncludingRecordFieldsAtPosition cursorPos [] envItems
// Completion at ' { XXX = ... with ... } "
| Some(CompletionContext.RecordField(RecordContext.CopyOnUpdate(r, (plid, _)))) ->
match GetRecdFieldsForExpr(r) with
| None ->
Some (GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(mkPos line loc, plid))
Some (GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(mkPos line loc, plid, false))
|> Option.map toCompletionItems
| Some (items, denv, m) ->
Some (List.map ItemWithNoInst items, denv, m)
......@@ -983,7 +1009,7 @@ type internal TypeCheckInfo
// Completion at ' { XXX = ... with ... } "
| Some(CompletionContext.RecordField(RecordContext.Constructor(typeName))) ->
Some(GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(mkPos line loc, [typeName]))
Some(GetClassOrRecordFieldsEnvironmentLookupResolutions(mkPos line loc, [typeName], false))
|> Option.map toCompletionItems
// No completion at '...: string'
......@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ type InheritanceContext =
type RecordContext =
| CopyOnUpdate of range: range * path: CompletionPath
| Constructor of typeName: string
| New of path: CompletionPath
| Empty
| New of path: CompletionPath * isFirstField: bool
| Declaration of isInIdentifier: bool
......@@ -956,7 +957,8 @@ module ParsedInput =
Some (CompletionContext.ParameterList args)
| _ ->
defaultTraverse expr
| SynExpr.Record(None, None, [], _) ->
Some(CompletionContext.RecordField RecordContext.Empty)
// Unchecked.defaultof<str$>
| SynExpr.TypeApp (typeArgsRange = range) when rangeContainsPos range pos ->
Some CompletionContext.PatternType
......@@ -968,7 +970,22 @@ module ParsedInput =
match path with
| SyntaxNode.SynExpr _ :: SyntaxNode.SynBinding _ :: SyntaxNode.SynMemberDefn _ :: SyntaxNode.SynTypeDefn(SynTypeDefn(typeInfo=SynComponentInfo(longId=[id]))) :: _ ->
| _ -> RecordContext.New completionPath
| SyntaxNode.SynExpr(SynExpr.Record(None, _, fields, _)) :: _ ->
let isFirstField =
match field, fields with
| Some contextLid, SynExprRecordField(fieldName = lid, _) :: _ -> contextLid.Range = lid.Range
| _ -> false
RecordContext.New(completionPath, isFirstField)
// Unfinished `{ xxx }` expression considered a record field by the tree walker.
| SyntaxNode.SynExpr(SynExpr.ComputationExpr _) :: _ ->
RecordContext.New(completionPath, true)
| _ ->
RecordContext.New(completionPath, false)
match field with
| Some field ->
match parseLid field with
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ type public InheritanceContext =
type public RecordContext =
| CopyOnUpdate of range: range * path: CompletionPath
| Constructor of typeName: string
| New of path: CompletionPath
| Empty
| New of path: CompletionPath * isFirstField: bool
| Declaration of isInIdentifier: bool
......@@ -3511,11 +3511,14 @@ FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+CopyOnUpdate: System.Tuple`2[Micros
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+CopyOnUpdate: System.Tuple`2[Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.String],Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[System.String]] path
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Declaration: Boolean get_isInIdentifier()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Declaration: Boolean isInIdentifier
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+New: Boolean get_isFirstField()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+New: Boolean isFirstField
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+New: System.Tuple`2[Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.String],Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[System.String]] get_path()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+New: System.Tuple`2[Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.String],Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[System.String]] path
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Tags: Int32 Constructor
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Tags: Int32 CopyOnUpdate
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Tags: Int32 Declaration
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Tags: Int32 Empty
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Tags: Int32 New
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean Equals(FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext)
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean Equals(System.Object)
......@@ -3523,15 +3526,19 @@ FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean Equals(System.Object, Syst
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean IsConstructor
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean IsCopyOnUpdate
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean IsDeclaration
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean IsEmpty
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean IsNew
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean get_IsConstructor()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean get_IsCopyOnUpdate()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean get_IsDeclaration()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean get_IsEmpty()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: Boolean get_IsNew()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext Empty
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext NewConstructor(System.String)
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext NewCopyOnUpdate(FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range, System.Tuple`2[Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.String],Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[System.String]])
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext NewDeclaration(Boolean)
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext NewNew(System.Tuple`2[Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.String],Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[System.String]])
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext NewNew(System.Tuple`2[Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.String],Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1[System.String]], Boolean)
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext get_Empty()
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Constructor
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+CopyOnUpdate
FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext: FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.RecordContext+Declaration
module FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.CompletionTests
open FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
let getCompletionInfo lineText (line, column) source =
let parseResults, checkResults = getParseAndCheckResults source
let plid = QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx(lineText, column)
checkResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, line, lineText, plid)
let getCompletionItemNames (completionInfo: DeclarationListInfo) =
completionInfo.Items |> Array.map (fun item -> item.Name)
let assertHasItemWithNames names (completionInfo: DeclarationListInfo) =
let itemNames = getCompletionItemNames completionInfo |> set
for name in names do
Assert.That(Set.contains name itemNames, name)
let ``Expr - record - field 01 - anon module`` () =
let parseResults, checkResults = getParseAndCheckResults """
type Record = { Field: int}
let info = getCompletionInfo "{ Fi }" (4, 3) """
type Record = { Field: int }
{ Fi }
let lineText = "{ Fi }"
let plid = QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx(lineText, 3)
let info = checkResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 4, lineText, plid)
assertHasItemWithNames ["Field"] info
info.Items |> Array.exists (fun item -> item.Name = "Field") |> shouldEqual true
let ``Expr - record - field 02 - anon module`` () =
let info = getCompletionInfo "{ Fi }" (6, 3) """
type Record = { Field: int }
let record = { Field = 1 }
{ Fi }
assertHasItemWithNames ["Field"] info
let ``Expr - record - empty 01`` () =
let info = getCompletionInfo "{ }" (4, 2) """
type Record = { Field: int }
{ }
assertHasItemWithNames ["Field"] info
let ``Expr - record - empty 02`` () =
let info = getCompletionInfo "{ }" (6, 2) """
type Record = { Field: int }
let record = { Field = 1 }
{ }
assertHasItemWithNames ["Field"; "record"] info
......@@ -786,15 +786,15 @@ for i in 0..a."]
let useCases =
"let _ = (* MARKER*){X", "(* MARKER*){X", [], ["XX"]
"let _ = (* MARKER*){X }", "(* MARKER*){X", [], ["XX"]
"let _ = {(* MARKER*)Mod. = 1; O", "(* MARKER*)Mod.", ["XX"; "YY"], ["System"]
"let _ = {(* MARKER*)Mod.Rec. ", "(* MARKER*)Mod.Rec.", ["XX"; "YY"], ["System"]
"let _ = (* MARKER*){Mod.XX = 1; }", "(* MARKER*){Mod.XX = 1; ", ["Mod"], ["XX"; "abs"]
for (code, marker, should, shouldnot) in useCases do
let code = prologue @ [code]
let shouldnot = shouldnot @ ["abs"]
AssertCtrlSpaceCompleteContains code marker should ["abs"]
AssertCtrlSpaceCompleteContains code marker should shouldnot
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