提交 03f3f1c3 编写于 作者: K Kevin Ransom (msft) 提交者: Phillip Carter

Fix squiggle with editor and fsi. (#7968)

* VS Unit test case

* Include FSharp.Compiler.Interactive in fcs tests.

* Do it in an app domain
上级 3cb5b831
......@@ -101,5 +101,6 @@
<Reference Include="UIAutomationTypes" />
<ProjectReference Include="CSharp_Analysis\CSharp_Analysis.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\FSharp.Compiler.Service.ProjectCracker\FSharp.Compiler.Service.ProjectCracker.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="$(FSharpSourcesRoot)\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.fsproj" />
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2321,6 +2321,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
isInvalidationSupported = isInvalidationSupported
copyFSharpCore = defaultCopyFSharpCore
tryGetMetadataSnapshot = tryGetMetadataSnapshot
useFsiAuxLib = isInteractive
member tcConfigB.ResolveSourceFile(m, nm, pathLoadedFrom) =
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module internal FSharpCheckerResultsSettings =
| s -> int64 s
// Look for DLLs in the location of the service DLL first.
let defaultFSharpBinariesDir = FSharpEnvironment.BinFolderOfDefaultFSharpCompiler(Some(typeof<IncrementalBuilder>.Assembly.Location)).Value
let defaultFSharpBinariesDir = FSharpEnvironment.BinFolderOfDefaultFSharpCompiler(Some(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof<IncrementalBuilder>.Assembly.Location))).Value
type FSharpFindDeclFailureReason =
......@@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ type IncrementalBuilder(tcGlobals, frameworkTcImports, nonFrameworkAssemblyInput
// To run the tests in this file:
// Technique 1: Compile VisualFSharp.UnitTests.dll and run it as a set of unit tests
// Technique 2:
// Enable some tests in the #if EXE section at the end of the file,
// then compile this file as an EXE that has InternalsVisibleTo access into the
// appropriate DLLs. This can be the quickest way to get turnaround on updating the tests
// and capturing large amounts of structured output.
cd Debug\net40\bin
.\fsc.exe --define:EXE -r:.\Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll -o VisualFSharp.UnitTests.exe -g --optimize- -r .\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll -r .\FSharp.Editor.dll -r nunit.framework.dll ..\..\..\tests\service\FsUnit.fs ..\..\..\tests\service\Common.fs /delaysign /keyfile:..\..\..\src\fsharp\msft.pubkey ..\..\..\vsintegration\tests\UnitTests\FsxCompletionProviderTests.fs
// Technique 3:
// Use F# Interactive. This only works for FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll which has a public API
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor.Tests.Roslyn
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Linq
open System.Reflection
open NUnit.Framework
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open UnitTests.TestLib.LanguageService
// AppDomain helper
type Worker () =
inherit MarshalByRefObject()
let filePath = "C:\\test.fsx"
let projectOptions = {
ProjectFileName = "C:\\test.fsproj"
ProjectId = None
SourceFiles = [| filePath |]
ReferencedProjects = [| |]
OtherOptions = [| |]
IsIncompleteTypeCheckEnvironment = true
UseScriptResolutionRules = true
LoadTime = DateTime.MaxValue
OriginalLoadReferences = []
UnresolvedReferences = None
ExtraProjectInfo = None
Stamp = None
let formatCompletions(completions : string seq) =
"\n\t" + String.Join("\n\t", completions)
let VerifyCompletionList(fileContents: string, marker: string, expected: string list, unexpected: string list) =
let caretPosition = fileContents.IndexOf(marker) + marker.Length
let results =
FSharpCompletionProvider.ProvideCompletionsAsyncAux(checker, SourceText.From(fileContents), caretPosition, projectOptions, filePath, 0, (fun _ -> []), LanguageServicePerformanceOptions.Default, IntelliSenseOptions.Default)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Option.defaultValue (ResizeArray())
|> Seq.map(fun result -> result.DisplayText)
let expectedFound =
|> Seq.filter results.Contains
let expectedNotFound =
|> Seq.filter (expectedFound.Contains >> not)
let unexpectedNotFound =
|> Seq.filter (results.Contains >> not)
let unexpectedFound =
|> Seq.filter (unexpectedNotFound.Contains >> not)
// If either of these are true, then the test fails.
let hasExpectedNotFound = not (Seq.isEmpty expectedNotFound)
let hasUnexpectedFound = not (Seq.isEmpty unexpectedFound)
if hasExpectedNotFound || hasUnexpectedFound then
let expectedNotFoundMsg =
if hasExpectedNotFound then
sprintf "\nExpected completions not found:%s\n" (formatCompletions expectedNotFound)
let unexpectedFoundMsg =
if hasUnexpectedFound then
sprintf "\nUnexpected completions found:%s\n" (formatCompletions unexpectedFound)
let completionsMsg = sprintf "\nin Completions:%s" (formatCompletions results)
let msg = sprintf "%s%s%s" expectedNotFoundMsg unexpectedFoundMsg completionsMsg
member __.VerifyCompletionListExactly(fileContents: string, marker: string, expected: List<string>) =
let caretPosition = fileContents.IndexOf(marker) + marker.Length
let expected = expected |> Seq.toList
let actual =
let x = FSharpCompletionProvider.ProvideCompletionsAsyncAux(checker, SourceText.From(fileContents), caretPosition, projectOptions, filePath, 0, (fun _ -> []), LanguageServicePerformanceOptions.Default, IntelliSenseOptions.Default)
|> Async.RunSynchronously
x |> Option.defaultValue (ResizeArray())
|> Seq.toList
// sort items as Roslyn do - by `SortText`
|> List.sortBy (fun x -> x.SortText)
let actualNames = actual |> List.map (fun x -> x.DisplayText)
if actualNames <> expected then
Assert.Fail(sprintf "Expected:\n%s,\nbut was:\n%s\nactual with sort text:\n%s"
(String.Join("; ", expected |> List.map (sprintf "\"%s\"")))
(String.Join("; ", actualNames |> List.map (sprintf "\"%s\"")))
(String.Join("\n", actual |> List.map (fun x -> sprintf "%s => %s" x.DisplayText x.SortText))))
module FsxCompletionProviderTests =
let pathToThisDll = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase
let getWorker () =
let adSetup =
let setup = new System.AppDomainSetup ()
setup.PrivateBinPath <- pathToThisDll
setup.ApplicationBase <- Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "SomeNonExistentDirectory")
let ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain((Guid()).ToString(), null, adSetup)
(ad.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(pathToThisDll, typeof<Worker>.FullName)) :?> Worker
let fsiShouldTriggerCompletionInFsxFile() =
let fileContents = """
let expected = List<string>([
"CommandLineArgs"; "EventLoop"; "FloatingPointFormat"; "FormatProvider"; "PrintDepth";
"PrintLength"; "PrintSize"; "PrintWidth"; "ShowDeclarationValues"; "ShowIEnumerable";
"ShowProperties"; "AddPrinter"; "AddPrintTransformer"; "Equals"; "GetHashCode";
"GetType"; "ToString"; ])
// We execute in a seperate appdomain so that we can set BaseDirectory to a non-existent location
getWorker().VerifyCompletionListExactly(fileContents, "fsi.", expected)
#if EXE
......@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@
<Compile Include="CompletionProviderTests.fs">
<Compile Include="FsxCompletionProviderTests.fs">
<Compile Include="SignatureHelpProviderTests.fs">
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