提交 f5c8c7dc 编写于 作者: doc_wei's avatar doc_wei

保养订单---修改为完成保养、取消保养 只能操作自己录入的

上级 0f378483
......@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@
<table id="messageTable" lay-filter="messageTable"></table>
<script type="text/html" id="tableBar">
{{# if(d.cancleState == 1 && d.state == 1 && auth('1645623479038') && d.source == 2){ }}
{{# if(d.cancleState == 1 && d.state == 1 && auth('1645623479038') && d.source == 2 && d.currentUserId == d.createId){ }}
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-normal" lay-event="complateKeepFit">完成保养</a>
{{# } }}
{{# if(d.cancleState == 1 && d.state == 2 && auth('1644378387049') && !isNull(d.mealOrderChildId) && d.source == 2){ }}
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-normal" lay-event="verification">核销</a>
{{# } }}
{{# if(d.cancleState == 1 && d.state == 1 && auth('1644842786855') && d.source == 2){ }}
{{# if(d.cancleState == 1 && d.state == 1 && auth('1644842786855') && d.source == 2 && d.currentUserId == d.createId){ }}
<a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-normal" lay-event="cancleOrder">取消保养</a>
{{# } }}
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