提交 f3103613 编写于 作者: W weizhiqiang


上级 45cee032
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ layui.config({
var actFlowId = parent.actFlowId;
// 加载动态表单页
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: flowableBasePath + "dsformpage004", params: {rowId: parent.dsFormId}, type: 'json', callback: function (json) {
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: flowableBasePath + "dsformpage004", params: {pageId: parent.dsFormId}, type: 'json', method: 'GET', callback: function (json) {
dsFormUtil.loadDsFormItemToEdit("showForm", json.rows);
$("#showForm").append('<div class="layui-form-item layui-col-xs12"><div class="layui-input-block">' +
'<button class="winui-btn" id="cancle">' + systemLanguage["com.skyeye.cancel"][languageType] + '</button>' +
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ layui.config({
var firstTypeCode = GetUrlParam("firstTypeCode");
// todo 待替换
/********* tree 处理 start *************/
var orderType = "";
var ztree = null;
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ layui.config({
id: "showForm",
url: flowableBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation004",
url: reqBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation004",
params: {id: parent.rowId},
pagination: false,
method: 'GET',
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ layui.config({
id: "showForm",
url: flowableBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation004",
url: reqBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation004",
params: {id: parent.rowId},
pagination: false,
method: 'GET',
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ layui.config({
dsFormPageIds: formPageId.join(","),
id: parent.rowId
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: flowableBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation005", params: params, type: 'json', method: "PUT", callback: function (json) {
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: reqBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation005", params: params, type: 'json', method: "PUT", callback: function (json) {
parent.refreshCode = '0';
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ layui.config({
id: 'messageTable',
elem: '#messageTable',
method: 'post',
url: flowableBasePath + 'dsFormObjectRelation001',
url: reqBasePath + 'dsFormObjectRelation001',
where: getTableParams(),
even: true,
page: true,
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ layui.config({
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: flowableBasePath + "dsformpage004", params: {rowId: parent.rowId}, type: 'json', callback: function (json) {
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: flowableBasePath + "dsformpage004", params: {pageId: parent.rowId}, type: 'json', method: 'GET', callback: function (json) {
// 加载表单控件
// 加载拖拽
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ layui.config({
/********* tree 处理 start *************/
// todo 待替换
var orderType = "";
var ztree = null;
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ var dsFormUtil = {
dsFormObjectRelationCode: isNull(code) ? "" : code,
dsFormObjectRelationId: isNull(dsFormObjectRelationId) ? "" : dsFormObjectRelationId
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: flowableBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation006", params: params, method: "GET", type: 'json', callback: function(json) {
AjaxPostUtil.request({url: reqBasePath + "dsFormObjectRelation006", params: params, method: "GET", type: 'json', callback: function(json) {
dsFormUtil.loadDsFormItem(showBoxId, json);
}, async: false});
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