提交 ba67e365 编写于 作者: doc_wei's avatar doc_wei


上级 1831fde9
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ public class EmailSendModelServiceImpl implements EmailSendModelService {
public void queryEmailSendModelList(InputObject inputObject, OutputObject outputObject) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> inputParams = inputObject.getParams();
Page pages = PageHelper.startPage(Integer.parseInt(inputParams.get("page").toString()), Integer.parseInt(inputParams.get("limit").toString()));
inputParams.put("userId", inputObject.getLogParams().get("id"));
List<Map<String, Object>> emailSendModelList = emailSendModelDao.queryEmailSendModelList(inputParams);
......@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
esm.to_people toPeople,
IFNULL(esm.to_cc, '') toCc,
IFNULL(esm.to_bcc, '') toBcc,
b.user_name createName,
CONVERT(esm.create_time, char) createTime,
c.user_name lastUpdateName,
......@@ -14,9 +17,9 @@
email_send_model esm
LEFT JOIN sys_eve_user_staff b ON esm.create_id = b.user_id
LEFT JOIN sys_eve_user_staff c ON esm.last_update_id = c.user_id
WHERE 1 = 1
WHERE esm.create_id = #{userId}
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
AND esm.title = '%${title}%'
AND esm.title LIKE '%${title}%'
ORDER BY esm.create_time DESC
......@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public class ComplexMailDeliveryServiceImpl implements JobMateService {
private SystemFoundationSettingsService systemFoundationSettingsService;
public void call(String data) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> map = JSONUtil.toBean(data, null);
......@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ public class JobMateMationServiceImpl implements JobMateMationService {
private void sendJobResultMseeage(String jobId, String status) throws Exception{
Map<String, Object> jobMation = jobMateMationDao.queryJobMationByJobId(jobId);
String userId = jobMation.get("createId").toString();
LOGGER.info("job is success, jobId is {}", jobId);
if(MqConstants.JOB_TYPE_IS_SUCCESS.equals(status) || MqConstants.JOB_TYPE_IS_FAIL.equals(status)
|| MqConstants.JOB_TYPE_IS_PARTIAL_SUCCESS.equals(status)) {
// 成功/失败/部分成功
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