提交 ac5850db 编写于 作者: doc_wei's avatar doc_wei


上级 6227b19b
......@@ -1005,32 +1005,35 @@ var dataShowType = {
* @param valueKey value展示的key
showData: function (json, showType, showBoxId, defaultId, form, callback, chooseCallback, valueKey) {
$("#" + showBoxId).html('');
$("#" + showBoxId).attr('showType', showType);
var _box = $("#" + showBoxId);
_box.attr('showType', showType);
var winRequired = _box.attr('win-required');
winRequired = isNull(winRequired) ? '' : `win-verify='${winRequired}'`;
if (showType == 'select') {
// 下拉框
if ($("#" + showBoxId).is('select')) {
$("#" + showBoxId).html(getDataUseHandlebars(getFileContent('tpl/template/select-option.tpl'), json));
if (_box.is('select')) {
_box.html(getDataUseHandlebars(getFileContent('tpl/template/select-option.tpl'), json));
} else {
$("#" + showBoxId).html('<select>' + getDataUseHandlebars(getFileContent('tpl/template/select-option.tpl'), json) + '</select>');
_box.html(`<select ${winRequired} lay-search="">` + getDataUseHandlebars(getFileContent('tpl/template/select-option.tpl'), json) + '</select>');
if (!isNull(defaultId)) {
if ($("#" + showBoxId).is('select')) {
$("#" + showBoxId).val(defaultId);
if (_box.is('select')) {
} else {
$("#" + showBoxId).find('select').val(defaultId);
} else {
$.each(json.rows, function (i, item) {
if (item.isDefault) {
$("#" + showBoxId).val(item.id);
} else if (showType == 'checkbox') {
// 多选框
$("#" + showBoxId).html(getDataUseHandlebars(getFileContent('tpl/template/checkbox-property.tpl'), json));
_box.html(getDataUseHandlebars(getFileContent('tpl/template/checkbox-property.tpl'), json));
if (!isNull(defaultId)) {
var arr = defaultId.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
......@@ -1046,7 +1049,7 @@ var dataShowType = {
} else if (showType == 'radio') {
// 单选框
$("#" + showBoxId).html(getDataUseHandlebars(`{{#each rows}}<input type="radio" name="${showBoxId}Name" lay-filter="${showBoxId}Filter" value="{{id}}" title="{{name}}" />{{/each}}`, json));
_box.html(getDataUseHandlebars(`{{#each rows}}<input type="radio" name="${showBoxId}Name" lay-filter="${showBoxId}Filter" value="{{id}}" title="{{name}}" />{{/each}}`, json));
if (!isNull(defaultId) || defaultId + '' == '0') {
$("#" + showBoxId + " input:radio[name=" + showBoxId + "Name][value=" + defaultId + "]").attr("checked", true);
} else {
......@@ -1060,7 +1063,7 @@ var dataShowType = {
} else if (showType == 'verificationSelect') {
// 多选下拉框
var html = `<div id="${showBoxId}Div" class="xm-select-demo"></div>`;
$("#" + showBoxId).html(html);
var optionValueKey = isNull(valueKey) ? "id" : valueKey;
layui.define(["xmSelect"], function(exports) {
var xmSelect = layui.xmSelect;
......@@ -1180,7 +1183,7 @@ var dataShowType = {
$("#" + showBoxId).append(_html + _js);
_box.append(_html + _js);
} else if (showType == 'selectTree') {
// 提供选择的树插件
var _html = sysDictDataUtil.getShowTteeHtml(showBoxId, '1');
......@@ -1216,7 +1219,7 @@ var dataShowType = {
$("#" + showBoxId).append(_html + _js);
_box.append(_html + _js);
$("#" + showBoxId + "Choose").on("change", function() {
if (typeof (chooseCallback) == "function") {
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