提交 9db63136 编写于 作者: doc_wei's avatar doc_wei


上级 21345738
......@@ -10,8 +10,61 @@ var inPageTable = {};
// 已经添加上的文字模型
var inPageWordMation = {};
// 已经添加上的文字模型
var inPageImgMation = {};
// 支持的编辑器类型
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// 图表自定义属性
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"custom.dataBaseMation": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "数据来源", "name": "数据来源", "editorType": "99", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.background": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子背景", "name": "盒子背景颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-width": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框宽度", "name": "边框宽度", "editorType": "4", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
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"optionalValue": [{"id": "solid", "name": "实线"}, {"id": "dashed", "name": "虚线"}]}
// 图表自定义属性
var tableCustomOptions = {
"custom.dataBaseMation": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "数据来源", "name": "数据来源", "editorType": "99", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.background": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子背景", "name": "盒子背景颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-width": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框宽度", "name": "边框宽度", "editorType": "4", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-style": { "defaultValue": "solid", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框样式", "name": "边框样式", "editorType": "1", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子",
"optionalValue": [{"id": "solid", "name": "实线"}, {"id": "dashed", "name": "虚线"}]},
"custom.tableColumn": { "defaultValue": [], "edit": 1, "remark": "数据表格的信息", "name": "表格配置", "editorType": "101", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
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"optionalValue": [{"id": 1, "name": ""}, {"id": 0, "name": ""}]}
// 文字自定义属性
var wordCustomOptions = {
"custom.dataBaseMation": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "数据来源", "name": "数据来源", "editorType": "99", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.background": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子背景", "name": "盒子背景颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-width": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框宽度", "name": "边框宽度", "editorType": "4", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
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"optionalValue": [{"id": "solid", "name": "实线"}, {"id": "dashed", "name": "虚线"}]}
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var imgCustomOptions = {
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框颜色", "name": "边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-width": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框宽度", "name": "边框宽度", "editorType": "4", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-style": { "defaultValue": "solid", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框样式", "name": "边框样式", "editorType": "1", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子",
"optionalValue": [{"id": "solid", "name": "实线"}, {"id": "dashed", "name": "虚线"}]}
layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
var jQuery = layui.jquery;
form = layui.form;
......@@ -49,43 +102,6 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
right_bottom: true,
// 图表自定义属性
var echartsCustomOptions = {
"custom.dataBaseMation": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "数据来源", "name": "数据来源", "editorType": "99", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.background": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子背景", "name": "盒子背景颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"}
// 图表自定义属性
var tableCustomOptions = {
"custom.dataBaseMation": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "数据来源", "name": "数据来源", "editorType": "99", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.background": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子背景", "name": "盒子背景颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.tableColumn": { "defaultValue": [], "edit": 1, "remark": "数据表格的信息", "name": "表格配置", "editorType": "101", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.isPage": { "defaultValue": "1", "edit": 1, "remark": "分页的标识", "name": "是否分页", "editorType": "1", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源",
"optionalValue": [{"id": 1, "name": ""}, {"id": 0, "name": ""}]}
// 文字自定义属性
var wordCustomOptions = {
"custom.dataBaseMation": { "value": "", "edit": 1, "remark": "数据来源", "name": "数据来源", "editorType": "99", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "数据源"},
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.background": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子背景", "name": "盒子背景颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"}
// 小图片自定义属性
var imgCustomOptions = {
"custom.move.x": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离左侧的像素", "name": "X坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.move.y": { "value": "0", "edit": 1, "remark": "鼠标拖动距离顶部的像素", "name": "Y坐标", "editorType": "98", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "坐标"},
"custom.box.border-color": { "value": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", "edit": 1, "remark": "盒子边框", "name": "盒子边框颜色", "editorType": "3", "editorChooseValue": "", "typeName": "盒子"}
var f = {
box: function() {
var width = $(window).width();
......@@ -452,7 +468,7 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
var boxId = modelId + getRandomValueToString();
// 获取图片模型id
var imgId = f.getImgBox(boxId, modelId, imgStyleMation);
inPageWordMation[boxId] = $.extend(true, {}, imgStyleMation);
inPageImgMation[boxId] = $.extend(true, {}, imgStyleMation);
return boxId;
......@@ -878,7 +894,7 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
$.each(skyeyeReportContent.find(".kuang"), function(i, item) {
if ($(item).find(".img-box").length > 0) {
var boxId = $(item).data("boxId");
var imgMation = inPageWordMation[boxId];
var imgMation = inPageImgMation[boxId];
modelId: $(item).data("modelId"),
attrMation: imgMation,
......@@ -1143,8 +1159,8 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.background", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.background"].defaultValue);
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(echartsCustomOptions, boxId, item);
......@@ -1164,8 +1180,8 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.background", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.background"].defaultValue);
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(tableCustomOptions, boxId, item);
......@@ -1185,8 +1201,8 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.background", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.background"].defaultValue);
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(wordCustomOptions, boxId, item);
......@@ -1206,7 +1222,8 @@ layui.define(["jquery", 'form', 'element'], function(exports) {
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(imgCustomOptions, boxId, item);
......@@ -1336,7 +1353,7 @@ function resetWordModel(boxId) {
function resetImgModel(boxId) {
var imgMation = inPageWordMation[boxId];
var imgMation = inPageImgMation[boxId];
function resetTableModel(boxId) {
......@@ -1358,7 +1375,7 @@ function getDataChooseMation(boxId) {
if (isNull(_object)) {
_object = inPageWordMation[boxId];
_object = inPageImgMation[boxId];
if (!isNull(_object)) {
_object.menuType = 'imgModel';
......@@ -1372,6 +1389,18 @@ function getDataChooseMation(boxId) {
return _object;
function setCustomBoxAttr(customOptions, boxId, item) {
$.each(customOptions, function (key, value) {
if (key.indexOf("custom.box") >= 0) {
if (!isNull(item.attrMation.attr[key])) {
setBoxAttrMation(key, boxId, item.attrMation.attr[key].defaultValue);
} else {
setBoxAttrMation(key, boxId, "");
function setBoxAttrMation(modelKey, boxId, value) {
if (modelKey.indexOf("custom.box") >= 0) {
// 设置图表盒子属性
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"key": "radio",
"name": "单选框",
"html": "<div class='layui-form-item {{defaultWidth}}' controlType='radio' modelKey='{{modelKey}}' boxId='{{boxId}}'><label class='layui-form-label'><i class='layui-icon layui-icon-tips' lay-tips='{{remark}}'></i>{{labelContent}}:</label><div class='layui-input-block winui-radio'>{{{showValueTemplate}}}</div></div>",
"js": "$('input:radio[name={{boxId}}{{indexNumber}}][value={{context}}]').attr('checked', true);form.on('radio({{boxId}}{{indexNumber}})', function(data) {var value = data.value; dataValueChange(value, $(this));});",
"showValueTemplate": "{{#each rows}}<input type='radio' name='{{boxId}}{{indexNumber}}' title='{{name}}' rowId='{{id}}' value='{{id}}' lay-filter='{{boxId}}{{indexNumber}}' />{{/each}}"
"js": "$('input:radio[name=ra{{boxId}}{{indexNumber}}][value={{context}}]').attr('checked', true);form.on('radio(ra{{boxId}}{{indexNumber}})', function(data) {var value = data.value; dataValueChange(value, $(this));});",
"showValueTemplate": "{{#each rows}}<input type='radio' name='ra{{boxId}}{{indexNumber}}' title='{{name}}' rowId='{{id}}' value='{{id}}' lay-filter='ra{{boxId}}{{indexNumber}}' />{{/each}}"
"2": {
"key": "input",
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ layui.config({
var $ = layui.$,
form = layui.form;
id = GetUrlParam("id");
var content = $(document.body);
......@@ -53,8 +52,8 @@ layui.config({
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.background", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.background"].defaultValue);
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(echartsCustomOptions, boxId, item);
......@@ -74,8 +73,8 @@ layui.config({
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.background", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.background"].defaultValue);
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(wordCustomOptions, boxId, item);
......@@ -98,8 +97,8 @@ layui.config({
width: multiplication(item.width, widthScale),
height: multiplication(item.height, heightScale)
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.background", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.background"].defaultValue);
setBoxAttrMation("custom.box.border-color", boxId, item.attrMation.attr["custom.box.border-color"].defaultValue);
// 设置custom.box开头的属性值
setCustomBoxAttr(tableCustomOptions, boxId, item);
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