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# UIFontComplete
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![Swift 3.1.1](
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[![CocoaPods compatible](](#cocoapods)
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Make working with `UIFont` faster and less error-prone

## Usage 
No more wasting time searching for names of `UIFont` fonts and no more surprises at runtime if a font name was mistyped.
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This library is simply one extension to `UIFont` and one `Font` `enum` with a case for each system font on iOS. 
Custom font support is also available, please keep reading for details!
Nicholas Maccharoli 已提交

Instead of using the `String` based constructor native to `UIFont`:
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let font = UIFont(name: "Arial-BoldItalicMT", size: 12.0)

You can now simply start typing the name of the font enum and let code completion help you:


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This library currently provides two different options for creating `UIFont` objects.
The first is calling the font name off of the provided `Font` enumeration and then calling `of(size:)`
to provide the desired size.
let myFont = Font.helvetica.of(size: 12.0)
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The other `UIFont` creation method offered by this library is similar to the normal `UIFont`
constructor except that instead of providing a `String` of the desired font, a case of the `Font` enum is provided instead.
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let font = UIFont(font: .arialBoldItalicMT, size: 12.0)
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### What about Custom Fonts?
Custom Fonts can be added with the help of the `FontRepresentable` protocol.
Simply create your own `CustomFont` `String` based enumeration that adapts the 
`FontRepresentable` and add a case per font that you want to add like so:

// In your project using custom fonts

enum CustomFont: String, FontRepresentable {
    case alexBrushRegular = "AlexBrush-Regular"

CustomFont.alexBrushRegular.of(size: 12.0) // => UIFont

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## Installation

#### Carthage

If you use Carthage to manage your dependencies, simply add
UIFontComplete to your `Cartfile`:

github "Nirma/UIFontComplete"

If you use Carthage to build your dependencies, make sure you have added `UIFontComplete.framework` to the "_Linked Frameworks and Libraries_" section of your target, and have included `UIFontComplete.framework` in your Carthage framework copying build phase.

#### CocoaPods

If you use CocoaPods to manage your dependencies, simply add
UIFontComplete to your `Podfile`:

pod 'UIFontComplete'

## Requirements

* Xcode 8.0
* Swift 3.0+

## Contribution and Maintenance 
Fonts available on iOS are surely subject to possible change,
and when they do the `Font` enum in this library will need to be updated as well.
If you would like to help maintain or improve this library please feel free to do so. 

## License

UIFontComplete is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [LICENSE] file.