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# Spring Cloud Contract Reference Documentation

Adam Dudczak, Mathias Düsterhöft, Marcin Grzejszczak, Dennis Kieselhorst, Jakub Kubryński, Karol Lassak, Olga Maciaszek-Sharma, Mariusz Smykuła, Dave Syer, Jay Bryant  

The reference documentation consists of the following sections:

|                   [Legal](legal.html#legal-information)                    |                                       Legal information.                                       |
|[Documentation Overview](documentation-overview.html#contract-documentation)|                 About the Documentation, Getting Help, First Steps, and more.                  |
|          [Getting Started](getting-started.html#getting-started)           |Introducing Spring Cloud Contract, Developing Your First Spring Cloud Contract-based Application|
|              [Using Spring Cloud Contract](using.html#using)               |                      Spring Cloud Contract usage examples and workflows.                       |
|      [Spring Cloud Contract Features](project-features.html#features)      |Contract DSL, Messaging, Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner, and Spring Cloud Contract WireMock. |
|         [Build Tools](project-features.html#features-build-tools)          |                            Maven Plugin, Gradle Plugin, and Docker.                            |
|                    [“How-to” Guides](howto.html#howto)                     |                    Stubs versioning, Pact integration, Debugging, and more.                    |
|                    [Appendices](appendix.html#appendix)                    |                  Properties, Metadata, Configuration, Dependencies, and more.                  |