1. 29 12月, 2012 1 次提交
  2. 13 12月, 2012 1 次提交
  3. 12 12月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Eliminate all Javadoc warnings · f2653470
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links
       - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to
         non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc,
         including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and
         adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985).
       - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to
         hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link
         references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web).
         Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level
         javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g.
         `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i`
       - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate
         Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the
         entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way.
       - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist
         only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+
         respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of
         these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's
         classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been
         customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars
         have precedence.
       - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on
         aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes
         a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it
         "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver
         is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a
         new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a
         dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to
         the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for
      Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
  4. 11 12月, 2012 1 次提交
  5. 05 12月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Support comments in statements in JdbcTestUtils · d0f687f0
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Prior to this commit, executing an SQL script with JdbcTestUtils would
      fail if a statement in the script contained a line comment within the
      This commit ensures that standard SQL comments (i.e., any text beginning
      with two hyphens and extending to the end of the line) are properly
      omitted from the statement before executing it.
      In addition, multiple adjacent whitespace characters within a statement
      but outside a literal are now collapsed into a single space.
      Issue: SPR-9982
  6. 04 12月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Relocate web artifacts in the TCF to web package · d0503ab7
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      This commit relocates recently introduced web artifacts in the
      TestContext framework to the ~.test.context.web package and renames some
      classes for consistency with the existing code base.
       - introduced package-info.java in the web package.
       - ServletTestExecutionListener now extends
         AbstractTestExecutionListener instead of implementing
       - relocated AbstractGenericWebContextLoader,
         AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader, XmlWebContextLoader, and
         WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader to the web package.
       - renamed XmlWebContextLoader to GenericXmlWebContextLoader for
         consistency with GenericXmlContextLoader.
       - changed the visibility of AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader and
         AnnotationConfigContextLoaderUtils to public.
      Issue: SPR-10067
    • S
      Fix Javadoc errors in TransactionalTEL · e0e3143d
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      This commit fixes recently introduced formatting errors in the Javadoc
      of TransactionalTestExecutionListener.
  7. 11 11月, 2012 2 次提交
  8. 08 11月, 2012 1 次提交
  9. 02 11月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Refine hamcrest dependency in spring-test-mvc project · 242bf7c4
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      1) removed the hamcrest-all dependency requirement and replaced it with
      the more focused hamcrest-library dependency
      2) added MatcherAssertionErrors as a replacement of
      org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert, which in hamcrest 1.1 is only available
      through the hamcrest-all dependency (and not in hamcrest-core nor in
      the hamcrest embedded in JUnit 4.4 through 4.8)
      3) changed the required hamcrest version from 1.1 to 1.3 and made sure
      the spring-test-mvc project does not rely on newer hamcrest
      functionality without checking if it is available first
      Applications that already depend on older versions of hamcrest
      (in particular 1.1) via hamcrest-library, hamcrest-all or as part of
      junit 4.4 through 4.8 should not be disrupted if they add spring-test
      but may wish to exclude the hamcrest-library transitive dependency
      from spring-test in order to avoid extra jars in the classpath
      Applications that depend on hamcrest 1.3 should not have to do anything
      Issue: SPR-9940
  10. 29 10月, 2012 1 次提交
  11. 28 10月, 2012 4 次提交
    • S
      Consistent class loading in ContextLoaderUtils · d4e7d192
      Sam Brannen 提交于
    • S
      Fix package cycles in spring-test · 461d99af
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Code introduced in conjunction with SPR-5243 introduced package cycles
      between the ~.test.context and ~.test.context.web packages. This was
      caused by the fact that ContextLoaderUtils worked directly with the
      @WebAppConfiguration and WebMergedContextConfiguration types.
      To address this, the following methods have been introduced in
      ContextLoaderUtils. These methods use reflection to circumvent hard
      dependencies on the @WebAppConfiguration and
      WebMergedContextConfiguration types.
       - loadWebAppConfigurationClass()
       - buildWebMergedContextConfiguration()
      Issue: SPR-9924
    • S
      Reduce code duplication in ContextLoaderUtils · 33d5b011
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Prior to this commit, the following two methods in ContextLoaderUtils
      contained almost identical loops for traversing the test class
       - resolveContextLoaderClass(Class<?>, String)
       - resolveContextConfigurationAttributes(Class<?>)
      With this commit, resolveContextLoaderClass() no longer traverses the
      class hierarchy. Instead, it now works directly with the resolved list
      of ContextConfigurationAttributes, thereby removing code duplication.
      Issue: SPR-9918
    • S
      Fix package cycles in spring-test · 90c5f226
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Code introduced in conjunction with SPR-5243 introduced package cycles
      between the ~.test.context.web and ~.test.context.support packages. This
      was caused by the fact that ServletTestExecutionListener extended
      To address this, ServletTestExecutionListener now implements
      TestExecutionListener directly.
      Issue: SPR-9924
  12. 22 10月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Support comments in SQL scripts in JdbcTestUtils · 4aaf014c
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Prior to this commit, utility methods in JdbcTestUtils interpreted SQL
      comments as separate statements, resulting in an exception when such a
      script is executed.
      This commit addresses this issue by introducing a
      readScript(lineNumberReader, String) method that accepts a comment
      prefix. Comment lines are therefore no longer returned in the parsed
      script. Furthermore, the existing readScript(lineNumberReader) method
      now delegates to this new readScript() method, supplying "--" as the
      default comment prefix.
      Issue: SPR-9593
  13. 20 10月, 2012 2 次提交
  14. 19 10月, 2012 1 次提交
  15. 14 10月, 2012 1 次提交
  16. 08 10月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Support loading WebApplicationContexts in the TCF · a73280cc
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Prior to this commit, the Spring TestContext Framework only supported
      loading an ApplicationContext in integration tests from either XML or
      Java Properties files (since Spring 2.5), and Spring 3.1 introduced
      support for loading an ApplicationContext in integration tests from
      annotated classes (e.g., @Configuration classes). All of the
      ContextLoader implementations used to provide this support load a
      GenericApplicationContext. However, a GenericApplicationContext is not
      suitable for testing a web application since a web application relies on
      an implementation of WebApplicationContext (WAC).
      This commit makes it possible to integration test Spring-powered web
      applications by adding the following functionality to the Spring
      TestContext Framework.
       - Introduced AbstractGenericWebContextLoader and two concrete
         - XmlWebContextLoader
         - AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader
       - Pulled up prepareContext(context, mergedConfig) from
         AbstractGenericContextLoader into AbstractContextLoader to allow it
         to be shared across web and non-web context loaders.
       - Introduced AnnotationConfigContextLoaderUtils and refactored
         AnnotationConfigContextLoader accordingly. These utils are also used
         by AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader.
       - Introduced a new @WebAppConfiguration annotation to denote that the
         ApplicationContext loaded for a test should be a WAC and to configure
         the base resource path for the root directory of a web application.
       - Introduced WebMergedContextConfiguration which extends
         MergedContextConfiguration with support for a baseResourcePath for
         the root directory of a web application.
       - ContextLoaderUtils.buildMergedContextConfiguration() now builds a
         WebMergedContextConfiguration instead of a standard
         MergedContextConfiguration if @WebAppConfiguration is present on the
         test class.
       - Introduced a configureWebResources() method in
         AbstractGenericWebContextLoader that is responsible for creating a
         MockServletContext with a proper ResourceLoader for the
         resourceBasePath configured in the WebMergedContextConfiguration. The
         resulting mock ServletContext is set in the WAC, and the WAC is
         stored as the Root WAC in the ServletContext.
       - Introduced a WebTestExecutionListener that sets up default thread
         local state via RequestContextHolder before each test method by using
         the MockServletContext already present in the WAC and by creating a
         MockHttpServletRequest, MockHttpServletResponse, and
         ServletWebRequest that is set in the RequestContextHolder. WTEL also
         ensures that the MockHttpServletResponse and ServletWebRequest can be
         injected into the test instance (e.g., via @Autowired) and cleans up
         thread locals after each test method.
       - WebTestExecutionListener is configured as a default
         TestExecutionListener before DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener
       - Extracted AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader from
         DelegatingSmartContextLoader and introduced a new
       - ContextLoaderUtils now selects the default delegating ContextLoader
         class name based on the presence of @WebAppConfiguration on the test
       - Tests in the spring-test-mvc module no longer use a custom
         ContextLoader to load a WebApplicationContext. Instead, they now
         rely on new core functionality provided in this commit.
      Issue: SPR-5243
  17. 31 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  18. 20 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Support ApplicationContextInitializers in the TCF · 1f93777b
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Starting with Spring 3.1 applications can specify
      contextInitializerClasses via context-param and init-param in web.xml;
      however, there is currently no way to have such initializers invoked in
      integration testing scenarios without writing a custom
      SmartContextLoader. For comprehensive integration testing it should
      therefore be possible to re-use ApplicationContextInitializers in the
      Spring TestContext Framework as well.
      This commit makes this possible at the @ContextConfiguration level by
      allowing an array of ACI types to be specified, and the out-of-the-box
      SmartContextLoader implementations invoke the declared initializers at
      the appropriate time.
       - Added initializers and inheritInitializers attributes to
       - Introduced support for ApplicationContextInitializers in
         ContextConfigurationAttributes, MergedContextConfiguration, and
       - MergedContextConfiguration stores context initializer classes as a
         Set and incorporates them into the implementations of hashCode() and
         equals() for proper context caching.
       - ApplicationContextInitializers are invoked in the new
         prepareContext(GenericApplicationContext, MergedContextConfiguration)
         method in AbstractGenericContextLoader, and ordering declared via the
         Ordered interface and @order annotation is honored.
       - Updated DelegatingSmartContextLoader to support initializers.
         Specifically, a test class may optionally declare neither XML
         configuration files nor annotated classes and instead declare only
         application context initializers. In such cases, an attempt will
         still be made to detect defaults, but their absence will not result
         an an exception.
       - Documented support for application context initializers in Javadoc
         and in the testing chapter of the reference manual.
      Issue: SPR-9011
  19. 10 8月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      RTU.setField() shouldn't call toString() on target · df961a93
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      ReflectionTestUtils.setField() implicitly calls toString() on the target
      object when arguments for a call to Assert.notNull() are built. This can
      have undesirable side effects, for example if the toString() invocation
      results in a thrown exception or access to an external system (e.g., a
      This commit addresses this issue by inlining the Assert.notNull() code,
      thereby avoiding accidental invocation of toString() on a non-null
      Issue: SPR-9571
    • S
      Reduce log level to DEBUG when @TELs isn't present · 5710cf5e
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      The default set of TestExecutionListeners is sufficient in most
      integration testing scenarios; however, the TestContextManager
      nonetheless logs an INFO message if the @TestExecutionListeners
      annotation is not present on an integration test class.
      In order to avoid flooding the logs with messages about the absence of
      @TestExecutionListeners, this commit reduces the log level for such
      messages from INFO to DEBUG.
      Issue: SPR-8645
  20. 04 8月, 2012 3 次提交
    • S
      Introduce new methods in tx base test classes · 015086cb
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Recently new utility methods were added to JdbcTestUtils, and a
      JdbcTemplate was introduced in abstract transactional base classes in
      the TestContext framework. This presents an easy opportunity to make
      these new utility methods available as convenience methods in the base
      test classes.
      This commit introduces new countRowsInTableWhere() and dropTables()
      convenience methods in the abstract transactional base classes in the
      TestContext framework. These new methods internally delegate to methods
      of the same names in JdbcTestUtils.
      Issue: SPR-9665
    • S
      Provide JdbcTemplate in tx base classes in the TCF · 8d9637ad
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Since Spring 2.5, the abstract transactional base classes in the
      TestContext framework have defined and delegated to a protected
      SimpleJdbcTemplate instance variable; however, SimpleJdbcTemplate has
      deprecated since Spring 3.1. Consequently, subclasses of
      AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests and
      AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests that use this instance
      variable suffer from seemingly unnecessary deprecation warnings.
      This commit addresses this issue by introducing a protected JdbcTemplate
      instance variable in abstract transactional base classes to replace the
      use of the existing SimpleJdbcTemplate. Furthermore, the existing
      simpleJdbcTemplate instance variable has been deprecated, and utility
      methods in the affected base classes now delegate to JdbcTestUtils
      instead of the now deprecated SimpleJdbcTestUtils.
      Issue: SPR-8990
    • I
      Deprecate SimpleJdbcTestUtils in favor of JdbcTestUtils · bd0c4b4d
      Ian Brandt 提交于
      Several static utility methods in SimpleJdbcTestUtils accept an instance
      of SimpleJdbcTemplate as an argument; however, SimpleJdbcTemplate has
      been deprecated since Spring 3.1 in favor of simply using JdbcTemplate
      which now also supports Java 5 language constructs such as var-args.
      Consequently, use of such methods from SimpleJdbcTestUtils results in
      deprecation warnings without an equivalent API to migrate to.
      This commit addresses this issue by migrating all existing methods in
      SimpleJdbcTestUtils to JdbcTestUtils. The migrated methods now accept an
      instance of JdbcTemplate as an argument, thereby avoiding the
      deprecation warnings but maintaining semantic compatibility with the
      functionality previous available in SimpleJdbcTestUtils.
      In addition, this commit also introduces two new methods:
       - countRowsInTableWhere(): counts the rows in a given table, using
         a provided `WHERE` clause
       - dropTables(): drops the tables with the specified names
      Issue: SPR-9235
  21. 28 7月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Support TransactionManagementConfigurer in the TCF · 2b7a6290
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Currently the Spring TestContext Framework looks up a
      PlatformTransactionManager bean named "transactionManager". The exact
      name of the bean can be overridden via @TransactionConfiguration or
      @Transactional; however, the bean will always be looked up 'by name'.
      The TransactionManagementConfigurer interface that was introduced in
      Spring 3.1 provides a programmatic approach to specifying the
      PlatformTransactionManager bean to be used for annotation-driven
      transaction management, and that bean is not required to be named
      "transactionManager". However, as of Spring 3.1.2, using the
      TransactionManagementConfigurer on a @Configuration class has no effect
      on how the TestContext framework looks up the transaction manager.
      Consequently, if an explicit name or qualifier has not been specified,
      the bean must be named "transactionManager" in order for a transactional
      integration test to work.
      This commit addresses this issue by refactoring the
      TransactionalTestExecutionListener so that it looks up and delegates to
      a single TransactionManagementConfigurer as part of the algorithm for
      determining the transaction manager.
      Issue: SPR-9604
    • S
      Support single, unqualified tx manager in the TCF · f21fe33e
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      TransactionalTestExecutionListener currently requires that the
      PlatformTransactionManager bean be named "transactionManager" by
      default. Otherwise, the bean name can only be overridden via the
      transactionManager attribute of @TransactionConfiguration or the value
      attribute of @Transactional.
      However, if there is only a single PlatformTransactionManager in the
      test's ApplicationContext, then the requirement to specify the exact
      name of that bean (or to name it exactly "transactionManager") is often
      This commit addresses this issue by refactoring the
      TransactionalTestExecutionListener so that it is comparable to the
      algorithm for determining the transaction manager used in
      TransactionAspectSupport for "production" code. Specifically, the TTEL
      now uses the following algorithm to retrieve the transaction manager.
       - look up by type and qualifier from @Transactional
       - else, look up by type and explicit name from
       - else, look up single bean by type
       - else, look up by type and default name from @TransactionConfiguration
      Issue: SPR-9645
  22. 19 6月, 2012 1 次提交
  23. 26 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Introduce BeanFactoryAnnotationUtils · a4b00c73
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Commit 096693c4 refactored and
      deprecated TransactionAspectUtils, moving its #qualifiedBeanOfType
      and related methods into BeanFactoryUtils. This created a package cycle
      between beans.factory and beans.factory.annotation due to use of the
      beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier annotation in these methods.
      This commit breaks the package cycle by introducing
      beans.factory.annotation.BeanFactoryAnnotationUtils and moving these
      @Qualifier-related methods to it. It is intentionally similar in name
      and style to the familiar BeanFactoryUtils class for purposes of
      There are no backward-compatibilty concerns associated with this change
      as the cycle was introduced, caught and now fixed before a release.
      Issue: SPR-6847
  24. 20 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Refactor and deprecate TransactionAspectUtils · 096693c4
      Chris Beams 提交于
      TransactionAspectUtils contains a number of methods useful in
      retrieving a bean by type+qualifier. These methods are functionally
      general-purpose save for the hard coding of PlatformTransactionManager
      class literals throughout.
      This commit generifies these methods and moves them into
      BeanFactoryUtils primarily in anticipation of their use by async method
      execution interceptors and aspects when performing lookups for qualified
      executor beans e.g. via @Async("qualifier").
      The public API of TransactionAspectUtils remains backward compatible;
      all methods within have been deprecated, and all calls to those methods
      throughout the framework refactored to use the new BeanFactoryUtils
      variants instead.
  25. 18 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Improve documentation of annotated class support in the TCF · 36e7cb2d
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Updated all Javadoc in the Spring TestContext Framework (TCF) to explain
      and refer to 'annotated classes' instead of 'configuration classes'.
      Specifically, @ContextConfiguration now explicitly defines what is meant
      by 'annotated classes', and various other classes now refer to this
      definition. Otherwise, the term 'configuration class' has simply been
      replaced with 'annotated class'.
      Also deleted cross references to deprecated JUnit 3.8 classes and
      formatted Javadoc in general for greater readability.
      Issue: SPR-9401
  26. 30 4月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Fix javadoc warnings · effb7625
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Before this change there were numerous javadoc warnings being reported
      while building Spring framework API.
      This commit resolves most of the javadoc warnings, reducing the total
      number from 265 to 103.
      Issue: SPR-9113
    • S
      Fix encoding issues in javadoc · 991b8e9a
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Before this change javadoc in two classes had non-UTF-8 encoded
      characters. This caused building Spring API to fail in Java 1.7.
      Commit fixes this by replacing wrongly encoded characters with their
      UTF-8 equivalents.
      Issue: SPR-9097
  27. 31 1月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Rename modules {org.springframework.*=>spring-*} · 02a4473c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
      subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
      Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
      use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
          $ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history up until the renaming event, where
          $ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
      See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories