1. 31 1月, 2012 17 次提交
    • C
      Rename modules {org.springframework.*=>spring-*} · 02a4473c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
      subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
      Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
      use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
          $ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history up until the renaming event, where
          $ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
      See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories
    • C
      Generate Maven Central-compatible poms · b6cb514d
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Understanding Gradle pom generation
      All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to
      them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be
      generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file.
      The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this
      generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for
      entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1].
      This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and
      the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore,
      you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command.
      Handling optional and provided dependencies
      Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided'
      dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these
      concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process,
      but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven
      Central and other Maven-compatible repositories.
      <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be
      downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an
      compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves
      spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically
      be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality
      within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the
      classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain
      functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib,
      that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build
      script on cglib.
      Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of
      built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should
      declare if in fact he wishes to.
      Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very
      few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's
      dependencies are optional.
      <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies
      so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency
      resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been
      provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the
      Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc,
      but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet
      container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation'
      that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available,
      and furthermore which (minimum) version.
      This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as
      two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies
      are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows:
          compile("group:artifact:version", optional)
      Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly,
      and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation
      (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and
      pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or
      <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework
      for inspiration on this approach[2].
      [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements)
      [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
    • C
      Remove manually-maintained Maven poms · de5c42df
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This is in favor of Gradle-generated poms (a la `gradle install`)
    • C
      Remove spring-build and friends · daf4f022
      Chris Beams 提交于
    • C
      Remove EBR dependencies where possible · 69dd6f21
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Only a select few EBR dependencies now remain, because these
      dependencies cannot be found elsewhere e.g. atinject-tck, or in the case
      of Hibernate 3.3.1.GA, to avoid Gradle classpath confusion with
      Hibernate 4.0.x (because they have different artifactIds).
      Future efforts will be made to fully eliminate these dependencies in
      order to ensure we're decoupled completely from EBR.
      Important note: these remaining EBR dependencies do not constitute a
      problem when publishing artifacts into Maven Central via
      oss.sonatype.org, because they are each 'optional' dependencies. It
      appears that OSO's restriction around transitive dependencies being
      'self-contained' within Maven Central only applies to mandatory
      dependencies (which is a good thing for cases just such as this).
      Add explicit /ebr-maven-external entry to repositories, as EBR
      dependencies are not available via /libs-release.
    • C
      Generate OSGi manifests using bundlor-plugin · d170e631
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Apply custom-built Gradle 'bundlor' plugin
         This plugin wraps the existing bundlor ant task. Sources available
         at https://github.com/SpringSource/gradle-plugins.
       - Use existing template.mf files
         The bundlor plugin allows for 'inlining' bundlor templates directly
         within build.gradle using the 'importTemplate' property, but opting
         for now to keep the template.mf files separate.
       - Exclude spring-aspects from bundlor processing
         It appears that the bundlor plugin somehow interferes with iajc
         compilation of aspects, resulting in compiler errors. Bundlor
         has been disabled for this project for the time being.
       - Fail the build on any bundlor warning
         The gradle bundlor plugin defaults to failing the build if there are
         any warnings when processing template.mf files. This helps to ensure
         that template.mf files don't drift too far from actual dependency
         declarations. This behavior can be modified by setting
            bundlor {
                failOnWarnings = false
         in the build script.
    • C
      Generate spring-oxm test classes and bindings · d6712d59
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Generate castor test classes with genCastor task
       - Generate xmlbeans test classes with genXmlbeans task
       - Generate JAXB2 test classes with genJaxb task
       - Generate JiBX bindings by extending existing compileTestJava task
      Test classes are written into their own dedicated output folders and
      tied into the spring-oxm classpath using the files(...).builtBy(...)
      Incremental build works as expected across all of these customizations.
      `gradle eclipse` and `gradle idea` generate correct .project / .iml
      metadata respectively, i.e., these special cases do not cause a problem
      in the IDE (as they used to prior to the move to Gradle).
    • C
      Generate -sources and -javadoc jars · 366f0d78
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Each spring-* subproject now has sourcesJar and javadocJar tasks
       - Ignore subproject overview.html files for now (not all have one)
       - Ensure @author attribution occurs
       - Javadoc 'header' is project description
      spring-asm is a special case
       - source jar is created, but empty (to comply with entry rules for
         Maven Central)
       - add package-info.java explaining the nature of spring-asm
         this is nice, because it shows up in the public API docs now.
       - add SpringAsmInfo in the org.springframework.asm package as a
         placeholder allowing the generation of javadocs (see link to bug)
       - add explicit 'repackageAsm' Gradle task allowing for easy testing
         and merging of jar containing bundlor manifest as well as jar
         containing repackaged ASM classes.
    • C
      Generate -docs, -schema and -dist zips · 2bab8f3c
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Add 'api' gradle task to generate project-wide API Javadoc
         results in <root>/build/api
       - Add docsZip task including api and reference documentation
         suitable for publication to
       - Add schemaZip task including all spring-* XSD files
         suitable for publication to http://static.springframework.org/schema
       - Add distZip task to include all libs, docs and schema
         - filter src/dist/*.txt for ${copyright} and ${version}
         - copy legal (notice, license) dynamically into individual jar files
         - copy legal and readme files into root of distribution zip
       - Refactor location of 'wrapper' task
      Each of the zip tasks (docsZip, schemaZip, distZip) have been added to
      the 'archives' configuration, meaning that (a) they will be built
      automatically with `gradle build` and (b) will be published
      automatically to artifactory when using the Artifactory Gradle plugin
      and/or Artifactory Bamboo integration.
    • C
      Centralize license, notice, etc in src/dist · 2ca6d0b2
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Prior to this change, license.txt and notice.txt files were duplicated
      across every subproject in their respective src/main/resources/META-INF
      This commit centralizes these files under the root project at src/dist,
      along with the changelog and readme files. The definition of the 'jar'
      task has been been extended to include the license and notice files in
      module jars as they are created.
      The directory is named src/dist because these files are all related to
      distribution - the readme is different than the one you see at the root
      of the source tree - the intended audience is for users who download
      the spring-framework distribution zip. A task to create that
      distribution zip will be added in subsequent commits.
    • C
      Fix minor problems and polish reference docs · 86b5066a
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Eliminate &mdash; in favor of &#151;
         &mdash; was causing 'no such entity' errors during docbook
         processing; &#151; produces the equivalent output.
       - Fix column issues in appendices
         column counts were set to 3, when they are in fact 4. This passed
         under DocBook 4 and Spring Build for unknown reasons, but caused a
         hard stop under DocBook 5 and the docbook-reference-plugin.
       - Add jdbc callout section in docbook 5-friendly style
         use <co/> tags as advertised in DocBook documentation.
       - Set correct widths for PDF ref doc images
         images were rendering larger than the PDF page; just set all to
         width=400 and everything looks good.
       - Update reference doc copyright to 2012
       - Remove "work-in-progress" language from ref docs
       - Update maven URLs to repo.springsource.org
       - Update javadoc urls from 3.0.x/javadoc-api => current/api
       - Replace hardcoded "3.1" with ${version} in ref doc
    • C
      Remove <emphasis> to work around DocBook bug · 7a3aa705
      Chris Beams 提交于
      It was determined (through painful trial and error) that after the
      upgrade to DocBook 5 and the gradle-docbook-reference plugin, that
      <emphasis> elements embedded within <programlisting> elements causes
      NullPointerExceptions during processing.
      This change eliminates these <emphasis> elements to work around the
      problem. This means a slight degradation in presentation for the
      affected areas of the reference documentation. After some research,
      it is not clear what other workarounds may be possible that leave
      the text actually emphasized.
    • C
      Generate reference docs with docbook-gradle-plugin · faa750db
      Chris Beams 提交于
      The docbook-gradle-plugin has been custom-developed specifically to
      handle Spring projects. It is highly opinionated, and not terribly
      configurable in its current form. Sources and documentation are
      available via the 'gradle-plugins' github repository at
      Note that this repository may soon move locations to the SpringSource
      GitHub organization, in which case the url will be
      In any case, the build plans for these plugins can be found at
    • C
      Upgrade reference docs to DocBook 5 · 36413371
      Chris Beams 提交于
      For compatibility with Gradle docbook-reference-plugin, which cannot
      handle DocBook 4.
    • C
      Move reference docs => src/reference · 62e94461
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This change eliminates the spring-framework-reference subproject, moving
      these sources into the root project's own src directory.
      This makes sense because the reference docs span all submodules, and
      also because api Javadoc is created at the root project level as well.
      This means that both api and reference documentation output will now
      reside in the root project's 'build' directory. This is more consistent
      and easy to discover.
    • C
      Move integration tests => src/test · 0a07a0ed
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This commit eliminates the 'integration-tests' subproject in favor of
      managing these sources under the root project's own 'src' directory.
      This helps to avoid special-case handling for integration-tests in the
      Gradle build, e.g. avoiding publication of jars to Artifactory /
      Maven Central.
      It is also semantically more correct. This is not a Spring Framework
      subproject so much as it is a collection of integration tests that
      span functionality across many subprojects. In this way, it makes
      sense to place them directly under the root project.
      Issue: SPR-8116
    • C
      Introduce Gradle-based build · f79c5149
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Use recent Gradle 1.0-milestone-8 snapshot
       - Add initial cut of build.gradle able to compile/test all modules
       - Update .gitignore
       - Generate Gradle wrapper scripts
       - Remove all Eclipse metadata files
       - Temporarily @Ignore tests that do not pass under Gradle
  2. 26 1月, 2012 1 次提交
  3. 23 1月, 2012 2 次提交
  4. 20 1月, 2012 2 次提交
  5. 17 1月, 2012 1 次提交
  6. 16 1月, 2012 7 次提交
  7. 14 1月, 2012 2 次提交
  8. 13 1月, 2012 1 次提交
  9. 12 1月, 2012 1 次提交
  10. 11 1月, 2012 3 次提交
    • A
      Polishing · ab6a7e8e
      Arjen Poutsma 提交于
    • R
    • C
      Polish "Support flash attrs..." and related classes · d7d1b495
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Eliminate trailing whitespace
       - Update long method signatures to follow framework whitespace
         Based on the following search,
             $ git grep -A3 '^.public .* .*([^\{;]*$' */src/main
         the strong convention throughout the framework when dealing with
         methods having long signatures (i.e. many parameters) is to break
         immediately after the opening paren, indent two tabs deeper and break
         lines around 90 characters as necessary. Such signatures should also
         be followed by a newline after the opening curly brace to break
         things up visually.
         The files edited in this commit had a particularly different style of
         intenting arguments to align with each other vertically, but the
         alignment only worked if one's tabstop is set at four spaces.
         When viewed at a different tabstop value, the effect is is jarring,
         both in that it is misaligned and significantly different from most
         of the framework. The convention described above reads well at any
         tabstop value.
  11. 10 1月, 2012 3 次提交