net_response.go 3.4 KB
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package net_response

import (

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func init() {
	collector.CollectorRegister(NewCollector()) // for monapi

type Collector struct {

func NewCollector() *Collector {
	return &Collector{BaseCollector: collector.NewBaseCollector(
		func() collector.TelegrafPlugin { return &Rule{} },

var (
	langDict = map[string]map[string]string{
		"zh": map[string]string{
			"Address":     "地址",
			"Protocol":    "协议",
			"Timeout":     "请求超时",
			"ReadTimeout": "读取超时",
			"Send":        "Send",
			"Expect":      "Expect",
			"readme -": "更多说明详细详见",
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			"Protocol, must be tcp or udp":                                                            "请求协议,必须是 tcp 或 udp",
			"Set timeout":                                                                             "设置超时,单位是秒",
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			"Set read timeout (only used if expecting a response)": "设置读取的超时(仅当配置了 expect response 时使用),单位是秒",
			"string sent to the server, udp required":              "发送给服务器的字符串,udp 必须",
			"expected string in answer, udp required":              "期待服务器返回的字符串(部分),udp 必须",

type Rule struct {
	Address     string `label:"Address" json:"address,required"  description:"readme -" example:"localhost:80"`
	Protocol    string `label:"Protocol"  json:"protocol" description:"Protocol, must be tcp or udp" example:"tcp"`
	Timeout     int    `label:"Timeout" json:"timeout" default:"1" description:"Set timeout"`
	ReadTimeout int    `label:"ReadTimeout" json:"read_timeout" default:"1" description:"Set read timeout (only used if expecting a response)"`
	Send        string `label:"Send" json:"send"  description:"string sent to the server, udp required" example:"hello"`
	Expect      string `label:"Expect" json:"expect"  description:"expected string in answer, udp required" example:"hello"`

func (p *Rule) Validate() error {
	if p.Address == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("net_response.rule.address must be set")
	if p.Protocol == "" {
		p.Protocol = "tcp"
	if !(p.Protocol == "tcp" || p.Protocol == "udp") {
		return fmt.Errorf("net_response.rule.protocol must be tcp or udp")
	if p.Timeout == 0 {
		p.Timeout = 5
	if p.ReadTimeout == 0 {
		p.ReadTimeout = 5

	return nil

func (p *Rule) TelegrafInput() (telegraf.Input, error) {
	if err := p.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	input := &net_response.NetResponse{
		Address:  p.Address,
		Protocol: p.Protocol,
		Send:     p.Send,
		Expect:   p.Expect,
	if err := plugins.SetValue(&input.Timeout.Duration, time.Second*time.Duration(p.Timeout)); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := plugins.SetValue(&input.ReadTimeout.Duration, time.Second*time.Duration(p.ReadTimeout)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return input, nil