提交 8749d3e1 编写于 作者: G GraceWalk

fix: config 子应用 axios 配置错误兼容

上级 30fba21c
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ serviceInstance.interceptors.response.use(
return res;
(err: any) => {
const config = err.config;
if (!config || !config.retryTimes) return dealResponse(err, config.customNotification);
const config = err?.config;
if (!config || !config.retryTimes) return dealResponse(err);
const { __retryCount = 0, retryDelay = 300, retryTimes } = config;
config.__retryCount = __retryCount;
if (__retryCount >= retryTimes) {
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