未验证 提交 76e1f67e 编写于 作者: S scTaoFelix 提交者: GitHub

TS type declaration for supplementary basic components & vetur (#777)

* fix(types): complete ts type

* fix: complete ts type 1

* fix(types/ test/): complete ts types

* docs: test

* fix(test types): complete ts types test-dts

* docs: updata Partial EventsProps

* docs: update ts events

* docs: add ts development tooling

* docs: update ts development tooling docs

* chore: supplement the TS declaration of the basic component & vetur
Co-authored-by: Nshanchuntao <shanchuntao@didiglobal.com>
上级 d4b743cb
......@@ -35,8 +35,13 @@
"files": [
"vetur": {
"tags": "vetur/tags.json",
"attributes": "vetur/attributes.json"
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org"
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export type ButtonType = 'button' | 'submit'
export declare class CubeButton extends CubeUIComponent {
type?: ButtonType
active?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
icon?: string
light?: string
inline?: boolean
outline?: boolean
primary?: boolean
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
import { IRadioOptionData } from './common'
export declare class CubeCheckbox extends CubeUIComponent {
option?: IRadioOptionData | string | boolean
position?: 'left' | 'right'
shape?: 'circle' | 'square'
hollowStyle?: boolean
label?: string | boolean
value?: string | boolean
disabled?: boolean
import { IRadioOptionData } from './common'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export declare class CubeCheckboxGroup extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: []
options?: IRadioOptionData[] | string
horizontal?: boolean
colNum?: number
shape?: 'circle' | 'square'
hollowStyle?: boolean
min?: number
max?: number
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export interface ICheckerOptionData {
value?: string | number
text?: string
disabled?: boolean
export declare class CubeChecker extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string | number | ICheckerOptionData[]
options?: ICheckerOptionData[]
type?: 'checkbox' | 'radio'
min?: number
max?: number
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export declare class CubeDrawer extends CubeUIComponent {
title?: string
data?: any[]
selectedIndex?: number[]
visible?: boolean
refill: (index?: number, data?: any[], item?: any[]) => void
show: () => void
hide: () => void
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface IField {
type?: string
component?: string | object
modelKey?: string
label?: string
props?: object
events?: object
rules?: object
trigger?: 'blur' | 'change'
debounce?: number | boolean
messages?: string
key?: string
interface IFields {
fields: IField[]
interface IGroups {
groups: {
legend?: string
fields?: IField[]
interface IValidity {
valid?: boolean | undefined
result?: {}
dirty?: boolean
interface IValidateParams {
validity?: IValidity
valid?: boolean | undefined
invalid?: boolean
dirty?: boolean
firstInvalidFieldIndex?: number
export declare class CubeForm extends CubeUIComponent {
model?: object
schema?: IFields | IGroups
immediateValidate?: boolean
action?: string | undefined
options?: {
scrollToInvalidField?: boolean
layout?: 'standard' | 'classic' | 'fresh'
submitAlwaysValidate?: boolean
submit: (skipValidate?: boolean) => void
reset: () => void
validate: (cb?: Function) => Promise<boolean | undefined> | undefined
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
import { BsOption } from 'better-scroll'
export interface IndexListSlots {
title: VNode[]
pulldown: VNode[]
pullup: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeIndexList extends CubeUIComponent {
title?: string
data?: []
navbar?: boolean
speed?: number
options?: BsOption
pullUpLoad?: boolean | object
pullDownRefresh?: boolean | object
$slots: IndexListSlots
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface IClearable {
visible?: boolean
blurHidden?: boolean
interface IEye {
open?: boolean
reverse?: boolean
export interface InputSlots {
prepend: VNode[]
append: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeInput extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string | number
type?: 'text' | 'number' | 'password' | 'date'
disabled?: boolean
readonly?: boolean
maxlength?: number
placeholder?: string
autofocus?: boolean
autocomplete?: boolean
clearable?: boolean | IClearable
eye?: boolean | IEye
focus: (e?: FocusEvent) => void
blur: (e?: FocusEvent) => void
$slots: InputSlots
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export declare class CubeLoading extends CubeUIComponent {
size?: number
import { IRadioOptionData } from './common'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export declare class CubeRadio extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string | number
option?: IRadioOptionData | string
position?: 'left' | 'right'
hollowStyle?: boolean
import { IRadioOptionData } from './common'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export declare class CubeRadioGroup extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string | number
options?: IRadioOptionData[] | string
position?: 'left' | 'right'
horizontal?: boolean
colNum?: number
hollowStyle?: boolean
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export interface RateSlots {
default: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeRate extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: number
max?: number
disabled?: boolean
justify?: boolean
$slots: RateSlots
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export interface RecycleListSlots {
default: VNode[]
tombstone: VNode[]
item: VNode[]
spinner: VNode[]
noMore: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeRecycleList extends CubeUIComponent {
infinite?: boolean
size?: number
offset?: number
onFetch: Promise<any[] | false>
reset: () => void
$slots: RecycleListSlots
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
import { BsOption } from 'better-scroll'
type IScrollEvents = 'scroll' | 'before-scroll-start' | 'scroll-end'
export interface ScrollSlots {
default: VNode[]
pulldown: VNode[]
pullup: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeScroll extends CubeUIComponent {
data?: []
direction?: 'vertical' | 'horizontal'
options?: BsOption
scrollEvents?: IScrollEvents[]
listenScroll?: boolean
listenBeforeScroll?: boolean
refreshDelay?: number
nestMode?: 'none' | 'native' | 'free'
scrollTo: (x?: number, y?: number, time?: number, ease?: object) => void
forceUpdate: (dirty?: boolean, nomore?: boolean) => void
disable: () => void
enable: () => void
resetPullUpTxt: () => void
refresh: () => void
$slots: ScrollSlots
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
import { BsOption } from 'better-scroll'
export interface ScrollNavSlots {
default: VNode[]
prepend: VNode[]
bar: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeScrollNav extends CubeUIComponent {
data?: []
side?: boolean
current?: string | number
speed?: number
options?: BsOption
refresh: () => void
$slots: ScrollNavSlots
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
import { BsOption } from 'better-scroll'
export interface ScrollNavBarSlots {
default: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeScrollNavBar extends CubeUIComponent {
direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
labels?: []
txts?: []
current?: string | number
options?: BsOption
refresh: () => void
$slots: ScrollNavBarSlots
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface IOptItem {
value?: any
text?: string
export declare class CubeSelect extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: any
options?: IOptItem[]
placeholder?: string
autoPop?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
title?: string
cancelTxt?: string
confirmTxt?: string
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
import { BsOption } from 'better-scroll'
interface SlideItem {
url?: string
image?: string
export interface SlideSlots {
default: VNode[]
dots: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeSlide extends CubeUIComponent {
data?: SlideItem[]
initialIndex?: number
loop?: boolean
showDots?: boolean
autoPlay?: boolean
interval?: number
direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
options?: BsOption
threshold?: number
speed?: number
allowVertical?: boolean
stopPropagation?: boolean
refreshResetCurrent?: boolean
refresh: () => void
$slots: SlideSlots
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export interface StickySlots {
default: VNode[]
fixed: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeSticky extends CubeUIComponent {
pos?: number
checkTop?: boolean
fixedShowAni?: string
offset?: number
refresh: () => void
$slots: StickySlots
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface IBtns {
[key: string]: string | number
text: string | number
color: string
interface IItem {
[key: string]: string | number
value: string | number
text: string | number
interface ISwipeItem {
item?: IItem
btns?: IBtns[]
export declare class CubeSwipe extends CubeUIComponent {
data?: ISwipeItem[]
autoShrink?: boolean
export declare class CubeSwipeItem extends CubeUIComponent {
item?: IItem
btns?: IBtns
index?: number
autoShrink?: boolean
shrink: () => void
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export declare class CubeSwitch extends CubeUIComponent {
disabled?: boolean
value?: boolean
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export interface ITabBarData {
label: string | number
value?: string | number
icon?: string
export interface TabBarSlots {
default: VNode[]
icon: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeTabBar extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string | number
data?: ITabBarData[]
showSlider?: boolean
inline?: boolean
useTransition?: boolean
setSliderTransform: (offset: string | number) => void
$slots: TabBarSlots
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface ITabPanelsData {
label: string | number // 必选
value?: string | number
export declare class CubeTabPanels extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string | number
data?: ITabPanelsData[]
export declare class CubeTabPanel extends CubeUIComponent {
label?: string | number
value?: string | number
\ No newline at end of file
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface IIndicator {
remain?: boolean
negative?: boolean
export declare class CubeTextarea extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: string
disabled?: boolean
readonly?: boolean
maxlength?: number
placeholder?: string
autofocus?: boolean
indicator?: boolean | IIndicator
autoExpand: boolean
focus?: (e?: FocusEvent) => void
blur?: (e?: FocusEvent) => void
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export type DirectionType = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'
export declare class CubeTip extends CubeUIComponent {
direction?: DirectionType
offsetTop?: number | string
offsetBottom?: number | string
offsetLeft?: number | string
offsetRight?: number | string
visible?: boolean
close: () => void
show: () => void
hide: () => void
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
interface IActions {
type?: 'button' | 'checkbox'
text?: string
checked?: boolean
action?: string
icon?: string
export declare class CubeToolbar extends CubeUIComponent {
actions?: IActions[]
moreActions?: IActions[]
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
export interface IFile extends CubeUIComponent {
name?: string
size?: number
url?: string
base64?: string
status?: string
progress?: number
file?: File
response?: object | string | []
responseHeaders?: string
export declare class CubeUpload extends CubeUIComponent {
value?: IFile[]
action?: string | object
max?: number
auto?: boolean
simultaneousUploads?: number
multiple?: boolean
accept?: string
processFile?: (file?: File, next?: Function) => any
start?: () => void
pause?: () => void
retry?: () => void
removeFile?: (file: File) => void
import { VNode } from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from '../component'
type ValidatorType = 'string' | 'number' | 'array' | 'date' | 'email' | 'tel' | 'url'
export interface IValidatorRules {
required: boolean
type?: ValidatorType
min?: number
max?: number
len?: number
notWhitespace?: boolean
pattern?: RegExp
custom?: Function
export interface ValidatorSlots {
default: VNode[]
message: VNode[]
[key: string]: VNode[]
export declare class CubeValidator extends CubeUIComponent {
model?: any
value?: any
rules?: IValidatorRules
messages?: object | string
immediate?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
validate?: (cb?: Function) => any
addRule?: Function
addMessage?: Function
addType?: Function
addHelper?: Function
$slots: ValidatorSlots
......@@ -18,3 +18,9 @@ export type TransformFnKeys<T> = {
export type GetTransformFnKeys<T> = TransformFnKeys<Pick<T, GetFunctionNames<T>>>
export interface IRadioOptionData {
label?: string
value?: string | number
disabled?: boolean
......@@ -7,6 +7,37 @@ export interface CreateAPIFn<O, V> {
(options: O, renderFn: IRenderFn, single: boolean):V
// basic
export * from './Button'
export * from './Loading'
export * from './Tip'
export * from './Toolbar'
export * from './TabBar'
export * from './TabPanels'
export * from './Checkbox'
export * from './CheckboxGroup'
export * from './Radio'
export * from './RadioGroup'
export * from './Checker'
export * from './Input'
export * from './Textarea'
export * from './Select'
export * from './Switch'
export * from './Rate'
export * from './Validator'
export * from './Upload'
export * from './Form'
export * from './Drawer'
export * from './Scroll'
export * from './Slide'
export * from './IndexList'
export * from './Swipe'
export * from './Sticky'
export * from './ScrollNavBar'
export * from './ScrollNav'
export * from './RecycleList'
// create-API
export * from './Popup'
export * from './ActionSheet'
export * from './Toast'
import Vue from 'vue'
import { CubeUIComponent } from './component'
import { IPopup, IToast, IPicker, ICascadePicker, IDatePicker, ITimePicker, ISegmentPicker, IDialog, IActionSheet, IImagePreview, CreateAPIFn } from './components'
import {
// basic
// create-API
} from './components'
* CubeUI 组件
* CubeUI component common definition
......@@ -46,44 +88,58 @@ export class Style {}
// basic
/** Button Component */
export class Button extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Button extends CubeButton {}
/** Loading Component */
export class Loading extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Loading extends CubeLoading {
/** Tip Component */
export class Tip extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Tip extends CubeTip {}
/** Toolbar Component */
export class Toolbar extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Toolbar extends CubeToolbar {
/** TabBar Component */
export class TabBar extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class TabBar extends CubeTabBar {
/** TabPanels Component */
export class TabPanels extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class TabPanels extends CubeTabPanels {}
// form
/** Checkbox Component */
export class Checkbox extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Checkbox extends CubeCheckbox {
ICheckbox: CubeCheckbox
/** Checkbox Group Component */
export class CheckboxGroup extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class CheckboxGroup extends CubeCheckboxGroup {
ICheckboxGroup: CubeCheckboxGroup
/** Checker Component */
export class Checker extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Checker extends CubeChecker {
IChecker: CubeChecker
/** Radio Component */
export class Radio extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Radio extends CubeRadio {
IRadio: CubeRadio
/** Radio Group Component */
export class RadioGroup extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class RadioGroup extends CubeRadioGroup {
IRadioGroup: CubeRadioGroup
/** Input Component */
export class Input extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Input extends CubeInput {
/** Textarea Component */
export class Textarea extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Textarea extends CubeTextarea {}
/** Select Component */
export class Select extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Select extends CubeSelect {}
/** Switch Component */
export class Switch extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Switch extends CubeSwitch {}
/** Rate Component */
export class Rate extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Rate extends CubeRate {}
/** Validator Component */
export class Validator extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Validator extends CubeValidator {}
/** Upload Component */
export class Upload extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Upload extends CubeUpload {}
/** Form Component */
export class Form extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Form extends CubeForm {}
/** base CreatApi CubeUIComponent */
export class CreateApiCubeUIComponent extends CubeUIComponent {
......@@ -142,28 +198,24 @@ export class ImagePreview extends CreateApiCubeUIComponent {
static $create(options: IImagePreview): ImagePreview
/** Drawer Component */
export class Drawer extends CubeUIComponent {
show(): void
hide(): void
static $create(options: object): Drawer
export class Drawer extends CubeDrawer {}
// scroll
/** Scroll Component */
export class Scroll extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Scroll extends CubeScroll {}
/** Slide Component */
export class Slide extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Slide extends CubeSlide {}
/** Index List Component */
export class IndexList extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class IndexList extends CubeIndexList {}
/** Swipe Component */
export class Swipe extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Swipe extends CubeSwipe {}
/** Sticky Component */
export class Sticky extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class Sticky extends CubeSticky {}
/** ScrollNavBar Component */
export class ScrollNavBar extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class ScrollNavBar extends CubeScrollNavBar {}
/** ScrollNav Component */
export class ScrollNav extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class ScrollNav extends CubeScrollNav {}
/** RecycleList Component */
export class RecycleList extends CubeUIComponent {}
export class RecycleList extends CubeRecycleList {}
// Vue prototype $createXx
declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
"cube-button/type": { "description": "cube-button type: 'button' | 'submit'", "type": "string", "options": ["button", "submit"] },
"cube-checker/type": { "description": "cube-checker type: 'checkbox' | 'radio'", "type": "string", "defalut": "checkbox", "options": ["checkbox", "radio"] },
"cube-input/type": { "description": "cube-input type: 'text' | 'number' | 'password' | 'date'", "type": "string", "options": ["text" , "number" , "password" , "date"] },
"disabled": { "type": "boolean" },
"cube-button/active": { "type": "boolean" },
"cube-swipe-item/active": { "type": "method" },
"icon": { "type": "string", "description": "the class of icon" },
"light": { "type": "boolean", "description": "light style" },
"inline": { "type": "boolean", "description": "inline style" },
"outline": { "type": "boolean", "description": "outline style" },
"primary": { "type": "boolean", "description": "primary style" },
"size": { "type": "number" },
"cube-tip/direction": { "type": "string", "description": "the direction of the small triangle, options: top | bottom | left | right", "options": ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"] },
"cube-scroll/direction": { "type": "string", "description": "slide direction, options: horizontal | vertical", "options": ["horizontal", "vertical"] },
"cube-slide/direction": { "type": "string", "description": "slide direction, options: horizontal | vertical", "options": ["horizontal", "vertical"] },
"cube-scroll-nav-bar/direction": { "type": "string", "description": "slide direction, options: horizontal | vertical", "options": ["horizontal", "vertical"] },
"cube-tip/offsetLeft": { "type": "number", "description": "the distance between the small triangle and the left part of x axis" },
"cube-tip/offsetTop": { "type": "number", "description": "the distance between the small triangle and the origin of y axis" },
"cube-tip/offsetRight": { "type": "number", "description": "the distance between the small triangle and the right part of x axis" },
"cube-tip/offsetBottom": { "type": "number", "description": "the distance between the small triangle and the bottom part of y axis" },
"cube-toolbar/actions": { "type": "array", "description": "actions description, type array" },
"cube-toolbar/more-actions": { "type": "array", "description": "more actions, type array" }
"cube-button": {
"attributes": ["type", "active", "disabled", "icon", "light", "inline", "outline", "primary"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-button"
"cube-loading": {
"attributes": ["size"],
"defaults": [],
"subtags": [],
"description": "cube-loading"
"cube-tip": {
"attributes": ["direction", "offsetTop", "offsetBottom", "offsetLeft", "offsetRight", "visible", "close"],
"defaults": [],
"subtags": [],
"description": "cube-tip"
"cube-toolbar": {
"attributes": ["actions", "more-actions", "more-click"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-toolbar"
"cube-tab-bar": {
"attributes": ["value", "data", "show-slider", "inline", "use-transition"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-tab-bar"
"cube-checkbox": {
"attributes": ["option", "position", "shape", "hollow-style", "label", "value", "disabled"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-checkbox"
"cube-checkbox-group": {
"attributes": ["value", "options", "horizontal", "colNum", "shape", "hollow-style", "min", "max", "checked", "cancel-checked", "input"],
"defaults": ["data"],
"description": "cube-checkbox-group"
"cube-radio": {
"attributes": ["value", "option", "position", "hollow-style"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-radio"
"cube-radio-group": {
"attributes": ["value", "options", "position", "horizontal", "colNum", "hollow-style"],
"defaults": ["options"],
"description": "cube-radio-group"
"cube-checker": {
"attributes": ["value", "options", "type", "min", "max"],
"defaults": ["options"],
"description": "cube-checker"
"cube-input": {
"attributes": ["value", "type", "disabled", "readonly", "maxlength", "placeholder", "autofocus", "autocomplete", "clearable", "eye"],
"defaults": ["type"],
"description": "cube-input"
"cube-textarea": {
"attributes": ["value", "disabled", "readonly", "maxlength", "placeholder", "autofocus", "indicator", "auto-expand"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-textarea"
"cube-select": {
"attributes": ["value", "options", "placeholder", "auto-pop", "disabled", "title", "cancelTxt", "confirmTxt", "picker-show", "picker-hide"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-select"
"cube-switch": {
"attributes": ["disabled", "value"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-switch"
"cube-rate": {
"attributes": ["value", "max", "disabled", "justify"],
"defaults": ["justify"],
"description": "cube-rate"
"cube-validator": {
"attributes": ["model", "value", "rules", "messages", "immediate", "disabled", "validated", "validating", "msg-click", "input"],
"defaults": ["model"],
"description": "cube-validator"
"cube-upload": {
"attributes": ["value", "action", "max", "auto", "simultaneousUploads", "multiple", "action", "files-added", "file-submitted", "file-removed", "file-success", "file-error", "file-click"],
"defaults": ["title"],
"description": "cube-upload"
"cube-form": {
"attributes": ["model", "schema", "immediate-validate", "action", "options", "submit-always-validate", "submit", "reset", "validate", "valid", "invalid"],
"defaults": ["model"],
"subtags": ["cube-form-group"],
"description": "cube-form"
"cube-form-group": {
"attributes": ["legend", "fields"],
"defaults": ["legend"],
"subtags": ["cube-form-item"],
"description": "cube-form-group"
"cube-form-item": {
"attributes": ["field"],
"defaults": ["field"],
"subtags": [],
"description": "cube-formitem"
"cube-drawer": {
"attributes": ["title", "data", "selected-index", "visible", "cancel"],
"defaults": ["title"],
"subtags": ["cube-drawer-panel"],
"description": "cube-drawer"
"cube-drawer-panel": {
"attributes": ["data", "index"],
"defaults": ["data"],
"subtags": ["cube-drawer-item"],
"description": "cube-drawer-panel"
"cube-drawer-item": {
"attributes": ["data", "index"],
"defaults": ["data"],
"description": "cube-drawer-item"
"cube-scroll": {
"attributes": ["data", "direction", "options", "scroll-events", "listen-scroll", "listen-before-scroll", "refresh-delay", "nest-mode", "before-scroll-start", "scroll-end", "pulling-down", "pulling-up"],
"defaults": ["data"],
"description": "cube-scroll"
"cube-slide": {
"attributes": ["data", "initial-index", "loop", "show-dots", "auto-play", "interval", "direction", "options", "threshold", "speed", "allow-vertical", "stop-propagation", "refresh-reset-current", "scroll-end"],
"defaults": ["data"],
"subtags": ["cube-slide-item"],
"description": "cube-slide"
"cube-slide-item": {
"attributes": ["url", "image"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-slide-item"
"cube-index-list": {
"attributes": ["title", "data", "navbar", "speed", "options", "pull-up-load", "pull-down-refresh", "title-click", "pulling-up", "pulling-down"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-index-list"
"cube-swipe": {
"attributes": ["data", "auto-shrink", "item-click", "btn-click"],
"defaults": [],
"subtags": ["cube-swipe-item"],
"description": "cube-swipe"
"cube-swipe-item": {
"attributes": ["item", "btns", "index", "auto-shrink", "item-click", "btn-click", "active"],
"defaults": ["item"],
"description": "cube-swipe-item"
"cube-sticky": {
"attributes": ["pos", "check-top", "fixed-show-ani", "offset", "diff-change", "change"],
"defaults": [],
"subtags": ["cube-sticky-ele"],
"description": "cube-sticky"
"cube-scroll-nav-bar": {
"attributes": ["direction", "labels", "txts", "current", "options"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-scroll-nav-bar"
"cube-scroll-nav": {
"attributes": ["data", "side", "current", "speed", "options", "sticky-change"],
"defaults": ["data"],
"subtags": ["cube-scroll-nav-panel"],
"description": "cube-scroll-nav"
"cube-recycle-list": {
"attributes": ["infinite", "size", "offset", "on-fetch"],
"defaults": [],
"description": "cube-recycle-list"
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