提交 73a4b243 编写于 作者: D dolymood

docs(input): add focus & blur api doc

上级 65bdb002
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Input component. You can use the `v-model` directive to create two-way data bind
You can use the `clearable` attribute to toggle the clear button.
Before 1.11.0, the `clearable` value only can be a Boolean value.
After 1.11.0 the `clearable` value can be a Boolean or an Object value.
......@@ -121,3 +121,10 @@ Input component. You can use the `v-model` directive to create two-way data bind
| - | - | - |
| focus | This event is triggered after the input box is focused. If input is disabled, it will not be triggered | e - event |
| blur | This event is triggered after the input box blur | e - event |
### Instance methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| focus<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | Focus element |
| blur<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | Blur element |
......@@ -110,3 +110,11 @@ Multi-line input box components. You can use the `v-model` directive to create t
| - | - | - |
| focus | This event is triggered after the textarea box is focused. If Textarea is disabled, it will not be triggered | e - event |
| blur | This event is triggered after the textarea box blur | e - event |
### Instance methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| focus<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | Focus element |
| blur<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | Blur element |
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
在 1.11.0 版本之前 `clearable` 的值是布尔类型的,表示是否展示清除按钮;
在 1.11.0 版本之后 `clearable` 可配置为布尔类型,还可以配置为对象。
......@@ -122,3 +122,10 @@
| - | - | - |
| focus | 输入框聚焦后触发此事件,如果禁用状态,则不触发 | e - 事件对象 |
| blur | 输入框失焦后触发此事件 | e - 事件对象 |
### 实例方法
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| focus<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | 获得焦点 |
| blur<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | 离焦 |
......@@ -101,3 +101,10 @@
| - | - | - |
| focus | 输入框聚焦后触发此事件,如果禁用状态,则不触发 | e - 事件对象 |
| blur | 输入框失焦后触发此事件 | e - 事件对象 |
### 实例方法
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| focus<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | 获得焦点 |
| blur<sup>1.12.10+</sup> | 离焦 |
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