未验证 提交 2e30850d 编写于 作者: Q QiuShuiBai 提交者: GitHub

fix(picker): fix a bug that confirm event failure in iOS13.4 (#698)

上级 af4d6103
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let index = this.wheels[i].getSelectedIndex()
let index = this._getSelectIndex(this.wheels[i])
this._indexes[i] = index
let value = null
......@@ -236,21 +236,7 @@
useTransition: USE_TRANSITION
wheel.on('scrollEnd', () => {
let selectedIndex
selectedIndex = wheel.getSelectedIndex()
} else {
// fixed BScroll not calculating selectedIndex when setting useTransition to false
const y = wheel.y
if (y > wheel.minScrollY) {
selectedIndex = 0
} else if (y < wheel.maxScrollY) {
selectedIndex = wheel.items.length - 1
} else {
selectedIndex = Math.round(Math.abs(y / wheel.itemHeight))
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, i, selectedIndex)
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, i, this._getSelectIndex(wheel))
} else {
......@@ -276,6 +262,23 @@
return data[0][this.orderKey]
return 0
// fixed BScroll not calculating selectedIndex when setting useTransition to false
_getSelectIndex(wheel) {
const y = wheel.y
let selectedIndex
selectedIndex = wheel.getSelectedIndex()
} else {
if (y > wheel.minScrollY) {
selectedIndex = 0
} else if (y < wheel.maxScrollY) {
selectedIndex = wheel.items.length - 1
} else {
selectedIndex = Math.round(Math.abs(y / wheel.itemHeight))
return selectedIndex
beforeDestroy() {
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