提交 2a708f5e 编写于 作者: D dolymood

docs(index-list): add title slot

上级 b7b28a8d
...@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ Each item of `items` array must be an object that must contains the `name` attri ...@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ Each item of `items` array must be an object that must contains the `name` attri
| Name | Description | Scope Parameters | | Name | Description | Scope Parameters |
| - | - | - | | - | - | - |
| title<sup>1.12.25+</sup> | title slot | - |
| pulldown<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | located above the list and shown when pulling down refreshing | the detail is the same as Scroll component's pulldown slot scope parameters | | pulldown<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | located above the list and shown when pulling down refreshing | the detail is the same as Scroll component's pulldown slot scope parameters |
| pullup<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | located below the list and shown when pulling up loading | the detail is the same as Scroll component's pullup slot scope parameters | | pullup<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | located below the list and shown when pulling up loading | the detail is the same as Scroll component's pullup slot scope parameters |
...@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ ...@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@
| 名字 | 说明 | 作用域参数 | | 名字 | 说明 | 作用域参数 |
| - | - | - | | - | - | - |
| title<sup>1.12.25+</sup> | 标题插槽 | - |
| pulldown<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | 位于列表上方,会在下拉刷新时显示,与 scroll 组件相同 | 具体参考 scroll 组件的 pulldown 插槽作用域参数介绍 | | pulldown<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | 位于列表上方,会在下拉刷新时显示,与 scroll 组件相同 | 具体参考 scroll 组件的 pulldown 插槽作用域参数介绍 |
| pullup<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | 位于列表下方,会在上拉加载时显示,与 scroll 组件相同 | 具体参考 scroll 组件的 pullup 插槽作用域参数介绍 | | pullup<sup>1.9.4+</sup> | 位于列表下方,会在上拉加载时显示,与 scroll 组件相同 | 具体参考 scroll 组件的 pullup 插槽作用域参数介绍 |
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