提交 1bbe8553 编写于 作者: A Amy 提交者: doly mood

[feat] Popup-based: toggle by v-model (#173)

* feat(popups): use v-model to toggle

* [optimize]: abstract visibilityMixin and popupMixin
上级 70a6b11f
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| data | the data list to display | Array | - | [] |
| active | the highlighted item's index | Number | - | -1 |
| pickerStyle | Picker style | Boolean | true/false | false |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -158,3 +159,10 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| - | - | - | - |
| cancel | triggers when clicking the cancel button | - | - |
| select | triggers when clicking some item | the clicked item - data[index] | the index of the clicked item |
### Instance methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| show | show |
| hide | hide |
......@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmTxt | the text of the confirm button | String | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | configure the alias of `value` and `text`, used as same as the alias of `Picker` component | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -249,4 +250,6 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| Method name | Description | Parameters 1 | Parameters 2 |
| - | - | - | - |
| show | show | - | - |
| hide | hide | - | - |
| setData | reset the cascading data and selected index | Array, the cascading data | Array, the indexes of selected item in each column |
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| cancelTxt | the text of the cancel button | String | - | '取消' | - |
| confirmTxt | the text of the confirm button | String | - | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | - | 2500 | - |
| alias | configure the alias of `value` and `text` | Object | - | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false | - |
* `format` sub configuration
......@@ -270,5 +270,5 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| show | show picker |
| hide | hide picker |
| show | show |
| hide | hide |
......@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| showClose | whether to show close button | Boolean | true/false | false |
| confirmBtn | confirm button configuration | Object/String | - | { text: '确定', active: true, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| cancelBtn | cancel button configuration | Object/String | - | { text: '取消', active: false, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `confirmBtn` sub configuration
......@@ -194,3 +195,10 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirm | triggers when the confirm button is clicked | e - event target |
| cancel | triggers when the cancel button is clicked | e - event target |
| close | triggers when the close button is clicked | e - event target |
### Instance methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| show | show |
| hide | hide |
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ __Notice:__ Drawer component's container element should be be a relative or abso
| title | title | String | - | '' |
| data | data source | Array | - | [] |
| selected-index | initial selected index | Array | - | [] |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
- `data` sub configuration
......@@ -199,6 +200,6 @@ __Notice:__ Drawer component's container element should be be a relative or abso
| Method name | Description | Parameters 1 | Parameters 2 | Parameters 3 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| refill | refill data, change one Panel's data source | the Panel index | the data source | default selected index (Optional, recommended do not specify a value) |
| show | show | - | - | - |
| hide | hide | - | - | - |
| refill | refill data, change one Panel's data source | the Panel index | the data source | default selected index (Optional, recommended do not specify a value) |
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmTxt | the text of the confirm button | String | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | configure the alias of `value` and `text` | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -210,5 +211,5 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| Method name | Description | Parameters 1 | Parameters 2 |
| - | - | - | - |
| setData | set options in picker| Array, texts and values of options of each columns of picker | Array, indexes of selected item in each column of picker |
| show | show picker | - | - |
| hide | hide picker | - | - |
| show | show | - | - |
| hide | hide | - | - |
......@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ __Notice:__ All the components above used create-api, so you should read [create
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| type | the type of popup | String | - | '' |
| mask | whether to show background layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| content | content, HTML string, valid when there's no slot | String | - | '' |
......@@ -138,3 +139,10 @@ __Notice:__ All the components above used create-api, so you should read [create
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
| - | - | - |
| mask-click | triggers when the background layer is clicked | click event target |
### Instance methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| show | show |
| hide | hide |
......@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmTxt | the text of the confirm button | String | '确定' | - |
| nextTxt | the text of the next button | String | '下一步' | - |
| prevTxt | the text of the prev button | String | '下一步' | - |
| swipeTime<sup>1.8.1</sup> | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -146,10 +148,9 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| prev | triggers when clicking the prev button | the index of current picker, Number | - | - | - |
| change | triggers when the roller scrolls | pickerIndex: Number, the index of current picker | index: Number, index of current scrolling roller | selectedIndex: Number, index of selected item in current column |
### Methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| show | show picker |
| hide | hide picker |
| show | show |
| hide | hide |
......@@ -143,12 +143,15 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| - | - | - | - |
| title | title | String | '选择时间' |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 |
| delay | minutes that postponed backwards from now, which determines the minimal optional time| Number | 15 |
| day | date configuration | Object | { len: 3, filter: ['今日'], format: 'M月d日' } |
| showNow | whether to display current time | Boolean | true |
| minuteStep | step of the minute | Number | 10 |
| title | title | String | '选择时间' |
| cancelTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | the text of the cancel button | String | '取消' |
| confirmTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | the text of the confirm button | String | '确定' |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | false |
* `day` sub configuration
......@@ -171,3 +174,5 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| Method name | Description | Parameters |
| - | - | - |
| setTime | manually set time displayed in time-picker with with the time stamp as time format | time stamp |
| show | show | - |
| hide | hide | - |
......@@ -87,9 +87,17 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| mask | whether to show mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
| txt | tip text | String | - | '' |
| time | display duration, millisecond | Number | - | 3000 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
### Events
| Event Name | Description |
| - | - |
| timeout | triggers when the display time is out |
### Instance methods
| Method name | Description |
| - | - |
| show | show |
| hide | hide |
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| data | 需要展示的数据列表 | Array | - | [] |
| active | 高亮第几个选项 | Number | - | -1 |
| pickerStyle | Picker 样式 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data` 子配置项
......@@ -158,3 +159,10 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| - | - | - | - |
| cancel | 点击取消 | - | - |
| select | 点击某项 | 点击项 item,即 data[index] | 点击项的索引值 index |
### 实例方法
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| show | 显示 |
| hide | 隐藏 |
......@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | 配置`value``text`的别名,用法同`Picker`组件 | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | false | false |
* `data`子配置项
......@@ -240,3 +241,5 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 方法名 | 说明 | 参数1 | 参数2 |
| - | - | - | - |
| setData | 重置数据和选中的索引 | 级联树形数据结构,Array类型 | 每列选中的索引,Array类型 |
| show | 显示 | - | - |
| hide | 隐藏 | - | - |
......@@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| startColumn | 起始列 | String | year/month/date/hour/minute/second| year | hour |
| columnCount | 列数 | Number | - | 3 | 6 |
| format<sup>1.8.0+</sup> | 日期格式 | Object | - | { year: 'YYYY', month: 'M', date: 'D', hour: 'hh', minute: 'mm', second: 'ss' } | { year: 'YY年', month: 'MM月', date: '第 D 日' } |
| title | 标题 | String | - | '' | - |
| cancelTxt | 取消按钮文案 | String | - | '取消' | - |
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | - | '确定' | - |
| title | 标题 | String | - | '' | '时间选择' |
| cancelTxt | 取消按钮文案 | String | - | '取消' | '返回' |
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | - | '确定' | '选择' |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | - | 2500 | - |
| alias | 配置`value``text`的别名,用法同`Picker`组件 | Object | - | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false | - |
* `format` 子配置项
......@@ -270,5 +270,5 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| show | 显示选择器 |
| hide | 隐藏选择器 |
| show | 显示 |
| hide | 隐藏 |
......@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| showClose | 是否显示关闭按钮 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| confirmBtn | 确认按钮参数配置 | Object/String | - | { text: '确定', active: true, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| cancelBtn | 取消按钮参数配置 | Object/String | - | { text: '取消', active: false, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `confirmBtn` 子配置项
......@@ -194,3 +195,10 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirm | 点击确认按钮后触发 | 事件对象 e |
| cancel | 点击取消按钮后触发 | 事件对象 e |
| close | 点击关闭按钮后触发 | 事件对象 e |
### 实例方法
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| show | 显示 |
| hide | 隐藏 |
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ __注:__ 组件依赖父容器相对定位或者绝对定位,因为 Drawer
| title | 标题 | String | - | '' |
| data | 数据源 | Array | - | [] |
| selected-index | 初始选择索引 | Array | - | [] |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
- `data` 子配置项
......@@ -201,6 +202,6 @@ __注:__ 组件依赖父容器相对定位或者绝对定位,因为 Drawer
| 方法名 | 说明 | 参数1 | 参数2 | 参数3 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| refill | 填充数据,改变某个 Panel 数据 | 要改变的 Panel 的索引 | 填充数据 | 默认选中项(可选,建议不填) |
| show | 显示 | - | - | - |
| hide | 隐藏 | - | - | - |
| refill | 填充数据,改变某个 Panel 数据 | 要改变的 Panel 的索引 | 填充数据 | 默认选中项(可选,建议不填) |
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动 picker 滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | 配置`value``text`的别名 | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data`子配置项
......@@ -210,5 +211,5 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 方法名 | 说明 | 参数1 | 参数2 |
| - | - | - | - |
| setData | 设置picker可选项 | picker每列可选项的文案和值,Array类型 | picker每列选中的索引,Array类型 |
| show | 显示选择器 | - | - |
| hide | 隐藏选择器 | - | - |
| show | 显示 | - | - |
| hide | 隐藏 | - | - |
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ __注:__ 以上组件都是基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| type | 弹层类型 | String | - | '' |
| mask | 是否显示背景层 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| content | 内容,HTML 字符串,在无插槽的时候有效 | String | - | '' |
......@@ -125,3 +126,10 @@ __注:__ 以上组件都是基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,
| 事件名 | 说明 | 参数 |
| - | - | - |
| mask-click | 背景层点击 | 点击事件对象 |
### 实例方法
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| show | 显示 |
| hide | 隐藏 |
......@@ -123,11 +123,13 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 示例 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| data | 定义各个选择器的组件名和属性 | Array | [] | - |
| nextTxt | 下一步按钮文案 | String | '下一步' | - |
| prevTxt | 上一步按钮文案 | String | '下一步' | - |
| title | 标题 | String | '' | - |
| cancelTxt | 取消按钮文案 | String | '取消' | - |
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' | - |
| nextTxt | 下一步按钮文案 | String | '下一步' | - |
| prevTxt | 上一步按钮文案 | String | '下一步' | - |
| swipeTime<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `data` 子配置项
......@@ -151,5 +153,5 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| show | 显示选择器 |
| hide | 隐藏选择器 |
| show | 显示 |
| hide | 隐藏 |
......@@ -133,12 +133,15 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| - | - | - | - |
| title | 标题 | String | '选择时间' |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 |
| delay | 将当前时间向后推算的分钟数,决定了最小可选时间 | Number | 15 |
| day | 日期配置 | Object | { len: 3, filter: ['今日'], format: 'M月d日' } |
| showNow | 是否显示当前时间 | Boolean | true |
| minuteStep | 分钟数的步长 | Number | 10 |
| title | 标题 | String | '选择时间' |
| cancelTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 取消按钮文案 | String | '取消' |
| confirmTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | false |
* `day`子配置项
......@@ -161,3 +164,5 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 方法名 | 说明 | 参数 |
| - | - | - |
| setTime | 手动设置time-picker组件显示的时间,数据格式为时间戳 | 时间戳 |
| show | 显示 | - |
| hide | 隐藏 | - |
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| type | 类型(对应不同的 icon) | String | loading/correct/error/warn | loading |
| mask | 遮罩 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| txt | 提示信息 | String | - | '' |
......@@ -94,3 +95,10 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 事件名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| timeout | 当显示时间结束时派发 |
### 实例方法
| 方法名 | 说明 |
| - | - |
| show | 显示 |
| hide | 隐藏 |
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import './common/js/highlight'
// TODO 需要使用 vConsole 的同学请打开注释即可
// 需要使用 vConsole 的同学请打开注释即可
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
// import vConsole from 'vconsole'
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<cube-button @click="showCascadePicker">Cascade Picker</cube-button>
<cube-button @click="showCityPicker">City Picker</cube-button>
<cube-button @click="showDatePicker">Date Picker</cube-button>
<cube-button @click="showSetDataPicker">Set Data</cube-button>
......@@ -14,14 +13,9 @@
import CubePage from 'example/components/cube-page.vue'
import CubeButtonGroup from 'example/components/cube-button-group.vue'
import DatePicker from 'example/components/date-picker.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
import createAPI from '@/modules/create-api'
import { provinceList, cityList, areaList } from 'example/data/area'
import { cascadeData } from 'example/data/cascade'
createAPI(Vue, DatePicker, ['select', 'cancel'], false)
const cityData = provinceList
cityData.forEach(province => {
province.children = cityList[province.value]
......@@ -52,13 +46,6 @@
onCancel: this.cancelHandle
this.datePicker = this.$createDatePicker({
min: [2008, 8, 8],
max: [2020, 10, 20],
onSelect: this.selectHandle,
onCancel: this.cancelHandle
this.setDataPicker = this.$createCascadePicker({
title: 'Set Data',
onSelect: this.selectHandle,
......@@ -72,9 +59,6 @@
showCityPicker() {
showDatePicker() {
showSetDataPicker() {
/* setData when the picker is invisible */
......@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
<cube-page type="popup-view" title="popup">
<template slot="content">
<cube-popup type="my-popup" ref="myPopup">My Popup Content 1</cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup('myPopup')">Show Popup</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" v-model="visible1">My Popup Content 1</cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup(1)">Show Popup</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" :mask="false" ref="myPopup2">My Popup Content 2</cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup('myPopup2')">Show Popup - no mask</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" v-model="visible2" :mask="false">My Popup Content 2</cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup(2)">Show Popup - no mask</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" :mask="false" content="<i>My Popup Content 3</i>" ref="myPopup3"></cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup('myPopup3')">Show Popup - with content</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" v-model="visible3" :mask="false" content="<i>My Popup Content 3</i>" ref="myPopup3"></cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup(3)">Show Popup - with content</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" :center="false" ref="myPopup4">My Popup Content 4</cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup('myPopup4')">Show Popup - bottom</cube-button>
<cube-popup type="my-popup" v-model="visible4" :center="false" ref="myPopup4">My Popup Content 4</cube-popup>
<cube-button @click="showPopup(4)">Show Popup - bottom</cube-button>
<cube-extend-popup content="click here hide" ref="extendPopup"></cube-extend-popup>
......@@ -34,15 +34,18 @@
data() {
return {
type: 'popup-dialog',
mask: true
mask: true,
visible1: false,
visible2: false,
visible3: false,
visible4: false
methods: {
showPopup(refId) {
const component = this.$refs[refId]
showPopup(i) {
this['visible' + i] = true
setTimeout(() => {
this['visible' + i] = false
}, 1000)
export default {
data() {
return {
isVisible: false
methods: {
show() {
this.isVisible = true
hide() {
this.isVisible = false
......@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ export default {
swipeTime: {
type: Number,
default: 2500
zIndex: {
type: Number
export default {
props: {
zIndex: {
type: Number,
default: 100
const EVENT_TOGGLE = 'toggle'
export default {
model: {
prop: 'visible',
props: {
visible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
// If use the prop visible directly, the toggle will failed when user haven't set v-model as a reactive property.
// So we use the data isVisible instead.
isVisible: false
watch: {
isVisible(newVal) {
this.$emit(EVENT_TOGGLE, newVal)
mounted() {
this.$watch('visible', (newVal, oldVal) => {
newVal ? this.show() : oldVal && this.hide()
}, {
immediate: true
methods: {
show() {
this.isVisible = true
hide() {
this.isVisible = false
......@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import CubePopup from '../popup/popup.vue'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-action-sheet'
const EVENT_SELECT = 'select'
......@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin],
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
......@@ -63,9 +64,6 @@
pickerStyle: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
zIndex: {
type: Number
methods: {
......@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import CubePicker from '../picker/picker.vue'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
import basicPickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/basic-picker'
import pickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/picker'
......@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin, basicPickerMixin, pickerMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin, basicPickerMixin, pickerMixin],
data () {
return {
cascadeData: this.data.slice(),
......@@ -38,12 +40,6 @@
methods: {
show() {
hide() {
setData(data, selectedIndex = []) {
this.cascadeData = data
this.pickerSelectedIndex = selectedIndex
......@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
import pickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/picker'
import { deepAssign, findIndex } from '../../common/helpers/util'
import { computeNatureMaxDay, formatType } from '../../common/lang/date'
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin, pickerMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin, pickerMixin],
props: {
min: {
type: [Date, Array],
......@@ -159,12 +160,6 @@
methods: {
show() {
hide() {
_select(selectedVal, selectedIndex, selectedText) {
this.$emit(EVENT_SELECT, this._arrayToDate(selectedVal), selectedVal, selectedText)
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import CubePopup from '../popup/popup.vue'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-dialog'
const EVENT_CONFIRM = 'confirm'
......@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
......@@ -99,9 +100,6 @@
zIndex: {
type: Number
data() {
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import CubeScroll from '../scroll/scroll.vue'
import CubeDrawerItem from './drawer-item.vue'
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin],
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import { prefixStyle } from '../../common/helpers/dom'
import CubeDrawerPanel from './drawer-panel.vue'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-drawer'
const EVENT_CHANGE = 'change'
......@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin],
props: {
title: {
type: String,
......@@ -79,7 +80,11 @@
methods: {
show() {
if (this.isVisible) {
this.isVisible = true
let len = this.data.length
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
this.index = i
<transition name="cube-picker-fade">
<!-- If use v-model to toggle the popup, it will have a micro-delay caused by vue watch, so that the animation will be broken. -->
<!-- So we keep the v-model true and use v-show to toggle the popup. -->
......@@ -36,7 +38,8 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
import CubePopup from '../popup/popup.vue'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
import basicPickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/basic-picker'
import pickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/picker'
......@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin, basicPickerMixin, pickerMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin, basicPickerMixin, pickerMixin],
data() {
return {
pickerData: this.data.slice(),
......@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-popup'
const EVENT_MASK_CLICK = 'mask-click'
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
......@@ -37,10 +38,6 @@
center: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
zIndex: {
type: Number,
default: 100
computed: {
......@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
:is="item.is || 'cube-picker'"
:title="item.title || title"
:confirmTxt="item.confirmTxt || (index === data.length - 1 ? confirmTxt : nextTxt)"
:cancelTxt="item.cancelTxt || (index === 0 ? cancelTxt : prevTxt)"
:confirm-txt="item.confirmTxt || (index === data.length - 1 ? confirmTxt : nextTxt)"
:cancel-txt="item.cancelTxt || (index === 0 ? cancelTxt : prevTxt)"
:swipe-time="item.swipeTime || swipeTime"
:z-index="item.zIndex || zIndex"
......@@ -20,103 +22,102 @@
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-segment-picker'
const EVENT_NEXT = 'next'
const EVENT_PREV = 'prev'
const EVENT_SELECT = 'select'
const EVENT_CANCEL = 'cancel'
const EVENT_CHANGE = 'change'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
import pickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/picker'
export default {
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default() {
return []
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-segment-picker'
const EVENT_NEXT = 'next'
const EVENT_PREV = 'prev'
const EVENT_SELECT = 'select'
const EVENT_CANCEL = 'cancel'
const EVENT_CHANGE = 'change'
export default {
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin, pickerMixin],
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default() {
return []
nextTxt: {
type: String,
default: '下一步'
prevTxt: {
type: String,
default: '上一步'
title: {
type: String,
default: 'Segment Picker'
confirmTxt: {
type: String,
default: '确定'
cancelTxt: {
type: String,
default: '取消'
nextTxt: {
type: String,
default: '下一步'
data() {
return {
current: 0,
selectedVal: [],
selectedIndex: [],
selectedText: []
prevTxt: {
type: String,
default: '上一步'
data() {
return {
current: 0,
selectedVal: [],
selectedIndex: [],
selectedText: []
computed: {
currentPicker () {
// $refs is not responsive, should not use to computed or watch, so we import this.data to responsive.
for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
let item = this.$refs.pickers[i]
if (item.$attrs.index === this.current) {
return item
computed: {
currentPicker () {
// $refs is not reactive, should not use to computed or watch, so we import this.data to responsive.
for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
let item = this.$refs.pickers[i]
if (item.$attrs.index === this.current) {
return item
watch: {
data() {
this.current = 0
this.selectedVal = []
this.selectedIndex = []
this.selectedText = []
methods: {
show() {
this.data.length && this.currentPicker.show()
hide() {
this.data.length && this.currentPicker.hide()
_select(...args) {
this.selectedVal[this.current] = args[0]
this.selectedIndex[this.current] = args[1]
this.selectedText[this.current] = args[2]
if (this.current < this.data.length - 1) {
this.$emit(EVENT_NEXT, this.current, ...args)
} else {
this.$emit(EVENT_SELECT, this.selectedVal, this.selectedIndex, this.selectedText)
watch: {
data() {
this.current = 0
this.selectedVal = []
this.selectedIndex = []
this.selectedText = []
_cancel(...args) {
if (this.current > 0) {
this.$emit(EVENT_PREV, this.current, ...args)
methods: {
show() {
if (this.isVisible || !this.data.length) {
} else {
hide() {
if (!this.isVisible || !this.data.length) {
_select(...args) {
this.selectedVal[this.current] = args[0]
this.selectedIndex[this.current] = args[1]
this.selectedText[this.current] = args[2]
if (this.current < this.data.length - 1) {
this.$emit(EVENT_NEXT, this.current, ...args)
} else {
this.$emit(EVENT_SELECT, this.selectedVal, this.selectedIndex, this.selectedText)
this.current = 0
_cancel(...args) {
if (this.current > 0) {
this.$emit(EVENT_PREV, this.current, ...args)
} else {
_change(...args) {
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, this.current, ...args)
_change(...args) {
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, this.current, ...args)
......@@ -19,7 +22,9 @@
} from '../../common/lang/date'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
import pickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/picker'
import CubePicker from '../picker/picker.vue'
const DAY_STEP = 1
......@@ -43,7 +48,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin, pickerMixin],
props: {
title: {
type: String,
......@@ -76,9 +81,6 @@
minuteStep: {
type: Number,
default: MINUTE_STEP
zIndex: {
type: Number
data() {
......@@ -105,7 +107,11 @@
methods: {
show() {
if (this.isVisible) {
this.isVisible = true
this.today = this.days[0].value
......@@ -116,9 +122,6 @@
hide() {
setTime(timeStamp) {
this.selectedTimeStamp = parseInt(timeStamp)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-tip'
const EVENT_CLICK = 'click'
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin],
props: {
direction: {
type: String,
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
import CubeLoading from '../loading/loading.vue'
import CubePopup from '../popup/popup.vue'
import apiMixin from '../../common/mixins/api'
import visibilityMixin from '../../common/mixins/visibility'
import popupMixin from '../../common/mixins/popup'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-toast'
......@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
export default {
mixins: [apiMixin],
mixins: [visibilityMixin, popupMixin],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
......@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
type: Number,
default: 3000
// By default, Toast has the bigest z-index among popoup-based components.
zIndex: {
type: Number,
default: 900
......@@ -105,6 +105,36 @@ describe('Picker', () => {
it('should toggle by change v-model visible', function (done) {
const toggleHandler = sinon.spy()
vm = instantiateComponent(Vue, Picker, {
props: {
visible: true
on: {
toggle: toggleHandler
props: {
visible: false
on: {
toggle: toggleHandler
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50)
it('should trigger events', function () {
......@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ describe('Popup', () => {
vm = null
it('use', () => {
it('should render correct contents - no type', () => {
vm = instantiateComponent(Vue, Popup, {
props: {
......@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ describe('Popup', () => {
.to.equal('cube-popup cube-popup_mask')
it('should render correct contents', () => {
vm = instantiateComponent(Vue, Popup, {
props: {
......@@ -40,6 +43,38 @@ describe('Popup', () => {
.to.equal('popup content')
it('should toggle by change v-model visible', function (done) {
const toggleHandler = sinon.spy()
vm = instantiateComponent(Vue, Popup, {
props: {
visible: true
on: {
toggle: toggleHandler
props: {
visible: false
on: {
toggle: toggleHandler
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50)
it('events', () => {
const clickHandler = sinon.spy()
vm = instantiateComponent(Vue, Popup, {
......@@ -41,16 +41,18 @@ describe('TimePicker', () => {
const nextDate = +new Date(Date.now() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
setTimeout(() => {
const wheel = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-picker-wheel-wrapper > div > ul')
const transform = wheel.style.webkitTransform || wheel.style.transform
}, 100)
const nextDate = +new Date(Date.now() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
setTimeout(() => {
const wheel = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-picker-wheel-wrapper > div > ul')
const transform = wheel.style.webkitTransform || wheel.style.transform
}, 100)
}, 100)
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