提交 fb7f265a 编写于 作者: M manjaro-xfce


上级 daeab323
......@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ const char * g_info = "{\n\
\"tooltip\":\"fft size\",\n\
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ using namespace TASKBUS;
const int OFFLINEDEBUG = 0;
int do_fftw(const cmdlineParser & args);
int do_fftw_continous(const cmdlineParser & args);
static bool bfinished = false;
using namespace std;
......@@ -47,7 +48,11 @@ int main(int argc , char * argv[])
else if (args.contains("function"/*,"tranform_fft"*/))//正常运行模式
ret = do_fftw(args);
unsigned int imod = args.toUInt("mod",0);
if (!imod)
ret = do_fftw(args);
ret = do_fftw_continous(args);
......@@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ int do_fftw(const cmdlineParser & args)
unsigned int instance = args.toInt("instance",0);
unsigned int isource = args.toInt("signal",0);
unsigned int FFT = args.toInt("FFT",0);
unsigned int Spec = args.toInt("Spec",0);
unsigned int Spec = args.toInt("Spec",0);
unsigned int itmstamp_in = args.toUInt("tmstamp_in",0);
unsigned int itmstamp_out = args.toUInt("tmstamp_out",0);
unsigned int itypes = args.toUInt("input_type",0);//0=real,1=complex
......@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ int do_fftw(const cmdlineParser & args)
const unsigned long long llts = map_tmst_outside[header.path_id];
push_subject(itmstamp_out,header.path_id,sizeof(unsigned long long),(const unsigned char *)&llts);
const unsigned char * pdta = packagedta.data();
......@@ -342,3 +347,289 @@ int do_fftw(const cmdlineParser & args)
return res;
int do_fftw_continous(const cmdlineParser & args)
using namespace TASKBUS;
int res = 0;
unsigned int instance = args.toInt("instance",0);
unsigned int isource = args.toInt("signal",0);
unsigned int FFT = args.toInt("FFT",0);
unsigned int Spec = args.toInt("Spec",0);
unsigned int itmstamp_in = args.toUInt("tmstamp_in",0);
unsigned int itypes = args.toUInt("input_type",0);//0=real,1=complex
const int sptype = args.toInt("sptype",0); fprintf(stderr,"sptype is %d.",sptype);
int channels = args.toInt("channels",1);
if (channels<1)
channels = 1;
const int fftsize = args.toInt("fftsize",1024); fprintf(stderr,"fftsize is %d.",fftsize);
if (fftsize<=16)
fprintf(stderr,"fftsize must >16.");
return res;
if (instance==0) throw "function=quit;{\"error\":\"instance is 0, quit.\"}";
const int RingSize = 512*1024;
//double * in;
fftw_complex *out, *in;
fftw_plan p;
in = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * fftsize);
out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * fftsize);
p = fftw_plan_dft_1d(fftsize, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
vector<double> vec_fft_abs;
//Ring buf
unordered_map<unsigned int, std::vector<double> > map_buf_inside;
unordered_map<unsigned int, long long > map_buf_pos,map_buf_deal;
for (int i=0;i<fftsize;++i)
int failed_header = 0;
while (false==bfinished)
subject_package_header header;
vector<unsigned char> packagedta = pull_subject(&header);
if (is_valid_header(header)==false)
if (++failed_header>16)
bfinished = true;
if ( is_control_subject(header))
if (strstr(control_subject(header,packagedta).c_str(),"function=quit;")!=nullptr)
bfinished = true;
else if (header.subject_id==itmstamp_in)
const unsigned long long * pdta = (unsigned long long *) packagedta.data();
//map_tmst_outside[header.path_id] = *pdta;
else if (header.subject_id == isource)
if (!map_buf_inside[header.path_id].size())
map_buf_pos[header.path_id] = 0;
map_buf_deal[header.path_id] = 0;
const unsigned char * pdta = packagedta.data();
double nmr = fftsize;
long long & pos = map_buf_pos[header.path_id];
long long & deal = map_buf_deal[header.path_id];
double (*buf)[2] = (double (*)[2])map_buf_inside[header.path_id].data();
if (itypes==0)
switch (sptype)
case 0:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(short)/channels;
const short * pdata = (const short *)pdta;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] += pdata[j*channels+k];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
nmr *= 16384*16384;
case 1:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(short)/channels;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
double pd = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
pd += pdta[(j*channels+k)*2]*256+pdta[(j*channels+k)*2+1];
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = pd;
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
nmr *= 16384*16384;
case 2:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(char)/channels;
const char * pdata = (const char *)pdta;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] += pdata[j*channels+k];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
nmr *= 128*128;
case 3:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(char)/channels;
const unsigned char * pdata = (const unsigned char *)pdta;
for (int j=0;j< nPts;++j)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] +=pdata[j*channels+k];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
nmr *= 256*256;
switch (sptype)
case 0:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(short)/channels/2;
const short * pdata = (const short *)pdta;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = 0;
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] += pdata[(j*channels+k)*2];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] += pdata[(j*channels+k)*2+1];
nmr *= 16384*16384;;
case 1:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(short)/channels/2;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
double pd[2] = {0,0};
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
pd[0] += pdta[(j*channels+k)*2*2]*256+pdta[(j*channels+k)*2*2+1];
pd[1] += pdta[(j*channels+k)*2*2+2]*256+pdta[(j*channels+k)*2*2+3];
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = pd[0];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = pd[1];
nmr *= 16384*16384;;
case 2:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(char)/channels/2;
const char * pdata = (const char *)pdta;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = 0;
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] += pdata[(j*channels+k)*2];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] += pdata[(j*channels+k)*2+1];
nmr *= 128*128;;
case 3:
const int nPts = header.data_length / sizeof(char)/channels/2;
const unsigned char * pdata = (const unsigned char *)pdta;
for (int j=0;j<nPts;++j)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] = 0;
buf[pos % RingSize][1] = 0;
for (int k = 0;k<channels;++k)
buf[pos % RingSize][0] += pdata[(j*channels+k)*2];
buf[pos % RingSize][1] += pdata[(j*channels+k)*2+1];
nmr *= 256*256;;
while (deal + fftsize < pos)
for (int j=0;j<fftsize;++j)
in[j][0] = buf[deal % RingSize][0];
in[j][1] = buf[deal % RingSize][1];
in[j][1] *= 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2*3.1415927 * j / (fftsize-1));
in[j][0] *= 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2*3.1415927 * j / (fftsize-1));
fftw_execute(p); /* repeat as needed */
for (int j=0;j<fftsize;++j)
const double ab = sqrt(out[j][0] * out[j][0] + out[j][1] * out[j][1]);
const double a = 10 * log(ab/nmr)/log(10.0);
if (itypes==0)
vec_fft_abs[j] = a;
vec_fft_abs[(j+fftsize/2)%fftsize] = a;
if (FFT>0)
push_subject(FFT,header.path_id,fftsize*sizeof(double)/(itypes==0?2:1),(const unsigned char *)vec_fft_abs.data());
if (Spec>0)
push_subject(Spec,header.path_id,fftsize*sizeof(double),(const unsigned char *)out);
fftw_free(in); fftw_free(out);
catch (const char * errMessage)
fflush (stderr);
res = -1;
return res;
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