face.go 12.5 KB
Newer Older
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// Copyright 2015 The Freetype-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by your choice of either the
// FreeType License or the GNU General Public License version 2 (or
// any later version), both of which can be found in the LICENSE file.

package truetype

import (


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func powerOf2(i int) bool {
	return i != 0 && (i&(i-1)) == 0

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// Options are optional arguments to NewFace.
type Options struct {
	// Size is the font size in points, as in "a 10 point font size".
	// A zero value means to use a 12 point font size.
	Size float64

	// DPI is the dots-per-inch resolution.
	// A zero value means to use 72 DPI.
	DPI float64

	// Hinting is how to quantize the glyph nodes.
	// A zero value means to use no hinting.
	Hinting font.Hinting
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	// GlyphCacheEntries is the number of entries in the glyph mask image
	// cache.
	// If non-zero, it must be a power of 2.
	// A zero value means to use 512 entries.
	GlyphCacheEntries int

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	// SubPixelsX is the number of sub-pixel locations a glyph's dot is
	// quantized to, in the horizontal direction. For example, a value of 8
	// means that the dot is quantized to 1/8th of a pixel. This quantization
	// only affects the glyph mask image, not its bounding box or advance
	// width. A higher value gives a more faithful glyph image, but reduces the
	// effectiveness of the glyph cache.
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	// If non-zero, it must be a power of 2, and be between 1 and 64 inclusive.
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	// A zero value means to use 4 sub-pixel locations.
	SubPixelsX int

	// SubPixelsY is the number of sub-pixel locations a glyph's dot is
	// quantized to, in the vertical direction. For example, a value of 8
	// means that the dot is quantized to 1/8th of a pixel. This quantization
	// only affects the glyph mask image, not its bounding box or advance
	// width. A higher value gives a more faithful glyph image, but reduces the
	// effectiveness of the glyph cache.
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	// If non-zero, it must be a power of 2, and be between 1 and 64 inclusive.
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	// A zero value means to use 1 sub-pixel location.
	SubPixelsY int
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func (o *Options) size() float64 {
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	if o != nil && o.Size > 0 {
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72 73 74 75 76 77
		return o.Size
	return 12

func (o *Options) dpi() float64 {
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	if o != nil && o.DPI > 0 {
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		return o.DPI
	return 72

func (o *Options) hinting() font.Hinting {
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	if o != nil {
		switch o.Hinting {
		case font.HintingVertical, font.HintingFull:
			// TODO: support vertical hinting.
			return font.HintingFull
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	return font.HintingNone

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func (o *Options) glyphCacheEntries() int {
	if o != nil && powerOf2(o.GlyphCacheEntries) {
		return o.GlyphCacheEntries
	// 512 is 128 * 4 * 1, which lets us cache 128 glyphs at 4 * 1 subpixel
	// locations in the X and Y direction.
	return 512

func (o *Options) subPixelsX() (value uint32, halfQuantum, mask fixed.Int26_6) {
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	if o != nil {
		switch o.SubPixelsX {
		case 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64:
			return subPixels(o.SubPixelsX)
	// This default value of 4 isn't based on anything scientific, merely as
	// small a number as possible that looks almost as good as no quantization,
	// or returning subPixels(64).
	return subPixels(4)

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func (o *Options) subPixelsY() (value uint32, halfQuantum, mask fixed.Int26_6) {
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	if o != nil {
		switch o.SubPixelsX {
		case 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64:
			return subPixels(o.SubPixelsX)
	// This default value of 1 isn't based on anything scientific, merely that
	// vertical sub-pixel glyph rendering is pretty rare. Baseline locations
	// can usually afford to snap to the pixel grid, so the vertical direction
	// doesn't have the deal with the horizontal's fractional advance widths.
	return subPixels(1)

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// subPixels returns q and the bias and mask that leads to q quantized
// sub-pixel locations per full pixel.
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// For example, q == 4 leads to a bias of 8 and a mask of 0xfffffff0, or -16,
// because we want to round fractions of fixed.Int26_6 as:
//	-  0 to  7 rounds to 0.
//	-  8 to 23 rounds to 16.
//	- 24 to 39 rounds to 32.
//	- 40 to 55 rounds to 48.
//	- 56 to 63 rounds to 64.
// which means to add 8 and then bitwise-and with -16, in two's complement
// representation.
// When q ==  1, we want bias == 32 and mask == -64.
// When q ==  2, we want bias == 16 and mask == -32.
// When q ==  4, we want bias ==  8 and mask == -16.
// ...
// When q == 64, we want bias ==  0 and mask ==  -1. (The no-op case).
// The pattern is clear.
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func subPixels(q int) (value uint32, bias, mask fixed.Int26_6) {
	return uint32(q), 32 / fixed.Int26_6(q), -64 / fixed.Int26_6(q)

// cacheEntry caches the arguments and return values of rasterize.
type cacheEntry struct {
	key cacheKey
	val cacheVal

type cacheKey struct {
	index  Index
	fx, fy uint8

type cacheVal struct {
	advanceWidth fixed.Int26_6
	offset       image.Point
	gw           int
	gh           int
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// NewFace returns a new font.Face for the given Font.
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func NewFace(f *Font, opts *Options) font.Face {
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	a := &face{
		f:       f,
		hinting: opts.hinting(),
		scale:   fixed.Int26_6(0.5 + (opts.size() * opts.dpi() * 64 / 72)),
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		cache:   make([]cacheEntry, opts.glyphCacheEntries()),
	a.subPixelX, a.subPixelBiasX, a.subPixelMaskX = opts.subPixelsX()
	a.subPixelY, a.subPixelBiasY, a.subPixelMaskY = opts.subPixelsY()

	// Fill the cache with invalid entries. Valid cache entries have fx and fy
	// in the range [0, 64).
	for i := range a.cache {
		a.cache[i].key.fy = 0xff
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	// Set the rasterizer's bounds to be big enough to handle the largest glyph.
	b := f.Bounds(a.scale)
	xmin := +int(b.XMin) >> 6
	ymin := -int(b.YMax) >> 6
	xmax := +int(b.XMax+63) >> 6
	ymax := -int(b.YMin-63) >> 6
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	a.maxw = xmax - xmin
	a.maxh = ymax - ymin
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	a.masks = image.NewAlpha(image.Rect(0, 0, a.maxw, a.maxh*len(a.cache)))
	a.r.SetBounds(a.maxw, a.maxh)
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	a.p = facePainter{a}
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	return a

type face struct {
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	f             *Font
	hinting       font.Hinting
	scale         fixed.Int26_6
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	subPixelX     uint32
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	subPixelBiasX fixed.Int26_6
	subPixelMaskX fixed.Int26_6
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	subPixelY     uint32
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	subPixelBiasY fixed.Int26_6
	subPixelMaskY fixed.Int26_6
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	masks         *image.Alpha
	cache         []cacheEntry
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	r             raster.Rasterizer
	p             raster.Painter
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	paintOffset   int
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	maxw          int
	maxh          int
	glyphBuf      GlyphBuf
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	// TODO: clip rectangle?

// Close satisfies the font.Face interface.
func (a *face) Close() error { return nil }

// Kern satisfies the font.Face interface.
func (a *face) Kern(r0, r1 rune) fixed.Int26_6 {
	i0 := a.f.Index(r0)
	i1 := a.f.Index(r1)
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	kern := a.f.Kern(a.scale, i0, i1)
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	if a.hinting != font.HintingNone {
		kern = (kern + 32) &^ 63
	return kern

// Glyph satisfies the font.Face interface.
func (a *face) Glyph(dot fixed.Point26_6, r rune) (
	newDot fixed.Point26_6, dr image.Rectangle, mask image.Image, maskp image.Point, ok bool) {

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	// Quantize to the sub-pixel granularity.
	dotX := (dot.X + a.subPixelBiasX) & a.subPixelMaskX
	dotY := (dot.Y + a.subPixelBiasY) & a.subPixelMaskY

	// Split the coordinates into their integer and fractional parts.
	ix, fx := int(dotX>>6), dotX&0x3f
	iy, fy := int(dotY>>6), dotY&0x3f
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	index := a.f.Index(r)
	cIndex := uint32(index)
	cIndex = cIndex*a.subPixelX - uint32(fx/a.subPixelMaskX)
	cIndex = cIndex*a.subPixelY - uint32(fy/a.subPixelMaskY)
	cIndex &= uint32(len(a.cache) - 1)
	a.paintOffset = a.maxh * int(cIndex)
	k := cacheKey{
		index: index,
		fx:    uint8(fx),
		fy:    uint8(fy),
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	var v cacheVal
	if a.cache[cIndex].key != k {
		var ok bool
		v, ok = a.rasterize(index, fx, fy)
		if !ok {
			return fixed.Point26_6{}, image.Rectangle{}, nil, image.Point{}, false
		a.cache[cIndex] = cacheEntry{k, v}
	} else {
		v = a.cache[cIndex].val

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	newDot = fixed.Point26_6{
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		X: dot.X + v.advanceWidth,
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		Y: dot.Y,
	dr.Min = image.Point{
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		X: ix + v.offset.X,
		Y: iy + v.offset.Y,
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	dr.Max = image.Point{
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		X: dr.Min.X + v.gw,
		Y: dr.Min.Y + v.gh,
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	return newDot, dr, a.masks, image.Point{Y: a.paintOffset}, true
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func (a *face) GlyphBounds(r rune) (bounds fixed.Rectangle26_6, advance fixed.Int26_6, ok bool) {
	if err := a.glyphBuf.Load(a.f, a.scale, a.f.Index(r), a.hinting); err != nil {
		return fixed.Rectangle26_6{}, 0, false
	xmin := +a.glyphBuf.B.XMin
	ymin := -a.glyphBuf.B.YMax
	xmax := +a.glyphBuf.B.XMax
	ymax := -a.glyphBuf.B.YMin
	if xmin > xmax || ymin > ymax {
		return fixed.Rectangle26_6{}, 0, false
	return fixed.Rectangle26_6{
		Min: fixed.Point26_6{
			X: xmin,
			Y: ymin,
		Max: fixed.Point26_6{
			X: xmax,
			Y: ymax,
	}, a.glyphBuf.AdvanceWidth, true

func (a *face) GlyphAdvance(r rune) (advance fixed.Int26_6, ok bool) {
	if err := a.glyphBuf.Load(a.f, a.scale, a.f.Index(r), a.hinting); err != nil {
		return 0, false
	return a.glyphBuf.AdvanceWidth, true

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// rasterize returns the advance width, integer-pixel offset to render at, and
// the width and height of the given glyph at the given sub-pixel offsets.
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// The 26.6 fixed point arguments fx and fy must be in the range [0, 1).
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func (a *face) rasterize(index Index, fx, fy fixed.Int26_6) (v cacheVal, ok bool) {
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	if err := a.glyphBuf.Load(a.f, a.scale, index, a.hinting); err != nil {
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		return cacheVal{}, false
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	// Calculate the integer-pixel bounds for the glyph.
329 330 331 332
	xmin := int(fx+a.glyphBuf.B.XMin) >> 6
	ymin := int(fy-a.glyphBuf.B.YMax) >> 6
	xmax := int(fx+a.glyphBuf.B.XMax+0x3f) >> 6
	ymax := int(fy-a.glyphBuf.B.YMin+0x3f) >> 6
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	if xmin > xmax || ymin > ymax {
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		return cacheVal{}, false
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	// A TrueType's glyph's nodes can have negative co-ordinates, but the
	// rasterizer clips anything left of x=0 or above y=0. xmin and ymin are
	// the pixel offsets, based on the font's FUnit metrics, that let a
	// negative co-ordinate in TrueType space be non-negative in rasterizer
	// space. xmin and ymin are typically <= 0.
341 342
	fx -= fixed.Int26_6(xmin << 6)
	fy -= fixed.Int26_6(ymin << 6)
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	// Rasterize the glyph's vectors.
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	pixOffset := a.paintOffset * a.maxw
	clear(a.masks.Pix[pixOffset : pixOffset+a.maxw*a.maxh])
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	e0 := 0
	for _, e1 := range a.glyphBuf.End {
		a.drawContour(a.glyphBuf.Point[e0:e1], fx, fy)
		e0 = e1
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	return cacheVal{
		image.Point{xmin, ymin},
		xmax - xmin,
		ymax - ymin,
	}, true
359 360 361 362 363 364

func clear(pix []byte) {
	for i := range pix {
		pix[i] = 0
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// drawContour draws the given closed contour with the given offset.
func (a *face) drawContour(ps []Point, dx, dy fixed.Int26_6) {
	if len(ps) == 0 {

	// The low bit of each point's Flags value is whether the point is on the
	// curve. Truetype fonts only have quadratic Bézier curves, not cubics.
	// Thus, two consecutive off-curve points imply an on-curve point in the
	// middle of those two.
	// See http://chanae.walon.org/pub/ttf/ttf_glyphs.htm for more details.

	// ps[0] is a truetype.Point measured in FUnits and positive Y going
	// upwards. start is the same thing measured in fixed point units and
	// positive Y going downwards, and offset by (dx, dy).
	start := fixed.Point26_6{
384 385
		X: dx + ps[0].X,
		Y: dy - ps[0].Y,
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	var others []Point
	if ps[0].Flags&0x01 != 0 {
		others = ps[1:]
	} else {
		last := fixed.Point26_6{
392 393
			X: dx + ps[len(ps)-1].X,
			Y: dy - ps[len(ps)-1].Y,
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		if ps[len(ps)-1].Flags&0x01 != 0 {
			start = last
			others = ps[:len(ps)-1]
		} else {
			start = fixed.Point26_6{
				X: (start.X + last.X) / 2,
				Y: (start.Y + last.Y) / 2,
			others = ps
	q0, on0 := start, true
	for _, p := range others {
		q := fixed.Point26_6{
410 411
			X: dx + p.X,
			Y: dy - p.Y,
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		on := p.Flags&0x01 != 0
		if on {
			if on0 {
			} else {
				a.r.Add2(q0, q)
		} else {
			if on0 {
				// No-op.
			} else {
				mid := fixed.Point26_6{
					X: (q0.X + q.X) / 2,
					Y: (q0.Y + q.Y) / 2,
				a.r.Add2(q0, mid)
		q0, on0 = q, on
	// Close the curve.
	if on0 {
	} else {
		a.r.Add2(q0, start)
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// facePainter is like a raster.AlphaSrcPainter, with an additional Y offset
// (face.paintOffset) to the painted spans.
type facePainter struct {
	a *face

func (p facePainter) Paint(ss []raster.Span, done bool) {
	m := p.a.masks
	b := m.Bounds()
	b.Min.Y = p.a.paintOffset
	b.Max.Y = p.a.paintOffset + p.a.maxh
	for _, s := range ss {
		s.Y += p.a.paintOffset
		if s.Y < b.Min.Y {
		if s.Y >= b.Max.Y {
		if s.X0 < b.Min.X {
			s.X0 = b.Min.X
		if s.X1 > b.Max.X {
			s.X1 = b.Max.X
		if s.X0 >= s.X1 {
		base := (s.Y-m.Rect.Min.Y)*m.Stride - m.Rect.Min.X
		p := m.Pix[base+s.X0 : base+s.X1]
		color := uint8(s.A >> 24)
		for i := range p {
			p[i] = color