mii.h 9.1 KB
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 * File      : mii.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Develop Team
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
 * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2011-03-18     weety      first version

#ifndef __MII_H__
#define __MII_H__

/* Generic MII registers. */

#define MII_BMCR            0x00        /* Basic mode control register */
#define MII_BMSR            0x01        /* Basic mode status register  */
#define MII_PHYSID1         0x02        /* PHYS ID 1                   */
#define MII_PHYSID2         0x03        /* PHYS ID 2                   */
#define MII_ADVERTISE       0x04        /* Advertisement control reg   */
#define MII_LPA             0x05        /* Link partner ability reg    */
#define MII_EXPANSION       0x06        /* Expansion register          */
#define MII_CTRL1000        0x09        /* 1000BASE-T control          */
#define MII_STAT1000        0x0a        /* 1000BASE-T status           */
#define MII_ESTATUS	    0x0f	/* Extended Status */
#define MII_DCOUNTER        0x12        /* Disconnect counter          */
#define MII_FCSCOUNTER      0x13        /* False carrier counter       */
#define MII_NWAYTEST        0x14        /* N-way auto-neg test reg     */
#define MII_RERRCOUNTER     0x15        /* Receive error counter       */
#define MII_SREVISION       0x16        /* Silicon revision            */
#define MII_RESV1           0x17        /* Reserved...                 */
#define MII_LBRERROR        0x18        /* Lpback, rx, bypass error    */
#define MII_PHYADDR         0x19        /* PHY address                 */
#define MII_RESV2           0x1a        /* Reserved...                 */
#define MII_TPISTATUS       0x1b        /* TPI status for 10mbps       */
#define MII_NCONFIG         0x1c        /* Network interface config    */

/* Basic mode control register. */
#define BMCR_RESV               0x003f  /* Unused...                   */
#define BMCR_SPEED1000		0x0040  /* MSB of Speed (1000)         */
#define BMCR_CTST               0x0080  /* Collision test              */
#define BMCR_FULLDPLX           0x0100  /* Full duplex                 */
#define BMCR_ANRESTART          0x0200  /* Auto negotiation restart    */
#define BMCR_ISOLATE            0x0400  /* Disconnect DP83840 from MII */
#define BMCR_PDOWN              0x0800  /* Powerdown the DP83840       */
#define BMCR_ANENABLE           0x1000  /* Enable auto negotiation     */
#define BMCR_SPEED100           0x2000  /* Select 100Mbps              */
#define BMCR_LOOPBACK           0x4000  /* TXD loopback bits           */
#define BMCR_RESET              0x8000  /* Reset the DP83840           */

/* Basic mode status register. */
#define BMSR_ERCAP              0x0001  /* Ext-reg capability          */
#define BMSR_JCD                0x0002  /* Jabber detected             */
#define BMSR_LSTATUS            0x0004  /* Link status                 */
#define BMSR_ANEGCAPABLE        0x0008  /* Able to do auto-negotiation */
#define BMSR_RFAULT             0x0010  /* Remote fault detected       */
#define BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE       0x0020  /* Auto-negotiation complete   */
#define BMSR_RESV               0x00c0  /* Unused...                   */
#define BMSR_ESTATEN		0x0100	/* Extended Status in R15 */
#define BMSR_100HALF2           0x0200  /* Can do 100BASE-T2 HDX */
#define BMSR_100FULL2           0x0400  /* Can do 100BASE-T2 FDX */
#define BMSR_10HALF             0x0800  /* Can do 10mbps, half-duplex  */
#define BMSR_10FULL             0x1000  /* Can do 10mbps, full-duplex  */
#define BMSR_100HALF            0x2000  /* Can do 100mbps, half-duplex */
#define BMSR_100FULL            0x4000  /* Can do 100mbps, full-duplex */
#define BMSR_100BASE4           0x8000  /* Can do 100mbps, 4k packets  */

/* Advertisement control register. */
#define ADVERTISE_SLCT          0x001f  /* Selector bits               */
#define ADVERTISE_CSMA          0x0001  /* Only selector supported     */
#define ADVERTISE_10HALF        0x0020  /* Try for 10mbps half-duplex  */
#define ADVERTISE_1000XFULL     0x0020  /* Try for 1000BASE-X full-duplex */
#define ADVERTISE_10FULL        0x0040  /* Try for 10mbps full-duplex  */
#define ADVERTISE_1000XHALF     0x0040  /* Try for 1000BASE-X half-duplex */
#define ADVERTISE_100HALF       0x0080  /* Try for 100mbps half-duplex */
#define ADVERTISE_1000XPAUSE    0x0080  /* Try for 1000BASE-X pause    */
#define ADVERTISE_100FULL       0x0100  /* Try for 100mbps full-duplex */
#define ADVERTISE_1000XPSE_ASYM 0x0100  /* Try for 1000BASE-X asym pause */
#define ADVERTISE_100BASE4      0x0200  /* Try for 100mbps 4k packets  */
#define ADVERTISE_PAUSE_CAP     0x0400  /* Try for pause               */
#define ADVERTISE_PAUSE_ASYM    0x0800  /* Try for asymetric pause     */
#define ADVERTISE_RESV          0x1000  /* Unused...                   */
#define ADVERTISE_RFAULT        0x2000  /* Say we can detect faults    */
#define ADVERTISE_LPACK         0x4000  /* Ack link partners response  */
#define ADVERTISE_NPAGE         0x8000  /* Next page bit               */

                       ADVERTISE_100HALF | ADVERTISE_100FULL)

/* Link partner ability register. */
#define LPA_SLCT                0x001f  /* Same as advertise selector  */
#define LPA_10HALF              0x0020  /* Can do 10mbps half-duplex   */
#define LPA_1000XFULL           0x0020  /* Can do 1000BASE-X full-duplex */
#define LPA_10FULL              0x0040  /* Can do 10mbps full-duplex   */
#define LPA_1000XHALF           0x0040  /* Can do 1000BASE-X half-duplex */
#define LPA_100HALF             0x0080  /* Can do 100mbps half-duplex  */
#define LPA_1000XPAUSE          0x0080  /* Can do 1000BASE-X pause     */
#define LPA_100FULL             0x0100  /* Can do 100mbps full-duplex  */
#define LPA_1000XPAUSE_ASYM     0x0100  /* Can do 1000BASE-X pause asym*/
#define LPA_100BASE4            0x0200  /* Can do 100mbps 4k packets   */
#define LPA_PAUSE_CAP           0x0400  /* Can pause                   */
#define LPA_PAUSE_ASYM          0x0800  /* Can pause asymetrically     */
#define LPA_RESV                0x1000  /* Unused...                   */
#define LPA_RFAULT              0x2000  /* Link partner faulted        */
#define LPA_LPACK               0x4000  /* Link partner acked us       */
#define LPA_NPAGE               0x8000  /* Next page bit               */

#define LPA_DUPLEX		(LPA_10FULL | LPA_100FULL)
#define LPA_100			(LPA_100FULL | LPA_100HALF | LPA_100BASE4)

/* Expansion register for auto-negotiation. */
#define EXPANSION_NWAY          0x0001  /* Can do N-way auto-nego      */
#define EXPANSION_LCWP          0x0002  /* Got new RX page code word   */
#define EXPANSION_ENABLENPAGE   0x0004  /* This enables npage words    */
#define EXPANSION_NPCAPABLE     0x0008  /* Link partner supports npage */
#define EXPANSION_MFAULTS       0x0010  /* Multiple faults detected    */
#define EXPANSION_RESV          0xffe0  /* Unused...                   */

#define ESTATUS_1000_TFULL	0x2000	/* Can do 1000BT Full */
#define ESTATUS_1000_THALF	0x1000	/* Can do 1000BT Half */

/* N-way test register. */
#define NWAYTEST_RESV1          0x00ff  /* Unused...                   */
#define NWAYTEST_LOOPBACK       0x0100  /* Enable loopback for N-way   */
#define NWAYTEST_RESV2          0xfe00  /* Unused...                   */

/* 1000BASE-T Control register */
#define ADVERTISE_1000FULL      0x0200  /* Advertise 1000BASE-T full duplex */
#define ADVERTISE_1000HALF      0x0100  /* Advertise 1000BASE-T half duplex */

/* 1000BASE-T Status register */
#define LPA_1000LOCALRXOK       0x2000  /* Link partner local receiver status */
#define LPA_1000REMRXOK         0x1000  /* Link partner remote receiver status */
#define LPA_1000FULL            0x0800  /* Link partner 1000BASE-T full duplex */
#define LPA_1000HALF            0x0400  /* Link partner 1000BASE-T half duplex */

/* Flow control flags */
#define FLOW_CTRL_TX		0x01
#define FLOW_CTRL_RX		0x02

 * mii_nway_result
 * @negotiated: value of MII ANAR and'd with ANLPAR
 * Given a set of MII abilities, check each bit and returns the
 * currently supported media, in the priority order defined by
 * IEEE 802.3u.  We use LPA_xxx constants but note this is not the
 * value of LPA solely, as described above.
 * The one exception to IEEE 802.3u is that 100baseT4 is placed
 * between 100T-full and 100T-half.  If your phy does not support
 * 100T4 this is fine.  If your phy places 100T4 elsewhere in the
 * priority order, you will need to roll your own function.
luohui2320@gmail.com 已提交
rt_inline unsigned int mii_nway_result (unsigned int negotiated)
162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
        unsigned int ret;

        if (negotiated & LPA_100FULL)
                ret = LPA_100FULL;
        else if (negotiated & LPA_100BASE4)
                ret = LPA_100BASE4;
        else if (negotiated & LPA_100HALF)
                ret = LPA_100HALF;
        else if (negotiated & LPA_10FULL)
                ret = LPA_10FULL;
                ret = LPA_10HALF;

        return ret;

#endif /* __MII_H__ */