libc_errno.h 4.7 KB
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 * File      : libc_errno.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2017, RT-Thread Development Team
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2016-11-12     Bernard      The first version

#ifndef LIBC_ERRNO_H__
#define LIBC_ERRNO_H__

#include <rtconfig.h>

/* use errno.h file in newlib */
#include <errno.h>
/* define errno self. */
#define EPERM            1
#define ENOENT           2
#define ESRCH            3
#define EINTR            4
#define EIO              5
#define ENXIO            6
#define E2BIG            7
#define ENOEXEC          8
#define EBADF            9
#define ECHILD          10
#define EAGAIN          11
#define ENOMEM          12
#define EACCES          13
#define EFAULT          14
#define ENOTBLK         15
#define EBUSY           16
#define EEXIST          17
#define EXDEV           18
#define ENODEV          19
#define ENOTDIR         20
#define EISDIR          21
#define EINVAL          22
#define ENFILE          23
#define EMFILE          24
#define ENOTTY          25
#define ETXTBSY         26
#define EFBIG           27
#define ENOSPC          28
#define ESPIPE          29
#define EROFS           30
#define EMLINK          31
#define EPIPE           32
#define EDOM            33
#define ERANGE          34
#define EDEADLK         35
#define ENAMETOOLONG    36
#define ENOLCK          37
#define ENOSYS          38
#define ENOTEMPTY       39
#define ELOOP           40
#define ENOMSG          42
#define EIDRM           43
#define ECHRNG          44
#define EL2NSYNC        45
#define EL3HLT          46
#define EL3RST          47
#define ELNRNG          48
#define EUNATCH         49
#define ENOCSI          50
#define EL2HLT          51
#define EBADE           52
#define EBADR           53
#define EXFULL          54
#define ENOANO          55
#define EBADRQC         56
#define EBADSLT         57
#define EBFONT          59
#define ENOSTR          60
#define ENODATA         61
#define ETIME           62
#define ENOSR           63
#define ENONET          64
#define ENOPKG          65
#define EREMOTE         66
#define ENOLINK         67
#define EADV            68
#define ESRMNT          69
#define ECOMM           70
#define EPROTO          71
#define EMULTIHOP       72
#define EDOTDOT         73
#define EBADMSG         74
#define EOVERFLOW       75
#define ENOTUNIQ        76
#define EBADFD          77
#define EREMCHG         78
#define ELIBACC         79
#define ELIBBAD         80
#define ELIBSCN         81
#define ELIBMAX         82
#define ELIBEXEC        83
#define EILSEQ          84
#define ERESTART        85
#define ESTRPIPE        86
#define EUSERS          87
#define ENOTSOCK        88
#define EDESTADDRREQ    89
#define EMSGSIZE        90
#define EPROTOTYPE      91
#define ENOPROTOOPT     92
#define EOPNOTSUPP      95
#define ENOTSUP         EOPNOTSUPP
#define EPFNOSUPPORT    96
#define EAFNOSUPPORT    97
#define EADDRINUSE      98
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL   99
#define ENETDOWN        100
#define ENETUNREACH     101
#define ENETRESET       102
#define ECONNABORTED    103
#define ECONNRESET      104
#define ENOBUFS         105
#define EISCONN         106
#define ENOTCONN        107
#define ESHUTDOWN       108
#define ETOOMANYREFS    109
#define ETIMEDOUT       110
#define ECONNREFUSED    111
#define EHOSTDOWN       112
#define EHOSTUNREACH    113
#define EALREADY        114
#define EINPROGRESS     115
#define ESTALE          116
#define EUCLEAN         117
#define ENOTNAM         118
#define ENAVAIL         119
#define EISNAM          120
#define EREMOTEIO       121
#define EDQUOT          122
#define ENOMEDIUM       123
#define EMEDIUMTYPE     124
#define ECANCELED       125
#define ENOKEY          126
#define EKEYEXPIRED     127
#define EKEYREVOKED     128
#define EKEYREJECTED    129
#define EOWNERDEAD      130
#define ERFKILL         132
#define EHWPOISON       133
