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## 5.8. Row Security Policies


 In addition to the SQL-standard [privilege system](ddl-priv.html) available through [GRANT](sql-grant.html), tables can have *row security policies* that restrict, on a per-user basis, which rows can be returned by normal queries or inserted, updated, or deleted by data modification commands. This feature is also known as *Row-Level Security*. By default, tables do not have any policies, so that if a user has access privileges to a table according to the SQL privilege system, all rows within it are equally available for querying or updating.

 When row security is enabled on a table (with [ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY](sql-altertable.html)), all normal access to the table for selecting rows or modifying rows must be allowed by a row security policy. (However, the table's owner is typically not subject to row security policies.) If no policy exists for the table, a default-deny policy is used, meaning that no rows are visible or can be modified. Operations that apply to the whole table, such as `TRUNCATE` and `REFERENCES`, are not subject to row security.

 Row security policies can be specific to commands, or to roles, or to both. A policy can be specified to apply to `ALL` commands, or to `SELECT`, `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE`. Multiple roles can be assigned to a given policy, and normal role membership and inheritance rules apply.

 To specify which rows are visible or modifiable according to a policy, an expression is required that returns a Boolean result. This expression will be evaluated for each row prior to any conditions or functions coming from the user's query. (The only exceptions to this rule are `leakproof` functions, which are guaranteed to not leak information; the optimizer may choose to apply such functions ahead of the row-security check.) Rows for which the expression does not return `true` will not be processed. Separate expressions may be specified to provide independent control over the rows which are visible and the rows which are allowed to be modified. Policy expressions are run as part of the query and with the privileges of the user running the query, although security-definer functions can be used to access data not available to the calling user.

 Superusers and roles with the `BYPASSRLS` attribute always bypass the row security system when accessing a table. Table owners normally bypass row security as well, though a table owner can choose to be subject to row security with [ALTER TABLE ... FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY](sql-altertable.html).

 Enabling and disabling row security, as well as adding policies to a table, is always the privilege of the table owner only.

 Policies are created using the [CREATE POLICY](sql-createpolicy.html) command, altered using the [ALTER POLICY](sql-alterpolicy.html) command, and dropped using the [DROP POLICY](sql-droppolicy.html) command. To enable and disable row security for a given table, use the [ALTER TABLE](sql-altertable.html) command.

 Each policy has a name and multiple policies can be defined for a table. As policies are table-specific, each policy for a table must have a unique name. Different tables may have policies with the same name.

 When multiple policies apply to a given query, they are combined using either `OR` (for permissive policies, which are the default) or using `AND` (for restrictive policies). This is similar to the rule that a given role has the privileges of all roles that they are a member of. Permissive vs. restrictive policies are discussed further below.

 As a simple example, here is how to create a policy on the `account` relation to allow only members of the `managers` role to access rows, and only rows of their accounts:

CREATE TABLE accounts (manager text, company text, contact_email text);


CREATE POLICY account_managers ON accounts TO managers
    USING (manager = current_user);


 The policy above implicitly provides a `WITH CHECK` clause identical to its `USING` clause, so that the constraint applies both to rows selected by a command (so a manager cannot `SELECT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE` existing rows belonging to a different manager) and to rows modified by a command (so rows belonging to a different manager cannot be created via `INSERT` or `UPDATE`).

 If no role is specified, or the special user name `PUBLIC` is used, then the policy applies to all users on the system. To allow all users to access only their own row in a `users` table, a simple policy can be used:

CREATE POLICY user_policy ON users
    USING (user_name = current_user);


 This works similarly to the previous example.

 To use a different policy for rows that are being added to the table compared to those rows that are visible, multiple policies can be combined. This pair of policies would allow all users to view all rows in the `users` table, but only modify their own:

CREATE POLICY user_sel_policy ON users
    USING (true);
CREATE POLICY user_mod_policy ON users
    USING (user_name = current_user);


 In a `SELECT` command, these two policies are combined using `OR`, with the net effect being that all rows can be selected. In other command types, only the second policy applies, so that the effects are the same as before.

 Row security can also be disabled with the `ALTER TABLE` command. Disabling row security does not remove any policies that are defined on the table; they are simply ignored. Then all rows in the table are visible and modifiable, subject to the standard SQL privileges system.

 Below is a larger example of how this feature can be used in production environments. The table `passwd` emulates a Unix password file:

-- Simple passwd-file based example
  user_name             text UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  pwhash                text,
  uid                   int  PRIMARY KEY,
  gid                   int  NOT NULL,
  real_name             text NOT NULL,
  home_phone            text,
  extra_info            text,
  home_dir              text NOT NULL,
  shell                 text NOT NULL

CREATE ROLE admin;  -- Administrator
CREATE ROLE bob;    -- Normal user
CREATE ROLE alice;  -- Normal user

-- Populate the table

-- Be sure to enable row-level security on the table

-- Create policies
-- Administrator can see all rows and add any rows
CREATE POLICY admin_all ON passwd TO admin USING (true) WITH CHECK (true);
-- Normal users can view all rows
CREATE POLICY all_view ON passwd FOR SELECT USING (true);
-- Normal users can update their own records, but
-- limit which shells a normal user is allowed to set
  USING (current_user = user_name)
    current_user = user_name AND
    shell IN ('/bin/bash','/bin/sh','/bin/dash','/bin/zsh','/bin/tcsh')

-- Allow admin all normal rights
-- Users only get select access on public columns
  (user_name, uid, gid, real_name, home_phone, extra_info, home_dir, shell)
  ON passwd TO public;
-- Allow users to update certain columns
  (pwhash, real_name, home_phone, extra_info, shell)
  ON passwd TO public;


 As with any security settings, it's important to test and ensure that the system is behaving as expected. Using the example above, this demonstrates that the permission system is working properly.

-- admin can view all rows and fields
postgres=> set role admin;
postgres=> table passwd;
 user_name | pwhash | uid | gid | real_name |  home_phone  | extra_info | home_dir    |   shell