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## 52.63. `pg_user_mapping`


 The catalog `pg_user_mapping` stores the mappings from local user to remote. Access to this catalog is restricted from normal users, use the view [`pg_user_mappings`](view-pg-user-mappings.html) instead.

**Table 52.64. `pg_user_mapping` Columns**

|                                                              Column Type<br/><br/> Description                                                             |
|                                                            `oid` `oid`<br/><br/> Row identifier                                                            |
|`umuser` `oid` (references [`pg_authid`](catalog-pg-authid.html).`oid`)<br/><br/> OID of the local role being mapped, or zero if the user mapping is public |
|`umserver` `oid` (references [`pg_foreign_server`](catalog-pg-foreign-server.html).`oid`)<br/><br/> The OID of the foreign server that contains this mapping|
|                                  `umoptions` `text[]`<br/><br/> User mapping specific options, as “keyword=value” strings                                  |