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## 41.4. Rules on `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, and `DELETE`

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[41.4.1. How Update Rules Work](rules-update.html#id-

[41.4.2. Cooperation with Views](rules-update.html#RULES-UPDATE-VIEWS)
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 Rules that are defined on `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, and `DELETE` are significantly different from the view rules described in the previous section. First, their `CREATE RULE` command allows more:

* They are allowed to have no action.

* They can have multiple actions.

* They can be `INSTEAD` or `ALSO` (the default).

* The pseudorelations `NEW` and `OLD` become useful.

* They can have rule qualifications.

 Second, they don't modify the query tree in place. Instead they create zero or more new query trees and can throw away the original one.

### Caution

 In many cases, tasks that could be performed by rules on `INSERT`/`UPDATE`/`DELETE` are better done with triggers. Triggers are notationally a bit more complicated, but their semantics are much simpler to understand. Rules tend to have surprising results when the original query contains volatile functions: volatile functions may get executed more times than expected in the process of carrying out the rules.

 Also, there are some cases that are not supported by these types of rules at all, notably including `WITH` clauses in the original query and multiple-assignment sub-`SELECT`s in the `SET` list of `UPDATE` queries. This is because copying these constructs into a rule query would result in multiple evaluations of the sub-query, contrary to the express intent of the query's author.

### 41.4.1. How Update Rules Work

 Keep the syntax:

    TO table [ WHERE condition ]
    DO [ ALSO | INSTEAD ] { NOTHING | command | ( command ; command ... ) }


 in mind. In the following, *update rules* means rules that are defined on `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE`.

 Update rules get applied by the rule system when the result relation and the command type of a query tree are equal to the object and event given in the `CREATE RULE` command. For update rules, the rule system creates a list of query trees. Initially the query-tree list is empty. There can be zero (`NOTHING` key word), one, or multiple actions. To simplify, we will look at a rule with one action. This rule can have a qualification or not and it can be `INSTEAD` or `ALSO` (the default).

 What is a rule qualification? It is a restriction that tells when the actions of the rule should be done and when not. This qualification can only reference the pseudorelations `NEW` and/or `OLD`, which basically represent the relation that was given as object (but with a special meaning).

 So we have three cases that produce the following query trees for a one-action rule.

No qualification, with either `ALSO` or `INSTEAD`

 the query tree from the rule action with the original query tree's qualification added

Qualification given and `ALSO`

 the query tree from the rule action with the rule qualification and the original query tree's qualification added

Qualification given and `INSTEAD`

 the query tree from the rule action with the rule qualification and the original query tree's qualification; and the original query tree with the negated rule qualification added

 Finally, if the rule is `ALSO`, the unchanged original query tree is added to the list. Since only qualified `INSTEAD` rules already add the original query tree, we end up with either one or two output query trees for a rule with one action.

 For `ON INSERT` rules, the original query (if not suppressed by `INSTEAD`) is done before any actions added by rules. This allows the actions to see the inserted row(s). But for `ON UPDATE` and `ON DELETE` rules, the original query is done after the actions added by rules. This ensures that the actions can see the to-be-updated or to-be-deleted rows; otherwise, the actions might do nothing because they find no rows matching their qualifications.

 The query trees generated from rule actions are thrown into the rewrite system again, and maybe more rules get applied resulting in additional or fewer query trees. So a rule's actions must have either a different command type or a different result relation than the rule itself is on, otherwise this recursive process will end up in an infinite loop. (Recursive expansion of a rule will be detected and reported as an error.)

 The query trees found in the actions of the `pg_rewrite` system catalog are only templates. Since they can reference the range-table entries for `NEW` and `OLD`, some substitutions have to be made before they can be used. For any reference to `NEW`, the target list of the original query is searched for a corresponding entry. If found, that entry's expression replaces the reference. Otherwise, `NEW` means the same as `OLD` (for an `UPDATE`) or is replaced by a null value (for an `INSERT`). Any reference to `OLD` is replaced by a reference to the range-table entry that is the result relation.

 After the system is done applying update rules, it applies view rules to the produced query tree(s). Views cannot insert new update actions so there is no need to apply update rules to the output of view rewriting.

#### A First Rule Step by Step

 Say we want to trace changes to the `sl_avail` column in the `shoelace_data` relation. So we set up a log table and a rule that conditionally writes a log entry when an `UPDATE` is performed on `shoelace_data`.

CREATE TABLE shoelace_log (
    sl_name    text,          -- shoelace changed
    sl_avail   integer,       -- new available value
    log_who    text,          -- who did it
    log_when   timestamp      -- when

CREATE RULE log_shoelace AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace_data
    WHERE NEW.sl_avail <> OLD.sl_avail
    DO INSERT INTO shoelace_log VALUES (


 Now someone does:

UPDATE shoelace_data SET sl_avail = 6 WHERE sl_name = 'sl7';


 and we look at the log table:

SELECT * FROM shoelace_log;

 sl_name | sl_avail | log_who | log_when                        
### 41.4.2. Cooperation with Views


 A simple way to protect view relations from the mentioned possibility that someone can try to run `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE` on them is to let those query trees get thrown away. So we could create the rules:

CREATE RULE shoe_ins_protect AS ON INSERT TO shoe
CREATE RULE shoe_upd_protect AS ON UPDATE TO shoe
CREATE RULE shoe_del_protect AS ON DELETE TO shoe


 If someone now tries to do any of these operations on the view relation `shoe`, the rule system will apply these rules. Since the rules have no actions and are `INSTEAD`, the resulting list of query trees will be empty and the whole query will become nothing because there is nothing left to be optimized or executed after the rule system is done with it.

 A more sophisticated way to use the rule system is to create rules that rewrite the query tree into one that does the right operation on the real tables. To do that on the `shoelace` view, we create the following rules:

CREATE RULE shoelace_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace
    INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES (

CREATE RULE shoelace_upd AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace
    UPDATE shoelace_data
       SET sl_name = NEW.sl_name,
           sl_avail = NEW.sl_avail,
           sl_color = NEW.sl_color,
           sl_len = NEW.sl_len,
           sl_unit = NEW.sl_unit
     WHERE sl_name = OLD.sl_name;

CREATE RULE shoelace_del AS ON DELETE TO shoelace
    DELETE FROM shoelace_data
     WHERE sl_name = OLD.sl_name;


 If you want to support `RETURNING` queries on the view, you need to make the rules include `RETURNING` clauses that compute the view rows. This is usually pretty trivial for views on a single table, but it's a bit tedious for join views such as `shoelace`. An example for the insert case is:

CREATE RULE shoelace_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace
    INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES (
           (SELECT shoelace_data.sl_len * u.un_fact
            FROM unit u WHERE shoelace_data.sl_unit = u.un_name);


 Note that this one rule supports both `INSERT` and `INSERT RETURNING` queries on the view — the `RETURNING` clause is simply ignored for `INSERT`.

 Now assume that once in a while, a pack of shoelaces arrives at the shop and a big parts list along with it. But you don't want to manually update the `shoelace` view every time. Instead we set up two little tables: one where you can insert the items from the part list, and one with a special trick. The creation commands for these are:

CREATE TABLE shoelace_arrive (
    arr_name    text,
    arr_quant   integer

CREATE TABLE shoelace_ok (
    ok_name     text,
    ok_quant    integer

CREATE RULE shoelace_ok_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace_ok
    UPDATE shoelace
       SET sl_avail = sl_avail + NEW.ok_quant
     WHERE sl_name = NEW.ok_name;


 Now you can fill the table `shoelace_arrive` with the data from the parts list:

SELECT * FROM shoelace_arrive;

 arr_name | arr_quant