提交 3258029e 编写于 作者: VK1688's avatar VK1688

uni-map-service 改名 uni-map-common

上级 7d2bd9d0
## uni-map-service 公共模块
## uni-map-common 公共模块
::: warning 注意
> 插件市场地址:[https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-map-service](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-map-service)
> 插件市场地址:[https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-map-common](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-map-common)
## 公共返回参数@publicresult
......@@ -18,15 +18,18 @@ uni-map-service公共模块仅能在云函数/云对象内使用。如果您不
|errMsg |失败后的提示 |
|provider | 当前数据是哪家地图供应商返回的 |
|result | 插件返回结果(抹平各平台差异后的返回结果) |
|originalResult | 原始返回结果(供应商接口原始返回结果,需new UniMapService时,设置needOriginalResult: true) |
|originalResult | 原始返回结果(供应商接口原始返回结果,需new UniMap时,设置needOriginalResult: true) |
## 初始化实例
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx",
needOriginalResult: false, // 是否需要返回原始信息
......@@ -59,15 +62,15 @@ let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.location2address({
let result = await uniMap.location2address({
location: "39.908815,116.397507"
console.log("result", result);
......@@ -137,15 +140,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.address2location({
let result = await uniMap.address2location({
address: "北京市海淀区彩和坊路海淀西大街74号"
console.log("result", result);
......@@ -183,15 +186,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.translate({
let result = await uniMap.translate({
locations: [
{ lat: 39.908815, lng: 116.397507 },
{ lat: 39.908815, lng: 116.397107 }
......@@ -229,15 +232,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.ip2location({
let result = await uniMap.ip2location({
ip: ""
console.log("result", result);
......@@ -277,15 +280,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.inputtips({
let result = await uniMap.inputtips({
keyword: "人民医院",
city: "北京市"
......@@ -351,15 +354,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.search({
let result = await uniMap.search({
keyword: "酒店",
boundary: "nearby(39.908815,116.397507,1000,1)"
city: "北京市"
......@@ -431,15 +434,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.districtSearch({
let result = await uniMap.districtSearch({
adcode: "110101"
console.log("result", result);
......@@ -488,15 +491,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.route({
let result = await uniMap.route({
mode: "driving",
from: "40.034852,116.319820",
to: "39.771075,116.351395"
......@@ -656,15 +659,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.route({
let result = await uniMap.route({
mode: "walking",
from: "40.034852,116.319820",
to: "39.771075,116.351395"
......@@ -718,15 +721,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.route({
let result = await uniMap.route({
mode: "bicycling",
from: "40.034852,116.319820",
to: "39.771075,116.351395"
......@@ -777,15 +780,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.route({
let result = await uniMap.route({
mode: "ebicycling",
from: "40.034852,116.319820",
to: "39.771075,116.351395"
......@@ -836,15 +839,15 @@ console.log("result", result);
// 引入uni-map-service公共模块
const UniMapService = require('uni-map-service');
// 引入uni-map-common公共模块
const UniMap = require('uni-map-common');
// 初始化实例
let uniMapService = new UniMapService({
let uniMap = new UniMap({
provider: "qqmap", // 指定使用哪家地图供应商
key: "xxxxxx"
// 调用API
let result = await uniMapService.route({
let result = await uniMap.route({
mode: "transit",
from: "40.034852,116.319820",
to: "29.771075,116.351395",
......@@ -1097,61 +1100,61 @@ console.log("result", result);
| 错误模块 | 错误码 | 说明 |
|:-- |:--: |:-- |
| uni-map-service | 110 | 请求来源未被授权 |
| uni-map-service | 111 | 签名验证失败 |
| uni-map-service | 112 | IP未被授权 |
| uni-map-service | 113 | 此功能未被授权 |
| uni-map-service | 120 | 此key每秒请求量已达到上限 |
| uni-map-service | 121 | 此key每日调用量已达到上限 |
| uni-map-service | 122 | ip访问超限 |
| uni-map-service | 123 | 账号访问限制(如余额不足) |
| uni-map-service | 160 | sig参数不支持此请求类型 |
| uni-map-service | 161 | sig参数不支持和非object的POST JSON一起使用 |
| uni-map-service | 190 | 无效的KEY |
| uni-map-service | 199 | 此key未开启webservice功能 |
| uni-map-service | 301 | 缺少必要字段key |
| uni-map-service | 311 | key格式错误 |
| uni-map-service | 300 | 缺少必要字段 |
| uni-map-service | 306 | 缺少参数 |
| uni-map-service | 311 | 服务不支持https请求 |
| uni-map-service |320 |参数数据类型错误 |
| uni-map-service |330 |参数长度错误 |
| uni-map-service |351 |存在不共存的参数 |
| uni-map-service |324 |get和post中的同一参数值不相同 |
| uni-map-service |326 |起终点距离过近 |
| uni-map-service |327 |附近无公交站 |
| uni-map-service |328 |无可达公交路线 |
| uni-map-service |329 |无可达火车路线 |
| uni-map-service |331 |查询条件过长 |
| uni-map-service |332 |途径点个数超过限制 |
| uni-map-service |333 |存在无法吸附的坐标点 |
| uni-map-service |335 |不支持该城市的公交查询 |
| uni-map-service |341 |缺少keyword(关键词) |
| uni-map-service |344 |附近无火车站(公交) |
| uni-map-service |347 |查询无结果 |
| uni-map-service |348 |参数错误 |
| uni-map-service |364 |是否扩大搜索参数只能为0或1 |
| uni-map-service |365 |纬度不能超过±90 |
| uni-map-service |366 |经度不能超过±180 |
| uni-map-service |373 |起终点距离超长 |
| uni-map-service |374 |起终点坐标错误 |
| uni-map-service |375 |局域网IP无法定位 |
| uni-map-service |377 |提供的起终点无法规划出导航线路 |
| uni-map-service |378 |提供的起终点无法规划出步行线路 |
| uni-map-service |379 |提供的起终点无法规划出公交线路 |
| uni-map-service |380 |坐标类型必须在有坐标的情况下使用 |
| uni-map-service |382 |IP无法定位 |
| uni-map-service |384 |提供的起终点无法规划出骑行线路 |
| uni-map-service |387 |没有对应的POI |
| uni-map-service |393 |没有符合条件的数据 |
| uni-map-service |394 |错误的查询条件 |
| uni-map-service |395 |传入参数不合法 |
| uni-map-service |396 |最多支持200个坐标点,且起终点数目乘积最多为625(距离矩阵) |
| uni-map-service |397 |一对多最多支持200个坐标点,多对多最多支持25个坐标点且起终点数目乘积最多为625(距离矩阵) |
| uni-map-service |500 |服务响应失败 |
| uni-map-common | 110 | 请求来源未被授权 |
| uni-map-common | 111 | 签名验证失败 |
| uni-map-common | 112 | IP未被授权 |
| uni-map-common | 113 | 此功能未被授权 |
| uni-map-common | 120 | 此key每秒请求量已达到上限 |
| uni-map-common | 121 | 此key每日调用量已达到上限 |
| uni-map-common | 122 | ip访问超限 |
| uni-map-common | 123 | 账号访问限制(如余额不足) |
| uni-map-common | 160 | sig参数不支持此请求类型 |
| uni-map-common | 161 | sig参数不支持和非object的POST JSON一起使用 |
| uni-map-common | 190 | 无效的KEY |
| uni-map-common | 199 | 此key未开启webservice功能 |
| uni-map-common | 301 | 缺少必要字段key |
| uni-map-common | 311 | key格式错误 |
| uni-map-common | 300 | 缺少必要字段 |
| uni-map-common | 306 | 缺少参数 |
| uni-map-common | 311 | 服务不支持https请求 |
| uni-map-common |320 |参数数据类型错误 |
| uni-map-common |330 |参数长度错误 |
| uni-map-common |351 |存在不共存的参数 |
| uni-map-common |324 |get和post中的同一参数值不相同 |
| uni-map-common |326 |起终点距离过近 |
| uni-map-common |327 |附近无公交站 |
| uni-map-common |328 |无可达公交路线 |
| uni-map-common |329 |无可达火车路线 |
| uni-map-common |331 |查询条件过长 |
| uni-map-common |332 |途径点个数超过限制 |
| uni-map-common |333 |存在无法吸附的坐标点 |
| uni-map-common |335 |不支持该城市的公交查询 |
| uni-map-common |341 |缺少keyword(关键词) |
| uni-map-common |344 |附近无火车站(公交) |
| uni-map-common |347 |查询无结果 |
| uni-map-common |348 |参数错误 |
| uni-map-common |364 |是否扩大搜索参数只能为0或1 |
| uni-map-common |365 |纬度不能超过±90 |
| uni-map-common |366 |经度不能超过±180 |
| uni-map-common |373 |起终点距离超长 |
| uni-map-common |374 |起终点坐标错误 |
| uni-map-common |375 |局域网IP无法定位 |
| uni-map-common |377 |提供的起终点无法规划出导航线路 |
| uni-map-common |378 |提供的起终点无法规划出步行线路 |
| uni-map-common |379 |提供的起终点无法规划出公交线路 |
| uni-map-common |380 |坐标类型必须在有坐标的情况下使用 |
| uni-map-common |382 |IP无法定位 |
| uni-map-common |384 |提供的起终点无法规划出骑行线路 |
| uni-map-common |387 |没有对应的POI |
| uni-map-common |393 |没有符合条件的数据 |
| uni-map-common |394 |错误的查询条件 |
| uni-map-common |395 |传入参数不合法 |
| uni-map-common |396 |最多支持200个坐标点,且起终点数目乘积最多为625(距离矩阵) |
| uni-map-common |397 |一对多最多支持200个坐标点,多对多最多支持25个坐标点且起终点数目乘积最多为625(距离矩阵) |
| uni-map-common |500 |服务响应失败 |
## 常见问题
### 使用uni-map-service后,我还需要购买5万元的地图商业授权费用吗?
### 使用uni-map-common后,我还需要购买5万元的地图商业授权费用吗?
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答:使用地图服务需要商业授权,可联系DCloud申请折扣优惠。[详情参考 商业授权相关说明](https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/app-geolocation.html#lic)
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