提交 cfba7df7 编写于 作者: X xiaoyucoding

feat: mp-alipay api protocols

上级 b255a85b
const TODOS = [ //不支持的 API 列表
const TODOS = [ // 不支持的 API 列表
const protocols = { //需要做转换的 API 列表
returnValue(methodName, res) { // 通用 returnValue 解析
if (res.error || res.errorMessage) {
res.errMsg = `${methodName}:fail ${res.errorMessage || res.error}`
delete res.error
delete res.errorMessage
return res
request: {
name: 'httpRequest',
args(fromArgs) {
if (!fromArgs.header) { // 默认增加 header 参数,方便格式化 content-type
fromArgs.header = {}
return {
header(header = {}, toArgs) {
const headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json'
Object.keys(header).forEach(key => {
headers[key.toLocaleLowerCase()] = header[key]
return {
name: 'headers',
value: headers
method: 'method', // TODO 支付宝小程序仅支持 get,post
responseType: false
returnValue: {
status: 'statusCode',
headers: 'header'
setNavigationBarColor: {
name: 'setNavigationBar',
args: {
frontColor: false,
animation: false
setNavigationBarTitle: {
name: 'setNavigationBar'
showCancel = true
} = {}) {
if (showCancel) {
return {
name: 'confirm',
args: {
cancelColor: false,
confirmColor: false,
cancelText: 'cancelButtonText',
confirmText: 'confirmButtonText'
returnValue(fromRes, toRes) {
toRes.confirm = fromRes.confirm
toRes.cancel = !fromRes.confirm
return {
name: 'alert',
args: {
confirmColor: false,
confirmText: 'buttonText'
returnValue(fromRes, toRes) {
toRes.confirm = true
toRes.cancel = false
icon = 'success'
} = {}) {
const args = {
title: 'content',
icon: 'type',
duration: false,
image: false,
mask: false
if (icon === 'loading') {
return {
name: 'showLoading',
return {
name: 'showToast',
showActionSheet: {
name: 'showActionSheet',
args: {
itemList: 'items',
itemColor: false
returnValue: {
index: 'tapIndex'
function _handleNetworkInfo (result) {
switch (result.networkType) {
result.networkType = 'none'
case 'WWAN':
// TODO ?
result.networkType = '3g'
result.networkType = result.networkType.toLowerCase()
return result
const protocols = { // 需要做转换的 API 列表
returnValue (methodName, res) { // 通用 returnValue 解析
if (res.error || res.errorMessage) {
res.errMsg = `${methodName}:fail ${res.errorMessage || res.error}`
delete res.error
delete res.errorMessage
return res
request: {
name: 'httpRequest',
args (fromArgs) {
if (!fromArgs.header) { // 默认增加 header 参数,方便格式化 content-type
fromArgs.header = {}
return {
header (header = {}, toArgs) {
const headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json'
Object.keys(header).forEach(key => {
headers[key.toLocaleLowerCase()] = header[key]
return {
name: 'headers',
value: headers
method: 'method', // TODO 支付宝小程序仅支持 get,post
responseType: false
returnValue: {
status: 'statusCode',
headers: 'header'
setNavigationBarColor: {
name: 'setNavigationBar',
args: {
frontColor: false,
animation: false
setNavigationBarTitle: {
name: 'setNavigationBar'
showModal ({
showCancel = true
} = {}) {
if (showCancel) {
return {
name: 'confirm',
args: {
cancelColor: false,
confirmColor: false,
cancelText: 'cancelButtonText',
confirmText: 'confirmButtonText'
returnValue (fromRes, toRes) {
toRes.confirm = fromRes.confirm
toRes.cancel = !fromRes.confirm
return {
name: 'alert',
args: {
confirmColor: false,
confirmText: 'buttonText'
returnValue (fromRes, toRes) {
toRes.confirm = true
toRes.cancel = false
showToast ({
icon = 'success'
} = {}) {
const args = {
title: 'content',
icon: 'type',
duration: false,
image: false,
mask: false
if (icon === 'loading') {
return {
name: 'showLoading',
return {
name: 'showToast',
showActionSheet: {
name: 'showActionSheet',
args: {
itemList: 'items',
itemColor: false
returnValue: {
index: 'tapIndex'
uploadFile: {
args: {
name: 'fileName'
// 从测试结果看,是有返回对象的,文档上没有说明。
downloadFile: {
returnValue: {
tempFilePath: 'apFilePath'
connectSocket: {
args: {
method: false,
protocols: false
// TODO 有没有返回值还需要测试下
chooseImage: {
returnValue: {
tempFilePaths: 'apFilePaths'
previewImage: {
args (fromArgs) {
let current = 0
if (fromArgs.current) {
const index = fromArgs.urls.indexOf(fromArgs.current)
current = ~index ? index : 0
return Object.assign(fromArgs, {
current: current,
indicator: false,
loop: false
saveFile: {
args: {
tempFilePath: 'apFilePath'
returnValue: {
savedFilePath: 'apFilePath'
getSavedFileInfo: {
args: {
filePath: 'apFilePath'
returnValue (result) {
if (result.fileList && result.fileList.length) {
result.fileList.forEach(file => {
file.filePath = file.apFilePath
delete file.apFilePath
return result
removeSavedFile: {
args: {
filePath: 'apFilePath'
getLocation: {
args: {
type: false,
altitude: false
returnValue: {
speed: false,
altitude: false,
verticalAccuracy: false
openLocation: {
args: {
// TODO address 参数在阿里上是必传的
createMapContext: {
returns: {
translateMarker: false,
includePoints: false,
getRegion: false,
getScale: false
getSystemInfo: {
returnValue: {
brand: false,
statusBarHeight: false,
SDKVersion: false
getSystemInfoSync: {
returnValue: {
brand: false,
statusBarHeight: false,
SDKVersion: false
getNetworkType: {
returnValue: _handleNetworkInfo
onNetworkStatusChange: {
returnValue: _handleNetworkInfo
stopAccelerometer: {
name: 'offAccelerometerChange'
stopCompass: {
name: 'offCompassChange'
scanCode: {
name: 'scan',
args: {
onlyFromCamera: 'hideAlbum',
scanType: false
setClipboardData: {
name: 'setClipboard',
args: {
data: 'text'
getClipboardData: {
name: 'getClipboard',
returnValue: {
data: 'text'
pageScrollTo: {
args: {
duration: false
TODOS.forEach(todoApi => {
protocols[todoApi] = false
protocols[todoApi] = false
export default protocols
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