提交 c54d85e1 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

fix(mp): ensure scoped slots context

上级 69de2d3d
......@@ -5055,8 +5055,8 @@ function findScopedSlotInvoker(vueId, instance) {
function withScopedSlot(fn, { name, path, vueId, }) {
fn.path = path;
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
fn.path = path;
const scopedSlots = (instance.$ssi ||
(instance.$ssi = {}));
const invoker = scopedSlots[vueId] ||
......@@ -5081,7 +5081,10 @@ function createScopedSlotInvoker(instance) {
// 循环第一个 slot 时,重置 data
slot.data = {};
// 确保当前 slot 的上下文,类似 withCtx
const prevInstance = setCurrentRenderingInstance(instance);
slot.data[key] = slot.fn(args, key, slotName + (hasKey ? '-' + key : ''));
// TODO 简单的 forceUpdate,理论上,可以仅对 scoped slot 部分数据 diff 更新
......@@ -5130,4 +5133,4 @@ function createApp(rootComponent, rootProps = null) {
const createSSRApp = createApp;
export { EffectScope, Fragment, ReactiveEffect, Text, c, callWithAsyncErrorHandling, callWithErrorHandling, computed, createApp, createSSRApp, createVNode$1 as createVNode, createVueApp, customRef, d, defineComponent, defineEmits, defineExpose, defineProps, e, effect, effectScope, f, getCurrentInstance, getCurrentScope, h, inject, injectHook, isInSSRComponentSetup, isProxy, isReactive, isReadonly, isRef, logError, markRaw, mergeDefaults, mergeProps, n, nextTick, o, onActivated, onBeforeMount, onBeforeUnmount, onBeforeUpdate, onDeactivated, onErrorCaptured, onMounted, onRenderTracked, onRenderTriggered, onScopeDispose, onUnmounted, onUpdated, patch, provide, proxyRefs, queuePostFlushCb, r, reactive, readonly, ref, resolveComponent, resolveDirective, resolveFilter, s, setupDevtoolsPlugin, shallowReactive, shallowReadonly, shallowRef, stop, t, toHandlers, toRaw, toRef, toRefs, triggerRef, unref, useAttrs, useSSRContext, useSlots, version, w, warn$1 as warn, watch, watchEffect, watchPostEffect, watchSyncEffect, withAsyncContext, withCtx, withDefaults, withDirectives, withModifiers, withScopeId };
export { EffectScope, Fragment, ReactiveEffect, Text, c, callWithAsyncErrorHandling, callWithErrorHandling, computed, createApp, createSSRApp, createVNode$1 as createVNode, createVueApp, customRef, d, defineComponent, defineEmits, defineExpose, defineProps, e, effect, effectScope, f, getCurrentInstance, getCurrentScope, h, inject, injectHook, isInSSRComponentSetup, isProxy, isReactive, isReadonly, isRef, logError, markRaw, mergeDefaults, mergeProps, n, nextTick, o, onActivated, onBeforeMount, onBeforeUnmount, onBeforeUpdate, onDeactivated, onErrorCaptured, onMounted, onRenderTracked, onRenderTriggered, onScopeDispose, onUnmounted, onUpdated, patch, provide, proxyRefs, queuePostFlushCb, r, reactive, readonly, ref, resolveComponent, resolveDirective, resolveFilter, s, setCurrentRenderingInstance, setupDevtoolsPlugin, shallowReactive, shallowReadonly, shallowRef, stop, t, toHandlers, toRaw, toRef, toRefs, triggerRef, unref, useAttrs, useSSRContext, useSlots, version, w, warn$1 as warn, watch, watchEffect, watchPostEffect, watchSyncEffect, withAsyncContext, withCtx, withDefaults, withDirectives, withModifiers, withScopeId };
......@@ -4729,4 +4729,4 @@ function createVueApp(rootComponent, rootProps = null) {
function withModifiers() { }
function createVNode$1() { }
export { EffectScope, Fragment, ReactiveEffect, Text, callWithAsyncErrorHandling, callWithErrorHandling, computed, createVNode$1 as createVNode, createVueApp, customRef, defineComponent, defineEmits, defineExpose, defineProps, effect, effectScope, getCurrentInstance, getCurrentScope, inject, injectHook, isInSSRComponentSetup, isProxy, isReactive, isReadonly, isRef, logError, markRaw, mergeDefaults, mergeProps, nextTick, onActivated, onBeforeMount, onBeforeUnmount, onBeforeUpdate, onDeactivated, onErrorCaptured, onMounted, onRenderTracked, onRenderTriggered, onScopeDispose, onUnmounted, onUpdated, patch, provide, proxyRefs, queuePostFlushCb, reactive, readonly, ref, resolveComponent, resolveDirective, resolveFilter, shallowReactive, shallowReadonly, shallowRef, stop, toHandlers, toRaw, toRef, toRefs, triggerRef, unref, useAttrs, useSSRContext, useSlots, version, warn$1 as warn, watch, watchEffect, watchPostEffect, watchSyncEffect, withAsyncContext, withCtx, withDefaults, withDirectives, withModifiers, withScopeId };
export { EffectScope, Fragment, ReactiveEffect, Text, callWithAsyncErrorHandling, callWithErrorHandling, computed, createVNode$1 as createVNode, createVueApp, customRef, defineComponent, defineEmits, defineExpose, defineProps, effect, effectScope, getCurrentInstance, getCurrentScope, inject, injectHook, isInSSRComponentSetup, isProxy, isReactive, isReadonly, isRef, logError, markRaw, mergeDefaults, mergeProps, nextTick, onActivated, onBeforeMount, onBeforeUnmount, onBeforeUpdate, onDeactivated, onErrorCaptured, onMounted, onRenderTracked, onRenderTriggered, onScopeDispose, onUnmounted, onUpdated, patch, provide, proxyRefs, queuePostFlushCb, reactive, readonly, ref, resolveComponent, resolveDirective, resolveFilter, setCurrentRenderingInstance, shallowReactive, shallowReadonly, shallowRef, stop, toHandlers, toRaw, toRef, toRefs, triggerRef, unref, useAttrs, useSSRContext, useSlots, version, warn$1 as warn, watch, watchEffect, watchPostEffect, watchSyncEffect, withAsyncContext, withCtx, withDefaults, withDirectives, withModifiers, withScopeId };
import type { ComponentInternalInstance } from 'vue'
import { patch, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
import { patch, getCurrentInstance, setCurrentRenderingInstance } from 'vue'
export interface ScopedSlotInvokers {
[vueId: string]: ScopedSlotInvoker
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ export function withScopedSlot(
vueId: string
) {
fn.path = path
const instance = getCurrentInstance() as ComponentInternalInstance
fn.path = path
const scopedSlots = ((instance as any).$ssi ||
(((instance as any).$ssi as ScopedSlotInvokers) = {})) as ScopedSlotInvokers
const invoker =
......@@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ function createScopedSlotInvoker(instance: ComponentInternalInstance) {
// 循环第一个 slot 时,重置 data
slot.data = {}
// 确保当前 slot 的上下文,类似 withCtx
const prevInstance = setCurrentRenderingInstance(instance)
slot.data[key] = slot.fn(args, key, slotName + (hasKey ? '-' + key : ''))
// TODO 简单的 forceUpdate,理论上,可以仅对 scoped slot 部分数据 diff 更新
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