showActionSheet.uts 3.7 KB
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import { UIPopoverArrowDirection , UIDevice , UIUserInterfaceIdiom, CGRect, UIInterfaceOrientationMask } from "UIKit"
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import { UTSiOS } from "DCloudUTSFoundation"
import { DispatchQueue } from 'Dispatch';
import { DCActionSheetController, DCAlertAction, DCAlertActionStyle } from "DCloudAlertController" assert { type: "implementationOnly" };
import { ShowActionSheetOptions, ShowActionSheetSuccess, ShowActionSheetFail } from '../interface.uts'
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import { PromptErrorImpl } from "../unierror.uts"
// #ifdef UNI-APP-X
import { UniSDKEngine } from "DCloudUniappRuntime"
// #endif

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export function actionSheet(options : ShowActionSheetOptions) {
	const itemList = options.itemList!
	if (itemList.length < 1) {
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		let res = new PromptErrorImpl(1001, "showActionSheet:fail parameter error: parameter.itemList should have at least 1 item");
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	 * 元素个数不能超过6个
	if(options.itemList.count > 6){
		let res = new PromptErrorImpl(1001, "showActionSheet:fail parameter error: itemList should not be large than 6");
		return ;
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	// uts方法默认会在子线程中执行,涉及 UI 操作必须在主线程中运行,通过 DispatchQueue.main.async 方法可将代码在主线程中运行
	DispatchQueue.main.async(execute = () : void => {
		// 初始化actionSheet的实例
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		let supportedInterfaceOrientations : UIInterfaceOrientationMask | null = null
		// #ifdef UNI-APP-X
		supportedInterfaceOrientations = UniSDKEngine.shared.getAppManager()?.getCurrentApp()?.appConfig.supportedInterfaceOrientations
		// #endif
		let actionSheet = DCActionSheetController.init(noticeTitle = options.title ?? "", supportedInterfaceOrientations = supportedInterfaceOrientations)
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		// 创建普通按钮
		itemList.forEach((item : string, index : number) => {
			let action = DCAlertAction.init(title = item, style = DCAlertActionStyle.defaultStyle, handler = (action: DCAlertAction): void => {
				// 点击按钮的回调方法
				const res: ShowActionSheetSuccess = {
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					tapIndex: index,
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			if (options.itemColor != null) {
				const color = UTSiOS.colorWithString(options.itemColor!)
				action.titleColor = color
		let cancelAction = DCAlertAction.init(title = "取消", style = DCAlertActionStyle.cancelStyle, handler = (action: DCAlertAction): void => {
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				// 点击按钮的回调方法
				let res = new PromptErrorImpl(1, "showActionSheet:fail cancel");
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		if (options.itemColor != null) {
			const color = UTSiOS.colorWithString(options.itemColor!)
			cancelAction.titleColor = color
		// 判断是否设置popover
		const isPad = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.pad
		if (options.popover != null && isPad == true) {
			let popoverController = actionSheet.popoverPresentationController
			if (popoverController != null) {
				let sourceView = UTSiOS.getCurrentViewController().view
				if (sourceView != null) {
					let sourceRect = CGRect(x = options.popover!.left.toDouble(), y = options.popover!.top.toDouble(), width = options.popover!.width.toDouble(), height = options.popover!.height.toDouble())
					if (options.popover!.height == -1) {
						sourceRect = CGRect(x = sourceView!.bounds.midX, y = sourceView!.bounds.maxY, width = 1.0, height = 1.0)
					popoverController!.sourceView = sourceView
					popoverController!.sourceRect = sourceRect
					popoverController!.permittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection.any