提交 9aa672ec 编写于 作者: 雪洛's avatar 雪洛

fix: image src error

上级 7d910b25
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
<view v-if="isShowPhotoBtn" @tap="uploadImage">
<slot name="photo" v-if="$slots.photo" />
<image v-else src="uni_modules/uni-id-pages/static/limeClipper/photo.svg" />
<image v-else src="./images/photo.svg" />
<view v-if="isShowRotateBtn" @tap="rotate">
<slot name="rotate" v-if="$slots.rotate" />
<image v-else src="uni_modules/uni-id-pages/static/limeClipper/rotate.svg" data-type="inverse" />
<image v-else src="./images/rotate.svg" data-type="inverse" />
<view v-if="isShowConfirmBtn" @tap="confirm">
<slot name="confirm" v-if="$slots.confirm" />
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