提交 f1d0c7b2 编写于 作者: DCloud-yinjiacheng's avatar DCloud-yinjiacheng


上级 e7d677d8
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
<input type="file" accept="image/*" multiple />
<p style="font-size: 14px;">普通input</p>
<input placeholder="底部输入框"/>
<a href="https://web-ext-storage.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/pkg/hello-uniappx.apk" download>hello uni-app x apk下载(自动化测试使用)</a>
<!-- uni 的 SDK -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="uni.webview.1.5.5.js"></script>
......@@ -70,6 +70,38 @@ describe('component-native-image', () => {
it('test event load', async () => {
await page.setData({
autoTest: true,
imageSrc: 'https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/contentType/image/png'
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventLoad');
expect(await page.data('eventLoad')).toEqual({
tagName: 'IMAGE',
type: 'load',
width: 10,
height: 10
it('test event error', async () => {
await page.setData({
imageSrc: 'https://request.dcloud.net.cn/api/http/contentType/404.png'
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventError');
expect(await page.data('eventError')).toEqual({
tagName: 'IMAGE',
type: 'error'
await page.setData({
autoTest: false
it('path-screenshot', async () => {
const page = await program.navigateTo('/pages/component/image/image-path');
await page.waitFor(3000);
......@@ -34,16 +34,33 @@
// 自动化测试
autoTest: false,
setCookieImage: "",
verifyCookieImage: ""
verifyCookieImage: "",
eventLoad: null,
eventError: null
methods: {
error(event : ImageErrorEvent) {
this.loadError = true
console.log(event.type, event.detail);
console.log(event.type, event.detail);
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventError = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
// "errMsg": event.detail.errMsg
load(event : ImageLoadEvent) {
console.log(event.type, event.detail);
console.log(event.type, event.detail);
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventLoad = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
"width": event.detail.width,
"height": event.detail.height
imageFormat() {
......@@ -30,17 +30,143 @@ describe('component-native-video', () => {
it('test local source', async () => {
await page.callMethod('downloadSource');
await page.waitFor(5000);
expect(await page.data('isError')).toBe(false);
await page.setData({
localSrc: '/static/test-video/2minute-demo.m3u8'
await page.waitFor(100);
expect(await page.data('isError')).toBe(false);
await page.setData({
autoTest: false
await page.setData({
autoTest: true,
isError: false
await page.callMethod('downloadSource');
await page.waitFor(5000);
expect(await page.data('isError')).toBe(false);
await page.setData({
localSrc: '/static/test-video/2minute-demo.m3u8'
await page.waitFor(100);
expect(await page.data('isError')).toBe(false);
await page.setData({
autoTest: false
it('test event play pause', async () => {
await page.setData({
autoTest: true
await page.callMethod('play');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventPlay');
expect(await page.data('eventPlay')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'play'
await page.callMethod('pause');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventPause');
expect(await page.data('eventPause')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'pause'
await page.callMethod('play');
it('test event waiting progress timeupdate', async () => {
await page.setData({
pos: 10
await page.callMethod('seek');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventWaiting');
expect(await page.data('eventWaiting')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'waiting'
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventProgress');
expect(await page.data('eventProgress')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'progress',
buffered: 100
await page.waitFor(250);
expect(await page.data('eventTimeupdate')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'timeupdate',
currentTime: 10,
duration: 121
it('test event fullscreenchange fullscreenclick controlstoggle', async () => {
await page.callMethod('requestFullScreen');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventFullscreenchange');
expect(await page.data('eventFullscreenchange')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'fullscreenchange',
fullScreen: true,
direction: 'horizontal'
if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('android')) {
const res = await program.adbCommand('wm size');
const width = res.data.split(' ').at(-1).split('x')[0]
const height = res.data.split(' ').at(-1).split('x')[1]
const res2 = await program.adbCommand('wm density');
const scale = res2.data.split(' ').at(-1) / 160;
await page.waitFor(100);
await program.adbCommand(`input tap ${parseInt(height / 2)} ${parseInt(width / 2)}`);
await page.waitFor(100);
expect(await page.data('eventControlstoggle')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'controlstoggle',
show: false
expect(await page.data('eventFullscreenclick')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'fullscreenclick',
screenX: parseInt(height / 2 / scale),
screenY: parseInt(width / 2 / scale),
screenWidth: parseInt(height / scale),
screenHeight: parseInt(width / scale)
await page.callMethod('exitFullScreen');
it('test event ended', async () => {
await page.setData({
pos: 120
await page.callMethod('seek');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventEnded');
expect(await page.data('eventEnded')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'ended'
it('test event error', async () => {
const oldSrc = await page.data('src');
await page.setData({
src: 'invalid url'
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventError');
expect(await page.data('eventError')).toEqual({
tagName: 'VIDEO',
type: 'error',
errCode: 300001
await page.setData({
autoTest: false,
src: oldSrc
it('test format', async () => {
......@@ -174,7 +174,17 @@
isPlaying: false,
isPause: false,
isError: false,
localSrc: ''
localSrc: 'https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/video/sample/2minute-demo.mp4',
eventPlay: null,
eventPause: null,
eventEnded: null,
eventTimeupdate: null,
eventFullscreenchange: null,
eventWaiting: null,
eventError: null,
eventProgress: null,
eventFullscreenclick: null,
eventControlstoggle: null
onLoad() {
......@@ -362,36 +372,107 @@
this.isPlaying = true;
this.isPause = false;
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventPlay = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type
onPause: function (res : UniEvent) {
this.isPlaying = false;
this.isPause = true;
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventPause = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type
onEnded: function (res : UniEvent) {
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventEnded = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type
onTimeUpdate: function (res : UniVideoTimeUpdateEvent) {
console.log(res.type + " -> " + JSON.stringify(res.detail));
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventTimeupdate = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type,
"currentTime": Math.round(res.detail.currentTime),
"duration": res.detail.duration.toInt()
onFullScreenChange: function (res : UniVideoFullScreenChangeEvent) {
console.log(res.type + " -> " + JSON.stringify(res.detail));
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventFullscreenchange = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type,
"fullScreen": res.detail.fullScreen,
"direction": res.detail.direction
onWaiting: function (res : UniEvent) {
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventWaiting = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type
onError: function (res : UniVideoErrorEvent) {
console.log(res.type + " -> " + JSON.stringify(res.detail));
this.isError = true;
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventError = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type,
"errCode": res.detail.errCode
onProgress: function (res : UniVideoProgressEvent) {
console.log(res.type + " -> " + JSON.stringify(res.detail));
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventProgress = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type,
"buffered": res.detail.buffered
onFullScreenClick: function (res : UniVideoFullScreenClickEvent) {
console.log(res.type + " -> " + JSON.stringify(res.detail));
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventFullscreenclick = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type,
"screenX": res.detail.screenX.toInt(),
"screenY": res.detail.screenY.toInt(),
"screenWidth": res.detail.screenWidth.toInt(),
"screenHeight": res.detail.screenHeight.toInt()
onControlsToggle: function (res : UniVideoControlsToggleEvent) {
console.log(res.type + " -> " + JSON.stringify(res.detail));
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventControlstoggle = {
"tagName": res.target?.tagName,
"type": res.type,
"show": res.detail.show
// 自动化测试
downloadSource() {
......@@ -399,7 +480,6 @@
url: 'https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/video/sample/2minute-demo.mp4',
success: (res) => {
this.localSrc = res.tempFilePath;
this.autoTest = true;
fail: (_) => {
this.isError = true;
// uni-app自动化测试教程: uni-app自动化测试教程: https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/worktile/auto/hbuilderx-extension/
describe('component-native-web-view', () => {
let page;
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.reLaunch('/pages/component/web-view-local/web-view-local');
await page.waitFor(1000);
if (!process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('web') && !process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW) {
let page;
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.reLaunch('/pages/component/web-view-local/web-view-local');
await page.waitFor(1000);
it('check_load_url', async () => {
expect(await page.data('loadError')).toBe(false)
it('check_load_url', async () => {
expect(await page.data('loadError')).toBe(false)
it('screenshot', async () => {
if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('android') && !process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW) {
it('screenshot', async () => {
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('loadFinish') === true;
......@@ -20,6 +20,59 @@ describe('component-native-web-view', () => {
fullPage: true
it('test event download', async () => {
await page.setData({
autoTest: true
await page.callMethod('testEventDownload');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventDownload');
if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('ios')) {
expect(await page.data('eventDownload')).toEqual({
tagName: 'WEB-VIEW',
type: 'download',
url: 'https://web-ext-storage.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/pkg/hello-uniappx.apk',
userAgent: `uni-app-x/${process.env.HX_Version.split('-')[0].split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')}`,
contentDisposition: '',
mimetype: 'application/vnd.android.package-archive',
contentLength: 27317517
expect(await page.data('eventDownload')).toEqual({
tagName: 'WEB-VIEW',
type: 'download',
url: 'https://web-ext-storage.dcloud.net.cn/uni-app-x/pkg/hello-uniappx.apk',
userAgent: `uni-app-x/${process.env.HX_Version.split('-')[0].split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')}`,
contentDisposition: `attachment; filename="hello-uniappx.apk"; filename*=utf-8''hello-uniappx.apk`,
mimetype: 'application/vnd.android.package-archive',
contentLength: 27317517
it('test event message', async () => {
await page.callMethod('testEventMessage');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventMessage');
expect(await page.data('eventMessage')).toEqual({
tagName: 'WEB-VIEW',
type: 'message',
data: [{
action: 'message'
await page.setData({
autoTest: false
} else {
// TODO: web 端暂不支持
it('web', async () => {
\ No newline at end of file
<web-view ref="web-view" class="web-view" src="/hybrid/html/local.html" @message="message" @error="error"
@loading="loading" @load="load">
<web-view id="web-view" ref="web-view" class="web-view" src="/hybrid/html/local.html" @message="message" @error="error"
@loading="loading" @load="load" @download="download">
......@@ -9,12 +9,16 @@
data() {
return {
loadError: false,
loadFinish: false
loadFinish: false,
// 自动化测试
autoTest: false,
eventMessage: null,
eventDownload: null
methods: {
message(event : UniWebViewMessageEvent) {
let contentStr = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
<!-- #ifdef APP-IOS -->
contentStr = JSON.stringify(event.detail.data[0]);
......@@ -23,17 +27,46 @@
content: contentStr,
showCancel: false
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventMessage = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
"data": event.detail.data
error(event : UniWebViewErrorEvent) {
this.loadError = true
loading(event : UniWebViewLoadingEvent) {
load(event : UniWebViewLoadEvent) {
this.loadFinish = true;
download(event : UniWebViewDownloadEvent) {
if (this.autoTest) {
const arr = event.detail.userAgent.split(' ');
this.eventDownload = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
"url": event.detail.url,
"userAgent": arr[arr.length - 1],
"contentDisposition": event.detail.contentDisposition,
"mimetype": event.detail.mimetype,
"contentLength": event.detail.contentLength.toInt()
// 自动化测试
testEventDownload() {
testEventMessage() {
// uni-app自动化测试教程: uni-app自动化测试教程: https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/worktile/auto/hbuilderx-extension/
describe('component-native-web-view', () => {
if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('android') && !process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW) {
if (!process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('web') && !process.env.UNI_AUTOMATOR_APP_WEBVIEW) {
let page;
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.reLaunch('/pages/component/web-view/web-view');
......@@ -11,6 +11,50 @@ describe('component-native-web-view', () => {
it('check_load_url', async () => {
expect(await page.data('loadError')).toBe(false)
it('test event loading load', async () => {
await page.setData({
autoTest: true
await page.callMethod('reload');
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventLoading');
expect(await page.data('eventLoading')).toEqual({
tagName: 'WEB-VIEW',
type: 'loading',
src: 'https://www.dcloud.io/'
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventLoad');
expect(await page.data('eventLoad')).toEqual({
tagName: 'WEB-VIEW',
type: 'load',
src: 'https://www.dcloud.io/'
it('test event error', async () => {
await page.setData({
src: 'https://www.dclou.io/uni-app-x'
await page.waitFor(async () => {
return await page.data('eventError');
expect(await page.data('eventError')).toEqual({
tagName: 'WEB-VIEW',
type: 'error',
errCode: 100002,
errMsg: 'page error',
url: 'https://www.dclou.io',
fullUrl: 'https://www.dclou.io/uni-app-x',
src: 'https://www.dclou.io/uni-app-x'
await page.setData({
autoTest: false
} else {
// TODO: web 端暂不支持
it('web', async () => {
......@@ -50,7 +50,12 @@
webviewContext: null as WebviewContext | null,
loadError: false,
horizontalScrollBarAccess: true,
verticalScrollBarAccess: true
verticalScrollBarAccess: true,
// 自动化测试
autoTest: false,
eventLoading: null,
eventLoad: null,
eventError: null
onReady() {
......@@ -76,27 +81,51 @@
this.webviewContext?.evalJS("alert('hello uni-app x')");
message(event : UniWebViewMessageEvent) {
error(event : UniWebViewErrorEvent) {
this.loadError = true
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventError = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
"errCode": event.detail.errCode,
"errMsg": event.detail.errMsg,
"url": event.detail.url,
"fullUrl": event.detail.fullUrl,
"src": event.detail.src
loading(event : UniWebViewLoadingEvent) {
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventLoading = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
"src": event.detail.src
load(event : UniWebViewLoadEvent) {
if (this.autoTest) {
this.eventLoad = {
"tagName": event.target?.tagName,
"type": event.type,
"src": event.detail.src
download(event : UniWebViewDownloadEvent) {
content: "下载链接: " + event.detail.url + "\n文件大小: " + event.detail.contentLength / 1024 + "KB",
showCancel: false
confirm(event : UniInputConfirmEvent) {
let url = event.detail.value;
if (!url.startsWith('https://') && !url.startsWith('http://')) {
url = 'https://' + url;
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