提交 ba8ba63b 编写于 作者: H hdx 提交者: 雪洛

test(switch): 增加 event / target / tagName 验证

上级 3d039a75
......@@ -6,22 +6,6 @@ describe('switch', () => {
page = await program.reLaunch(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor(500)
// it('click', async () => {
// const switch_element = await page.$('.switch-checked')
// const switch_element_value = await page.$('.switch-checked-value')
// expect(await switch_element_value.text()).toBe('true')
// await page.waitFor(200)
// await switch_element.tap()
// await page.waitFor(200)
// expect(await switch_element_value.text()).toBe('false')
// await switch_element.tap()
// await page.waitFor(200)
// expect(await switch_element_value.text()).toBe('true')
// })
it('checked', async () => {
const switch_element = await page.$('.switch-checked')
......@@ -53,4 +37,16 @@ describe('switch', () => {
await page.waitFor(100)
expect(await switch_element.attribute('color')).toBe(color)
it('click', async () => {
// TODO 暂时通过获取组件内部的 class 触发模拟点击
const switchElement = await page.$('.uni-switch-input')
await switchElement.tap()
await page.waitFor(200)
const {
} = await page.data()
......@@ -39,13 +39,17 @@
title: 'switch 开关',
checked: true,
color: '#FFCC33',
clickCheckedValue: true
clickCheckedValue: true,
testVerifyEvent: false,
methods: {
switch1Change: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {
this.clickCheckedValue = e.detail.value
console.log('switch1 发生 change 事件,携带值为', e.detail.value)
// 仅测试
this.testVerifyEvent = (e.type == 'change' && (e.target?.tagName ?? '') == "SWITCH")
switch2Change: function (e : UniSwitchChangeEvent) {
console.log('switch2 发生 change 事件,携带值为', e.detail.value)
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