提交 9934166d 编写于 作者: DCloud-WZF's avatar DCloud-WZF 💬

refactor: 迁移 globalData & globalProperties 示例到 hello-uvue

上级 769e8be3
......@@ -3,23 +3,6 @@
let firstBackTime = 0
export default {
globalData: {
str: 'default globalData str',
num: 0,
bool: false,
obj: {
str: 'default globalData obj str',
num: 0,
bool: false,
null: null as string | null,
arr: [] as number[],
mySet: new Set<string>(),
myMap: new Map<string, any>(),
func: () : string => {
return 'globalData func'
onLaunch: function () {
// 自动化测试
setLifeCycleNum(state.lifeCycleNum + 1000)
import App from './App.uvue'
import { createSSRApp, reactive } from 'vue'
import { createSSRApp } from 'vue'
export function createApp() {
const app = createSSRApp(App)
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesStr = 'default string'
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesNum = 0
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesBool = false
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesObj = {
str: 'default globalProperties obj string',
num: 0,
bool: false,
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesNull = null as string | null
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesArr = [] as number[]
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesSet = new Set<string>()
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesMap = new Map<string, number>()
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesReactiveObj = reactive({
str: 'default reactive string',
num: 0,
bool: false,
} as UTSJSONObject)
app.config.globalProperties.globalPropertiesFn = function () : string {
console.log('this.globalPropertiesStr', this.globalPropertiesStr)
console.log('this.globalPropertiesNum', this.globalPropertiesNum)
return `globalPropertiesStr: ${this.globalPropertiesStr}, globalPropertiesNum: ${this.globalPropertiesNum}`
return {
......@@ -574,13 +574,6 @@
"enablePullDownRefresh": false
"path": "pages/API/globalProperties/globalProperties",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "globalProperties",
"enablePullDownRefresh": false
"path": "pages/API/get-univerify-manager/get-univerify-manager",
"style": {
......@@ -6,36 +6,6 @@ describe('getApp', () => {
page = await program.navigateTo(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor('view')
it('globalData', async () => {
await page.callMethod('getGlobalData')
let data = await page.data()
expect(data.originGlobalData.str).toBe('default globalData str')
bool: false,
num: 0,
str: 'default globalData obj str',
expect(data.originGlobalDataFuncRes).toBe('globalData func')
await page.callMethod('setGlobalData')
data = await page.data()
expect(data.newGlobalData.str).toBe('new globalData str')
bool: true,
num: 200,
str: 'new globalData obj str',
expect(data.newGlobalData.arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
expect(data.newGlobalData.mySet).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'])
expect(data.newGlobalData.myMap).toEqual({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})
expect(data.newGlobalDataFuncRes).toBe('new globalData func')
it('method', async () => {
const oldLifeCycleNum = await page.data('lifeCycleNum')
await page.callMethod('_increasetLifeCycleNum')
......@@ -5,33 +5,6 @@
<page-head title="getApp"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap">
<button @click="getGlobalData">get globalData</button>
<template v-if="originGlobalData.str.length">
<text class="uni-common-mt bold">初始的 globalData:</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData string: {{ originGlobalData.str }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData number: {{ originGlobalData.num }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData boolean: {{ originGlobalData.bool }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData object: {{ originGlobalData.obj }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData null: {{ originGlobalData.null }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData array: {{ originGlobalData.arr }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData Set: {{ originGlobalData.mySet }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData Map: {{ originGlobalData.myMap }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData func 返回值: {{ originGlobalDataFuncRes }}</text>
<button @click="setGlobalData" class="uni-common-mt">set globalData</button>
<template v-if="newGlobalData.bool">
<text class="uni-common-mt bold">更新后的 globalData:</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData string: {{ newGlobalData.str }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData number: {{ newGlobalData.num }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData boolean: {{ newGlobalData.bool }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData object: {{ newGlobalData.obj }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData null: {{ newGlobalData.null }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData array: {{ newGlobalData.arr }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData Set: {{ newGlobalData.mySet }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData Map: {{ newGlobalData.myMap }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalData func 返回值: {{ newGlobalDataFuncRes }}</text>
<view class="uni-common-mt hr"></view>
<text class="uni-common-mt">点击按钮调用 App.uvue methods</text>
<text class="margin-top:6px;">increasetLifeCycleNum 方法</text>
<button class="uni-common-mt" @click="_increasetLifeCycleNum">
......@@ -46,54 +19,11 @@
<script lang="uts">
type MyGlobalData = {
str : string,
num : number,
bool : boolean,
obj : UTSJSONObject,
null : string | null,
arr : number[],
mySet : string[],
myMap : UTSJSONObject,
func : () => string
import { state, setLifeCycleNum } from '@/store/index.uts'
export default {
data() {
return {
originGlobalData: {
str: '',
num: 0,
bool: false,
obj: {
str: '',
num: 0,
bool: false
} as UTSJSONObject,
null: null,
arr: [] as number[],
mySet: [] as string[],
myMap: {},
func: () : string => ''
} as MyGlobalData,
originGlobalDataFuncRes: '',
newGlobalData: {
str: '',
num: 0,
bool: false,
obj: {
str: '',
num: 0,
bool: false
} as UTSJSONObject,
null: null,
arr: [] as number[],
mySet: [] as string[],
myMap: {},
func: () : string => ''
} as MyGlobalData,
newGlobalDataFuncRes: '',
lifeCycleNum: 0,
......@@ -101,61 +31,6 @@
this.lifeCycleNum = state.lifeCycleNum
methods: {
getGlobalData() {
const app = getApp()
this.originGlobalData.str = app.globalData.str
this.originGlobalData.num = app.globalData.num
this.originGlobalData.bool = app.globalData.bool
this.originGlobalData.obj = app.globalData.obj
this.originGlobalData.null = app.globalData.null
this.originGlobalData.arr = app.globalData.arr
app.globalData.mySet.forEach(value => {
app.globalData.myMap.forEach((value, key) => {
this.originGlobalData.myMap[key] = value
this.originGlobalData.func = app.globalData.func
this.originGlobalDataFuncRes = this.originGlobalData.func()
setGlobalData() {
const app = getApp()
app.globalData.str = 'new globalData str'
app.globalData.num = 100
app.globalData.bool = true
app.globalData.obj = {
str: 'new globalData obj str',
num: 200,
bool: true
app.globalData.null = 'not null'
app.globalData.arr = [1, 2, 3]
app.globalData.mySet = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c'])
app.globalData.myMap = new Map([
['a', 1],
['b', 2],
['c', 3]
app.globalData.func = () : string => {
return 'new globalData func'
this.newGlobalData.str = app.globalData.str
this.newGlobalData.num = app.globalData.num
this.newGlobalData.bool = app.globalData.bool
this.newGlobalData.obj = app.globalData.obj
this.newGlobalData.null = app.globalData.null
this.newGlobalData.arr = app.globalData.arr
app.globalData.mySet.forEach(value => {
app.globalData.myMap.forEach((value, key) => {
this.newGlobalData.myMap[key] = value
this.newGlobalData.func = app.globalData.func
this.newGlobalDataFuncRes = this.newGlobalData.func()
_increasetLifeCycleNum: function () {
const app = getApp()
const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/globalProperties/globalProperties'
describe('globalProperties', () => {
if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.startsWith('android')) {
let page = null
beforeAll(async () => {
page = await program.navigateTo(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor(500)
it('globalProperties', async () => {
let data = await page.data()
expect(data.myGlobalProperties.str).toBe('default string')
bool: false,
num: 0,
str: 'default globalProperties obj string'
str: 'default reactive string',
num: 0,
bool: false
expect(data.globalPropertiesFnRes).toBe('globalPropertiesStr: default string, globalPropertiesNum: 0')
await page.callMethod('updateGlobalProperties')
data = await page.data()
expect(data.myGlobalProperties.str).toBe('new string')
bool: true,
num: 100,
str: 'new globalProperties obj string'
expect(data.myGlobalProperties.arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
expect(data.myGlobalProperties.set).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'])
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'c': 3
str: 'new reactive string',
num: 200,
bool: true
expect(data.globalPropertiesFnRes).toBe('globalPropertiesStr: new string, globalPropertiesNum: 100')
it('screenshot', async () => {
await page.waitFor(500)
const image = await program.screenshot({
fullPage: true
} else {
// TODO: web 端暂不支持
it('web', async () => {
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<scroll-view style="flex:1;padding-bottom: 20px;">
<!-- #endif -->
<page-head title="getApp"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap">
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties string: {{ globalPropertiesStr }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties number: {{ globalPropertiesNum }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties boolean: {{ globalPropertiesBool }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties object: {{ globalPropertiesObj }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties null: {{ globalPropertiesNull }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties array: {{ globalPropertiesArr }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties set: {{ globalPropertiesSet }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties map: {{ globalPropertiesMap }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties reactiveObj.str: {{ globalPropertiesReactiveObj['str'] }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties reactiveObj.num: {{ globalPropertiesReactiveObj['num'] }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties reactiveObj.boolean: {{ globalPropertiesReactiveObj['bool'] }}</text>
<text class="uni-common-mt">globalProperties fun 返回值: {{ globalPropertiesFn() }}</text>
<button @click="updateGlobalProperties" class="uni-common-mt">update globalProperties</button>
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
<!-- #endif -->
<script lang="uts">
type MyGlobalProperties = {
str: string;
num: number;
bool: boolean;
obj: UTSJSONObject;
null: string | null;
arr: number[];
set: Set<string>;
map: Map<string, number>;
reactiveObj: UTSJSONObject;
export default {
data() {
return {
myGlobalProperties: {
str: '',
num: 0,
bool: false,
obj: {},
null: null,
arr: [],
set: new Set<string>(),
map: new Map<string, number>(),
reactiveObj: {
str: '',
num: 0,
bool: false,
} as UTSJSONObject,
} as MyGlobalProperties,
globalPropertiesFnRes: '',
bbb: 'my bbb'
onLoad() {
methods: {
getglobalProperties() {
this.myGlobalProperties.str = this.globalPropertiesStr
this.myGlobalProperties.num = this.globalPropertiesNum
this.myGlobalProperties.bool = this.globalPropertiesBool
this.myGlobalProperties.obj = this.globalPropertiesObj
this.myGlobalProperties.null = this.globalPropertiesNull
this.myGlobalProperties.arr = this.globalPropertiesArr
this.myGlobalProperties.set = this.globalPropertiesSet
this.myGlobalProperties.map = this.globalPropertiesMap
this.myGlobalProperties.reactiveObj = this.globalPropertiesReactiveObj
this.globalPropertiesFnRes = this.globalPropertiesFn()
updateGlobalProperties() {
this.globalPropertiesStr = 'new string'
this.globalPropertiesNum = 100
this.globalPropertiesBool = true
this.globalPropertiesObj = {
str: 'new globalProperties obj string',
num: 100,
bool: true,
this.globalPropertiesNull = 'not null'
this.globalPropertiesArr = [1, 2, 3]
this.globalPropertiesSet = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c'])
this.globalPropertiesMap = new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]])
this.globalPropertiesReactiveObj['str'] = 'new reactive string'
this.globalPropertiesReactiveObj['num'] = 200
this.globalPropertiesReactiveObj['bool'] = true
......@@ -66,10 +66,6 @@
name: 'getCurrentPages',
url: 'get-current-pages',
name: 'globalProperties',
url: 'globalProperties',
] as Page[],
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