提交 8e20dcc0 编写于 作者: Y yurj26

delete unpackage

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export default {
onLaunch: function() {
console.log('App Launch')
onShow: function() {
console.log('App Show')
onHide: function() {
console.log('App Hide')
export const GenAppStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["uni-padding-wrap", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "30rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "20rpx"], ["paddingRight", 0], ["paddingBottom", "20rpx"], ["paddingLeft", 0]])]])], ["uni-title-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["fontWeight", "500"]])]])], ["uni-subtitle-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", "10rpx"], ["fontSize", "24rpx"], ["color", "#888888"]])]])], ["uni-common-mb", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginBottom", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-common-pb", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingBottom", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-common-pl", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingLeft", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-common-mt", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-hello-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#7A7E83"]])]])], ["uni-list", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"], ["position", "relative"], ["display", "flex"], ["flexDirection", "column"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["position", "relative"], ["display", "flex"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "space-between"], ["alignItems", "center"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell-hover", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#eeeeee"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell-pd", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "22rpx"], ["paddingRight", "30rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "22rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell-left", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", "28rpx"], ["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "30rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "30rpx"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell-db", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flex", "1"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell-right", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flex", "1"]])]])], ["uni-label", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", "210rpx"]])]])], ["uni-input", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["height", "50rpx"], ["paddingTop", "15rpx"], ["paddingRight", "25rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "15rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "25rpx"], ["lineHeight", "50rpx"], ["fontSize", "28rpx"], ["backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"], ["flex", "1"]])]])], ["uni-flex", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["display", "flex"], ["flexDirection", "row"]])]])], ["uni-flex-item", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flex", "1"]])]])], ["uni-row", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flexDirection", "row"]])]])], ["uni-column", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flexDirection", "column"]])]])], ["uni-bg-red", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#F76260"], ["color", "#FFFFFF"]])]])], ["uni-bg-green", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#09BB07"], ["color", "#FFFFFF"]])]])], ["uni-bg-blue", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#007AFF"], ["color", "#FFFFFF"]])]])], ["uni-btn-v", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "10rpx"], ["paddingRight", 0], ["paddingBottom", "10rpx"], ["paddingLeft", 0]])]])], ["uni-btn", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", "20rpx"]])]])], ["uni-link", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#576B95"], ["fontSize", "26rpx"]])]])], ["uni-center", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["uni-textarea-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#ffffff"]])]])], ["uni-textarea", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "18rpx"], ["paddingRight", "18rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "18rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "18rpx"], ["lineHeight", 1.6], ["fontSize", "28rpx"]])]])], ["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#7A7E83"], ["fontSize", 14], ["lineHeight", 20]])]])]])]
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
name: "page-head",
props: {
title: {
type: String,
default: ""
const GenComponentsPageHeadPageHeadStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])]])]
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenComponentsPageHeadPageHeadRender(_ctx: GenComponentsPageHeadPageHead): VNode | null {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "common-page-head"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "common-page-head-title-box"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "common-page-head-title"]]), toDisplayString(_ctx.title), 1 /* TEXT */)
\ No newline at end of file
* @description u-link是一个外部网页超链接组件,在小程序内打开内部web-view组件或复制url,在app内打开外部浏览器,在h5端打开新网页
* @property {String} href 点击后打开的外部网页url,小程序中必须以https://开头
* @property {String} text 显示的文字
* @property {Boolean} inWhiteList 是否在小程序白名单中,如果在的话,在小程序端会直接打开内置web-view,否则会只会复制url,提示在外部打开
* @example * <u-link href="https://ext.dcloud.net.cn" text="https://ext.dcloud.net.cn" :inWhiteList="true"></u-link>
export default {
name: 'u-link',
props: {
href: {
type: String,
default: ''
text: {
type: String,
default: ''
inWhiteList: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
methods: {
openURL() {
// plus.runtime.openURL(this.href) //这里默认使用外部浏览器打开而不是内部web-view组件打开
const GenComponentsULinkULinkStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#7A7E83"], ["fontSize", 14], ["lineHeight", 20]])]])]])]
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenComponentsULinkULinkRender(_ctx: GenComponentsULinkULink): VNode | null {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-row"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "text"],
["href", _ctx.href],
["onClick", _ctx.openURL],
["inWhiteList", _ctx.inWhiteList]
]), toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 9 /* TEXT, PROPS */, ["href", "onClick", "inWhiteList"])
\ No newline at end of file
import App from './App'
import PageHead from './components/page-head/page-head'
import ULink from './components/u-link/u-link'
import { createSSRApp } from 'vue'
export function createApp() {
const app = createSSRApp(App)
app.component('page-head', PageHead)
app.component('u-link', ULink)
return {
export function main(app: IApp) {
(createApp()['app'] as VueApp).mount(app);
import "io.dcloud.uniapp.appframe.AppConfig"
export class UniAppConfig extends AppConfig {
override name: string = "hello-uniapp x"
override appid: string = "__UNI__4517034"
override versionName: string = "1.0.0"
override versionCode: string = "100"
constructor() {}
export * from './App.vue.style.uts'
import GenPagesTabBarComponentComponentClass from './pages/tabBar/component/component.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentViewViewClass from './pages/component/view/view.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentScrollViewScrollViewClass from './pages/component/scroll-view/scroll-view.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentTextTextClass from './pages/component/text/text.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentProgressProgressClass from './pages/component/progress/progress.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentButtonButtonClass from './pages/component/button/button.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentRadioRadioClass from './pages/component/radio/radio.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentCheckboxCheckboxClass from './pages/component/checkbox/checkbox.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentInputInputClass from './pages/component/input/input.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentTextareaTextareaClass from './pages/component/textarea/textarea.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesComponentImageImageClass from './pages/component/image/image.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesTabBarAPIAPIClass from './pages/tabBar/API/API.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesAPINavigatorNavigatorClass from './pages/API/navigator/navigator.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage1Class from './pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-1.uvue?type=page'
import GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage2Class from './pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-2.uvue?type=page'
function definePageRoutes() {
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/tabBar/component/component", component: GenPagesTabBarComponentComponentClass, meta: { isQuit: true } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","内置组件"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/view/view", component: GenPagesComponentViewViewClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","view"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/scroll-view/scroll-view", component: GenPagesComponentScrollViewScrollViewClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","scroll-view"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/text/text", component: GenPagesComponentTextTextClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","text"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/progress/progress", component: GenPagesComponentProgressProgressClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","progress"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/button/button", component: GenPagesComponentButtonButtonClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","button"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/radio/radio", component: GenPagesComponentRadioRadioClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","radio"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/checkbox/checkbox", component: GenPagesComponentCheckboxCheckboxClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","checkbox"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/input/input", component: GenPagesComponentInputInputClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","input"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/textarea/textarea", component: GenPagesComponentTextareaTextareaClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","textarea"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/component/image/image", component: GenPagesComponentImageImageClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","image"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/tabBar/API/API", component: GenPagesTabBarAPIAPIClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","接口"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/API/navigator/navigator", component: GenPagesAPINavigatorNavigatorClass, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","页面跳转"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-1", component: GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage1Class, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","新UVUE页面1"]]) } as PageRoute)
__uniRoutes.push({ path: "pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-2", component: GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage2Class, meta: { isQuit: false } as PageMeta, style: new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTitleText","新UVUE页面2"]]) } as PageRoute)
function defineAppConfig(){
__uniConfig.entryPagePath = '/pages/tabBar/component/component'
__uniConfig.globalStyle = new Map<string, any>([["navigationBarTextStyle","black"],["navigationBarTitleText","uni-app"],["navigationBarBackgroundColor","#F8F8F8"],["backgroundColor","#F8F8F8"]])
__uniConfig.tabBar = null
'use strict';
const main = 'main.uts';
module.exports = main;
const preloadPageUrl = '/pages/extUI/calendar/calendar'
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'navigate'
methods: {
navigateTo() {
url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-1?data=Hello'
navigateBack() {
delta: 1
redirectTo() {
url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-1?data=Hello'
switchTab() {
url: '/pages/tabBar/template/template'
reLaunch() {
// if (this.hasLeftWin) {
// uni.reLaunch({
// url: '/pages/component/view/view'
// });
// return;
// }
url: '/pages/tabBar/component/component'
customAnimation() {
url: '/pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-1?data=使用自定义动画打开页面',
animationType: 'slide-in-bottom',
animationDuration: 200
preloadPage() {
icon: 'none',
title: '暂不支持'
// uni.preloadPage({
// url: preloadPageUrl,
// success(){
// uni.showToast({
// title:'页面预载成功'
// })
// },
// fail(){
// uni.showToast({
// title:'页面预载失败'
// })
// }
// })
unPreloadPage() {
icon: 'none',
title: '暂不支持'
// uni.unPreloadPage({
// url: preloadPageUrl
// })
navigateToPreloadPage() {
url: preloadPageUrl
const GenPagesAPINavigatorNavigatorStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesAPINavigatorNavigatorRender(_ctx: GenPagesAPINavigatorNavigator): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
const _component_button = resolveComponent("button")
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-btn-v"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.navigateTo],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["跳转新页面,并传递数据"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.navigateBack],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["返回上一页"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.redirectTo],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["在当前页面打开"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createCommentVNode(" <button @tap=\"switchTab\" class=\"uni-btn\">切换到模板选项卡</button> "),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.reLaunch],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["关闭所有页面,打开首页"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.customAnimation],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["使用自定义动画打开页面"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.preloadPage],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["预载复杂页面"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.unPreloadPage],
["class", "uni-btn"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["取消页面预载"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createCommentVNode(" <button @tap=\"navigateToPreloadPage\" class=\"uni-btn\">打开复杂页面</button> ")
\ No newline at end of file
import { State, state, setColorIndex } from '@/store/index.uts'
export default {
data() {
return {
data: '',
stateData: state as State
methods: {
changeColor() {
setColorIndex(state.colorIndex > 1 ? 0 : state.colorIndex + 1)
navToUvue() {
url: 'pages/API/navigator/new-page/new-uvue-page-2'
navToVue() {
icon: 'none',
title: '暂不支持'
// uni.navigateTo({
// url:'new-vue-page-2'
// })
onLoad(e: Map<string, string>) {
// TODO 类型后续会做调整
this.data = e['data']!
const GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage1Styles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["new-page__text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", 14], ["color", "#666666"]])]])], ["root", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flexDirection", "column"]])]])], ["page-body", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flex", "1"], ["flexDirection", "column"], ["justifyContent", "flex-start"], ["alignItems", "center"], ["paddingTop", 50]])]])], ["new-page__text-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 20], ["paddingRight", 20], ["paddingBottom", 20], ["paddingLeft", 20]])]])], ["new-page__color", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", 200], ["height", 100], ["justifyContent", "center"], ["alignItems", "center"]])]])], ["new-page__color-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", 14], ["color", "#FFFFFF"], ["lineHeight", 30], ["textAlign", "center"]])]])], ["new-page__button-item", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", 15], ["width", 300]])]])]])]
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage1Render(_ctx: GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage1): VNode | null {
const _component_button = resolveComponent("button")
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "root"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "page-body"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text-box"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text"]]), "从上个页面接收到参数:" + toDisplayString(_ctx.data), 1 /* TEXT */)
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "new-page__color"],
["onClick", _ctx.changeColor],
["style", normalizeStyle({backgroundColor:_ctx.stateData.currentColor})]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__color-text"]]), "点击改变颜色")
], 12 /* STYLE, PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text-box"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text"]]), "点击上方色块在页面之间进行通讯")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__button"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "new-page__button-item"],
["onClick", _ctx.navToUvue]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["跳转UVUE页面"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "new-page__button-item"],
["onClick", _ctx.navToVue]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["跳转VUE页面"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"])
\ No newline at end of file
import {
} from '@/store/index.uts'
export default {
data() {
return {
data: '',
stateData: state as State
methods: {
setColor() {
setColorIndex(state.colorIndex > 1 ? 0 : state.colorIndex + 1)
const GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage2Styles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["new-page__text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", 14], ["color", "#666666"]])]])], ["root", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flexDirection", "column"]])]])], ["page-body", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["flex", "1"], ["flexDirection", "column"], ["justifyContent", "flex-start"], ["alignItems", "center"], ["paddingTop", 50]])]])], ["new-page__text-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 20], ["paddingRight", 20], ["paddingBottom", 20], ["paddingLeft", 20]])]])], ["new-page__color", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", 200], ["height", 100], ["justifyContent", "center"], ["alignItems", "center"]])]])], ["new-page__color-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", 14], ["color", "#FFFFFF"], ["lineHeight", 30], ["textAlign", "center"]])]])], ["new-page__button-item", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", 15], ["width", 300]])]])]])]
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage2Render(_ctx: GenPagesAPINavigatorNewPageNewUvuePage2): VNode | null {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "root"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "page-body"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text-box"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text"]]), "新UVUE页面2")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "new-page__color"],
["onClick", _ctx.setColor],
["style", normalizeStyle({backgroundColor: _ctx.stateData.currentColor})]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__color-text"]]), "点击改变颜色")
], 12 /* STYLE, PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text-box"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "new-page__text"]]), "点击上方色块在页面之间进行通讯")
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'button',
loading: false,
_timer: 0
onShow() {
// this.clearTimer();
// this._timer = setTimeout(() => {
// // this.loading = true;
// }, 300)
onUnload() {
// this.clearTimer();
// this.loading = false;
methods: {
// clearTimer() {
// if (this._timer != 0) {
// clearTimeout(this._timer);
// }
// }
const GenPagesComponentButtonButtonStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["button", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", "30rpx"]])]])], ["button-sp-area", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "20%"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "20%"], ["width", "60%"]])]])], ["mini-btn", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginRight", "10rpx"], ["marginBottom", "30rpx"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentButtonButtonRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentButtonButton): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
const _component_button = resolveComponent("button")
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([["type", "primary"]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["页面主操作 Normal"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createCommentVNode(" <button type=\"primary\" :loading=\"loading\" class=\"button\">页面主操作 Loading</button> "),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "primary"],
["disabled", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["页面主操作 Disabled"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "default"],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["页面次要操作 Normal"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "default"],
["disabled", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["页面次要操作 Disabled"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "warn"],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["警告类操作 Normal"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "warn"],
["disabled", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["警告类操作 Disabled"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "button-sp-area"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "primary"],
["plain", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["按钮"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "primary"],
["disabled", true],
["plain", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [" 不可点击的按钮 "])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "default"],
["plain", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["按钮"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "default"],
["disabled", true],
["plain", true],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["按钮"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-flex uni-row"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "button mini-btn"],
["type", "primary"],
["size", "mini"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["按钮"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "button mini-btn"],
["type", "default"],
["size", "mini"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["按钮"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "button mini-btn"],
["type", "warn"],
["size", "mini"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["按钮"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
\ No newline at end of file
type ItemType = {
value : string,
name : string,
checked : boolean
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'checkbox 复选框',
items: [{
value: 'USA',
name: '美国',
checked: false
value: 'CHN',
name: '中国',
checked: true
value: 'BRA',
name: '巴西',
checked: false
value: 'JPN',
name: '日本',
checked: false
value: 'ENG',
name: '英国',
checked: false
value: 'FRA',
name: '法国',
checked: false
] as ItemType[]
methods: {
checkboxChange: function (value : string[]) {
// TODO 后续更改参数
var items = this.items,
values = value;
for (var i = 0, lenI = items.length; i < lenI; ++i) {
const item = items[i]
if (values.indexOf(item.value) >= 0) {
item.checked = true
} else {
item.checked = false
const GenPagesComponentCheckboxCheckboxStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["justifyContent", "flex-start"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentCheckboxCheckboxRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentCheckboxCheckbox): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
const _component_checkbox = resolveComponent("checkbox")
const _component_checkbox_group = resolveComponent("checkbox-group")
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 默认样式 ")
createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_checkbox_group, new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-flex uni-row"]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createVNode(_component_checkbox, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", "cb1"],
["checked", true],
["style", "margin-right: 30rpx;"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "选中")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_checkbox, new Map<string, any | null>([["value", "cb"]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "未选中")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 不同颜色和尺寸的checkbox ")
createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_checkbox_group, new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-flex uni-row"]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createVNode(_component_checkbox, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", "cb1"],
["checked", true],
["color", "#FFCC33"],
["style", "transform:scale(0.7); margin-right: 30rpx;"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "选中 ")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_checkbox, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", "cb"],
["color", "#FFCC33"],
["style", "transform:scale(0.7)"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "未选中")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 推荐展示样式 "),
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-subtitle-text"]]), " 使用 uni-list 布局 ")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-list"]]), [
createVNode(_component_checkbox_group, new Map<string, any | null>([["onChange", _ctx.checkboxChange]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode(Fragment, null, RenderHelpers.renderList(_ctx.items, (item, _, _):VNode => {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd"],
["key", item.value]
]), [
createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_checkbox, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", item.value],
["checked", item.checked]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, toDisplayString(item.name), 1 /* TEXT */)
["_", 2 /* DYNAMIC */]
]), 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["value", "checked"])
}), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */)
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onChange"])
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'image'
const GenPagesComponentImageImageStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["image", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", "40rpx"], ["marginRight", "auto"], ["marginBottom", "40rpx"], ["marginLeft", "auto"], ["width", "200rpx"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentImageImageRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentImageImage): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 示例1 "),
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-subtitle-text"]]), " 本地图片 ")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-center"],
["style", "background:#FFFFFF; font-size:0;"]
]), [
createElementVNode("image", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "image"],
["mode", "widthFix"],
["src", "/static/uni.png"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 示例2 "),
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-subtitle-text"]]), " 网络图片 ")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-center"],
["style", "background:#FFFFFF; font-size:0;"]
]), [
createElementVNode("image", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "image"],
["mode", "widthFix"],
["src", "https://web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/uni@2x.png"]
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'input',
focus: false,
inputValue: '',
showClearIcon: false,
inputClearValue: '',
changeValue: '',
showPassword: true
methods: {
onKeyInput: function (event : InputEvent) {
this.inputValue = event.detail.value
replaceInput: function (event : InputEvent) {
var value = event.detail.value;
if (value == '11') {
this.changeValue = '2';
clearInput: function(event: InputEvent) {
this.inputClearValue = event.detail.value;
if (event.detail.value.length > 0) {
this.showClearIcon = true;
} else {
this.showClearIcon = false;
clearIcon: function() {
this.inputClearValue = '';
this.showClearIcon = false;
changePassword: function() {
this.showPassword = !this.showPassword;
// hideKeyboard: function(event: InputEvent) {
// if (event.detail.value === '123') {
// uni.hideKeyboard();
// }
// },
// onFocus() {
// this.$mp.page.$getAppWebview().setStyle({
// softinputNavBar: 'none'
// })
// },
// onBlur() {
// this.$mp.page.$getAppWebview().setStyle({
// softinputNavBar: 'auto'
// })
// }
const GenPagesComponentInputInputStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["nvue-page-root", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#F8F8F8"], ["paddingBottom", 20]])]])], ["title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 5], ["paddingRight", 13], ["paddingBottom", 5], ["paddingLeft", 13]])]])], ["uni-form-item__title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", 16], ["lineHeight", 24]])]])], ["uni-input-wrapper", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["display", "flex"], ["paddingTop", 8], ["paddingRight", 13], ["paddingBottom", 8], ["paddingLeft", 13], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["flexWrap", "nowrap"], ["backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"]])]])], ["uni-input", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["height", 28], ["lineHeight", 28], ["fontSize", 15], ["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", 0], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", 0], ["flex", "1"], ["backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"]])]])], ["uni-icon", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", 24], ["height", 24]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentInputInputRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentInputInput): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "nvue-page-root"]]), [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-common-mt"]]), [
createCommentVNode(" <view class=\"uni-form-item uni-column\">\n <view class=\"title\"><text class=\"uni-form-item__title\">可自动聚焦的 input</text></view>\n <view class=\"uni-input-wrapper\">\n <input class=\"uni-input\" :focus=\"true\" placeholder=\"自动获得焦点\" ref=\"input\"/>\n </view>\n </view> "),
createCommentVNode(" <view v-if=\"platform==='ios'&&!isNvue\" class=\"uni-form-item uni-column\">\n <view class=\"title\"><text class=\"uni-form-item__title\">隐藏 iOS 软键盘上的导航条</text></view>\n <view class=\"uni-input-wrapper\">\n <input class=\"uni-input\" placeholder=\"触摸其他地方收起键盘\" @focus=\"onFocus\" @blur=\"onBlur\" />\n </view>\n </view> "),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "键盘右下角按钮显示为搜索")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["confirmType", "search"],
["placeholder", "键盘右下角按钮显示为搜索"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "键盘右下角按钮显示为发送")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["confirmType", "send"],
["placeholder", "键盘右下角按钮显示为发送"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "控制最大输入长度的 input")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["maxlength", 10],
["placeholder", "最大输入长度为10"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "实时获取输入值:" + toDisplayString(_ctx.inputValue), 1 /* TEXT */)
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["onInput", _ctx.onKeyInput],
["placeholder", "输入同步到view中"]
]), null, 40 /* PROPS, HYDRATE_EVENTS */, ["onInput"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "控制输入的 input")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["onInput", _ctx.replaceInput],
["value", _ctx.changeValue],
["placeholder", "连续的两个1会变成2"]
]), null, 40 /* PROPS, HYDRATE_EVENTS */, ["onInput", "value"])
createCommentVNode(" <view class=\"uni-form-item uni-column\">\n <view class=\"title\"><text class=\"uni-form-item__title\">控制键盘的 input</text></view>\n <view class=\"uni-input-wrapper\">\n <input class=\"uni-input\" ref=\"input1\" @input=\"hideKeyboard\" placeholder=\"输入123自动收起键盘\" />\n </view>\n </view> "),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "数字输入的 input")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["type", "number"],
["placeholder", "这是一个数字输入框"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "密码输入的 input")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["password", true],
["type", "text"],
["placeholder", "这是一个密码输入框"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "带小数点的 input")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["type", "digit"],
["placeholder", "带小数点的数字键盘"]
createCommentVNode(" <view class=\"uni-form-item uni-column\">\n <view class=\"title\"><text class=\"uni-form-item__title\">身份证输入的 input</text></view>\n <view class=\"uni-input-wrapper\">\n <input class=\"uni-input\" type=\"idcard\" placeholder=\"身份证输入键盘\" /> </view>\n </view> "),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "控制占位符颜色的 input")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["placeholder-style", "color:#F76260"],
["placeholder", "占位符字体是红色的"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "带清除按钮的输入框")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["placeholder", "带清除按钮的输入框"],
["value", _ctx.inputClearValue],
["onInput", _ctx.clearInput]
]), null, 40 /* PROPS, HYDRATE_EVENTS */, ["value", "onInput"]),
? createElementVNode("image", new Map<string, any | null>([
["key", 0],
["class", "uni-icon"],
["src", "/static/icons/clear.png"],
["onClick", _ctx.clearIcon]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"])
: createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item uni-column"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "title"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-form-item__title"]]), "可查看密码的输入框")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-input-wrapper"]]), [
createElementVNode("input", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-input"],
["placeholder", "请输入密码"],
["password", _ctx.showPassword]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["password"]),
createElementVNode("image", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-icon"],
["src", !_ctx.showPassword ? '/static/icons/eye-active.png': '/static/icons/eye.png'],
["onClick", _ctx.changePassword]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["src", "onClick"])
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'progress',
pgList: [0, 0, 0, 0] as number[]
methods: {
setProgress() {
this.pgList = [20, 40, 60, 80] as number[]
clearProgress() {
this.pgList = [0, 0, 0, 0] as number[]
const GenPagesComponentProgressProgressStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["progress-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["height", "50rpx"], ["marginBottom", "60rpx"]])]])], ["progress-cancel", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginLeft", "40rpx"]])]])], ["button", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginTop", "20rpx"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentProgressProgressRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentProgressProgress): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
const _component_progress = resolveComponent("progress")
const _component_button = resolveComponent("button")
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "progress-box"]]), [
createVNode(_component_progress, new Map<string, any | null>([
["percent", _ctx.pgList[0]],
["show-info", true],
["stroke-width", 3]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["percent"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "progress-box"]]), [
createVNode(_component_progress, new Map<string, any | null>([
["percent", _ctx.pgList[1]],
["stroke-width", 3]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["percent"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "progress-box"]]), [
createVNode(_component_progress, new Map<string, any | null>([
["percent", _ctx.pgList[2]],
["stroke-width", 3]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["percent"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "progress-box"]]), [
createVNode(_component_progress, new Map<string, any | null>([
["percent", _ctx.pgList[3]],
["activeColor", "#10AEFF"],
["stroke-width", 3]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["percent"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "progress-control"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "primary"],
["onClick", _ctx.setProgress],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["设置进度"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["type", "warn"],
["onClick", _ctx.clearProgress],
["class", "button"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["清除进度"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"])
\ No newline at end of file
type ItemType = {
value : string,
name : string,
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'radio 单选框',
items: [{
value: 'USA',
name: '美国'
value: 'CHN',
name: '中国'
value: 'BRA',
name: '巴西'
value: 'JPN',
name: '日本'
value: 'ENG',
name: '英国'
value: 'FRA',
name: '法国'
] as ItemType[],
current: 0
methods: {
radioChange(e : string) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
if (this.items[i].value === e) {
this.current = i;
const GenPagesComponentRadioRadioStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["uni-list-cell", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["justifyContent", "flex-start"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentRadioRadioRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentRadioRadio): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
const _component_radio = resolveComponent("radio")
const _component_radio_group = resolveComponent("radio-group")
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 默认样式 ")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-flex uni-row"]]), [
createVNode(_component_radio, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", "r1"],
["checked", true],
["style", "margin-right: 30rpx;"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "选中")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_radio, new Map<string, any | null>([["value", "r2"]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "未选中")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 不同颜色和尺寸的radio ")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-flex uni-row"]]), [
createVNode(_component_radio, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", "r1"],
["checked", true],
["color", "#FFCC33"],
["style", "transform:scale(0.7); margin-right: 30rpx;"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "选中 ")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createVNode(_component_radio, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", "r2"],
["color", "#FFCC33"],
["style", "transform:scale(0.7)"]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, "未选中")
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 推荐展示样式 ")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-list"]]), [
createVNode(_component_radio_group, new Map<string, any | null>([["onChange", _ctx.radioChange]]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode(Fragment, null, RenderHelpers.renderList(_ctx.items, (item, index, _):VNode => {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-list-cell uni-list-cell-pd"],
["key", item.value]
]), [
createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_radio, new Map<string, any | null>([
["value", item.value],
["checked", index === _ctx.current]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => [
createElementVNode("text", null, toDisplayString(item.name), 1 /* TEXT */)
["_", 2 /* DYNAMIC */]
]), 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, ["value", "checked"])
}), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */)
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["onChange"])
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
scrollTop: 0,
oldScrollTop: 0
methods: {
upper: function (e : ScrollToUpperEvent) {
lower: function (e : ScrollToLowerEvent) {
scroll: function (e : ScrollEvent) {
this.oldScrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop
goTop: function () {
// 解决view层不同步的问题
this.scrollTop = this.oldScrollTop
this.$nextTick(function () {
this.scrollTop = 0
icon: "none",
title: "纵向滚动 scrollTop 值已被修改为 0"
const GenPagesComponentScrollViewScrollViewStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["scroll-Y", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["height", "300rpx"]])]])], ["scroll-view_H", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", "100%"], ["flexDirection", "row"]])]])], ["scroll-view-item", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["height", "300rpx"], ["justifyContent", "center"], ["alignItems", "center"]])]])], ["scroll-view-item_H", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", "690rpx"], ["height", "300rpx"], ["justifyContent", "center"], ["alignItems", "center"]])]])], ["text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", "36rpx"], ["color", "#ffffff"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentScrollViewScrollViewRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentScrollViewScrollView): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", "scroll-view,区域滚动视图"]])),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), "Vertical Scroll"),
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-subtitle-text"]]), "纵向滚动")
createElementVNode("view", null, [
createElementVNode("scroll-view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["scrollTop", _ctx.scrollTop],
["scrollY", true],
["class", "scroll-Y"],
["onScrolltoupper", _ctx.upper],
["onScrolltolower", _ctx.lower],
["onScroll", _ctx.scroll]
]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["id", "demo1"],
["class", "scroll-view-item uni-bg-red"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "A")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["id", "demo2"],
["class", "scroll-view-item uni-bg-green"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "B")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["id", "demo3"],
["class", "scroll-view-item uni-bg-blue"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "C")
], 40 /* PROPS, HYDRATE_EVENTS */, ["scrollTop", "onScrolltoupper", "onScrolltolower", "onScroll"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["onClick", _ctx.goTop],
["class", "uni-center uni-common-mt"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-link"]]), "点击这里返回顶部")
], 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), "Horizontal Scroll"),
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-subtitle-text"]]), "横向滚动")
createElementVNode("view", null, [
createElementVNode("scroll-view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "scroll-view_H"],
["scrollX", true],
["onScroll", _ctx.scroll],
["scrollLeft", 120]
]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["id", "demo1"],
["class", "scroll-view-item_H uni-bg-red"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "A")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["id", "demo2"],
["class", "scroll-view-item_H uni-bg-green"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "B")
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["id", "demo3"],
["class", "scroll-view-item_H uni-bg-blue"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "C")
], 40 /* PROPS, HYDRATE_EVENTS */, ["onScroll"])
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-common-pb"]]))
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'text',
texts: [
] as string[],
text: '',
canAdd: true,
canRemove: false,
extraLine: [] as string[]
methods: {
add: function () {
this.extraLine.push(this.texts[this.extraLine.length % 12]);
this.text = this.extraLine.join('\n');
this.canAdd = this.extraLine.length < 12;
this.canRemove = this.extraLine.length > 0;
remove: function () {
if (this.extraLine.length > 0) {
this.text = this.extraLine.join('\n');
this.canAdd = this.extraLine.length < 12;
this.canRemove = this.extraLine.length > 0;
const GenPagesComponentTextTextStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["common-page-head", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", "35rpx"], ["paddingRight", "35rpx"], ["paddingBottom", "35rpx"], ["paddingLeft", "35rpx"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["justifyContent", "center"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 0], ["paddingRight", "40rpx"], ["paddingBottom", 0], ["paddingLeft", "40rpx"], ["height", "88rpx"], ["borderBottomWidth", "2rpx"], ["borderBottomStyle", "solid"], ["borderBottomColor", "#D8D8D8"]])]])], ["common-page-head-title", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["lineHeight", "88rpx"], ["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#BEBEBE"]])]])], ["text-box", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginBottom", "40rpx"], ["paddingTop", "40rpx"], ["paddingRight", 0], ["paddingBottom", "40rpx"], ["paddingLeft", 0], ["display", "flex"], ["height", "300rpx"], ["backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"], ["justifyContent", "center"], ["alignItems", "center"], ["textAlign", "center"]])]])], ["text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["fontSize", "30rpx"], ["color", "#353535"], ["lineHeight", "54rpx"]])]])]])]
import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentTextTextRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentTextText): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
const _component_button = resolveComponent("button")
return createElementVNode("view", null, [
createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt"]]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "text-box"],
["scroll-y", "true"]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), toDisplayString(_ctx.text), 1 /* TEXT */)
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-btn-v"]]), [
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-btn"],
["type", "primary"],
["disabled", !_ctx.canAdd],
["onClick", _ctx.add]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["add line"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["disabled", "onClick"]),
createVNode(_component_button, new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-btn"],
["type", "warn"],
["disabled", !_ctx.canRemove],
["onClick", _ctx.remove]
]), new Map<string, any | null>([
["default", ((): any[] => ["remove line"])],
["_", 1 /* STABLE */]
]), 8 /* PROPS */, ["disabled", "onClick"])
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'textarea',
focus: false
methods: {
bindTextAreaBlur: function (e : TextareaBlurEvent) {
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import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentTextareaTextareaRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentTextareaTextarea): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
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createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", _ctx.title]]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["title"]),
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createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " 输入区域高度自适应,不会出现滚动条 ")
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\ No newline at end of file
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data() {
return {}
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import _easycom_page_head from '/Users/yuanrenjie/Documents/dcloud/hello-uniapp x/unpackage/dist/dev/.uvue/components/page-head/page-head.vue'
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") function GenPagesComponentViewViewRender(_ctx: GenPagesComponentViewView): VNode | null {
const _component_page_head = resolveEasyComponent("page-head",_easycom_page_head)
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createVNode(_component_page_head, new Map<string, any | null>([["title", "view"]])),
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createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-hello-text"]]), " Flex是Flexible Box的缩写,意为“弹性布局”,用来为盒状模型提供最大的灵活性。当设置display: flex后,继续给view等容器组件设置flex-direction: row或column,就可以在该容器内按行或列排布子组件。uni-app推荐使用flex布局。因为flex布局有利于跨更多平台,尤其是采用原生渲染的平台。 ")
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createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-title-text"]]), " flex-direction: row "),
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createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "文字居左,留出左间距")
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createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "text"]]), "立即购买")
\ No newline at end of file
type Page = {
name : string,
enable ?: boolean,
url ?: string
type ListItem = {
id : string,
name : string,
open : boolean,
pages : Page[],
url ?: string,
enable ?: boolean
export default {
data() {
return {
list: [{
id: 'view',
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name: 'picker',
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name: 'picker-view',
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name: 'radio',
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name: 'textarea',
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pages: [{
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id: 'map',
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id: 'canvas',
name: '画布',
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pages: [
name: 'canvas'
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id: 'web-view',
name: '网页',
open: false,
pages: [
name: '网络网页',
enable: false,
url: '/pages/component/web-view/web-view'
name: '本地网页',
enable: false,
url: '/pages/component/web-view-local/web-view-local'
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id: 'ad',
url: 'ad',
name: 'AD组件',
enable: false,
open: false,
pages: [] as Page[]
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arrowUpIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-up.png',
arrowDownIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-down.png',
arrowRightIcon: '/static/icons/arrow-right.png',
methods: {
triggerCollapse(index ?: number, item : ListItem) {
if (item.pages.length == 0) {
const page : Page = {
name: item.name,
enable: item.enable,
url: item.url
for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) {
if (index == i) {
this.list[i].open = !this.list[i].open;
} else {
this.list[i].open = false;
goDetailPage(e : Page) {
if (e.enable != true) {
icon: 'none',
title: '暂不支持'
const url = e.url != null ? e.url! : `/pages/component/${e.name}/${e.name}`
const GenPagesTabBarComponentComponentStyles = [new Map<string, Map<string, Map<string, any>>>([["text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#7A7E83"], ["fontSize", 14], ["lineHeight", 20]])]])], ["uni-icon", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", 14], ["height", 14]])]])], ["uni-container", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["paddingTop", 15], ["paddingRight", 15], ["paddingBottom", 15], ["paddingLeft", 15], ["backgroundColor", "#f8f8f8"]])]])], ["uni-header-logo", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["display", "flex"], ["paddingTop", 15], ["paddingRight", 15], ["paddingBottom", 15], ["paddingLeft", 15], ["flexDirection", "column"], ["justifyContent", "center"], ["alignItems", "center"], ["marginTop", "10rpx"]])]])], ["uni-header-image", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", 80], ["height", 80]])]])], ["uni-hello-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginBottom", 20], ["color", "#7A7E83"]])]])], ["hello-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#7A7E83"], ["fontSize", 14], ["lineHeight", 20]])]])], ["hello-link", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#7A7E83"], ["fontSize", 14], ["lineHeight", 20]])]])], ["uni-panel", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginBottom", 12]])]])], ["text-disabled", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#a0a0a0"]])]])], ["uni-panel-h", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["display", "flex"], ["backgroundColor", "#ffffff"], ["!flexDirection", "row"], ["!justifyContent", "space-between"], ["!alignItems", "center"], ["paddingTop", 12], ["paddingRight", 12], ["paddingBottom", 12], ["paddingLeft", 12]])]])], ["uni-panel-h-on", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["backgroundColor", "#f0f0f0"]])]])], ["uni-panel-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#000000"], ["fontSize", 14], ["fontWeight", "normal"]])]])], ["uni-panel-icon", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginLeft", 15], ["color", "#999999"], ["fontSize", 14], ["fontWeight", "normal"], ["transform", "rotate(0deg)"], ["transitionDuration", 0], ["transitionProperty", "transform"]])]])], ["uni-panel-icon-on", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["transform", "rotate(180deg)"]])]])], ["uni-navigate-item", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["display", "flex"], ["flexDirection", "row"], ["alignItems", "center"], ["backgroundColor", "#FFFFFF"], ["borderTopStyle", "solid"], ["borderTopColor", "#f0f0f0"], ["borderTopWidth", 1], ["paddingTop", 12], ["paddingRight", 12], ["paddingBottom", 12], ["paddingLeft", 12], ["justifyContent", "space-between"], ["backgroundColor:active", "#f8f8f8"]])]])], ["uni-navigate-text", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["color", "#000000"], ["fontSize", 14], ["fontWeight", "normal"]])]])], ["uni-navigate-icon", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["marginLeft", 15], ["color", "#999999"], ["fontSize", 14], ["fontWeight", "normal"]])]])], ["arrow", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["width", 8], ["height", 8], ["borderTopWidth", 2], ["borderTopStyle", "solid"], ["borderTopColor", "#cccccc"], ["borderLeftWidth", 2], ["borderLeftStyle", "solid"], ["borderLeftColor", "#cccccc"]])]])], ["arrow-right", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["transform", "rotate(135deg)"]])]])], ["arrow-up", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["transform", "rotate(45deg)"]])]])], ["arrow-down", new Map<string, any>([["", new Map<string, any>([["transform", "rotate(-135deg)"]])]])], ["@TRANSITION", new Map<string, any>([["uni-panel-icon", new Map<string, any>([["duration", 0], ["property", "transform"]])]])]])]
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["class", "uni-header-image"],
["src", "/static/componentIndex.png"]
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "uni-hello-text"]]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([["class", "hello-text"]]), "uni-app内置组件,展示样式仅供参考,文档详见:"),
createVNode(_component_u_link, new Map<string, any | null>([
["href", 'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/'],
["text", 'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/'],
["inWhiteList", true]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["href", "text"])
createElementVNode(Fragment, null, RenderHelpers.renderList(_ctx.list, (item, index, _):VNode => {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-panel"],
["key", item.id]
]), [
createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", normalizeClass(["uni-panel-h", item.open ? 'uni-panel-h-on' : ''])],
["onClick", () => {_ctx.triggerCollapse(index, item)}]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", normalizeClass(["uni-panel-text", item.enable == false ? 'text-disabled' : ''])]
]), toDisplayString(item.name), 3 /* TEXT, CLASS */),
createElementVNode("image", new Map<string, any | null>([
["src", item.pages.length > 0 ? item.open ? _ctx.arrowUpIcon : _ctx.arrowDownIcon : _ctx.arrowRightIcon],
["class", "uni-icon"]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["src"])
], 10 /* CLASS, PROPS */, ["onClick"]),
? createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["key", 0],
["class", "uni-panel-c"]
]), [
createElementVNode(Fragment, null, RenderHelpers.renderList(item.pages, (page, key, _):VNode => {
return createElementVNode("view", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", "uni-navigate-item"],
["key", key],
["onClick", () => {_ctx.goDetailPage(page)}]
]), [
createElementVNode("text", new Map<string, any | null>([
["class", normalizeClass(["uni-navigate-text", page.enable != true ? 'text-disabled' : ''])]
]), toDisplayString(page.name), 3 /* TEXT, CLASS */),
createElementVNode("image", new Map<string, any | null>([
["src", _ctx.arrowRightIcon],
["class", "uni-icon"]
]), null, 8 /* PROPS */, ["src"])
], 8 /* PROPS */, ["onClick"])
}), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */)
: createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
}), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */)
\ No newline at end of file
export type State = {
colorIndex: number,
currentColor: string
const colorList: string[] = ['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF']
export const state = reactive({
colorIndex: 0,
currentColor: colorList[0]
} as State)
export const setColorIndex = (index: number) => {
state.colorIndex = index
state.currentColor = colorList[index]
"id": "__UNI__4517034",
"name": "hello-uniapp x",
"description": "",
"version": {
"name": "1.0.0",
"code": "100"
"uni-app-x": {},
"app": {}
\ No newline at end of file
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