提交 4294f937 编写于 作者: shutao-dc's avatar shutao-dc

update sticky-section.uvue

上级 3efb4a5f
<page-head title="sticky-section"></page-head>
<page-head title="sticky-section"></page-head>
<list-view id="list-view" ref="list-view" show-scrollbar=false class="page" :scroll-into-view="scrollIntoView"
@scroll="onScroll" @scrollend="onScrollEnd" rebound="false">
<!-- #ifdef APP -->
......@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
listViewScrollByY(y : number) {
const listview = this.$refs["list-view"] as UniElement
listview.scrollBy(0, y)
// listview.scrollBy(0, y)
listview.scrollTop = y
gotoStickyHeader(id : string) {
this.scrollIntoView = id
......@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
//滚动后重置scrollIntoView = ""
if(this.scrollIntoView != "") {
this.scrollIntoView = ""
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