提交 3ea5c7c2 编写于 作者: M mehaotian

fix: 删除 uni-scss

上级 634c5cca
## 1.0.3(2022-01-21)
- 优化 组件示例
## 1.0.2(2021-11-22)
- 修复 / 符号在 vue 不同版本兼容问题引起的报错问题
## 1.0.1(2021-11-22)
- 修复 vue3中scss语法兼容问题
## 1.0.0(2021-11-18)
- init
"id": "uni-scss",
"displayName": "uni-scss 辅助样式",
"version": "1.0.3",
"description": "uni-sass是uni-ui提供的一套全局样式 ,通过一些简单的类名和sass变量,实现简单的页面布局操作,比如颜色、边距、圆角等。",
"keywords": [
"repository": "https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-ui",
"engines": {
"HBuilderX": "^3.1.0"
"dcloudext": {
"category": [
"通用 SDK"
"sale": {
"regular": {
"price": "0.00"
"sourcecode": {
"price": "0.00"
"contact": {
"qq": ""
"declaration": {
"ads": "无",
"data": "无",
"permissions": "无"
"npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui"
"uni_modules": {
"dependencies": [],
"encrypt": [],
"platforms": {
"cloud": {
"tcb": "y",
"aliyun": "y"
"client": {
"App": {
"app-vue": "y",
"app-nvue": "u"
"H5-mobile": {
"Safari": "y",
"Android Browser": "y",
"微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
"QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
"H5-pc": {
"Chrome": "y",
"IE": "y",
"Edge": "y",
"Firefox": "y",
"Safari": "y"
"小程序": {
"微信": "y",
"阿里": "y",
"百度": "y",
"字节跳动": "y",
"QQ": "y"
"快应用": {
"华为": "n",
"联盟": "n"
"Vue": {
"vue2": "y",
"vue3": "y"
`uni-sass``uni-ui`提供的一套全局样式 ,通过一些简单的类名和`sass`变量,实现简单的页面布局操作,比如颜色、边距、圆角等。
### [查看文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-sass)
#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
\ No newline at end of file
@import './setting/_variables.scss';
@import './setting/_border.scss';
@import './setting/_color.scss';
@import './setting/_space.scss';
@import './setting/_radius.scss';
@import './setting/_text.scss';
@import './setting/_styles.scss';
.uni-border {
border: 1px $uni-border-1 solid;
\ No newline at end of file
// TODO 暂时不需要 class ,需要用户使用变量实现 ,如果使用类名其实并不推荐
// @mixin get-styles($k,$c) {
// @if $k == size or $k == weight{
// font-#{$k}:#{$c}
// }@else{
// #{$k}:#{$c}
// }
// }
// 主色
primary: $uni-primary,
primary-disable: $uni-primary-disable,
primary-light: $uni-primary-light,
// 辅助色
success: $uni-success,
success-disable: $uni-success-disable,
success-light: $uni-success-light,
warning: $uni-warning,
warning-disable: $uni-warning-disable,
warning-light: $uni-warning-light,
error: $uni-error,
error-disable: $uni-error-disable,
error-light: $uni-error-light,
info: $uni-info,
info-disable: $uni-info-disable,
info-light: $uni-info-light,
// 中性色
main-color: $uni-main-color,
base-color: $uni-base-color,
secondary-color: $uni-secondary-color,
extra-color: $uni-extra-color,
// 背景色
bg-color: $uni-bg-color,
// 边框颜色
border-1: $uni-border-1,
border-2: $uni-border-2,
border-3: $uni-border-3,
border-4: $uni-border-4,
// 黑色
// 白色
// 透明
) !default;
@each $key, $child in $uni-ui-color {
.uni-#{"" + $key} {
color: $child;
.uni-#{"" + $key}-bg {
background-color: $child;
.uni-shadow-sm {
box-shadow: $uni-shadow-sm;
.uni-shadow-base {
box-shadow: $uni-shadow-base;
.uni-shadow-lg {
box-shadow: $uni-shadow-lg;
.uni-mask {
@mixin radius($r,$d:null ,$important: false){
$radius-value:map-get($uni-radius, $r) if($important, !important, null);
// Key exists within the $uni-radius variable
@if (map-has-key($uni-radius, $r) and $d){
@if $d == t {
}@else if $d == r {
}@else if $d == b {
}@else if $d == l {
}@else if $d == tl {
}@else if $d == tr {
}@else if $d == br {
}@else if $d == bl {
@each $key, $child in $uni-radius {
.uni-radius-#{"" + $key} {
@include radius($key)
.uni-radius {
@include radius($key)
@each $direction in t, r, b, l,tl, tr, br, bl {
@each $key, $child in $uni-radius {
.uni-radius-#{"" + $direction}-#{"" + $key} {
@include radius($key,$direction,false)
.uni-radius-#{$direction} {
@include radius($key,$direction,false)
@mixin fn($space,$direction,$size,$n) {
@if $n {
#{$space}-#{$direction}: #{$size*$uni-space-root}px
} @else {
#{$space}-#{$direction}: #{-$size*$uni-space-root}px
@mixin get-styles($direction,$i,$space,$n){
@if $direction == t {
@include fn($space, top,$i,$n);
@if $direction == r {
@include fn($space, right,$i,$n);
@if $direction == b {
@include fn($space, bottom,$i,$n);
@if $direction == l {
@include fn($space, left,$i,$n);
@if $direction == x {
@include fn($space, left,$i,$n);
@include fn($space, right,$i,$n);
@if $direction == y {
@include fn($space, top,$i,$n);
@include fn($space, bottom,$i,$n);
@if $direction == a {
@if $n {
} @else {
@each $orientation in m,p {
$space: margin;
@if $orientation == m {
$space: margin;
} @else {
$space: padding;
@for $i from 0 through 16 {
@each $direction in t, r, b, l, x, y, a {
.uni-#{$orientation}#{$direction}-#{$i} {
@include get-styles($direction,$i,$space,true);
.uni-#{$orientation}#{$direction}-n#{$i} {
@include get-styles($direction,$i,$space,false);
\ No newline at end of file
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
@mixin base-style($color) {
color: #fff;
background-color: $color;
border-color: mix($-color-black, $color, 8%);
&:not([hover-class]):active {
background: mix($-color-black, $color, 10%);
border-color: mix($-color-black, $color, 20%);
color: $-color-white;
outline: none;
@mixin is-color($color) {
@include base-style($color);
&[loading] {
@include base-style($color);
&::before {
&[disabled] {
&:not([hover-class]):active {
color: $-color-white;
border-color: mix(darken($color,10%), $-color-white);
background-color: mix($color, $-color-white);
@mixin base-plain-style($color) {
background-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 90%);
border-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 70%);
&:not([hover-class]):active {
background: mix($-color-white, $color, 80%);
color: $color;
outline: none;
border-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 50%);
@mixin is-plain($color){
&[plain] {
@include base-plain-style($color);
&[loading] {
@include base-plain-style($color);
&::before {
&[disabled] {
&:active {
color: mix($-color-white, $color, 40%);
background-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 90%);
border-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 80%);
.uni-btn {
margin: 5px;
color: #393939;
border:1px solid #ccc;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 200;
background-color: #F9F9F9;
// TODO 暂时处理边框隐藏一边的问题
overflow: visible;
border: none;
&:not([type]),&[type=default] {
color: #999;
&[loading] {
background: none;
&::before {
color: mix($-color-white, #999, 60%);
&:active {
color: mix($-color-white, #999, 60%);
background-color: mix($-color-white,$-color-black , 98%);
border-color: mix($-color-white, #999, 85%);
&[plain] {
color: #999;
background: none;
border-color: $uni-border-1;
&:not([hover-class]):active {
background: none;
color: mix($-color-white, $-color-black, 80%);
border-color: mix($-color-white, $-color-black, 90%);
outline: none;
&:active {
background: none;
color: mix($-color-white, #999, 60%);
border-color: mix($-color-white, #999, 85%);
&:not([hover-class]):active {
color: mix($-color-white, $-color-black, 50%);
&[size=mini] {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 200;
border-radius: 8px;
&.uni-btn-small {
font-size: 14px;
&.uni-btn-mini {
font-size: 12px;
&.uni-btn-radius {
border-radius: 999px;
&[type=primary] {
@include is-color($uni-primary);
@include is-plain($uni-primary)
&[type=success] {
@include is-color($uni-success);
@include is-plain($uni-success)
&[type=error] {
@include is-color($uni-error);
@include is-plain($uni-error)
&[type=warning] {
@include is-color($uni-warning);
@include is-plain($uni-warning)
&[type=info] {
@include is-color($uni-info);
@include is-plain($uni-info)
/* #endif */
@mixin get-styles($k,$c) {
@if $k == size or $k == weight{
@each $key, $child in $uni-headings {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
.uni-#{$key} {
@each $k, $c in $child {
@include get-styles($k,$c)
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef APP-NVUE */
.container .uni-#{$key} {
@each $k, $c in $child {
@include get-styles($k,$c)
/* #endif */
// @use "sass:math";
@import '../tools/functions.scss';
// 间距基础倍数
$uni-space-root: 2 !default;
// 边框半径默认值
$uni-radius-root:5px !default;
$uni-radius: () !default;
// 边框半径断点
$uni-radius: map-deep-merge(
0: 0,
// TODO 当前版本暂时不支持 sm 属性
// 'sm': math.div($uni-radius-root, 2),
null: $uni-radius-root,
'lg': $uni-radius-root * 2,
'xl': $uni-radius-root * 6,
'pill': 9999px,
'circle': 50%
// 字体家族
$body-font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif !default;
// 文本
$heading-font-family: $body-font-family !default;
$uni-headings: () !default;
$letterSpacing: -0.01562em;
$uni-headings: map-deep-merge(
'h1': (
size: 32px,
weight: 300,
line-height: 50px,
// letter-spacing:-0.01562em
'h2': (
size: 28px,
weight: 300,
line-height: 40px,
// letter-spacing: -0.00833em
'h3': (
size: 24px,
weight: 400,
line-height: 32px,
// letter-spacing: normal
'h4': (
size: 20px,
weight: 400,
line-height: 30px,
// letter-spacing: 0.00735em
'h5': (
size: 16px,
weight: 400,
line-height: 24px,
// letter-spacing: normal
'h6': (
size: 14px,
weight: 500,
line-height: 18px,
// letter-spacing: 0.0125em
'subtitle': (
size: 12px,
weight: 400,
line-height: 20px,
// letter-spacing: 0.00937em
'body': (
font-size: 14px,
font-weight: 400,
line-height: 22px,
// letter-spacing: 0.03125em
'caption': (
'size': 12px,
'weight': 400,
'line-height': 20px,
// 'letter-spacing': 0.03333em,
// 'text-transform': false
// 主色
$uni-primary: #2979ff !default;
$uni-primary-disable:lighten($uni-primary,20%) !default;
$uni-primary-light: lighten($uni-primary,25%) !default;
// 辅助色
// 除了主色外的场景色,需要在不同的场景中使用(例如危险色表示危险的操作)。
$uni-success: #18bc37 !default;
$uni-success-disable:lighten($uni-success,20%) !default;
$uni-success-light: lighten($uni-success,25%) !default;
$uni-warning: #f3a73f !default;
$uni-warning-disable:lighten($uni-warning,20%) !default;
$uni-warning-light: lighten($uni-warning,25%) !default;
$uni-error: #e43d33 !default;
$uni-error-disable:lighten($uni-error,20%) !default;
$uni-error-light: lighten($uni-error,25%) !default;
$uni-info: #8f939c !default;
$uni-info-disable:lighten($uni-info,20%) !default;
$uni-info-light: lighten($uni-info,25%) !default;
// 中性色
// 中性色用于文本、背景和边框颜色。通过运用不同的中性色,来表现层次结构。
$uni-main-color: #3a3a3a !default; // 主要文字
$uni-base-color: #6a6a6a !default; // 常规文字
$uni-secondary-color: #909399 !default; // 次要文字
$uni-extra-color: #c7c7c7 !default; // 辅助说明
// 边框颜色
$uni-border-1: #F0F0F0 !default;
$uni-border-2: #EDEDED !default;
$uni-border-3: #DCDCDC !default;
$uni-border-4: #B9B9B9 !default;
// 常规色
$uni-black: #000000 !default;
$uni-white: #ffffff !default;
$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0) !default;
// 背景色
$uni-bg-color: #f7f7f7 !default;
/* 水平间距 */
$uni-spacing-sm: 8px !default;
$uni-spacing-base: 15px !default;
$uni-spacing-lg: 30px !default;
// 阴影
$uni-shadow-sm:0 0 5px rgba($color: #d8d8d8, $alpha: 0.5) !default;
$uni-shadow-base:0 1px 8px 1px rgba($color: #a5a5a5, $alpha: 0.2) !default;
$uni-shadow-lg:0px 1px 10px 2px rgba($color: #a5a4a4, $alpha: 0.5) !default;
// 蒙版
$uni-mask: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.4) !default;
// 合并 map
@function map-deep-merge($parent-map, $child-map){
$result: $parent-map;
@each $key, $child in $child-map {
$parent-has-key: map-has-key($result, $key);
$parent-value: map-get($result, $key);
$parent-type: type-of($parent-value);
$child-type: type-of($child);
$parent-is-map: $parent-type == map;
$child-is-map: $child-type == map;
@if (not $parent-has-key) or ($parent-type != $child-type) or (not ($parent-is-map and $child-is-map)){
$result: map-merge($result, ( $key: $child ));
}@else {
$result: map-merge($result, ( $key: map-deep-merge($parent-value, $child) ));
@return $result;
// 间距基础倍数
$uni-space-root: 2;
// 边框半径默认值
// 主色
$uni-primary: #2979ff;
// 辅助色
$uni-success: #4cd964;
// 警告色
$uni-warning: #f0ad4e;
// 错误色
$uni-error: #dd524d;
// 描述色
$uni-info: #909399;
// 中性色
$uni-main-color: #303133;
$uni-base-color: #606266;
$uni-secondary-color: #909399;
$uni-extra-color: #C0C4CC;
// 背景色
$uni-bg-color: #f5f5f5;
// 边框颜色
$uni-border-1: #DCDFE6;
$uni-border-2: #E4E7ED;
$uni-border-3: #EBEEF5;
$uni-border-4: #F2F6FC;
// 常规色
$uni-black: #000000;
$uni-white: #ffffff;
$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0);
@import './styles/setting/_variables.scss';
// 间距基础倍数
$uni-space-root: 2;
// 边框半径默认值
// 主色
$uni-primary: #2979ff;
$uni-primary-light: mix(#fff,$uni-primary,80%);
// 辅助色
// 除了主色外的场景色,需要在不同的场景中使用(例如危险色表示危险的操作)。
$uni-success: #18bc37;
$uni-success-light: mix(#fff,$uni-success,80%);
$uni-warning: #f3a73f;
$uni-warning-light: mix(#fff,$uni-warning,80%);
$uni-error: #e43d33;
$uni-error-light: mix(#fff,$uni-error,80%);
$uni-info: #8f939c;
$uni-info-light: mix(#fff,$uni-info,80%);
// 中性色
// 中性色用于文本、背景和边框颜色。通过运用不同的中性色,来表现层次结构。
$uni-main-color: #3a3a3a; // 主要文字
$uni-base-color: #6a6a6a; // 常规文字
$uni-secondary-color: #909399; // 次要文字
$uni-extra-color: #c7c7c7; // 辅助说明
// 边框颜色
$uni-border-1: #F0F0F0;
$uni-border-2: #EDEDED;
$uni-border-3: #DCDCDC;
$uni-border-4: #B9B9B9;
// 常规色
$uni-black: #000000;
$uni-white: #ffffff;
$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0);
// 背景色
$uni-bg-color: #f7f7f7;
/* 水平间距 */
$uni-spacing-sm: 8px;
$uni-spacing-base: 15px;
$uni-spacing-lg: 30px;
// 阴影
$uni-shadow-sm:0 0 5px rgba($color: #d8d8d8, $alpha: 0.5);
$uni-shadow-base:0 1px 8px 1px rgba($color: #a5a5a5, $alpha: 0.2);
$uni-shadow-lg:0px 1px 10px 2px rgba($color: #a5a4a4, $alpha: 0.5);
// 蒙版
$uni-mask: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.4);
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