提交 2ba58426 编写于 作者: 杜庆泉's avatar 杜庆泉

storage 示例增加 类型信息

上级 22d6befc
......@@ -197,10 +197,18 @@ export default {
key: key,
success: (res) => {
that.apiGetData = res.data
that.apiGetData = res.data
let desc:string = typeof this.apiGetData
if("object" == desc){
desc = desc + ": " + JSON.stringify(this.apiGetData)
desc = desc + ": " + this.apiGetData
title: '读取数据成功',
content: "data: '" + JSON.stringify(that.apiGetData) + "'",
content: desc,
showCancel: false,
......@@ -223,10 +231,18 @@ export default {
showCancel: false,
} else {
this.apiGetData = uni.getStorageSync(key)
this.apiGetData = uni.getStorageSync(key)
let desc:string = typeof this.apiGetData
if("object" == desc){
desc = desc + ": " + JSON.stringify(this.apiGetData)
desc = desc + ": " + this.apiGetData
title: '读取数据成功',
content: "data: '" + JSON.stringify(apiGetData) + "'",
content: desc,
showCancel: false,
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