提交 21e5f843 编写于 作者: H hdx

getEnterOptionsSync: 简化示例,移除一些不必要的逻辑

上级 46afa092
const PAGE_PATH = '/pages/API/get-enter-options-sync/get-enter-options-sync'
describe('getEnterOptionsSync', () => {
it('getEnterOptionsSync', async () => {
const page = await program.navigateTo(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor('view')
await page.callMethod('getEnterOptionsSync')
const data = await page.data()
it('app onShow 和 getEnterOptionsSync 结果一致', async () => {
const page = await program.navigateTo(PAGE_PATH)
await page.waitFor('view')
const res = await page.callMethod('compareOnShowRes')
if (process.env.uniTestPlatformInfo.toLowerCase().startsWith('android')) {
// if android return
const pageData = await page.data()
<page-head title="getEnterOptionsSync"></page-head>
<view class="uni-padding-wrap">
<button @click="getEnterOptionsSync">getEnterOptionsSync</button>
<view v-if="enterOptionsPath.length > 0" class="uni-common-mt">
<text style="margin-top: 5px">{{ EnterOptionsPath }}</text>
<view class="uni-common-mt">
<text style="margin-top: 5px">{{ enterOptionsString }}</text>
<script lang="uts">
type OnShowReturn = {
appOnShow : OnShowOptions,
onShowOption : OnShowOptions
export default {
data() {
return {
checked: false,
homePagePath: 'pages/tabBar/component',
enterOptionsPath: '' }
methods: {
// 自动化测试
compareOnShowRes() : OnShowReturn {
// #ifdef APP-ANDROID
const res : OnShowReturn = {
appOnShow: {
path: ''
} as OnShowOptions,
onShowOption: {
path: ''
} as OnShowOptions
return res
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-ANDROID
const onShowOption = uni.getEnterOptionsSync();
const app = getApp()
const appOnShow = app.globalData.onShowOption as OnShowOptions
return {
// #endif
getEnterOptionsSync() {
const enterOptions = uni.getEnterOptionsSync()
this.enterOptionsPath = enterOptions.path
if (enterOptions.path == this.homePagePath) {
this.checked = true
return {
enterOptionsString: '',
testResult: false }
onReady() {
const app = getApp()
const appOnShow = app.globalData.onShowOption
const onShowOption = uni.getEnterOptionsSync()
this.enterOptionsString = JSON.stringify(onShowOption, null, 2)
this.testResult = (onShowOption.path == appOnShow.path && onShowOption.appScheme == appOnShow.appScheme && onShowOption.appLink == appOnShow.appLink)
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